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"It's Like Something Out Of The Third World"

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posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 04:20 AM
U.S. has excellent health care if you can afford it and if you can get insurance. If you go to the ER your not charged for one gauze, your paying for a whole crate of gauze!! By the time you leave the hospital you have to take a loan out on your house just to pay back the bills. These are the kinds of things that need to be repaired in the infrastructure of our economy. People need to quit gouging people and charging them insane prices, cause it just domino's down the line and hurts everyone. Uncle Sam needs to quit spending billions and trillions of dollars to foreign aid and policing the world. The aid of the U.S citizens comes first not last!

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by Wotan
This is like talking to a brick wall or an endless tape machine that keeps repeating the same old lines over and over.

Extortionate priced healthcare does not equal good healthcare. Its the people within the healthcare systems that make healthcare good or bad.

Socialised/Nationalised healthcare is not Communist or controlling the masses.

Socialised/Nationalised healthcare taxation is cheaper than health insurance premiums.

There are very few limitations/clauses in socialised healthcare to what treatment may be done - All benefit regardless of age and wealth.

I suggest to some of you to look at the WHO website and do some comparisons of healthcare systems - you will be surprised at how low the US is ranked.
Hear,hear Wotan,I agree with everything you've written.I really can't be bothered arguing with the paranioics of 'socialised medicine'(whoooo)anymore-totally and utterly brainwashed.I just feel sorry,really sorry for the poor and the vulnerable.Just be glad like I am we live in a civilised country and not some capitalist,social Darwinist free for all that is the US-yeah,you've got LOTS to be proud of infant moratlity on the same level as Croatia(a small ,poor Euoropean country that was involved in a war with Serbia late last century)

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 05:22 AM
One last point and then I really can't be bothered and I have my altar to Lenin and Stalin to worship at-riddle me this Americans -exactly how can you call yourself a 'Christian' country and not give a toss about your poor and ill and people and babies who die needlessly?Is that what Jesus taught you?Just to cross over to the other side of the road and look the other way?Strange because that's not what we were taught about Jesus in the Church of England.Oh ,yeah I know why .It's because you worship money.Wow ,did Satan do a bang up job on your country.How do you all sleep at night?Do you have a concscience or a soul?Oh no ,again you sold it to it Old Nick a long,long time ago.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by candyfloss

More Eurotrash throwing stones...

The gall of you self-righteous whiners. When your population gets to be, I don't know, maybe 1/4 of ours, maybe you'll understand that being a huge effing country makes things just a bit more difficult.

In 2007, FEDGOV spent $ 2.8 TRILLION on social programs. Considering the GDP of the UK is only $2.772 trillion and you have 20% of the population we do, we put our money where our poor mouths are.

What more do you think we should do???? How much more should we let the State take from us????

You do your thing and we'll do ours. And lay off the Christian nonsense. The US is by far the most charitable nation in the world. We give over twice as much as you guys do.

Next you run your mouth, know what you're talking about and who are talking too. Jealous bast**ds!!


edit for spelling

[edit on 8/8/08 by dontreadonme]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by candyfloss

One more thing. Look up the facts about infant mortality before you run your mouth again. The US reports ALL births that show signs of life as live births. You Europeans weigh them, measure them or use how far along the pregnancy is to determine what constitutes a live birth. Looks like you guys are padding the results a little bit.


posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by dontreadonme
More Eurotrash throwing stones...

The gall of you self-righteous whiners. When your population gets to be, I don't know, maybe 1/4 of ours, maybe you'll understand that being a huge effing country makes things just a bit more difficult.

Err no sorry hang on, social healthcare is a percentage of the tax we all pay. You could increase a population by any number as long as they're paying the tax as it's always the same, the same allocated per person.

Maybe you should experience the NHS before you keep bashing it.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by dontreadonme
reply to post by candyfloss

One more thing. Look up the facts about infant mortality before you run your mouth again. The US reports ALL births that show signs of life as live births. You Europeans weigh them, measure them or use how far along the pregnancy is to determine what constitutes a live birth. Looks like you guys are padding the results a little bit.
Here you go

[edit on 8-8-2008 by candyfloss]

[edit on 8-8-2008 by candyfloss]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:24 AM
it's sad to see that so many people, even here, still don't get what's going on in the U.S., and the rest of the world.

the U.S., from it's inception, was designed to fail.

the elite that set up the country structured it in such a way that it would become wealthy, and it's citizenry would be the envy of the world. they did this not out of kindness, but because it was necessary for the accumulation of the VAST wealth Americans USED TO have.

the decendants of those same elites are now reaping what their fore fathers sewed. they are willfully bankrupting America, draining the vast wealth they allowed it to accumulate, as they had planned all along. they've been doing this for quite a while now.

they have done it through the inflatable paper money scam. it's an old scam and has been used many times before. they control the distribution and the value of the paper currency, so they can rob the country blind anytime they want by raising and lowering its value.

to understand this you must read "The Gods of Eden" by William Bramley. it's readily available at amazon. it's a bit of a slow read, but slog through it and you'll understand much that was previously a mystery to you.

the elite keep humanity in a continual cycle of misery, despair, and disunity because they profit GREATLY by the conflicts that state of being generates.

there is however, another level to it. the elites don't work for themselves, even if most of them belive they do. they shower all this misery down on the rest of us because it keeps us from uniting and becoming aware of our true oppressors: Custodial Aliens

the VERY top of the elite pile are aware of this fact, but most of them aren't. they believe they do what they do purely for monetary gain, the sick bastards.

the Truth is that humanity is being milked as a slave race for off world overlords, and those overlords use a capitulating human elite to do it for them. it's just like every prison movie you've ever seen in which a small group of capitulating inmates inform on the rest of the prison population, in return for better living conditions.

our prison is the whole planet.

I know it sounds crazy to most of the sleeping masses, that's their mental programming kicking in - they are SUPPOSED to see this fact as being crazy. that's how this sytem has been allowed to continue for so long, it's set up so that the inmates of the prison (humans) eagerly police themselves.

get the book, it costs very little for the wealth of info it delivers, and research "orgonite" while you're at it.


p.s. - the cheesy 80's action movie "They Live" hits pretty close to the mark in a lot of ways. if you won't read the book then at least rent this movie. it's not nearly as good as the book, but watch it as a documentary instead of a horror story and you'll be ahead of most.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:27 AM
This was a report compiled by an American organization.Read the article it's only short .So it's not me'running my mouth off' it's your fellow Americans.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:34 AM
tYou do your thing and we'll do ours. And lay off the Christian nonsense.

[edit on 8/8/08 by dontreadonme]

Yeah,compassion and love for your fellow man are over rated-silly Jesus-he must have been drunk or something.Would'nt like to have your karma .

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by dontreadonme

What ignorance and self rightous posturing. Not all Americans are like him thank god.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by dontreadonme

What ignorance and self rightous posturing. Not all Americans are like him thank god.

Thank God indeed,please don't get me wrong .I am not lumping all Americans together.I am well aware there many US citizens who are very unhappy with the current situation and it seems an equal amount who just don't care,which I think is very sad.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by grover

Thing is grover, if he is ever placed ina situation where the insurance won't pay for him or someone he loves, then he'll change his mind on this issue pretty quickly. Imagine if the insurance doesn't payout on an operation or treatment that costs $80,000. I bet you anything if that happened his mind would change in a second.

It's all well and good to preach your ideas from an ivory tower, but it doesn't work when only the foundations are left.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

That is generally the pattern with a lot of the hard right... unless they can directly benefit (or they need something) screw everybody else... which given their devotion to evoking Jesus... (as opposed to living his teachings) is the polar opposite to his example.

[edit on 8-8-2008 by grover]

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by grover

Thing is grover, if he is ever placed ina situation where the insurance won't pay for him or someone he loves, then he'll change his mind on this issue pretty quickly. Imagine if the insurance doesn't payout on an operation or treatment that costs $80,000. I bet you anything if that happened his mind would change in a second.

It's all well and good to preach your ideas from an ivory tower, but it doesn't work when only the foundations are left.
That's what I think.What goes around comes around.You might be fine now but you never know what's going to happen in this life.You might be happy ,healthy and wealthy now but what if you get ill,can't work lose your job,your home etc..that is what socilism is about.A safety net when times are hard to get you through until your back on your feet and can become a productive member of society again.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:09 AM
All I know, is there's something wrong when someone does everything right, and still ends up on the short end of the stick.

My parents were farmers, my whole life. We worked hard, never had 5 dollars owed in credit, often went without, but what we had, we owned.

But we could never afford health insurance. How they expect middle class americans to pay for that, I'll never know.

Two years ago, my step father was moving a water troph for the cows, and suddenly felt like he'd pulled a muscle in his back. We took him to the emergency room, against his protestations, knowing how much it would cost, and they said, "Pulled muscle" and sent him home with pain killers.

Over the next two days, he got worse. But refused to go back in, because they were already facing nearly 4000 dollars from the ER.

He died that night from an undisagnosed aneurysm.

And I'm convinced, that had they had insurance, he'd be alive today.

So don't be so quick to assume that the uninsured are the 'unwashed, abusive of the system, deadbeats' that some in this thread were claiming. My parents never had a bank loan, never held a credit card account, they were the hardest working, honest, clean living people you could have ever met. My step father would have given the shirt off of his back to help someone.

I think at the very minimum we need to regulate the industry, do more to ease the costs of education for those in the medical fields, etc.

I believe some industries are too important to society to be allowed total free market rein.

The right to health shouldn't be just for the wealthy.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:17 AM
Sorry for the double post here, but a final thought:

Of the People, by the people FOR THE PEOPLE.

Not 'for the profits of corporations'.

Ask yourself when debating the issues, which answer serves the people?

So which answer serves the people here?

Putting profit and free market over the health of the people? Even those that do not help themselves? Is making money really the ends to all means?

Shouldn't the profitablity and success of a company only be important to the state, when it SERVES the people somehow? Sure, creating wealth falls into that 'trickle' down theory, so sometimes, it can be a priority. But think long and hard about those priorities.

Just like some companies have come to the realization that having healthy employees serves the company, so they put in gyms, or cafeterias, or pay for weight loss services, or whatever (when I worked at Disney, we had free Tai Chi lessons at lunch time), I would think a nation would feel the same way. Wouldn't you want strong, healthy workers? (as an aside, wouldn't you also want them highly educated? I'll never understand that, but that's another thread).

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

youre an idiot

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by In nothing we trust

youre an idiot

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by candyfloss
tYou do your thing and we'll do ours. And lay off the Christian nonsense.

[edit on 8/8/08 by dontreadonme]

Yeah,compassion and love for your fellow man are over rated-silly Jesus-he must have been drunk or something.Would'nt like to have your karma .

I noticed you didn't respond to to the fact thar Americans are over TWICE as charitable as Brits. And you guys are way more charitable than the rest of Europe......

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