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"If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?"

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posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 11:33 AM
Well, here I am.

The picking up part is moving along, I see. More and more fleet sightings!

I am in a much better energy field, where I am now. There sure are a lot of people, for being so close to wilderness. Being surrounded by good people is soothing to the soul.

ATS - that thing on ozone, though I havn't watched the whole thing yet, sounds good.

I have had accupuncture, been given a quartz crystal, my finger came more back to life from the stroke, the other day, and times are on the upswing for me.

"It, takes courage to walk out on faith." Do we need to keep our courage up?

The next thing to tacle is to rid your body of candita. A thick gooey infection that clogs your energy chanels. The more your energy is allowed to flow, the healing will take place within your own body.

I do believe I am reaching a new awareness! We have more power than we know. We have been kept under the thumb of oppression. You think you live in a free world. There is nothing free here.

So, get rid of the "yeast" folks. Here is to health!

I don't know if the abduction, dna transfer, reproduction thing has grounds. I was here 25 years ago, feeling like there had been abductions, vivid wet dreams with no sperm evidence, beings in the bedroom at night, and the whole gambit of stuff. Now, I keep seeing young men that look like I did at 25. How weird is that?

K - I will stop now.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 05:18 AM
win 52 made a post in this thread yesterday that did not post in the thread until my entry just now posted. For some reason, Cyber_Wasp, win 52 and I have made posts that have been delayed by as much as several minutes to, in win 52's case, over a day.

Thank you for sharing, win!!

You said,

...I keep seeing young men that look like I did at 25.

This sounds like someone I know...ahaha

Glad to hear you're enjoying your adventure. As far as the fleet sightings, ufocasebook has some more good ones on their Video Page.

I also wanted to share a few more videos I found recently. First, there are three videos that show a strange, nighttime contrail/vapor trail which it has been speculated may be simply missile tests, but may also be some sort of gateway/portal/wormhole.

The first video is from Sept. 2006. The second video from April 2007; and the third video from May 2007. I'll let you decide. All three of these trails differ so greatly that I can see how one could wonder...

Only slightly related is a ufocasebook video I found from a case in June 2007. A woman in Phoenix, AZ, actually videotaped (with her cell phone I believe) a ufo appearing in the night sky, and then a la Close Encounters of the Third Kind, actually flying right over traffic. I think it's an amazing video.

Cyber, speaking of videos, I have only seen theufokid's garage video once or twice, but haven't seen anything. Will take another look...I have a feeling something's there, but I have to look again...

I'll check out the vid links you just posted too. As far as forbidden archeology is concerned, you can probably find a lot of good sites. Crystalinks has a good ET/UFO Page with some of this same sort of information.

TD and I are doing another radio show this Friday, October 12, at 10:30pm Eastern Standard Time at Nowlive.

Thank you, win, for checking in, and everyone else, hope you make some discoveries this week!!

P.S. I wanted to add two more anomaly photos I took a week or so ago, that I hadn't inspected until now.

The first photo shows what looks like it could be one object, or three, hiding behind a cloud.

The second photo shows this same area a minute or so later with only two objects; one of them really bright...

I put the above photos in the Photo Gallery at TD's website. Both TD and I have captured, and continue to capture, some strange stuff in the sky over us...

If you are ever so inclined, I would suggest taking sky shots to see what you come up with...


[edit on 10-10-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 10-10-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 07:21 AM
Hey Win52, OnTheDeck, TD & ATSGUY !!!!!!

Mr Win52, are you able to go into any more detail on clearing up Candita from the system. I want to get rid of all of it. I need to open my Energy channels a bit more.

Speaking of sick. Doesn't this page make you sick. I saw in another thread.
The question is - Don't the people who are responsible for this have to breathe the same air as us, as well?
Is the sky near you guys really this bad? We don't get this here. Sometimes there might be one but that’s about it. Looking at it makes me just as angry as hiding the free energy.
One of my favourite things that TD said in a show was how the people that are responsible for this will be spending a lot of time locked in a room breathing in all the chemicals. That was classic TD the way that he said it.

I noticed the delay with the post as well OTD.
I had a look at it the other day when one of mine did not appear. From what I could work out the time that is attached to it when you post it, somehow gets different to the time as set in your members centre for local time. So the post appears when the time that was attached to it comes around.
Hehehehe now I have really confused you

Those links where cool. We really have to have a video camera handy at all times.
It is awesome that you are still getting anomalous pictures too. How many megapixels is your camera?
I have had thoughts to focus around clouds that have an interesting shape for some reason. Conditions have not been right for this on the weekends lately for taking photos of this, but when they are I will give it a go.

Whoohoooooo !!!!!!! November 18-19 is the next consciousness shift according to the Mayan Callander. We are counting down.
I think we are about to see some more action. Having kids that go all silent on you when they are playing around the home means they are up to no
I think that this is happening right now in the world.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:33 AM
Cyber, I just wanted to respond to your contrail/chemtrail post.

A couple of observations. First, these pervasive and unusual streams took an almost complete hiatus from, it seems, July/August until just recently. It actually seems that they have had a slow start just recently too...

It's odd timing to me that these streams seemed to have ceased right after the Benjamin Fulford interviews, in which threats were basically issued by Asian secret societies to the powers that be. Pretty strange coincidence...

Possibly related is an article I found that suggests there have been no, or there have been few of these persistent streams over China, which may suggest that it is a strictly "Western" military/government program.

It's also very odd that during days where humidity would have virtually guaranteed jet streams that they were virtually absent. It's almost impossible to see how this cessation can easily be explained away as something other than a halt in a program of spraying...

I wanted to post, because the subject has been on my mind lately...

One final thought I had was more a speculation, and that is that I wonder if these jets are terrestrial jets, or if some are renegades, so to speak, such as the craft that theufokid has pointed out. I was wondering if this was, in fact, a program designed to get people to pay attention to the skies...A sort of primer for what is to come...This is probably off base, but I was thinking about it...

Anyway, thanks for the post, Cyber!! Good stuff...

Postscript: Cyber, you said the following,

November 18-19 is the next consciousness shift according to the Mayan Callander.

TD just informed me that his birthday is November 18...Go figure...haha

[edit on 10-10-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 10-10-2007 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 10-10-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 11:20 AM
"Those dates are correct. Tonight I will make a number of post, to let others see something. These dates are real. something has happen and started. Humans have no control of over it at this point. Well I guess I could put it this way. Human's have given up their chance to become and thus chang things. which is fine by me. I have no concern for any thing staying the way it is. if you would like i will tell you more about your dreams. I understand dreams, all dreams. I also understand why a person would have dreams, over and over again."

This was posted by someone who logged on for my birthday. I was drawn there, to that poster.

I tried to bring it up, but lost my page here. I brought the quote, but lost the info for the moment. Not sure how to work this pc yet, vista and all.

That poster talked about Oct 18 & 19 and looking to the west of the small town. I think lights of a large city would hide the effect. I also notice mountains hide the light pollution quite nicely.

K - I will go find the rest, there was not much.

Here it is, and that was all that poster wrote.

"So yes, they are here. they are always hanging out, it's easy to see them if you know how to look. they love the water and hills and green lands. But so what, there is nothing humans can do about it. Human's have not coming far enough to understand, let alone change anything that is about to happen.

You can see them in the west of the small town on June 19th or even Oct, 18 and 19th of 2007
as it was said five time ago, "and they shall come and be seen by many, for those of eyes of gold and shall know, yet those with out shall not. all and many be fallen to them, asking for help, saftey. none shall come. Look and see, into the light box and see them across, holding themselfs upon the sky, like fire unto a flame. this is a sign."

[edit on 10-10-2007 by win 52]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:30 PM
I wouldn’t ask him anything, because he wouldn’t exist…

How did I arrive at this revelation?

Simple, if time travel were ever to be ‘invented’ now or at any point in the future, we’d already know about it...

[edit on 10-10-2007 by UKRed5]


posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by OnTheDeck

I kinda have a serious question for this "time traveler", I really would like to know if we are all in serious danger of some impending "attack"?! Like nuclear war..stuff like that!

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 03:36 PM
Hi, win 52, UKRed5 and cj6!!

First, UKRed5, I sent your post to TD (the person for whom this thread was created) and he responded. You said,

I wouldn’t ask him anything, because he wouldn’t exist…

How did I arrive at this revelation?

Simple, if time travel were ever to be ‘invented’ now or at any point in the future, we’d already know about it...

I first want to say that I completely understand where you're coming from. At one point I was thinking the same thing. I had to consider, and I think you should to, that there may be reasons we haven't considered yet as to why we aren't seeing this technology, or open time travel right now. Technically, cavemen should be able to time travel, right?

I'll post TD's response,

what would make you special that you would "know" about it?
and who is "we"?
why did you bother posting if you "know"?

Don't take TD's response personally. He's asking seriously. I've learned an important lesson, and that is that the universe and everything in it exists and can perform unimaginable feats regardless of whether or not I can accept that these things are possible.

The truth is, as I've come to learn it, is that our greatest scientists haven't even come close in their educated guesses to what this universe and we are capable of. The proof, of course, will be when these things come to pass. I wouldn't, however, rule anything out as a possibility.

We are going to learn a lot about ourselves and the universe very soon. These lessons are unfolding now, and the tip of the ice berg that we have seen as a race recently has sent the scientists scratching their heads...And what information you and I (i.e., the common man) seem to bandy about like we're specialists was handed down from those same confused scientists...In fact, much of what we've been handed down was inaccurate to start with...

Keep an open mind...But even if you don't you're going to be pleasantly surprised...

Thank you for your post, UKRed5!! This wasn't a dismissive response...Only one that hopefully might open your eyes to the larger picture...There's more going on than we have been lead to believe...And more possible than we can imagine...

The story of the human race isn't a book that is going to close - it is an ever growing, ever advancing saga that is about to take an adventurous turn.

Hang in there...Hopefully you'll see some stuff that will make you reconsider what you've taken for granted for so long...

Hey, cj6!! Sent off your question and got a response,

TD responded,

yes and no, we are in danger because nothing is set in stone, but I do feel confident that any nuclear reality will be deflected or just plain blocked by the good guys this time around

I wouldnt do any victory dances yet, but I think there will be a time to dance

I don't know how much TD actually believes we're in danger...I certainly feel more confident that things are taking a turn for the better, and that we are protected as much as we may feel otherwise.

Some comments that I ran across recently that sort of opened my eyes a little more talked about the fact that we aren't the only beings that reside on this planet. This planet is home to manifold intelligent life, much of which we haven't begun to be introduced to. There are other beings on this planet with us, and we are truly restricted in how much damage we are able to cause. Take the ufo flights over U.S. and other countries' military/nuclear installations and shutting them off as an example of how much in check we really are.

The "danger" is relative. Everyone considers one thing or another threatening or dangerous. The truth is that we are headed away from all of that stuff, not toward it. The message is loud and clear - it's time to put away childish things and to grow up. And that is happening now, as win 52's post suggests, whether we like it or not...

I say dance!! There is no reason not to!!

Thank you, cj6!! We are all thinking and feeling the same thing. We're tired of these things. And our increasing awareness is making this pain all the more acute...The change is happening now...

Bonjour, win 52!! Thank you for the interesting post!! Please keep us updated on that individual's revelations...

We are living a virtual dream right now, being able to see all of these startling changes, and to see contact occur in its various forms.

I was thinking about all of the saucer craft/ufos, balls of light, triangle ships, etc., and it occurred to me that these beings are able to morph their ships into different shapes, perform various seemingly impossible aerobatics, and can vanish and appear at will, etc.

It seems, though, that large-scale contact has been restricted to this form, and to crop circles. Why hasn't it taken a different form? Of course as soon as I asked that I thought about what win 52 and Cyber said about us seeing unusual, large objects in places where they shouldn't (or couldn't) exist. The saucer/ufo thing may have worn thin. I'd like to see a change up...

I remember Cyber also mentioned something about phenomena like crop circles appearing in other landscapes...

If there are no boundaries, and we should expect the unexpected in this universe, why not change the game?

Just thinking 52, keep us posted.


posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 05:09 PM
Hey OTD & Win52

I am always amazed at this thread in how things that on on each others mind appear in thread here before we even get a chance to post them.

When I did my last post last night I was getting a message that I didn't understand at all. It was not coming through clearly. I still can't word it but it was about the contenders being a bit disparaged with the slow progress. Just when they think that things have come to a halt it was saying something about a golden glow that will let them know that things are still on track. I have no idea what it was on about so I didn't post and it was not specific enough to mention.
Then the color Gold featured in what Win52 said. Let me tell you that it is not often that this is a color you think about, but the color featured in the message.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 05:27 PM
Just to add to what I posted about our race taking a different direction I took someone else's lead and grabbed an interview Mike Quinsey did with Sheldon Nidle from on August 10, 2007.

Sheldon Nidle is a lifelong contactee, who claims to have seen ETs face to face, as well as visited their ships for years. He says his sister shares these experiences.

Sheldon currently claims to be in contact with these higher beings who, he says, are arranging a total overhaul of our governmental and economic systems through human emissaries high up in the U.S. government and elsewhere.

Proceeding these changes, in a period of about six months or so according to Sheldon, human beings will begin ascending to light ships, venturing into inner earth, and experiencing other changes as a planetwide shift occurs.

The interview runs just over fifty minutes, and is very interesting. I've referenced Sheldon Nidle before, and actually watched his DVD entitled, Landings 101. A lot of what Sheldon says is going to come to pass, TD believes will also...

Here is a link to a mediafire page (web host) where you can download the interview.

Here is a link to a savefile page I created you can use to download the same interview.

I got the first link from a paoweb page where there is a link to another earlier interview with Sheldon conducted by Dr David Kamnitzer on June 10, 2007.

I believe Sheldon to be a credible individual, but this is obviously without scientific validation...

I leave it up to the listener...

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:12 PM
Something to watch.

Japan has a satellite with high def cameras that has just arrived in orbit at the moon for research.
I wonder if we will be getting to see any of the pictures it takes.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 07:59 PM

this is a question for TD

We Made a little Team, you could say, at the first few pages of this post, What is going to happen with this, was it just a little post saying hey, ill do something although idk what it is, or was it actually meaningful lol.
Also, has our friend gone on any more trips recently, if so i would love to hear about them...

Well, ill be sure to post again later, farewell, lol


posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 08:10 PM
with relation to OTDs post i searched up more info on Sheldan Nidle and found that he had some interviews on Google, i think they are the same ones otd has listed but there are more...

Galactic Federation Contactee Sheldan Nidle interview with Mike Quinsey of bbs radio. -For extensive information on how involved and ... all » detailed this whole ascension process is please take a look at the link below: The interview covers these following topics : The photon belt, Earth and human ascension process, Earth Shift, Global density (dimensional) shift, Nuclear Prevention, Light Workers, Fully conscious beings, Moon hollow satellite, Moon bases, Apolo 11, Space travel, Inner surface world, Admiral Byrd, Earth Portals, Alien craft shapes Gigantic mother ships, Holographic theaters , 2012, UFO, Global Change, Alien Agenda, Space ships, Illuminate. You Can Read the Galactic Federations weekly updates at «

Sheldan Nidle interview by Mike Q part 1

interview with Dr. Davis

and here is some other vids/interviews with Sheldon they are only 2 pages in Google


AMAzing interview...its all about the shift/mass landing #$&@&*@ awesome thanks for it OTD


i almost fell over when he said that people all over the world will judge the blockers...lool

guys check that stuff out peace

Also maybe it might be possible to have a interview with Sheldon's, if you can contact him it would be a really cool interview him and td.

[edit on 10-10-2007 by ATSGUY]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:23 PM
with relation to my last post i kinda went all over the place, but i narrowed it down and got all the correct interviews that Sheldon did...really amazing stuff and everything goes with what td is saying.

Galactic Federations = ufo increadible interview with mary

Interview with David Kamnitzer 3

Interview with Chyrene Pendeton 2

Interview with Mike Quinsey 1

great stuff

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:28 PM
Hi, schmidty_beleives!!

Just wanted to post a response TD sent to me for you. You asked,

Original post by schmidty_beleives
We Made a little Team, you could say, at the first few pages of this post, What is going to happen with this, was it just a little post saying hey, ill do something although idk what it is, or was it actually meaningful lol.

TD responded,

to answer Schmidty on ATS:
If you mean volunteer, of course its meaningful, but please clarify if that is what you mean.

I am having a little trouble figuring out what you mean, can you please be more clear about "our friend", do you mean time traveler?

From the start, TD had this idea that he was seeking volunteers; to time travel, go on missions, aid in the changes that unfold, etc. It wasn't something he did on a lark.

He was sincere in asking and, I'll admit, I was reluctant to pursue that avenue, because it might undermine his credibility in peoples' eyes. At this point, it's all game. If there's something he wants to come out and say he'll say it, and it's going to be left for each to decide for him or herself.

The little "Team" you are referring to has grown greatly since this thread opened. Except neither TD nor I are contacting - nor have we been contacted by, any of these people. I actually have developed a sort of belief that folks that are involved in these things now, may have agreed to become involved either before they were born, or some how on another level...There's a lot more to our lives than meets the eye...

Go team!! ahah

Hi, ATSGUY!! Great job with the videos!! I intend to take a peek at them when I get done with other stuff...Hopefully this week will be my last really busy week for at least a week or so...I haven't had time to take a breath...

Just want to give a shout out to win 52, TD, Cyber, GENERAL EYES, syrinx, all of the new posters/readers, the volunteers *secret hand signal* KIDDING! I'm kidding...And everyone else!!

If you want to hear the radio show tomorrow night, Friday, Oct. 12, it's at 10:30pm Eastern Standard Time. It's at

I want to share this quickly. I've had a LOT of helicopter activity over my house the last two weeks - a LOT!! Just an observation...Another observation...Well, you know...The CLOCK! Still seeing, in particular, 11:11...Could be nothing...Could be...More...hehe

I bet win 52's out in the woods somewhere...Eating some beef jerky...Sitting in front of a crackling fire...It's gotten really cold out there fast. Today it dropped about fifteen degrees or so from yesterday. Was chilly...

Actually, now that I think about it, the weather's chilly on the east coast...It's jacket weather...Good weather for a concert...*cough* *cough* hahaha

Hope you all feel alive. Anticipatory...You never know what's around the next corner...

OK, see you folks on the other side...

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 05:40 AM
Thank you for your response OnTheDeck!

My statement is a paradox that requires a little thinking about…

Simply put, if I were to be given a time machine tomorrow, I’d have to think about what time period/s I’d like to visit, a few that I can think of right now are as follows,

1) The dinosaurs, more specifically around the time they were wiped out.
2) The birth of Christ.
3) Through the life time of Nostradamus.
4) The birth of Hitler.
5) 8/11/2001, the day before 911.
6) The day before I met my ex-wife.

As a caring intelligent human being, from the list above, at the very least I’d shoot Hitler shortly after being born.

For me in the past, Hitler is born and I know he grows up to commit genocide on a massive scale, then I shoot him.

For everyone past that point (including myself), Hitler becomes a news paper clipping in the Austrian Times ‘baby shoot at birth’ and history as you (didn’t) know it is completely re-written.

There is your first paradox! The instant I shoot Hitler, do I know who he is? Afterall, he didn’t exist in my version of history. I didn’t learn about him in school, he was shot by some unknown assailant in Austria the 20th of April 1889.

Come to think of it, what am I doing in 1889?! Where am I?!

What really bakes your noodle, you wouldn’t have travelled back in time to Austria in 1889, according to your recollection of history Hitler was shot and you have no knowledge of WWII!

Think about it…

In any case Hitler was shot and WWII never happened… but it did.

History is littered with events such as WWII. Surely if you were in the possession of a time machine you’d want to change something, take a picture of Jesus being born or leave your mark somewhere to prove without a shadow of a doubt you were there??

Hence my statement ‘we’ as in ‘us’ would already know, an un-escapable paradox…

As for time travel itself, light is a physical entity that can be measured.

If you were able to instantaneously ‘jump’ from any given point in space to the speed of light and look out of your window, time would ‘appear’ to stand still.

If, as some sections of these boards suggest (which I have a completely open mind about) there are alien technologies available that allow ‘faster’ than light speed. Then time would ‘appear’ to go backwards.

Think of 2 light particles on a race track, you control one of them and nature is controlling the other. Both set off at the same time (time appears to stand still), you decide to put your foot down and leave nature for dust (time appears to go backwards).

As for actually being able to interact with ‘old’ time, I can’t say.

In reality we already have one very good time machine, the Hubble Deep Field telescope. Hubble looks back in time almost on a daily basis.

As a psychic medium I am fully aware there is infinitely more to the universe than our primitive minds can possibly conceive at present. However, I firmly believe the answer to ‘life the universe and everything’ is so intrinsically simple we just can’t see it, a complicated simplicity you might say

As far as alien ‘faster’ than light travel is concerned, I find the possibility of contacting an alien species that travels through space in a straight line (all be it very fast) low tech and disappointing to be honest.

As the universe is anywhere between 10 and 156 billion light years in diameter, you’d have to travel infinitely faster than light to make it a viable option for travel, even if you just wanted to ‘galaxy’ hop.

Bending space/time seems to be the way to go. That way you can travel interstellar distances in a few minutes. The very thing they are hoping to do at the ATLAS project in CERN next year.

Indeed, very interesting times. I for one can’t wait to see the advances in knowledge and technology ATLAS will bring.

My eyes are truely open.

Kind regards,


[edit on 12-10-2007 by UKRed5]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 05:56 AM

I have been sitting on this for 2 weeks.
It is what I will call a WTF file.
For all intensive purposes I will call it a story as I will understand if you think I am nuts.

For a good two months or more I have had a nerve problem in a back tooth where if I put pressure on it by eating I would jump in the air with pain. Subsequently I was doing a lot of eating on one side with the occasional reminder when food strayed to the other side.
Most people would have gone to the dentist to get it sorted but I am scared of dentists in what they Then the thought of a root canal was not appealing either.

Two weeks ago on a Saturday night I went to bed and sent my awareness out as usual. On this night I received a rather detailed image of an alien that I could pick out on a line up of alien
As a description I would say humanish with a subtle nose & mouth and slightly different shaped head. Nothing to be scared of. Then I drifted off to sleep.

During the night I had the dream as posted on the 1st.

"First of all I thought the dream was of the future, but after reflection I feel that this is not the case.
You could say I visited a futuristic dentist in the
I was given a demonstration of how the technology worked and was under the thought that he was showing me this on my sons teeth. (In the dream I accepted this as my son had recently had dental work even though I did not see him there) In reality (on reflection) the teeth were not human teeth as the front ones were different shapes to ours. They had an elongated diamond shape to them. I do not recall actually seeing the subject he was showing me, nor come to think of it the dentists face was 'blurred' and I did not notice it either the whole time I was with him.
He stuck a thing in the mouth of the patient about half the size of the mirror a dentist uses and he scanned the teeth by moving it through the mouth. An image appeared as on what would be best called an invisible screen a few feet in front of the dentist/patient. The image was just floating there of the teeth as scanned. They were in much better detail than that of our xrays that we get. I remember that after he had finished he could select a tooth on the screen and see it in better detail ect. Thus things that were wrong could be looked at, and problems could be highlighted. The dentist when looking at the teeth on the floating display noticed that one had not been scanned 100% and quickly stuck the tool back behind a tooth, and said 'there' as the screen confirmed 100% detail.
Next thing I remember was my teeth starting to be scanned as I watched them appear in front of me on the floating display. The dream then faded."

The following day after lunch time a strong realization hit me as I was driving and I nearly drove off the road.
"Did you notice that you tooth had been fixed" came through to me.
Stunned I remembered having eaten breakfast and lunch with no pain. Meal time came that night and I gingerly ate with no pain. I even got a small mirror to reflect of a larger one to see if anything had been

Still perplexed, it was the night of the Rugby League Grand Final (Our Super Bowl) so I retired to my bedroom to watch the night game in peace from the family. Sitting their waiting for the game to start and I had a 'botherhood' type feeling come over me.
At the peak of this emotion I sent out a thought. Come and watch the game with me. See the physicality of two human teams slug it out with the emotion of 85,000 fans. Come and watch the game with me.
Not long after, I started to get sound and image problems on my LCD TV. Every 30 -60 seconds words were being dropped out, and the picture was getting pixelated here and there. Interference type issues. I had never had them before.
I could not sense any presence in the room. It could have been a bird sitting on the antenna or atmospheric conditions. It was just funny how it happened after the thoughts.
At half time my wife came in the room and the interference stopped. I watched the rest of the game with perfect picture / sound.

It has been now two weeks and still I am able to eat with no problem with my nerve. I am still stunned.
Did it just heal itself?, Is it mind over matter? WTF happened? Am I nuts? Nerve problems with teeth don't usually fix themselves.

During some nights since this dream I have been waking up at weird intervals. On wake up I feel I am receiving a message from them. It is so faint and subtle that I can not recall. It is like you are only receiving the last few words of a page speech.
One message I did get was the other one I posted about the man who had been missing 35-36 years. It was clear that this guy had chosen to stay with the aliens. I was still thinking WTF. Who is this for and I had never really contemplated people staying like that.
ATSGUY confirmed it to me that the message was real the very next day in his post when he commented about the people who chose to stay with the aliens in his post.

Driving to work today. Message comes to me about Pre-Contact.
Words can not describe the beings that are here now.
They are more highly advanced than we can imagine.
The lower vibrational ET beings have been moved on.
There is no more of this abduction and being woken by things standing beside your bed. They had their agenda and didn't take all the precautions that they should have.
In some ways they have made things more difficult for some.
The higher vibration beings are now checking your awareness.
It is one thing to say you are aware, but how aware?
They are subtly probing your mind to see if you are aware and recognise them.
They can instantly adjust the level of contact to the level of your awareness and mind set so as not to frighten or hinder you.
There is total control of what and how much you remember in every detail.
This is what came through to me.
In some ways you might be able to judge where your at by what extent you remember and what form the contact comes in. I am sure that you can grow things further once you make the connection.

I get to work and log in and bang
A guy saying a very similar thing.

Everything that ever comes through to me is confirmed in a day or so by someone else or by something I read.

Should I be now locked up? Am I reading too much into things?
Closes WTF file........

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 01:47 PM
Hi, Cyber, UKRed5, and the rest of the nuthouse!!

Cyber, I just read your post. There's a lot there. Excellent stuff!! I will respond more when I have time. You're not too far off base with your assessment of those events.

It's difficult to paint an exact, scientifically and irrefutably bullet proof picture of what is happening with contact, our dreams, our changing reality, etc. You're doing a good job of translating what is happening as best you can...Your posts and experiences are intriguing...

Will respond more soon...

Hi, again, UKRed5!! I was prompted to respond today because TD responded to your post already haha ... Ah, we have a psychic medium on the boards!! Welcome, tool of the devil. Kidding... I'M KIDD-ING!!

There seems to be a lot of psychic stuff floating around here...It's all good...Very good...

OK, without further ado, here are your questions with TD's "answers/opinions" (his words) in yellow bold type,

My statement is a paradox that requires a little thinking about…

Simply put, if I were to be given a time machine tomorrow, I'd have to think about which time period/s I'd like to visit, a few that I can think of right now are as follows,

1) The dinosaurs, more specifically around the time they were wiped out.
check out the first billy meier book (contact with the pliedies)

2) The birth of Christ.
yes and the death as well

3) Through the life time of Nostradamus.
I believe he was a hopeless drunk when he was found

4) The birth of Hitler.
I think the birth of his power

5) 8/11/2001, the day before 911.
I think its more like two weeks prior when they wired the building up

6) The day before I met my ex-wife.
I feel like that too but I made a promise to my future kids

As a caring intelligent human being, form the list above, at the very least I'd shoot Hitler shortly after being born.

For me in the past, Hitler is born and I know he grows up to commit genocide on a massive scale, then I shoot him.

to me these things must happen when the crime is commited, no pre mature strikes because then you are the criminal

For everyone else past that point, right up to the present, Hitler instantly becomes a news paper clipping in the Austrian Times 'baby shoot at birth' and history as you (didn't) know it is completely re-written.

There is your first paradox! The instant I shoot Hitler, do I know he is? He didn't exist in my version of history, I didn't learn about him in school, he was shoot by some unknown assailant in Austria the 20th of April 1889. Come to think of it, where am I? What am I doing here?!

that could be your own undoing as well with such a change in the world, think about it.

In any case Hitler was shot and WWII never happened… but it did.

History is littered with events such as WWII. Surely if you were in the possession of a time machine you'd want to change something, take a picture of Jesus being born or leave your mark somewhere to prove without a shadow of a doubt you were there??

yes leaving marks is good, but like I said, a major change could erase yourself or other family or friends of yours

Hence my statement 'we' as in 'us' would already know, it's an un-escapable paradox…

As for time travel itself, light is a physical entity that can be measured.

If you were able to instantaneously 'jump' from any given point in space to the speed of light and look out of your window, time would 'appear' to stand still.

of course, I call it hyper speed or hyper space

If, as some sections of these boards suggest (which I have a completely open mind about) there are alien technologies available that allow 'faster' than light speed. Then time would 'appear' to go backwards.

Think of 2 light particles on a race track, you control one of them and nature is controlling the other. Both set off and the same time (time appears to stand still), you decide to put your foot down and leave nature for dust (time appears to go backwards).

As for actually being able to interact with 'old' time, I can't say.

just think of him (or her) as a twin (time twin) but remeber it IS you

In reality we already have one very good time machine, the Hubble Deep Field telescope. Hubble looks back in time almost on a daily basis.

hubble is still primative to me

As a psychic medium I am fully aware there is infinitely more to the universe than our primitive minds can possibly conceive at present. However, I firmly believe the answer to 'life the universe and everything' is so intrinsically simple we just can't see it, a complicated simplicity you might say

I have said this on my radio show, if someone asked me "why are we here"? my answer is to live life to the fullest, and asking how we got here in general, my answer is, well we are here arent we.

UKRed5, these are points that we have brought up. TD definitely feels like some things cannot be altered...He said he remembers trying to alter certain events to no avail, and just resigned himself to the fact that some things "must" happen...

There's a lot more I've learned since I met TD that I could respond further to your post with...When I get time I would like to add what I've understood from TD about his experiences and the paradoxes (and lack of them) regarding time travel...

For example, some of the things TD suggests happened might directly conflict with what we think we understand about our universe...Of course if that universe is "pliable" (i.e., not as concrete as we think), then anything is possible...

Thank you, UKRed5, for your post!! The subject of altering our past to affect a positive future comes up immediately with time travel...We're not done talking about that aspect of it. Not by far...I would like to know more about the mechanics of all of this; and think we will soon...

I would like to ask you a question though, UKRed5. What sort of psychic medium are you? Like what sort of experiences, or abilities do you have? Also, have you received any messages, or guidance with regard to the folks here, or with regard to what we are sharing? Just curious.

Thanks again!!

See you soon...


P.S. I wanted to share that I took ATSGUY's suggestion and emailed Sheldon Nidle, asking if he would like to do a radio show/interview with TD and myself...He may get a lot of email, so it could take some time to get a response...Will share the results when I hear back...

[edit on 12-10-2007 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 03:41 PM

In my last post I talked about the ‘Hitler’ paradox. If shooting Hitler at birth would brandish me a criminal, then so be it.

‘The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one’

For me, it’s not the sheer number of people that died during WWII that would motivate me to kill Hitler, even if that meant my own demise. Every person dies for one reason or another eventually, that’s a foregone conclusion. It’s the way they died that disturbs me greatly.

You can simplistically argue, what if something happens to him as a boy this time round and he dies? You’ve killed an innocent person! Answer: Not possible, you’ve time travelled from a future where Hitler lived and WWII happened.

The world would be a very different place, of that there is no doubt. I used Hitler as a simplistic example of how a paradox is brought about. There is absolutely no way to prevent a paradox, even if you don’t ‘change’ anything. Merely observing some science experiments can influence the outcome, hence ‘merely’ travelling through time could create a paradox AKA the ‘butterfly’ and subsequent ‘causality’ effects.

Is there life beyond the earth? That is a mathematical certainty…I use the word ‘life’ in very broad terms, single celled bacteria to the hyper intelligent with us somewhere between.

I don’t want to ramble on about my own experiences and abilities. As far as getting messages about some of the people posting on ATS, no messages, but some of the posts I’ve read on the forums are screaming for psychiatric assessment.

I’m struggling with your definition of a concrete universe? You say ‘if’ our universe is ‘pliable’ anything is possible. Not to put you down, but your understanding of our universe is evidently lacking. Quite simply we don’t live in a concrete, linier universe.

Space and time are ‘pliable’ mathematically hypothesized and subsequently proven decades ago. I can prove that, right here and now…


If TD is in possession of technology and knowledge that would allow time travel, getting around our current understanding of how the universe works, I’d dearly like to have a chat with him!!

But of course I know he wont, cause if he did I’d already know!

Kind regards,


[edit on 12-10-2007 by UKRed5]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 04:28 PM
The butterfly effect,

The butterfly effect is a phrase that encapsulates the more technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory. Small variations of the initial condition of a nonlinear dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behaviour of the system. So this is sometimes presented as esoteric behaviour, but can be exhibited by very simple systems, for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill might roll into any of several valleys depending on slight differences in initial position.

The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado to appear (or prevent a tornado from appearing). The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different.

The concept of the butterfly effect is sometimes used in popular media dealing with the idea of time travel, usually inaccurately.

Most time travel depictions simply fail to address butterfly effects. According to the actual theory, if history could be ‘changed’ at all (so that one is not invoking something like the Novikov self-consistency principle which would ensure a fixed self-consistent timeline), the mere presence of the time travellers in the past would be enough to change short-term events (such as the weather) and would also have an unpredictable impact on the distant future, so that no one who travels into the past could ever return to the same version of reality he or she had come from and could have therefore not been able to travel in time, which would create a phenomenon known as time paradox.

Novikov self-consistency principle,

According to this hypothesis, the only possible timelines are those which are entirely self-consistent, so that anything a time traveller does in the past must have been part of history all along, and the time traveller can never do anything to prevent the trip back in time from being made since this would represent an inconsistency.

The butterfly effect + Novikov’s theory = time loop.

Kind regards,


[edit on 12-10-2007 by UKRed5]

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