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Moses was a Pharaoh

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posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by TrixieBelden
reply to post by Byrd

I have also read of the Jesus/Cleopatra connection. As I understand it, Cleopatra was 3 months pregnant with Julius Caesar's daughter when he was assassinated, and Cleopatra fled Rome.

No such female descendant of Caesar exists. It was Caesarion she was pregnant with. Her only daughter, Cleopatra Selene, was Marc Anthony's daughter and twin to Alexander Helios. She and her brother and the youngest child of Anthony and Cleopatra (Ptolemy Philadelphus) were raised by Mark Anthony's wife (Octavian's sister.)

But Octavius let their daughter, Cleopatra, live, because she was not a threat, and she was subsequently married to an "eastern Prince." This prince was a Hebrew - some say Hasmonean, others say Nasi - father of Joseph the Carpenter... making Cleopatra the grandmother of Jesus, and Julius Ceasar the grandfather of Jesus. Perhaps I should say "foster grandmother and grandfather."

She was married to Juba of Numidia, as attested in a number of histories (plus coins and other artifacts):

Her mausoleum's somewhere around.

Politically, this would make Jesus the heir to three empires/kingdoms: The Roman, the Egyptian, and the Hebrew. If one also believes that Anna, mother of Mary, was a British/Druid princess (descendants of the lost tribes of Israel), then Jesus would be heir to another kingdom as well. If true, adds a whole new layer to the history contained in the Bible.

Again, if that is right then the Bible is wrong about Jesus' lineage. (Druidism is a religion, not a people, and the religion didn't have princesses.)

You can't have it both ways. Either the Bible correctly gives Jesus' lineage as a branch of the House of David -- or the entire New Testament is a complete fabric of lies and and everything Jesus is based on is wrong.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Byrd

Yes it sure would change the story wouldn't it? But it's not like that change occured overnight, well, in a way it did but there are hundreds of years worth of history that have been open to misrepresentation within the bible over this time period, along with the modifications government, religion and of course the calendar.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

are hundreds of years worth of history that have been open to misrepresentation within the bible over this time period

... and by people who misrepresent themselves and pass off garbage as truth. Perhaps they believe if they repeat lies often enough people will accept them as truth.

All historical documents were written by man so what makes the Bible wrong and other men correct?

[edit on 6-2-2009 by Siren]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 05:44 PM
The big problem with these "royal" bloodlines for Jesus is that they just don't work. Everyone who was a king or queen or emperor in those days passed themselves off as gods (except the Romans and they started to do it when Caesar died.) Caesarion and all of Cleopatra's children were already worshipped as gods. So was Cleopatra. So was Mark Anthony. And they had god-names (Cleopatra was Isis and Aphrodite. Mark Anthony was Osiris and Dionysus.)

You can look it all up if you like.

So having some ruler say they were a god didn't do anything for anyone. You just showed up and gave some token worship and "here comes the new boss, same as the old boss."

Nobody could really relate to those gods.

However, the story of Jesus is about someone with humble beginnings. No palace. No servants. No slaves. No temples. Someone who knew about the common man because he lived among them. Trying to work some famous person into a plain old carpenter from a poor family just doesn't work because everyone knew who the famous person was and they usually laughed at them when they tried pretending to be peasants (they would do this for banquets and so on.)

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by Siren

The Bible is not necessarily wrong, though it takes on a different agenda than spirituality itself. There is a great number of truths in the Bible. Similarly to other texts it contains hidden meanings and prophecies that fortell events to become.

This is where the lines get drawn though. All of you who believe that God was like a man and had a son who had a virgin birth for the literal truth, you are wrong unless you are talking about planets.

The Bible is full of this "I am the Son of God" mumbo jumbo. Jesus teachings and sorts. It is all astrolgical. Though, Jesus teachings were taken from the vedices and other sources and created a messiah and a religion/government/business/occupier/slavery.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

The Bible is full of this "I am the Son of God" mumbo jumbo. Jesus teachings and sorts. It is all astrolgical. Though, Jesus teachings were taken from the vedices and other sources and created a messiah and a religion/government/business/occupier/slavery.

Why is it that the attack is to the one who came to give hope and salvation. It is evident that no one attacks the "rulers of darkness" nor their mumbo jumbo confusion (a con fused into the psyche), which are the stars and some of the planets, which will fall. It could very well be that some of earth's NEA's are just that.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 02:50 PM
According to Biblical accounts, Moses was adopted into the pharaoh's family and given an egyptian name. It should come as no surprise to anybody that Moses had a name similar to other Egyptian pharaohs and may even have been a prince or some other person of importance in Egypt.

With regards to your theory about king Solomon, Solomon is hebrew is pronounced Shlomo. I do not know how you can get "amon" out of shlomo.

It was a common practice in ancient times for kings in one kingdom to marry the daughters of kings in neighboring kingdoms as a way of forging political ties between kingdoms. So it should come as no surprise if Biblical kings were cousins or in-laws of Egyptian pharohs.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:52 PM
The representation of Jesus as being a poor humble carpenter was for the purpose of creating an icon for the poor masses whom the Ramans i.e. Constantine wanted to bring under control in his Empire.

Note the name "Heli" (as an ancestor of Jesus ) is another reference to the SUN.

Note the name Solomn = Sol= SUN + mon=MOON.

Very simple if you are wise to the character of Egyptian religion.
It had to do with the SUN, the planets and the stars == ASTROLOGY!!

Thus Jesus born of a virgin - The SUN on Dec 25th arose in the constellation Virgo.
This is not the last time that the workings of nature were personified.
The problem came about when the knowledge of the true meaning of these stories got lost.

It is indeed a very sorry thing that in this day and age of advanced education that so many people cannot see thru the very transparent mythology that is written in their various religious books. The mythmakers put in a little bit of history to make it appear "solid" and preached it all as fact.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 07:39 PM

Why is it that the attack is to the one who came to give hope and salvation. It is evident that no one attacks the "rulers of darkness" nor their mumbo jumbo confusion (a con fused into the psyche), which are the stars and some of the planets, which will fall. It could very well be that some of earth's NEA's are just that.
reply to post by Siren

First of all define hope and salvation? Does it only come in one form? Is there only one right way? Is there only one who knew the undabateble substance of right from wrong?

I am not dissing the guy, Jesus. He was after all very intelligent, maybe too intelligent.

I am of the opinion however that he learned some powerful things like magic and healing and used those things in a way to promote his own agenda and the agenda of the ruling family.

I always tell people that if they want to debate truth from the Bible I am not here to debate that. Simply because there is much truth to it and I would never wish to argue that.

But please do take into consideration the way that Jesus and Religion in general is used to enforce policies that otherwise would never be tolerated. Think of how religion has influenced our laws and current events. You can tell me there is nothing wrong with it, but you would be speaking from a state of denial.

The technique known as brainwashing is accomplished by altering ones core belief system. As a way of telling one that everything they know is wrong. This happens usually shortly after birth and the main culprit is religion. Religion gets the kids involved when they are kids for that very reason. It is essential to these entities that wish to indoctrinate innocent children at a young age, because otherwise they would grow older and wiser and would not fall for it. Otherwise with religion, the final product of the child becomes one, who will not question it, but rather defend it to the point of taking away human lives.

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Siren

Second of all there are no rulers of darkness. Just two groups who dont agree. Evil is the same thing as a mold basically and when it becomes strong enough it consumes as a whole. Good would then be the equivelant of birth and creation, when it becomes strong enough it brings fourth a living being. We simply live on a karmic plane, they both exist here and the chemical reaction it entails is inevitable.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:30 PM
I agree that many of the things in the Bible do relate to ancient religions that followed the stars. The stars above, so below.

There are some names that I am sure were true people, with the name we read in the Bible....but one must look deeper, each name means something and one should not only look up the meaning in Hebrew, but also Egyptian, Babylonian and so on. These languages were tied together.

I find it no happenstance at all that the Egyptian God was Ra...meaning light, true light...something along that line. Then, a people come out of Egypt, and their language, Hebrew, has the meaning for the root word Ra as 'evil'. The twelve tribes came from the mother Sara, she bore many nations as the bible says, is it not ironic her name means princess...and dont forgot the 'ra' in her name. Abraham let her stay with the Pharaoh...then the Pharaoh becomes angry that she is not Abraham's sister, but his wife. WHY WOULD THE PHARAOH BE ANGRY< YET

[edit on 9-2-2009 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:32 PM

Yet send Ab-ra-ham and Sa-ra away with tons of gifts??

Ill add more later,


posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by OhZone

Hi ya OhZone,

Could you show me how you come up with Virgo being a part of Dec. 25th?? What yr are you looking at and are you referring to the monthly cycle of the zodiac or the yearly cycle of the ages. Either one of those to my knowledge have no match for Dec. and Virgo. Unless in Dec. was when the conjunctions happened in Virgo....I thought it was in late summer or fall...mabey Im wrong.

Now Virgo is still interesting, mabey you are talking about the movements of the planets through Virgo in Dec. on a specific yr. and not having anything to do with where the sun was rising in what constellation, but I think the main theories on the 'Star' of the prophetic baby or even the ancient star prophecy doesnt have anything to do with Dec.

Would love to discuss this with ya and see what you have come up with


posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by Byrd

But what really is the 'House of David' many of those men in that lineage took foreign wives? Its a mixed lineage that very possibly tied Jesus to more then one culture of people.

There are stories of mother Mary being dedicated to the Temple for the Lord her mother having a angel foretell Mary's birth. If the Bible was so correct I dont think we would have so many other stories about how things happened. Not saying to throw it out...but not to take it so literal, like a rule book or something. Find the history and check that history with other seems there is a cover up of some things.

Just thoughts,

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I am not sure but perhaps I can point you in the right direction. December 25 would of course be the rise of the winter solstice. Though our calendar is probably what is throwing you off, because the way it is supposed to be is with thirteen months like the mayan calendar. Julius Caesar changed it two twelve months in 46 BC. You might try looking around on the net to find a website that tells your birth sign according to the Mayan Calendar, perhaps that might help? All in all I would think that the virgin birth is symbolic somehow of sun rising from the winter solstice.

Lets also not forget this important information, that Moses would have been linked to Horus the son of Isis. (Isis means High priestess or also virgin goddess) She was not a virgin however and Abraham traded Sarah into the royal family, so lets not forget that.

Of course the similarities between what we are told about Horus and Jesus are amlost exactly the same.

Jesus, which is Egyptian for Esau and also means son of Isis. Cleopatra also self proclaimed as being the virgin goddess Isis.

Then of course don't forget to check the wikipedia link about Caesarion.

Caesarion was proclaimed "King of Kings." Most threatening to Octavian (whose claim to power was based on his status as Julius Caesar's grand-nephew and adopted son), Antony declared Caesarion to be Caesar's true son and heir.

But here is a question for you all. Was Princcess Diana murdered and if so why do you think that was?

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by OhZone

The mythmakers put in a little bit of history to make it appear "solid" and preached it all as fact.

Elaborate... just who were/are the myth makers and who/what do they represent?

The date of Decemer 25th was made to coincide with a pagan holiday, in the same way "Easter" (which is not the same thing as the "Resurrection"), I think it may have had something to do with fire worship.

One of the "rulers of darkness" (night sky) was Moloch (?spelling). The "kingdom of heaven (sky) suffereth (permitted) violence and the violent take it by force". This is not the same thing as the indwelling "heaven" (place of peace and rest).

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

I agree with the 13 signs instead of the 12...I have a thread on this, you should leave your thoughts on this subject if you have time, it is a interests of mine.

I would say, in order for the Virgin to really be related to the sun in Dec. then we would have to consider the path of this happening of the sun begins in the time of Virgo (august)....the sun begins its 'westward' leading...still proceeding, on until Dec. when it seems to stand still, and then falls back to its usual path to bring in spring. I would say that these symbolisms are reflecting the suns path, going through the Virgin, after it comes out of the Lion....proceeding west until its death and rise again for every year.

It sounded like someone was saying that Virgo used to be a part of Dec. but I am not aware that this was ever the case, so wanted to make sure I was reading that right...I think its interesting that every yr. before the sun enters the time of standing still and rising goes through Ophiuchus, the healer, the sign that gets ignored.

Any thoughts??


posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Siren

I do think that all religious holidays and traditions seem to reflect the origins of following the sun and its path through the sky. I find it no happenstance that Jesus was said to of been found by the Magi following a star....but yet, the religion says...dont follow stars. Religions are a reflection of man trying to understand his place in nature and this Universe. If one read between the lines in any religion, one can see the ancient following of the sun through the stars. Some refuse this as truth, but I dont see how.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I find it no happenstance that Jesus was said to of been found by the Magi following a star....but yet, the religion says...dont follow stars.

People often misquote this and it is another fact which when described or drawn is not accurate. The presentation does not coincide with what is written in the Bible. The maji arrived approximately two years later and were not in the stable, the shepherds were. Mary and Joseph had to move to keep him from being killed at birth. This has to do with the rightful heir and the fraud.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by Siren

Either way you look at it, one cant get away from the fact that the Bible hooks two times together, the OT and the NT, with a star prophecy.

Numbers 24:17...there shall come a star out of Jacob

Rev. 22:16....I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star

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