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Illegal Immigrant - White Caucasian Settlers - Let Truth Be Spoken

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posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Creedo
Threads like these make me sad. Only because we are all the same under our skin. It doesn't matter what color the people were that came to whatever land mass first because we are ALL related to those people. Black, white, brown, red, yellow, green, pink, purple, blue.... these are petty and ridiculous labels we humans need to shed once and for all. We all have a right to be here, there... wherever. We are HUMANS OF EARTH DAMMIT! Do we have regional and cultural uniqueness? YES! Does it entitle us to claim ownership of a region? I don't think so. I really don't.

OK so what you're saying is that every country should immediately drop it's borders and let anyone through who wants to come through. Please explain the economic impact to the entire world if we were to follow your revolutionary plan. I can't wait to hear your answer

We need to be brave for once and let go of the things that divided us. That which has divided humanity into these petty labels for each other. The rewards will be 10 fold! We can finally close the doors to a great ignorance holing back the human race and open a new door that will allow us insight into some of our greatest and most wonderful potentials.

That's a romantic, flowery sentiment but that's simply not realistic. If you think I'm wrong, explain how you can make it work. Please include your security and economic plan.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Once again, I repeat myself, as it seems you want to avoid the obvious truth. U.S. soldiers in Iraq did not go to Iraq for economic opportunity as the illegal immigrants come to the U.S.. For that matter, countries like Iraq are far more hostile to immigrants. What ever oil profits those who supported GW and this war ever hoped to gain had to come from first fooling the people of the U.S. into an invasion, because the people of the U.S. would never have supported a war to take the oil In addition, the U.S. has no desire to colonize Iraq, if we did, we would be going about our business in a whole different way.

They say you know the measure of a man by his enemies, I suppose that is true of a nations as well.

Improved methods of dealing with illegal immigration, which could lead to a hostile invasion eventually, are something that the developed nations need to start investigating very thoroughly.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:47 PM
This is one of those arguments that makes everyone look like an ass.
It was destined to happen if not by the English then by some other country.
When an advanced civilization meets an less advanced civilization one of them gets nearly wiped out or completely dies out. Thats just one of the rules of the game deal with it.

And before anyone even says it there are exceptions i know i just dont want to sit here all night typing away about this

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

OK so what you're saying is that every country should immediately drop it's borders and let anyone through who wants to come through. Please explain the economic impact to the entire world if we were to follow your revolutionary plan. I can't wait to hear your answer

I never said that I had a plan, just that people need to shed their hatred for each other if we ever plan on having a peaceful world. All we need to do is start treating each other better... that's all. And maybe stop being so possessive. Will it happen over night? Pfft... no! But try starting at square one... the immediate people in your life and see if others will follow suit.

That's a romantic, flowery sentiment but that's simply not realistic. If you think I'm wrong, explain how you can make it work. Please include your security and economic plan.

Well of course it isn't realistic!! Human nature is what it is... right? However we have the capacity to change our nature... we have been doing it for thousands of years now. Baby steps.... we can change if we simply want it. Do I know how to change the whole world? No.. but I do know how to change my immediate world. And THAT ALONE can ripple out in waves my friend.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by poet1b

Once again, I repeat myself, as it seems you want to avoid the obvious truth. U.S. soldiers in Iraq did not go to Iraq for economic opportunity as the illegal immigrants come to the U.S..

hey look


posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Wow, you have no reading comprehension. For the third time, U.S. soldiers did not go to Iraq to take over the oil. While that might have been the secret plan of the GW admin, it was not what motivated U.S. soldiers. You keep confusing the motivations of the people of the U.S. with those of the GW admin. The average U.S. soldier would never have gained anything from any secret plan that might have existed to seize Iraq oil.

But hey, your reason behind slamming the people of the U.S. for opposing illegal immigration are being exposed.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by outsider13


After reading your subsequent replies, I venture to suggest that you and I agree more than we disagree.

I disagree with the assertions of the OP that objecting to illegal "immigration" is racist, or that the fault is all with white Americans, or that increasing American border security is any kind of real solution.

Granted I'm on a conspiracy site and I do have some understanding of the hidden "PTB" you're talking about, but I didn't really (initially) see how any of that was relevant to the OP.

I do agree with you that the only real solution to this problem is to correct conditions in countries such as Mexico to where the people don't want to leave and come to the US so badly, but I feel that I don't have enough knowledge about the specific issues you brought up to discuss them intelligently.

I can agree that it may not be "their fault" per se that their living conditions are so poor that they are desperate to escape them, or need to escape them in order to survive, and yet I can't see that allowing them to overrun the US and reduce our standards of living is a reasonable answer.

As I suggested at first even before I understood what you were really talking about, it seems that the only "good" solution is for us to get together and do something about Bob. Unfortunately, I doubt that's going to happen.

I want to again thank you for your polite, informational responses and for your patience, reasonableness (is that a word?), and the time you took to explain what you meant. All of the above have been sadly lacking in this thread and are much appreciated, at least by me.

Ultimately, as in most situations, things will only get better when we stop trying to decide who's to blame and start trying to look for workable solutions.

[edit on 21-2-2009 by Heike]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 09:50 PM
I think your vision/dream of a world without borders sounds fine if everything was equal. It is not equal. America has developed on the back of capitalism where as Mexico has not. Now as i understand your idea we should hand over/share what we have till both countries are equal. How long will that take? 10, 20 or maybe one or two generations. You should move from your comfy New York to Mexico to start the process. as for "descendants of european colonists" everybody comes for some where and you are hating on them, being a racist to them. You can't have your cake and eat it to. You either live your life loving everyone or you are as bad as the rest of us. So don't tell me how to act when you are not walking the walk and talking the talk. It is human nature to fight, go to war, love, laugh, lie cheat steal, cry, comfort etc. Everybody is doing it around the world Americans are no worse than other people. You are just looking for someone to blame cause your life isn't as great as you want it to be. I am not saying that America or any other country is innocent, but i am proud to live in america. By the way i am white. parents here for Four or more generations. Live in Missouri for three generations. So lets hear all the redneck racist jokes you got. to sum up its OK to dream about a perfect world but everybody knows it can not happen.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I see where your are coming from, but we have to follow the laws in place today. I truly can see how our American history is full of holes and lies, but at the same time USA is great place to live. Really it's pretty silly to have borders because God owns the land but that's a different story.

Our history is racist, and bloody, but it is still morphing into something better.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Ok unfortunately I have to re-post, but I am interested in this topic. I would like to see some evidence on cultures and first settlements. There were two land bridges formed in the ice age possibly three. The two historically proven are from Asia Japan I believe, and I think the other one was from Turkey. I just wanted to put this out there because I think this is generally targeted at America. At some point in history there were no settlers in the Americas.
So scene this topic seems to be focused at White Caucasian Settlers/immigrants I would like to see a Census on Archeological fossils
to see if the term settler is used in the correct terms of speech.

I'll just put this on the table for you. There were Caucasian people on the silk road. All evidence of that culture seem to be destroyed. Possibly one of the first acts of mass genocide and I say this because you don't see any white people in China. Just weigh the possibility of White Caucasian having an earlier relationship with that culture. Could it be possible that some White Caucasian crossed the Sea there. Or that some Asians could of looked liked White Caucasian because when it gets cold enough everyone looks white.

Or how about White Caucasian people in turkey, that history would be harder to find then White Caucasian in Asia.

I believe this term White Caucasian is used scholarly as if some one is an
expert on all Immigrant history. There has been links of Europeans going to
the Americas earlier than anticipated. But ill leave that to the Scholars!

Enjoy your quest to displace the race and realize that on average genetics
gaps can be bridged in 42 generations raised on the idea that skin color is environmental. So enjoy your quest to make the White Caucasian Displaced
in you mind and remeber that you may be Half-Jew!!

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:08 PM

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:35 PM
Thanks very much Heike. I too am at a loss about exactly what to do to correct this situation. Repealing NAFTA would be a great start, but getting our government to actually make a decision that does anything other than put money in the pockets of their corporate masters is rather improbable. Obama, employing the use of empty, meaningless rhetoric, promised he would "take another look at NAFTA," or something similarly vague and innocuous. I'm not optimistic.
According to the article I cited above, Mexico is on the verge of collapsing into chaos with the U.S. and the rest of the world close behind it. This means things are going to get, much, much worse. The drug violence in Mexico is escalating into an all out war, their economy is collapsing, and Americans can expect the illegal immigration to to increase exponentially. As bad as it may seem to many people now its probably nothing compared to the way it will be in a few months or years. There will be millions of desperate people trying to get into the United States to flee the violence and the poverty. And they won't all be harmless members of an impoverished working class, no, some of them will be the most violent and ruthless of criminals fleeing from their enemies or just coming to America to narco-traffic.
And yet no word from our government on the possible disaster looming in the near future, no word from the corporate media either. For the globalist elite, things are going exactly as planned. The pentagon is well aware of the problem, which is why they are increasing arms trade to Mexico (more profit for the military industrial complex) in order to help the Mexican government fight the Cartels (or so they say). Problem with that is, as alluded to in the article I cited earlier, a lot of these guns seem to be making their way to the Cartels to fight the Mexican government. Surprise, surprise! Yet another example of corporate humanitarianism, selling weapons to both sides of a war to give each side a fair chance at killing the other.
Yes, it may seem like there isn't much we can do. I think the most important thing is for people to recognize the hidden agenda behind the crisis. People in Mexico and the U.S. (Canada too I guess) need to unite to topple the cold-blooded globalist network that threatens our way of life. There is more than enough land and food and resources in North America for all of us Canadians and Americans and Mexicans to live free, happy, and abundant lives; provided we start working together, united for the common good, and collectively refuse to be mere pawns in a game of global monopoly, perpetually fighting and working and starving for the benefit of a few bloodsucking oligarchs.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:53 PM
All the PRO-Immigrantion people should take a look at some of the
people you want to pay for to live , and breed in america.

This all happened in Los Angeles California-

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:37 AM
Im sorry im not seeing proof about your claim let the truth be spoken.
All I have seen is loose base generalizations and regrets about what your leaders in the past have done. It seems that you have written science fiction

[edit on 22-2-2009 by SpritualExtends]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:42 AM
[edit on 22-2-2009 by mf_luder]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Creedo

OK so what you're saying is that every country should immediately drop it's borders and let anyone through who wants to come through. Please explain the economic impact to the entire world if we were to follow your revolutionary plan. I can't wait to hear your answer

I never said that I had a plan, just that people need to shed their hatred for each other if we ever plan on having a peaceful world. All we need to do is start treating each other better... that's all. And maybe stop being so possessive. Will it happen over night? Pfft... no! But try starting at square one... the immediate people in your life and see if others will follow suit.

I don't have a problem with that.
For the record, I don't hate illegals but that doesn't mean I think it's economically possible to harbor all of them at our expense. I've worked very hard for what little I have and I simply can't afford to pay for someone else's taxes, healthcare, etc... and frankly, I shouldn't have to. I don't mind sharing but I don't want to be taken advantage of either.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by jfj123
I've worked very hard for what little I have and I simply can't afford to pay for someone else's taxes, healthcare, etc... and frankly, I shouldn't have to. I don't mind sharing but I don't want to be taken advantage of either.

oh pullleaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeee
you can't afford to pay taxes for human beings who are hungry and want to feed their families

but you can afford subsidizing and comdemning your kids to eternal debt paying for illegal wars, illegal invasions, and mass murdering on a whole level. Ok there there mr. support our troops guy.

And no, current missions of colonialism is not off-topic
it's very much in-topic.

dude your priorities are all screwed up, no offense

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

You should stick to the topic at hand, and actually ADDRESS THE POINT instead of changing the subject and trying to make your opponents looks like fools because they didn't think to include every single terrible thing the government makes us pay for. Hell, if he did, he'd need several posts just to list them.


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by eNumbra

People keep saying that we should forget the past
my argument against that is iraq is happening today
colonialism is still alive

that is in-topic as mentioned
very much so in fact

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
reply to post by eNumbra

People keep saying that we should forget the past
my argument against that is iraq is happening today
colonialism is still alive

that is in-topic as mentioned
very much so in fact

They aren't the same.

The PEOPLE of America are not perpetrating the war in Iraq, they are being used by the Government. We shouldn't ever be starting wars but unfortunately the country is run by corporate interests.

The influx of ILLEGAL immigrants is stressing the hell out of an already floundering economy. You fail to address that. You have also failed to address the posts I asked you to address a few pages back. You have no feet to stand on because all you do is spout the same rhetoric with each reply that you can.

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