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Don't turn on fox news!

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posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by wutone

Right, but I was talking about the special where fox news tried to paint Obama as a radicalist, and this poster didn't believe in what I said, about Fox News having said that.

You mean Hannity's America?

If you have a problem of Hannity having his own editorial, you should have a problem with the Daily View or other leftist opinion-editorial type shows.

Of course Hannity will show dirt on Obama, all he is doing is condensing all the media and investigative sources on Obama's past, relaying it to the American people, and forming his own conclusion. If there is a problem with that, you must hate the 1st Amendment.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by wutone]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by wutone

No. I don't hate the first amendment. I just think that Hannity is wrong in saying that it's a big deal.

So people have shady pasts.

What's the big deal?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:50 AM
yeah i saw the hannity piece on obama. im not sure, but it may have the opposite effect on people. they are painting obama as 'different'.....trying to pretend you americans really have a choice...

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by wutone

No. I don't hate the first amendment. I just think that Hannity is wrong in saying that it's a big deal.

So people have shady pasts.

What's the big deal?

Then why attack Fox news?

I thought the media's job was to point out the shady past of people.

Or is it because your opinion and Hannity's opinion don't agree? Are you sure you don't hate the 1st amendment?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:01 AM

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by wutone

Why defend Fox News?

I think while other news agencies shouldn't be trusted that fox news is one of the worst of them.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 06:44 AM
Besides, why should you watch a news agency, or defend it, when this entire claim is false?

CNN Calls Palin Claim about Palling Around With Terrorists "False." "The New York Times article cited by Palin concluded that 'the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers.' Other publications, including the Washington Post, Time magazine, the Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The New Republic, have said that their reporting doesn't support the idea that Obama and Ayers had a close relationship. The McCain campaign did not respond Saturday to a request for elaboration on Palin's use of the plural 'terrorists.' Verdict: False. There is no indication that Ayers and Obama are now 'palling around,' or that they have had an ongoing relationship in the past three years. Also, there is nothing to suggest that Ayers is now involved in terrorist activity or that other Obama associates are." [, 10/5/08:]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:11 AM
I think people are missing the point.

The question should be "Who would you NOT vote for?", and the answer is easily "McCain/Palin". I don't want another George Bush retard in power, and anyone is better than Bush, so my vote will go to Obama. McCain will probably start World War 3, and Palin is a nasty bitch, so voting for them is out of the question.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by pluckynoonez
But I am a fan of Steve Doocy! What to do!

I cannot start my morning without Fox and Friends!

The end of the world is truly nigh. Plucky didn't refer to herself in the third person.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:20 AM
So what we have here is a Thread Author that get's called on some shaky ground and responds with this:

Prove that I have not given proof for anything that I said.

One of the silliest statements ever made ....

Then says this:

I don't think any news agency should be trusted. That's just my opinion.

Then goes on to use the very media he states he does not trust to try and substantiate whatever it is he is supporting.

No wonder so many people have questions about Obama supporters.

This makes no sense at all

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:44 AM
There's been talk even in the MSM that the republican brand is damaged and even ran a story where the republicans running in oregon tried to switch the party listing beside their name on the ballot to GOP rather than Republican because there was a negative reaction to the word Republican compared to the more obscure GOP tag.

Here's the problem. They need to prop up both sides of the spectrum. If one looks like it's having problems then attempt to attack and weaken the other in order to maintain a balance. It works based on this key principle:

So long as the illusion is maintained, the hatred of the other perpetuates and the paradigm reinforces itself, rather than actual opposition appearing.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:06 AM
Whatever Fox news is doing couldnt possibly compare to the last several months of the pile of cow dung that those lunatics at MSNBC have been putting out. They do nothing but bash McCain and make Obama out to be the next messiah. They dont even try to hide their bias. They should just change the name from MSNBC to MSDNC. Keith Olbermann shouldnt even call his stuff news. Its more like the Daily Show or the Colbert report. What a joke.

But lets all start whining as soon as somebody says something questionable about the Messiah Obama. If I believed in an Anti-Christ I would start wondering about that guy.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:12 AM
Where I live in the southeast, no one knows or believes anything accept that which comes from Fox News or on radio via Hannity or Limbaugh. It's invasion of the body snatchers I tell you. If you love this neocon mentality, then by all means move to the NE Fl (especially Jacksonville) area.

If the earth cracked opened and it was not first reported on these venues, folks around here would tell you that it's a liberal lie! This trash is aired in every business institution and home that has TV. Of course, this "fear and smear" campaign has worked for 8 long years, and I am afraid that it will continue to work for those who are too lazy to think for themselves. This stuff is like mother's milk to those with weak minds.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by whatsup]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:16 AM
Fox's Sean Hannity kept announcing and sensationalizing this report you can't miss all last week, about 2 days before the debate, I will bet 9 times out of 10 Fox funneled the story and information over to the McCain Campaign and that is how the bright one has started making statements in her rallies based upon the completely negative and highly speculative report they aired last night.

Several newspapers have completely debunked this information, regardless of how Hillary Clinton's campaign gathered this information it was part of their smear campaign, I never believe that people living in glass houses should ever throw stones, I predict that high mudslinging and digging into Palin's current hush, hush contraversy in her state is going to completely go into overdrive as well as McCain's involvement with the Keating 5 that by all accounts made him complicent in those wrongdoings, even though he managed to escape prosecution somehow, many people know absolutely nothing of this.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by wutone

Greetings.....The unfortunate circumstance that, the average american is only interested in hearing selfish,patronizing,smooth things,and he/she is to lazy to do the research needed with respect to the characters of both candidates....In addition It might come as a surprise to the average american voter that George Bush is not running in this election... so a vote cast to punish Bush will only hurt yourself....IT IS IMPERITIVE THAT WE KNOW WHO WE ARE ABOUT TO IMPOWER IN THIS ELECTION !!!

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by phinubian

I predict that high mudslinging and digging into Palin's current hush, hush contraversy in her state is going to completely go into overdrive

I wish you were right, but you will notice that the Obama campaign will not touch Palin with a 10 foot pole. They know better than to even mention "the delicate genius" for fear of inciting a female persecution backlash of immense proportion. Of course, she was picked by design for this very purpose of remaining untouchable. She can "put on her heels and take off her gloves" all day long and remain fairly invulnerable.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by phinubian

Greetings.....McCain should have been indicted along with the others,however,he is held in high esteem for his sacrafices in Vietnam..
Hillary and Bill are not without blame for many wrong doings both physical and there is a glass house and every body is throwing stones only thing nobody is aiming....Hannity is a sound bite parrot and a wind bag...Who loves the photo ops on southern boarder however he ignors the effect of illegal immigration on Main Street....

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:36 AM
I do think you are correct that people must research on their own, but many people are seeing the tactics of avoidance, untrue facts, smoke and mirrors used by the McCain campaign as something that just looking on the surface reveals a lot of what is below the surface, even though you can try and separate the facts McCain himself should assist in sorting through how much of a Maverick he really isn't , with his own words he admitted that he voted with Bush on issues about 95 percent of the time and 100% in 2008 so you have about a 5 percent margin of error to investigate actually see how much Bush and his policies are running in this campaign and that also gives a 5 percent Maverick factor to consider, lets not kid ourselves, McCain is not fit for president, he flies off the handle quickly, makes statements he usually ends up pulling back off of and his poor judgement will more than likely lead to other wars, if you are for that sir I say run down to your local recruiting office and sign up and if you are a Vet like myself but unlike me believes in McCain, go re-up, because if you don't you will probably stand the chance to get drafted in another war.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by phinubian]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
They're trying to paint him as a terrorist with radicalist ties. .
They are exposing him. He DOES have radical ties.
He DOES have terrorist ties.

Ayers. Auchi. Cones. Rashid Khalidi. Wright. Meeks. ACORN. etc etc

Obama's friends - read and learn.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

You only think FOX is right leaning because thats all you have seen is the liberal crap spewed from every major network, when FOX came around, they offered a contrast from liberal reporting and it shook the liberal world.

Funny thing that truth, it scares liberals away and makes them foam at the mouth with rage.

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