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Kroft to Obama: Are you punch drunk?

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posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 10:49 AM
I unfortunately voted for Bush too but feel that he & his whole administration should be brought up on War Crime charges & Treason charges, but somehow I feel like that will not happen unless we the people take back our America.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 10:51 AM
No matter what Obama says, does, acts, reacts, is all controlled by the powers over him.

Just like the president before him, and so on.

Presidents that try to buck the system get their brains airconditioned, we have enough proof from the past.

Those that actually think that one man is going to make a difference for the world in which they live, still believe in Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Leprechauns.

It's about control and those that control the flow of money call the shots.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 10:51 AM
Though I did not see the interview refered to, laughing can just be a way of expressing being tense. Give the guy a chance, wait for the 4 years to end to make up the final balance. Geeez.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 10:56 AM
Of course he is out of the loop. Another 1 TRILLION is going to the banks today. That's two Trillion in two weeks just produced out of thin air. Why are the banks getting all of this attention??????????? Where is the money going?????? You want a stimulus? Give one million dollars to every adult US citizen and you are looking at less than 300 million dollars. Not trillions and trillions down the drain.

What a freaking mess! Thanks for the change you moronic lazy SOB's!

[edit on 23-3-2009 by on_yur_6]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by neformore

If you read all of my posts in this thread, you'll see that I have voiced my concern about the way Obama is treating/listening to our friends around the world, notably Gordon Brown. American needs Britan. We also need Italy, France, Germany and every other nation we can work with on any number of issues. The lapses in judgement in how we are dealing with our friends is troubling. The lack of judgement in how are dealing with our adversaries is also troubling.

I think you are possibly misunderstanding what some of the frustration is about that folks are articulating in this thread. Folks are ready for tough times. Most folks don't want these banks or the auto makers bailed out. While we understand that that will be painful, these massive spending bills will be equally painful and all we are doing is propping up failed enterprises and deflating our currancy.

We're ready to tough it out - in fact folks are tightening their belts, which in a perverse way is making the matter worse. There are hundreds of folks lining up for maintenance jobs in schools. Women who have not worked for years are going back to work. We are ready to do what we need to get through this problem.

The issue is that the solutions don't appear to be well integrated,nor clearly articulated, and worse is that they appear to be more of a social engineering tool than a legitimate financial system bailout package.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Its not a case of being on my "high horse". Its this simple, everyone has problems, and NO government in the world is truely mindful of its people. They do what they do to continue the status quo, and thats an end to it. You have to accept that and get on with it. If you dont, you will become apathetic , morose, and incapable of moving on with your life. The one thing that will bring a country down better than war, better than a bad economy, better than the bleedin ebola virus, is MOANING. Its just impotent pointless complaining, at a time when what you really need to do is get yourself behind the things that are happening that you DO agree with. Make your contribution to your nation POSITIVE instead of preaching gloom , doom , and decay to your fellow man. Go out and find a redevelopment project , or a community centre, and find out what you can do to make your homeland a better place. Dont just sit around pontificating all damned day unless you are actively doing something to improve things, otherwise its all hipocracy , which is what gets us in trouble in the first place.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by QueenofWeird

"Give the guy a chance, wait for the 4 years to end to make up the final balance."

I don't think we can afford to wait that long. I don't think we've got two years.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Agreed. One of the things we all need to seriously need to get behind is putting time into community activities. The sad fact of the matter is that donations to charities are going to drop like a stone and there are many good organizations in every community who, while they may not get any of your money, can perhaps get a bit of your time.

I do, however think this kind of exchange is valuable. It shows folks that there are others of like mind all over the place and if properly channeled can ideal spur action. In our system, the most effective action we could take would be to get organized around the 2010 elections and vote for folks who will blunt this agenda

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo

“Are you punch drunk?” Kroft says.

Obama should have answered:

"Why no sir, uhhhh, I just have no class and, uhhhhh, and am incompetent for this position, and uhhhh, I have no clue what Im doing and uhhhhh, and never should have been voted into office. I, uhhh, laugh because of all those suckers who, uhhh, put me here."

[edit on 3/22/2009 by greeneyedleo]

Directing anger towards the front man. No problem, in 4 years you will have another front man to be angry at.

The Obama Deception

Google Video Link

[edit on 23-3-2009 by pai mei]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:29 AM
The puppet controlled by the PTB argument just doesn't cut it for me anymore,

They choose to be the puppet.

That or else they are stoned, lol

No, actually that or else they are robots.

Honestly I think you have to have some sort of mental disorder to want to be in power.

[edit on 113131p://bMonday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
:shk: Oh god .. someone save us. Who the hell voted this nitwit into office? We've got 3 years and 10 months left of this? Will there be a country left? HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!

He did not start this mess.....And I don't think he was put in place to stop it either.
Either way does not look good. But we do have options , it's just a matter of when those are taken or even if.

And by options I absolutely don't mean to commit harm to the president. We need to give him more than a few months chance to work this all out. I think it is above him though, he could help us but people would out some illegal stuff from his past.

Us instead of being like he he helped us would pounce on him for his illegal past and would take our attention away once again from other evils occuring.

I can just see it playing out now.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by LucidDreamer85]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Let's be clear - Obama has NO diplomatic skills.

Clear as the mud your slingin' sista.

The odd thing is, I never knew being so "wrong" would make me feel so "good." Perhaps "Ignorance is Bliss" but don't knock it until you've tried it.

Like I asked before, if Obama is so bad and was impeached, would you and your mob be content with Biden as Prez? He is next in line.

Those are the rules.

Just Kurious.........KK

[edit on 23-3-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Hastobemoretolife
I'd like to know when these freaking reporters are going to ask some really hard questions, instead of just letting him give his answer and move on to the next question.

Also, please save the straw-man, sounds racist, no legitimate criticisms rhetoric.

He has been in office for less than 90 days and there are plenty of legitimate criticisms for us to address.

[edit on 22-3-2009 by Hastobemoretolife]

It's a struggling economy. If they lose their jobs over some of these tough questions then where will they work? that might be holding some people back.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:49 AM
The Globalist sure know how to pick em. Obama is the perfect front man. You can't criticize him or you are a racist neocon.
Check back in 3 years -- they will dump all this baggage on him just like they did Bush. Then they will trot out our next savior.
When will people get a clue and figure out this con game?

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Maxmars

by them I mean the politician celebrities and intellectual elite.

While I agree that politicians are in fact celebrities in the two major parties, rather than competent and skilled individuals selected because of their knowledge, integrity and loyalty to the country, can we please stop calling the bumbling fools who are running our corporations and government the "intellectual elite?"

They are canny, cunning, sly like foxes, etc., but they are not intellectuals. The mess our country is in is not one created by deep and thoughtful individuals dedicated to understanding the issues and making rational choices. The mess we are in has been created by people of very average intelligence, who do not care deeply about the truth and understanding the long term issues the world faces, but instead care deeply about their own butts and pumping up their portfolios in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of effort.

The best and brightest intellectually do not run this country, or the world. The most ruthless and self serving do. Noam Chomsky (who is an intellectual) that the higher up the ladder you get the more indoctrinated the people are to the story line. Being able to quote "modern economic theory" doesnt make you an intellectual. Any recording device can do that. Memorizing someone elses flawed ideas doesnt make you an intellectual, thinking it through, following cause and effect and rejecting much of modern economic theory does. (After all, it led to this mess)

Pseudo intellectuals are poseurs. They memorize stuff, they phrase things in complex ways so that you are confused and assume they must be smart because you cant follow it, but they arent thinking things through on their own. Without the ability for complex independent reasoning, they arent really intellectuals. Chomsky also talks about that issue of phrasing things in the most complex way, (he is first and foremost a linguist after all) he says that if you understand a thing well, you can explain it simply and clearly. You dont need to wind around your audience with multisyllabic words and name drop theory after theory.

Anyway, just a slight rant. I get tired of having walking tape recorders called "intellectuals" when they cant independently think their way out of a box, and dont really understand the underlying principles of the theories they have memorized and repeat on cue for crackers like a parrot. Going to elite schools does not make you an "elite intellectual." It makes you fortunate. Caring deeply about the truth makes you an intellectual, and anyone who cares deeply about the truth will not be an elitist. The truth is that all people from all walks of life have a function, and are important. Our society would collapse more quickly if all tradespeople were sucked off the planet than if we were to lose all politicians and their economists.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Rockpucklaughed at Obama)..

WTF where people thinking, seriously.....

[edit on 3/22/2009 by Rockpuck]

I voted for Obama and this is what i was thinking:

W and his corrupt administration represented the GOP, the "other" of the 2 party presidential voting system that has basically been foisted upon us and controls the politics of this country.

W did more to submarine our constitution, morals and economy than any other president, EVER.

O said he'd change thing for the better and sounded common-sensical to me, something we needed.

Does O deserve criticism at this point? Yes. Have I regretted not voting for the GOP who spent 8 years killing America and are supported by some scary grass root folk? Nope. And I reserve the right of everyone to voice their opinions. But to think the GOP would have made it any better to this point is laughable.

This country needs to come together to defend itself from all oligarchal tyranny without the party labels. If not, we're doomed and doesn't matter what Bozo has the wheel.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by VenusOnTheHalfShell]

[edit on 23-3-2009 by VenusOnTheHalfShell]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by jerico65

You wrote:

"Payback is a real bitch. If I remember correctly, W didn't get cut any slack from Day One. "

Maybe that is because W took the election by fraud. Unlike Obama, who won a clear hands victory. W deserved every day he was criticized.

I think criticism should be based on performance, not payback, but it IS to be expected.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
reply to post by jerico65

You wrote:

"Payback is a real bitch. If I remember correctly, W didn't get cut any slack from Day One. "

Maybe that is because W took the election by fraud. Unlike Obama, who won a clear hands victory. W deserved every day he was criticized.

I think criticism should be based on performance, not payback, but it IS to be expected.

Yeah, because we all know Mickey Mouse just loves to vote for Obama.

There was plenty of fraud this time around, but unlike democrats we aren't whiny babies about it.

Bush won, fair and square. If it had really been stolen, Gore should have done more to fight it. Same goes for Kerry in 2004.

Bush's two biggest failures were the war and the no child left behind act. Other than that, the man hasn't been that bad of a leader. Obama already has a laundry list of mistakes, but I guess since he's black and has terrific speaking skills (with a teleprompter), he deserves a waiver. I'm sorry but I like many other American's are sick of double standards.

After Obama won, I decided to throw my support behind him. Its only been a couple months and he's blown any bit of confidence I had away.

Last but not least, now the man is starting to steal idea's he called McCain stupid for having. AHHHH the irony in that. I love to remind people that this is what happens when you elect someone to "make history" vs. actually being able to take on the job.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
reply to post by jerico65

You wrote:

"Payback is a real bitch. If I remember correctly, W didn't get cut any slack from Day One. "

Maybe that is because W took the election by fraud. Unlike Obama, who won a clear hands victory. W deserved every day he was criticized.

I think criticism should be based on performance, not payback, but it IS to be expected.

Yeah, because we all know Mickey Mouse just loves to vote for Obama.

There was plenty of fraud this time around, but unlike democrats we aren't whiny babies about it.

Bush won, fair and square. If it had really been stolen, Gore should have done more to fight it. Same goes for Kerry in 2004.

Bush's two biggest failures were the war and the no child left behind act. Other than that, the man hasn't been that bad of a leader. Obama already has a laundry list of mistakes, but I guess since he's black and has terrific speaking skills (with a teleprompter), he deserves a waiver. I'm sorry but I like many other American's are sick of double standards.

After Obama won, I decided to throw my support behind him. Its only been a couple months and he's blown any bit of confidence I had away.

Last but not least, now the man is starting to steal idea's he called McCain stupid for having. AHHHH the irony in that. I love to remind people that this is what happens when you elect someone to "make history" vs. actually being able to take on the job.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by QueenofWeird
, laughing can just be a way of expressing being tense.

He's the freak'n President of the United States. The POTUS should NOT turn into a nervous giggle-worm when serious subjects are being discussed.

Give the guy a chance, wait for the 4 years

Wait four years to make up our minds about him? HELL NO.
He's had his senate years and his campaign years.
He's proving himself over and over to be INCAPABLE of being POTUS.

Being POTUS isn't a job that you give people room to grow into.
They either 'have it' or they do not. Obviously Obama doesn't 'have it'.

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85
He did not start this mess.....

No. But he did participate in making it (Obama sued Citibank and forced it to make bad loans) ... and he's now making it worse.

Originally posted by kinda kurious
if Obama is so bad and was impeached, would you and your mob be content with Biden as Prez?

Me and my mob?
Newsflash ... being a 'mob' that is angry at the incompetence of the POTUS is much better then being a sheeple who goes along for the ride.

So far Obama hasn't done anything that he can be impeached for .. that we know of. (of course, if the truth about his faux-birth certificate comes to light, that could change).

Being a freak'n moron and totally unable to do the job of POTUS isn't enough to get a person impeached. Too bad for us.

[edit on 3/23/2009 by FlyersFan]

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