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Our current events and A MAN i met who told me about it in 2001.

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posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:34 AM
Well, think of me as NUNU, and I'm no Mystic, thats for sure - However, saying that sort of makes me seem or sound crazy in some eyes - i guess...

I was told way back in late 2004 or early 2005 that we the people of the USA had till August 08, 2008 to stop the New World Order and save untold human lives. I saw a newspaper with August 8th, 2008 ... I was leaning on a blown to crap Police Car and Alex Jones was standing on the hood - shouting... beltway into parkway... helocopters were zipping up and down the freeways firing ...
I saw uniformed Military engaged with regular Police in fire fights.. dead people were everywhere... and you could see the Washington Monument in the background so we were not to far away... I could see I-95North sign, and that is to my left and up... looking down the freeway - I see toll booths. 888LetsRoll is everywhere... those Military guys are not ours... the uniforms are not those I recognize.
its like a huge parking lot of burning vehicles. military is everywhere and if they see you - your dead.
just search out 888letsroll ... I did a full report on this...

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:38 AM
wait im confused... weve already passed august 08, 2008... and none of that happened..

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

i just realized you live in austin. i do as well. i hold group meetings that center around these topics (world issues, psychic info, spirituality, etc.) if you feel guided u2u me and we can talk...

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:44 AM
dont be confused... we are past that date. and we failed to stop them.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

How can I find out where to go in the mountains? Some of my friends and I are getting ready in New Mexico. I really know all this # is going down. I have met a Haitian named Godflo (I am not sure how to spell it) he just came to me at a bus stop and as he was singing a prayer. He brought up conversation about things that had been on my mind lately due to the signs I have been seeing lately. He told me how American troops were just destroying people over seas as he had been serving in Iraq.

We talked about the end of the world and the New World Order. HE knew all that I knew. I bought him lunch and we talked for a bit on how he lived his life and his beliefs and mine. I had to leave for work even though I very badly wanted to talk more. He acted like is was no big deal that I had to leave, he even insisted that I did. Oh and this was on Halloween by the way. HE warned me not to talk to anyone else about MY business.

The next day I was off to work again. I arrived two hours early due to a schedule error. So I decided to head down the street and grab a bite to eat. The only thing around was fast food (I hate Fast Food!!!) So I walk into this Carls Jr. and who do I see? Godflo! Now he has plenty of questions for me. How do I think it is all going to end? What do I know about this New World Order? Aliens? This time felt like it was forever. I said I need to get to work! I got back to work thinking that hours had gone by. I was still over an hour early when I got back.

This is all very strange to me. Never have I gone somewhere with a stranger, especially a singing black man that was on disability from the war at the age 26. He seemed very odd but I felt that it was very important to listen to him.

I am taking action but it is very difficult. I have been sleeping for over 16 hours a day for the last month! I am a person that usually sleeps for about 5 or 6 hours a night tops! I have noticed that I have seen that same trend in a lot of other people lately. Now that I think about it, this action has ruined my life!!! I have had feelings of being lazy and not doing things that I normally always do! I have lost all of my integrity, normally I am the go to man and now it seems I can't do anything that I say I am going to do. I just get tired and don't feel like doing anything! All I can think of is Chemtrails, I have seen them so much lately now that I think about it.

Please tell me where you will be in Montana as we will need each other for sure! We already have underground water and we will be manufacturing our own fuel and power. Plus we are in a very spiritual place on the globe.

Hit me back please!

Have Fun,

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:46 AM
Hey give the guy a break. Six pages and he's still standing toe to toe and taking punches. For most threads like this the OP hits and runs or ends up taking the ball and going home after the critics show up. So I say kudo's for hanging in there......

Now I have a question. if I may. One thing we haven't touched on much is the person himself. Can you describe him in greater detail other than a big black man with dreadlocks and a long coat?

What was his face like? His mannerisms? What color were his eyes? Did he have any distinct features or body movements? Any tatoos or did he wear jewelry that might have religious significants? Was he carrying anything? These are just some quick questions....others might come up with more.


posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
dont be confused... we are past that date. and we failed to stop them.

yeah but you said the newspaper was dated august 8, 2008.

and nothing happened.

so i dont see the validity of your story. i mean any man on the street can come up to me and tell me some crazy story but if there no validity to it.. i would think he was a common homeless crazy man or on something.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:50 AM
I mean no offense, i dont discredit anyones stories as i know i have many stories myself.. its just that i find myself having these kinds of conversations with random people on the street all the time.

people talk about what is going on in the world, and if fear and the thought of volcanoes and the thought of new world order etc is on many peoples minds, thats what they talk about.

i see it as simply having a conversation with a stranger about the world we live in today. not anything prophetic.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by djpaec

The bible has nothing to do with religion in a way. It is just what is left about the truth about the future and the past. There are many references in the bible that hold beliefs from other religions. It is just a book with a hidden truth. The United States is just a part or the future of the planet. This is where the Anti Christ is going to emerge. The U.S has become the center of the world. You see that when the people around the world and in our country call Obama the new world leader! There are too many signs here that we need pay attention to. Do some research on Nostradamus, he is one of the most validated prophets in all of history. He puts it simply and makes it easy for people to understand and tells us what to look for.

Time itself is now speeding up and the future is already here. Now we will all just have to watch as all of our rights and freedoms are taken from us since nobody believes it or they are just too afraid to do anything.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:56 AM
I don't know if human consciousness has the ability to change the reality we live in, but collectively it might simply be a case of, "you reap what you sow". If true, why believe in doom and gloom, when you can believe in a better future for all.

The true teachings of Jesus & Buddhism say more or less the same thing.

Jesus does not prophesy an apocalypse with the coming of God's kingdom on Earth, but instead denounces all those who put their faith in such prophecies.

Asked when "the new world" will come, Jesus points out that it's already here, but until we are awakened we cannot see it.

Could the antichrist be the people who believe in prophecies, doom & gloom?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:57 AM
kindred, yeah thats how i feel as well

exactly how i feel. everyone only concentrates on the bad in our present, and for our future.. but they dont think of anything good or positive.

we are doomed to have a bad future if thats what everyone thinks its going to be.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 12:05 PM

i don't expect anyone here to believe me and i honestly don't really care because i know that im not lying and that this has really happened, but it would be nice if people wouldn't go around bashing my thread.

Then why bother posting about it?
If you don't want people to believe you, why make a thread and try to explain it to all of us?

Bashing your thread?
Oh- Oh my, where are my manners?
I'm so sorry!
I should have known better than to point out the obvious faults of a thread with such a strong background.
I mean, the proof is amazing.

Oh and hey, it really lends credit to your cause by posting about the "Signs" AFTER they've come to pass.

Yeah- how dare someone like me "Bash" such an Earth changing, information packed thread.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by calihan123

So you don't think that there is a coincidence about all these people talking about the same thing? NOrmally when I talk to a stranger on the street, I find out what they do where they live how old they are or just talk about the weather. I don't just start talking about my beliefs and how I am scared about what is happening in the world. That would blow someones mind and maybe they won't agree with you and become offended.

So I believe that we are all talking about this for a reason! I don't know if this sounds weird, but I have had dreams about this city that I always went to when I slept. I have had these dreams for at least 7 years. It is always the same place and we are always doing the same thing, fighting someone or something. All the people know me but I don't know them nor have I ever met them. There is always the same woman in this dream that I have a major connection with. The feelings I get in these dreams are insane! I can smell everything, see color, talk and even feel!

I don't know, I think fate might have something to do with this dream. MAybe I am just reliving the past and what may have happened in another life. But history DOES repeat itself, and that is a fact!

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Chaos3003

It isn't a fact.
It's not like every event in history repeats itself.
It's a saying.

I'm sure your dreams are highly relevant to everyones lives, by the way. Undoubtedly, you're somehow dreaming about the coming hardships brought on by the most secretive, shady one world government to have ever existed- But it somehow being outted by some internet forum posters.

You should call up CNN, see if Anderson Cooper can do a 360 segment on your dreams- I want to spread the word before it's too late.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 12:14 PM
i don't think its necessarily the future is doomed because people think its doomed i think people think its doomed because they have reason to believe that. People are pretty knowledgeable. i mean When you et up in the morning and you have no control of what is going on in the world around you, where everything you do and say can be watched and you are basically living in a giant hamster wheel it has to be difficult for people to be to optimistic about the future. i used to believe the future was not going to be positive even before i ever met KuFu, but its a different feeling when you have a fairly strait forward experience from someone telling you those things. By someone or something that has a lot of knowledge.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 12:18 PM
You should try thinking about him, to get him to visit you, try to get him to come again, ask him more questions and get him to elaborate.
You've grabbed many people's attention here, tell him that, and maybe he won't be so vague on the topics he shares with you.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Chaos3003
reply to post by calihan123

Lol well in my daily life, yes people do come up to me and talk about the end of the world. on a daily basis actually. thats my normal conversation these days unfortunately

i WISH i could have a conversation about how the person was and how their day went, if they have kids etc.. but not. its only strange conversations i find myself having anymore

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

So then you don't believe "Kufu"?
The way he told things, the future seemed pretty doomed to me.
If you don't believe him, then again I ask, why bother posting it?
At first you said you didn't care whether or not people believed you, but yet, you continued to post the thread- And then, proceed to keep posting in the thread.

You seem to have believed the man in the begining of this thread- I see no reason why that should have changed.
Apparently this "Kufu" "Nunu" fellow seems to know his stuff.

Although, that is a bit hard to say with certainty.
Since apparently two of these "Signs" had to pass before you decided to tell us all about the spectacular event that changed your life- Which you don't really care if we believe or not, but will argue with us should we choose to call your bluff on it.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Ah, I love threads like this. I may be new to ATS, but I have been on enough forums to get the 'characters' right. Remember, skeptics and theorists all have their special spot in this world. The theorists see things - whether it is patterns, ufos, aliens, angels, strange black dudes in dreds - and they interpret meaning through these things. The skeptics doubt and naysay in an effort to keep things as empirical and 'black & white' as possible. There is a balance here though, and that helps truth to be told. Because we must all admit, truth lies somewhere between the theorists and skeptics. The traditional skeptics are gonna hate this post though, but it is a fun post and just about as much of a 'prediction' as anything else dealing with the future in that you should only take it with a grain of salt unless things start matching the pattern of events.

I used to be a pretty good skeptic. I still am, but to a point. Why do I say this? Well, it is personal and my job is not to convince anybody to be different from who they are. What I will say is that I firmly believe there is no such thing as coincidence and that humankind is on the verge of great knowledge. I base some of this out of reality (a nice little combination of Moore's Law and Occam's Razor!) and my beliefs are reinforced daily. When I doubt, the reinforcements get stronger. When I get complacent, I get wake-up calls.

Enough about me though, because that is not the point here. OP - hoaxer or not - touches on a few valid points. First, the Montana thing... odd that this happens to be the location of a super volcano. But then again, maybe not? Our sun is entering a new solar cycle. The period between cycles is predictable, and the recent 'quiet period' was pretty pronounced. This may indicate a rather strong cycle and you can all chime in with when scientists at the Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colo. are predicting the peak of the next cycle: 2011 to 2012.

Okay, so what if this solar period is stronger than before? Well, there are some studies that link geomagnetic storms and seismic activity. If we are entering an especially strong solar cycle and a biggie gets popped in our direction, it has the potential to unleash some heavy earthquakes. If that is the case, I would not want to be near the Pacific coast (ring of fire) nor the Atlantic (Canary Islands tsunami). So Montana may not be that bad of an idea.

As for the Egyptian references, Part I of Zeitgeist the movie points out the significance between Egyptian religion, the sun, and Christianity. Horace, Jesus, the solstice... some things just seem to 'fit'. OP may want to watch that film, it is free. Google it. The sun is essential to life - gives us life.
Just remember, everything is cyclical in the universe. Balance is only achieved though matching opposite amplitudes. What has happened once, will happen again in a resonant form. Since the biblical text seems to have personified the sun as Jesus, perhaps the antichrist is also just a personification of something else... something more cosmological.

As for the 'fire' prediction. We know solar flares can disrupt electronics. The last super-flare was in 1859 and was believed to cause fires in buildings with electrical wires in them and the aurora were so bright that you could read a newspaper at night. Now fast-forward to present day and imagine a super-flare hitting Earth. With all of our electronics and every single dwelling being wired with AC electrical wiring... it makes one wonder what the possible ramifications could be. Sweeping fire in the sky may not be so far fetched. (I think Nostradamus even said something to this effect.) Maybe a cave in Montana is not such a bad idea to worship all that is beautiful in this universe?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Dewm0nster
reply to post by ghostlandseller

So then you don't believe "Kufu"?
The way he told things, the future seemed pretty doomed to me.
If you don't believe him, then again I ask, why bother posting it?
At first you said you didn't care whether or not people believed you, but yet, you continued to post the thread- And then, proceed to keep posting in the thread.

You seem to have believed the man in the begining of this thread- I see no reason why that should have changed.
Apparently this "Kufu" "Nunu" fellow seems to know his stuff.

Although, that is a bit hard to say with certainty.
Since apparently two of these "Signs" had to pass before you decided to tell us all about the spectacular event that changed your life- Which you don't really care if we believe or not, but will argue with us should we choose to call your bluff on it.

Im not sure what to do to get this guy to talk to us. I haven't seen the guy since France and honestly didn't ever really expect to see him again. thats why i was so shocked when my parents saw him in Colorado. I think he told us what he needed to tell us. I don't really expect to meet him again.

And im not saying i don't believe the guy. I do its just hard to really put your life on hold and do something this crazy! This is nuts and it would tate a HUGE commitment. i mean i believe in the guy and i expect this to possibly happen but at the same time theres that feeling of what if we do this and nothing happens. I keep posting because there are some people who are interested and want to know more.

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