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First, And Possibly Last, Recording Of My Space Brothers Fly Over In Halifax

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posted on May, 26 2009 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Jac84
like I asked to! It was glowing orangey-pink, seemed more saucer-like than any have at night, and it had a short trail of vapour that varied in length as its brightness changed! It

Another one tonight, and one of the party saw this vapour tonight. I had seen this one other time, back in the beginning, I assume it was the air from the heat of the skin of the ship.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Jac84
I just saw one with the sun out for the first time, just like I asked to! It was glowing orangey-pink, seemed more saucer-like than any have at night, and it had a short trail of

Wow, I am excited for you, and now I want to call one in during the day. Wow! I am excited to try this! Congrats Jak84!

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:37 PM
#, I can't believe it, a Sea King helicopter just came back along the path of tonights UFO sighting, tracing back the path, with search lights right over the lake. I have never seen them this low right over the lake, and literally they got the lights on tracing the lake, going real slow.

So these things are being tracked, and they do show up on radar apparently, and there is someone watching, cause it is tracing the exact sighting route back. I think I will lay low for a few days, and get a new location.

It has been 90 minutes tonight before they showed up, but last week they came across just 15 minutes after the flyover, so they are suspicious. There is no reason to fly over that lake with lights, it is watershed, so I am thinking maybe someone who lives next to the lake called it in Jac84.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 09:45 PM
I know. I have warned you. Its not a coincidence either. They are really out to get the good guys. Its the bad guys running the show here.

edit to add: I just want to thank them, for they are so brave, and so honorable. They risk a great deal, to try and help, to give us hope, and I believe this is about freedom, and an upgrade. Some speak of the next level of frequency, that we're ascending. It doesnt matter how its worded, its about freedom.
These are the patrols, the rangers. I am so grateful to them. I truly hope disclosure will come soon.

[edit on 26-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
I know. I have warned you. Its not a coincidence either. They are really out to get the good guys. Its the bad guys running the show here.

[edit on 26-5-2009 by mystiq]

Who the heck are these people telling me who I can and who I can't talk to, I was born a divine person on this planet, and I will be divine, so I guess we got a problem. They are not going to hurt these guys, not with the stuff we have in the sky, I am sure it was a report of a person who saw the lights, it took them 45 minutes.

But they are so funny. Tonight a truck pulled alongside the road, and they came from a different direction, since their normal route he would have seen them right through the windshield. But on the road as he was, we could see the craft over the rocks but the truck most likely could not due to height, so the craft snuck right in around the truck and when the truck pulled away, the craft did a curve, and changed direction more towards us. LOL

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:47 PM
I don't believe they come in with what they're not afraid to lose. I think that although they do have the advantage it is very possible for our enkiites to harm them occasionally. Exopolitics has some really good articles. I was just reading one today. This one was a 2001 article:

Earth's Inter-Stellar Quarantine is Being Lifted,
says Vancouver Futurist
EXOPOLITICS Links Earth to Universal Politics
by Graham Simms
reprinted from The Gazette
(University newspaper - Halifax, Nova Scotia)

This was actually reprinted in a Canadian University newspaper and talks about the readying of our people for a change, a galactic cosmic citizenship. And about the Star Wars campaign which is an attack on those who would help free this planet, and that this automatically breaks all non-interference laws.

A friend and I actually discussed this today and why they are waiting for some moment perhaps, to come in. It has to do with us, so civilians aren't harmed. If our leaders harm us its an earth matter. If the federation or galactic organized citizens create an uproar that harms us, they have to bear responsibility. But they may be coming in for a large event that would harm us, such as the War of Contracts, or an attempt to depopulate the planet, which is already going on.

People often think the ets are negative. If they were intent on harming us, this would already have been done. They have no motivation to wait and in fact wouldn't be upping our technology over the years either. They would have acted before Star Wars was even possible.

This is being done for us, to have us readied as much as possible to their positive efforts on our behalf and the state of this planet, and to save lives.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Hey Soul or Mystiq can you post a link to the thread about how he's making contacted, the technique? Been following this thread with some interest and have clear skies this evening! Any other recommended threads would be appreciated as well. Thanks!

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:53 PM
Dude you should ask them to land and get decent shots! I'm getting so sick off gutless aliens that lack the courage to land and get out of there ships!

Hell then we can all put this topic to bed and get on with our lives! I'm sick of see pitiful alien light shows. Let's just hope they don't have to put on a fireworks display or it probably would consist of one sparkler if were lucky "Useless aliens!

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Staringintoinfinity

This is the thread I was talking earlier and its about hands on experential contact:
Skyfloating also has a very good thread on this that you might want to check into as well:

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Staringintoinfinity
Hey Soul or Mystiq can you post a link to the thread about how he's making contact /quote]

Here you go!

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by MOTT the HOOPLE
I'm getting so sick off gutless aliens that lack the courage to land and get out of there ships!

Who says they haven't?

Originally posted by MOTT the HOOPLE
Hell then we can all put this topic to bed and get on with our lives! I'm sick of see pitiful alien light shows.

Can you imagine what they must feel towards gutless humans who can't take the time to look out the window for a few moments, and meet them half way? Well probably more than you cause they are loving, as where you are placing all the blame on them.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 11:15 PM
Jezz mate how hard would it be for them to land for a few seconds "they seem to act with extreme cowardis! So much for there mighty space empires!

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by MOTT the HOOPLE
Jezz mate how hard would it be for them to land for a few seconds "they seem to act with extreme cowardis! So much for there mighty space empires!

How hard would it be for you to meditate them in? Are you doing that now? Did you invite them?

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by SoulOrb

How hard would it be for you to meditate them in? Are you doing that now? Did you invite them?

No admittedly I haven't! But the question is are they worthy enough to bother with? You would think with all there supposed Superior technology the land in the middle of city in broad daylight and go shopping!

But they don't they only appear at night and from reports if they do land they just seem to skulk around!None of there alien races seem to exhibit anything that you would imagine a confident space fairing race to behave!

I bet most of these races are just sitting in there spaceships praying to god "please don't let these nasty humans venture out into space and kick our arses!"

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:22 AM
Typical product of post christian occultic/new age culture. I suggest one of two possibilities. Either you are misinterpreting what you see or in fact you have a demon. The photographic evidence proves nothing. I see a couple of bright lights. It may be the mothership from alpha centauri, or some small aircraft, there is no way to tell.

I do not believe alien contact on earth occurs apart from demonic or occult activity. Some of the most respected researchers in UFO activity have been forced to admit that the behavior follows classic demonology more than anything else. Nor is it a surprise that the entities go to great efforts to deny the ministry of Jesus Christ. They don't pick on Muhammed or Bhudda, but instead attack their sworn enemy, the savior of mankind. You can fill in the rest of the details yourself because the pattern is always the same.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:46 AM
These UFOs don't seem to have a physical form, they're just spheres of radiant light! Here's my theory. To begin understanding this, you should first know that back in the 1980s, a group of scientists from Russia discovered that the cells and DNA of all living beings emitted photons at a rate of up to approximately 100 units per second and per square centimeter of surface area.

In other words, we're beings of tightly condensed light. If the sun weren't around to provide visible light, we'd be in the dark. If we didn't have lamps in our rooms to provide visible light, we wouldn't be able to see anything. We only see objects with our eyes because visible light is being reflected off of them. Our entire physical reality and experience is influenced by and depends entirely on light, in every possible way imaginable. If it wasn't, there'd be cold, cosmic darkness; another empty space in the middle of the universe.

Now, there just might be another dimension or plane of existence (the spiritual realm) with intelligent life so far evolved from our own, that the intelligent life itself exists as pure, conscious, divine light. Pure light, in all it's wholeness. This might sound absurd at first but I would imagine it'd be theoretically possible somewhere down the road. Infact, it might just be the next stage in our evolution.

[edit on 27-5-2009 by cmazzagatti]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:46 AM
Thanks Jac exopolitics has been a great start so far. Thanks Mystiqe too, I already listened to the mp3 but going to try it once I'm done with post.

Originally posted by SevenThunders
I suggest one of two possibilities. Either you are misinterpreting what you see or in fact you have a demon.

I grew up in a very religious(or should I say Christian?) house hold. As I got older and began to understand the world a little better I started to questions these beliefs. The "God works in mysterious ways" phrase started to bother me when my cousin was mentally challenged and my older brother is spending the rest of his life in a nursing home because of a head injury. How can this be god working in a mysterious way? Why does he choose to heal some and not others? Further I found that religion was a major reason for conflict in our world. Most are not arguing over the fact that's there's a god, but trying to force others to belief their version of him.

From a young age I was taught that meditation and things of that sort were evil and "inviting Satan". Yes, the bible does talk of meditation. To put it a better way would be "praying to god" not meditation. I wonder if all this fear is not just to keep others from waking up. My family laughs at me for believing in extra terrestrials but to me it seems no more silly than what they believe.

In fact, I would argue there's more proof that aliens exist. The church also thought the world was flat, it was the center of the universe, and evolution was false. What about dinosaurs? What was all that about? It's only in the last 100yrs we found out there were other galaxies, billions of them. I wonder what the Bible might look like if we had known that 2,000 year ago?

Anyways keep up the good fight! As I said, I've been visiting the site for years and have been through similar post, but this is first one that really peaked my interest. Just because it may have been talked about before shouldn't keep others from sharing their experiences.

On that note, I'm going outside!

[edit on 27-5-2009 by Staringintoinfinity]

[edit on 27-5-2009 by Staringintoinfinity]

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by MOTT the HOOPLE
But the question is are they worthy enough to bother with? You would think with all there supposed Superior technology the land in the middle of city in broad daylight and go shopping!

That's your ideal of worthiness? Shopping?

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by Jac84

That's your ideal of worthiness? Shopping? Well it could strengthen the economy! But what I should have said was interact like like social beings!

But when you get down to the sightings and the accounts of interaction for the most part they seem to be vastly negative!

Ok! Lets to a Race by Race brake down


Greys : Generally Harmless, Break and enter specialist's, Can move through solid objects,Abductors, Conduct unwanted medical procedures,Liars,Prefer the darkness.

Acturians : Can be very dangerous!! Self absorbed,Belligerent,Officious, God Complex,Like to gamble,very unforgiving.Can be friendly when it suits there purposes,Very Unpredictable people.But there strength lay in there technology, Without it they are very frail and easy to injure. They like hide in bushes out of fear "terrified of humans!"

Pleiadians :This lot is the worst of the bunch!They like to pretend to be wise and the keepers of all galactic wisdom,Pretend to be great galactic soldiers but yet too afraid to come with 90 meters of a Humans "terrified of humans!" Worse form of space hippies!

This is just a sample of the three major races and there traits.There's not much there to recommend any of them really.So no wonder why they don't land in broad daylight.

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by SoulOrb
#, I can't believe it, a Sea King helicopter just came back along the path of tonights UFO sighting, tracing back the path, with search lights right over the lake. I have never seen them this low right over the lake, and literally they got the lights on tracing the lake, going real slow.

So these things are being tracked, and they do show up on radar apparently, and there is someone watching, cause it is tracing the exact sighting route back. I think I will lay low for a few days, and get a new location.

You sure this helicopter was not the same thing you saw last night!?

Was it still night or daylight?

You were there, so you could tell, what do you think?

Anyway I have seen these ufo lights you talk of, have they ever appeared to wobble as they move?

By the way have you checked out this thread?

[edit on 27-5-2009 by _Phoenix_]

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