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Have you seen an Unidentified Flying Object?

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posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:25 PM
Thankyou for these really great posts, one thing I have noticed so far with some exceptions is that we do not seem to get it on film! I truely believe each one of you, and if I could stamp my approval on all of your experiences I would. As I have said validation will not come easy. And even when you catch something extrodinary on camera or film for others seeing is not believing. What they do not understand is that it almost feels like a priviledge at the time. It feels like they know you see them. But why? Does this mean that you have been tagged ? They don't mind showing themselves to you because perhaps your DNA signature?
Lets try and figure this out because one thing for sure more and more people are having experiences. What could it mean that you and I are seeing them in record numbers, we listen and watch as countries all over the world attempt to bring a focus to this important subject by releasing video and pictures news casts, credible witnesses, and yet these stories get pushed aside and ignored.What is frustrating for me is that I do not care which government comes out with the information first and which gov. is going to provide proof. What more proof do we need than the incredibly talented and completly credible sources that are doing everything in their power to bring this subject to light? How is having george bush or any other countries leader coming forward going to be any better than those that have blown the whistles already. It has fallen on a deaf media response. That is where the conspiracy gets thick. One thing for sure we all sense something very big is on the horrizon, and it could be that a partial truth may be revealed sooner than we know.

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:37 PM
Well, the first one I seen there were no decent portable cameras plus i was only a kid lol.
This one here, i really didnt see until I uploaded the images to my desktop but some people are skeptical about this image, some think a bird and some think helicopter.. It is to big to embed so here is a link, this was about 3 years ago

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:48 PM
Here is a must read for anyone interested in UFOlogy. It is amazing. It is called UFO Timeline: AChronology of UFO's through Time. It is from the

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 11:57 PM
Koronos, I am no expert but are you pulling my leg? Please don't take me wrong if I am mistaken, and by all means I would love to hear your story to accompany those pictures. The cylindrical ones look like those old billy meyer ones and then when I increased the size they just look well fake. I do not think that the z shaped one looks very credible either. I am thrilled that you responded to this subject but do you know what I mean about how your pictures look? Antar

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 03:26 AM
hehe, no you misunderstand, i would only pull your leg if you asked, lmao sorry just some side humor. This was the image after an image analyst did some things and sent back.. it is only ONE image, seen through different angles and filters.. i got the original somewhere hang on
here it is.. no zoom no change in lighting or tint etc..

it was taken over my bay about 1000 yards out and im not sure of the elevation
To be fair there is a naval air station about 5 miles down the beach but they only fly orange/white trainer jets and props and the occasional black hawk from there. I can guaranty this wasn't a black hawk, i would no doubt have heard it from mile away.
No my opinion is that it COULD BE a typical disk shaped craft, the right end at a slight downward angle as if it were ascending into the Bay. What i can guaranty is that it isn't faked in any way, it came straight from my camera to my desktop. Some see a airplane, some see a bird and some see a craft that may be disked shape and know that it is either an Alien Craft or some other type of man made craft, either way i dont believe it was meant to be photographed. Either the camera can catch them when they're cloaked or their cloak was being turned off for entrance to the bay. I am in that third category. So for me, that makes it a genuine UFO

If you are skeptical its ok to say so, you wont hurt my feelings lol. I knew when i first spread it across the WWW that i was putting myself out there for ridicule but I stand by my beliefs and sincerely

Originally posted by antar
Koronos, I am no expert but are you pulling my leg? Please don't take me wrong if I am mistaken, and by all means I would love to hear your story to accompany those pictures. The cylindrical ones look like those old billy meyer ones and then when I increased the size they just look well fake. I do not think that the z shaped one looks very credible either. I am thrilled that you responded to this subject but do you know what I mean about how your pictures look? Antar

[edit on 3-5-2007 by Kr0n0s]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 03:52 AM
My interest in the subject was sparked by a CLOSE encounter...I was aprox. 4:30 am eastern time in extreme northern Indiana, I was driving to work with my girlfriend at the time.

As we traveled down a stretch of two lane high way I noticed a green glow to my left through some trees (as there was dense forest on either side of this road) As we approached (heading west) the green object cleared the tree tops and started over the road (heading north) moving VERY slowly!

I slammed on the brakes almost directly underneath the object, whos shape was now perfectly clear. Its was shaped like a boom a rang or cresent moon and appeared to be stamped out of a solid piece of chrome...with a green glow over its entire surface.

I turned off the engine and opened the door, got out for a better look,one foot out of the car one foot still in (just in case!) and gawked at this thing for aprox. 30 seconds as it SLOWLY and perfectly, quietly, floated over the road
and over the tree tops to my right.

I was close enough to hit it with a rock..there were no doors, rivits, windows, seams or markings of any kind. I also remember having the distinct feeling that the occupants of this craft absolutely knew we were there, and regaurded our presents as we would ants at a picnic....the whole time I could feel a low rumble or hum in my chest like bass from a good stereo...but no audible sound.

My girlfriend sat motionless, almost petrified with fright in the passenger seat the whole time and didnt say a word or move. The only thing I could say the whole time through this experience was "NO F***'IN WAY!" I could not believe what we were seeing...I was truly awe struck...but not scared..strange?

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 05:25 AM
I saw a craft hovering near the roof of my home.
To be completely honest, I may have only dreamt I did, so not sure it qualifies! But in case it was "real", I want to tell it anyways because it was close & has details I've never read others say.

This was around the early 90's, and was just before dawn, the sky in the backdrop was a deep blue.

It was unexpectedly small. Hovering silently. It had a little thing on the top of it. It was not a spherical shape.

A dark silver or pewter colored metal, and wasn't shiny.

It was caked in brownish colored dirt, or exhaust fume build-up, like how it looks under a car.

It didn't have flashing lights, or colored lights.
It had a rim of lights or windows, that were an off-white color. Now when I think about it, if it was caked in dirt, and these were windows or lights made of glass or any other covering, they would be filthy too. So I wonder if the rim of lights, were just engine, or exhaust holes? They indented into the craft, about 9 inches, not flush with it. Yes, this was a very close sighting - IF it was one. I remember very clearly it was dirty. I don't know if a ufo would use exhaust, being they are supposed to be antigravity.

On the bottom rim and sides, the metal was banged up full of dents. Some of the dents, revealed a shinier surface, more like a steel colored metal.

In the very bottom of it, there was an opening, that took up most of the bottom. It was a brilliant whitest -white and hazy looking. That was the part of the craft that caused the most fear in me. Like you do not want to pass through the white hazy opening.

I didn't have a sense it was piloted by aliens. Or maybe I thought that, thinking they couldn't fit in such a small craft. But I did have a sense it takes people and came from someplace other than Earth. Afterwards, I thought it was the stupidest thing I ever thought of. As if spaceships fly around in the middle of the night snatching people and also realizing ufo's don't look like that, if they exist.

I also had a feeling (although I have no idea why I had these feelings) they have you picked off and can get you anywhere, even if you were in jail, Bars and locks don't stop them. No point locking up at night, maybe a robber might come, but that would be preferable, at least that's one if us. So I thought they don't find you because they have tracking device like implants installed, but do it by way of locating each person's unique vibrational frequency if there is any such thing as that! I was trying not ot breathe, or bat an eyelash, thinking they would know my heartbeat. Like they have your coordinates, but can't quite find your exact location. So they hover for awhile. I wanted them to fly away & get someone else for a change. And again, afterwards, I wondered why I thought 'for a change". Had they been before?

Anyways that's it. Might not be real, It's just what I remember.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 06:44 AM
I have seen 4, possibly 5 different UFO's here in PHX. Starting with PHX lights "craft" 10 years ago. And most recently one last week.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 06:53 AM
I've had half a dozen odd experiences and sightings in my life. The most recent was 2 years ago. I was standing on the East coast of the UK looking out at the North sea, i was standing on the cliff tops with no houses around me and therefore no light pollution. I had a perfect view of a brilliantly clear and star filled sky against a backdrop of a black north sea.

What i assumed to be a satellite became visable high up and to the left of my vision, as i was watching it getting nearer i saw a second "satelite" to the right of the first and more or less parallel to it. I carried on watching them and noticed that as they got closer to me they were also getting closer to each other. When they were above my head (and still very high) they got so close i can only assume the merged together because there was only one light now and it was bigger then before. The one object then traveled in a large horse shoe shape before heading back the way it came.

I know it sounds totally unrealistic and fanciful but i know what i saw and so do the people who were with me.

This isn't the first odd thing i've seen so needless to say i'm very interested when people tell me they seen something odd.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 09:07 AM
I have had 2 definate sightings of things I couldn't identify.
The first one was about 7 years ago I was around a mates house in Elizabeth Downs South Australia and our parents came running into our room and told us to come outside to see this in the sky!
So we went out and there were 3 yellow lights moving across the sky and quite far apart from each other. Each one of the yellow lights had red lights in a triangle shape around the yellow lights and the red lights only became visible when we looked at the lights thru binoculars. The whole thing lasted around 15 minutes and then they dissapeared but the story doesn't end there!
About a week later I was telling my mate about it and his mouth dropped and he told me how on the exact same night at the same time him and a few of our other friends were sitting up the hills having a bon fire and they actually seen the lights appear from behind the large hills and watched them for about half an hour.

My second story happened in Craigmore South Australia on my road.Me my gf and my best mate were standing at the park just blabbering as young people tend to do
it was around midnight and it was a real clear night. With one quick flash I seen in the corner of my eye a really bright yellow cirlce atleast the size of the moon and the centre was black, it instantly flew up into the sky and left behind a yellow trail like a sparkler would when you move one around really fast and you still see the trail...anyways! getting back to it because I could only see it out of the corner of my eye I instantly yelled WHOA WHAT WAS THAT! and turned to point at it. Me and my mate are both heavily into the UFO thing and he was quite dissapointed when he missed what it was.

So I turned to my gf and said did you see that!!! because I knew she was facing the way where it was. She was pale as a ghost and really didn't want to talk about it because that kind of stuff creeps her out. After about 10 minutes of nagging she said what she saw which was exactly the same as me but she said it also had a blue tint to the outside of the circle.
All I know is whatever it was it was huge and extremely fast.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 09:13 AM
My son has seen a black scared the daylights out of him and his friend...never made a sound yet was right over them...hovering.
they ran for their lives, came home scared like a jack rabbit.

My father has seen the classic Fast Lights, 90degree turn, speed vehicle, whatever that is, military or ET?

I have seen the fast light but in a straight light I mean a ovbious "plane" but mine was just way too be a normal plane
my dads observations of his object were too radical to have been a plane

the black triangle is as we all know military.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 09:52 AM
Thankyou for clarifying Koronos, I was just making sure that you were not making fun of this post in some mean way. I just saw the white splotches behind the circular craft and thought you might be testing me. The black triangle could it have been reverse technology? Did yo think that too? Sorry to seem debunking I stated in the beginning that this post is not for debunking, just putting together facts. It takes alot of courage to be open and come forward.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:16 AM
Please everyone put a timeline on your sightings. It is ok if you just have the year. Try also to remember as much 'detail' of your surroundings, was it stormy, sunny, near water, or a military base. Anything you can remember. Thankyou Antar

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 10:50 AM
I've had two sightings in my life, both here in NW Ohio. The first was when I was about 16 years old, (in 1979.) It was a Friday night and my sister and I were going with some friends to the football game. We were at our friends house which had a forest directly behind it. There were six of us just getting ready to get into the car to go, my sister and myself, our two friends who were also sisters and their parents. It was a crisp clear fall night and as we were standing there this object came up out of the trees. It was a large orange ball of light with two smaller white lights slightly lower on either side of the center light. It rose straight up getting higher and higher until it eventually shot away at incredible speed. It made no sound. Several other people in the neighborhood also saw it. I grew up just a few miles from the local airport, which is home of the 180th fighter wing of the Air National Guard. The day after the sighting, there were national guard helicpoters flying over the woods. I never heard anything more about it.

The second sighting was 12 years ago, in the summer of 1995. At the time, I worked 2nd shift so I got home just after midnight. Took my dog outside to do his business and as I have always done, I looked up. (I've always been an astronomy buff and like finding as many constellations as possible.) So I look up and almost directly overhead I see three distinct white lights. That isn't particularly unusual but then they started to move like nothing I've ever seen. The center light stayed stationary and the outside lights dropped down in unison and moved down and to the right and then up over the top of the stationary light. They had formed a triangle shape. Then, the original stationary light and the upper right light moved in unison dropping down and to the left of the left light which during this motion remained stationary. It reminded me very much of a shell game. The lights migrated around and through one another for about 30 seconds and then the three lights shot off to the north out of sight. I was blown away and am still in awe of what I saw. I ran inside and woke my husband. I was actually scared and a little freaked out by it. I've never seen anything like it since.

[edit on 5/3/2007 by JeepGal to add dates]

[edit on 5/3/2007 by JeepGal]

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 11:38 AM
oh that hurts Im not mean
lol j/k
You want timelines? The one i saw as a child was probably in the late 70's, my mom and her sister had seen one that they claim followed them at about the same timeframe and both mine and hers were at about the same time, just after dark.
The one as an adult was at night again and was in the late 80s
Then that photo was taken on 04 i think.

Originally posted by antar
Thankyou for clarifying Koronos, I was just making sure that you were not making fun of this post in some mean way.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by bigdaddy7ftr
I have seen 4, possibly 5 different UFO's here in PHX. Starting with PHX lights "craft" 10 years ago. And most recently one last week.

Can you tell me more about the recent sighting? please give a bit more detail? And from now on since you live in a hot spot, try and put an x or something at least on the calander witht he time of day or night. Keep a acmera handy too. Thanks, Antar

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by antar
Please everyone put a timeline on your sightings. It is ok if you just have the year. Try also to remember as much 'detail' of your surroundings, was it stormy, sunny, near water, or a military base. Anything you can remember. Thankyou Antar


time:between 4:30 - 4:50 am still dark
and clear.

season: late spring, early summer, warm.

terrain: old US highway 120 west bound,
forest on either side of road.. power station
on left aprox. 1/4 mile and to the southeast
of the woods and the St. Joseph river behind
the woods to the right aprox. 400 meters and
runs parallel to the road for miles.

Military bases: nearest base, Grissom AFB
93.2 miles away.

more: This event happened nearly 12 years ago and I remember it like it happened this morning (vividly).

The old gf of mine came to visit me at work one day about 6 years ago before she moved back to Cali. I asked her to recount the incident to me in her own words (hadn't seen her in years and I wanted to make sure I wasnt crazy, that at least one other human being SAW WHAT I SAW!)

She described my memory to the letter. I cannot say if the craft was extraterrestrial or not in origin, I did not see any "little green men" waving out a porthole, nor did the craft land (that i know of?!) I do not believe I was abducted or experienced missing time. I DO feel that somehow I "heard" their thoughts or they "answered" mine, weird I know but then again so was this experience....

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 06:46 PM
Ive seen one, many years ago. Not sure exactly what it was, wether extraterrestrial, man made or natural but the memory of it has stayed with me for a long time.
I posted my experience here if your interested.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 07:01 PM
Ok so far we all have no doubt about our encounters, you can read about the subject and want to see something in the sky so badly that even a distant sattalite or bright star can play tricks on the mind and the senses. BUT there is a difference.
And something else we share is the fact that you never forget. I cannot count or remember all of the times I have watched something abnormal in the sky only to discount it or think Im not sure. But every single encounter is locked into my memeory as if it was yesterday. Odd little fact.
Also The timelines are intersesting because we all seem to have our first sightings early and then again within the past 10 years or so. Many have again seen something recently within the past 2 years.
One more point I would like to bring up is that it does feel like they know we see them. They do not seem threatened by us in any way. At first I personally thought, well they know I am not a credible source, and even if I did come forward I would be debunked.
I am not so sure anymore. Lets hope that many more can join our discussion and let some of the facts pull themselves together. The common threads.
I appreciate the fact that everyone on this post has been very open and honest, and that we are continuing to write about our experiences with out reprisal, attack or debunking.
Is it possible that we will know what to do or not to do in the event of an Alien Showing? We can discuss later in this thread some of the possible choices and potential outcomes. Antar

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 07:29 PM
well, thats my strange stuff.
I was young, and children seem to be able to percieve things adults can't. The last strange experience I had was viewing 2 weeks in advance a horrible accident which came true. I viewed the aftermath of a terrible facial injury that happened to my girlfriend at the time.
I guess you just have to have an open mind sometimes, then this stuff will find you.

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