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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Hey Sleeper !!!!!!!

I wonder if you can help me with the most puzzling mystery of the universe. That is Pens. Millions are produced all the time and yet we never see one reach the end of its life and run out of ink.
Do the Et's have a fetish for them? They are always disappearing around the office and at home. Always having to get new ones.

Also does Milton like to collect things? (Besides food) We all have a soft spot for something and collect them. What do Et's like to collect?

Who would have thought intelligent beings would travel light years for pens and socks? Stranger things do happen---

You have spoken often about the Utopian type planets. Taking the life forms and technology aside how does a Utopian Planet differ from Earth as in the way of plants and scenery? What would be the difference between them and some of the untouched areas of National Parks that are around the world?

The main difference is that the bugs and animals don’t bother the people, the flora and fauna are exquisite

Are any of the Planets in this Solar System categorised as a Utopian Planet? Which One(s)?

No utopia planets in this solar system but there are cities on and orbiting some of the planets that are utopia in flavor.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by chutso_ha

No matter the door or gate one opens we have the power to shut it if we chose assuming we didn’t sign any binding contracts

eh hum... you said before we could change the contract any time. how does one enter into a "binding contract" - in what does it constitute?

We can change our life journey but if we surrender completely to hate evil and envy to the point that those vices own us, the quagmire is more difficult to extract from

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 10:13 AM
Hello sleeper!

Just want to ask you if Earth is hollow as some people keep saying. Is it true?

And what about the Sun, do people live there?

Cheers, Pericle

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by chutso_ha
Yes, I understood that there was some device wrapped around his intestinal tract and lungs to keep him alive. But he sounded fairly lobotomized. What is the purpose of this? Is it to operate the human or place someone else in it?

The soul was released from that body and allowed to move forward or wherever it was to go to next.

Although human bodies mostly never are reused they allowed some to be use for training purposes

Is the pain needed to look at hormonal responses and neuron pathways? Or is it something more psychological?

Something comes to mind here: a lot of women give birth without anaesthesia - by preference - even after their first birth. My mother said it was the most painful thing that ever happened to her and also the most beautiful and that she'd never trade that pain for all the riches in the world.

Both psychological and physiological pain identifies areas of distress and where work needs to be done via our cells in the physical application, and via higher or lower entities in the psychological---mind---soul zones.

And regarding the death chamber - it sounds like you are saying i went from one life right to the next without any holiday in between - either that, or i was just visiting the ship in a death chamber as a test?

Many go from one life to the next without a “vacation” between---because not all of us earn a vacation

why would they put me in that room if i was only visiting? more importantly, how do i avoid that place when i die??? i want the white light and the friendly relatives to come greet me and all the fun stuff. i don't want to be in isolation in a sterile place like that.

Sometimes those relative are the ones who take us to the holding pen, so we see them only briefly---which sucks big time.

The things that keep us from those hellish deals is a clean nose, a good soul, a happy soul, gets us out of the loop and into real life

But this life is very slippery and very deceiving, luring us to the flypaper of envy, selfishness and hate---being good is not cool and very difficult to hold on too when everyone around us are asses and we try and emulate them.

Misery loves company and we run to misery because that’s the cool thing to do

That straight and narrow road we often hear about and gleefully pass by is the only road that will lead us away from the quagmire and into pure delight.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 10:56 AM
Hello Sleeper, it is truly great to see you posting again. I was worried we had seen the 'last' Sleeper post. Which lead me to worry about what John would say or do when we set up an orphanage on his thread....constantly raising our hands and asking questions about the moon being made of cheese.
I have a feeling he would have taken care of us.

Your subtle hints to bigfoot on mars back in May thats awesome!! ...sheesh, there are so many posts that after reading them, I think to, he's subtling trying to tell us something. To quote Izarith qouting Dan Randolph, "double dammnit!"
I need to reread some posts. I wish I had a smart question to ask you, like alot of the posters, but alas.
I am having a hard time wiping the grin off my face. I am just glad to be here. Been very happy lately....Dr said it should pass. I wanted to exercise and get in shape for some cross country hang gliding this summer....I had to lay down until that feeling passed too.

Anyways I am really glad your back and hope your break was restful.

Ooooo OOooo I got one ...I got one (question) You mentioned waaay back that ET's had some, however small, interest in that because of their ability to travel extra-dimensionally? umm okay they dont do that. Or the fact that they fly so double-damn fast...mmk they dont really do that either...
Fixed-wingers (airplane pilots) have a saying, "helicopters don't fly, there so ugly the earth just rejects them." ...that sounds like anti-gravity to me.
It may sound out of this world but I fly one that has a siren on it. A helicopter with a siren on it....who'd a thunk it.

glad your back and hello to Milton,

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by coinowl
Hi Sleeper and others,
All the hours of my day go very quickly so Im lucky that eventually someone else asks questions that I have.

Sleeper, in a recent post you said "Earth is like grade school with many different grades. But for most it is pure prison and no learning will take place for those souls."

For those in that situation, where is the out? Do they serve their time here and then depending on past performance advance to a learning environment with hope for better things?
Please explain.

Once they do their time they get sent back to first grade and given more chances and challenges. We all get a bunch of opportunities before they give up on us.

First grade is not a nice place and is more like Marine Corps basic training that can last a lifetime---

Most souls eventually get sick and tired of sucky lives and change their attitudes believe it or not.

It’s all in the attitude, good attitude regardless of life situation is the only way out----nothing else is acceptable.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Coming up on 7k posts, so has Sleeper come clean on anything that a good imagination could not produce?

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 11:21 AM
Originally posted by Xtrozero

Coming up on 7k posts, so has Sleeper come clean on anything that a good imagination could not produce?

Yes. You may have heard a slight 'zing' as it flew over.

Thanks for the post.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by kj6754
Hi slepper, I have some questions.

Is it possible that some souls serve no purpose then to continuously inhabit physical bodies?

Hi kj

Physical bodes is a short ride in the big picture, and the physical we are familiar with here on earth is only another level of ethereal

Is it possible for a soul to inhabit a physical body one time before being destroyed after death?

There are many other process involved before a soul hits the trash compactor

So in other words is it true when they say "You only live once" or "you only get one shot.."

Has no other meaning than yeah right---
some people only wish it were that easy because they know not what a fantastic gift life is.

For the most part is the process by which souls enter physical bodies a systematic process where there is no "choice" or "reason" involved?

There is always a reason, and sometimes a choice

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by pak88
Sleeper, I once heard through the grapevine that all the Grey aliens and some Nordics on earth now and before, from Orion were a abomination---and that they were trying to use earth as a soul farm, to use human souls' as a energy source, is this true? I heard this is what certain et entities said.

Many rumors are half truths but certain souls at the beginning of this three ring circus on earth were squeezed in ways our delicate stomachs couldn’t handle and certainly could not comprehend.

I also heard that are two faction of et's, one wants to keep humans' dumb so they can exploit us and use our soul energy and one wants to free us or have us evolve into a higher soul.

Are you talking about our two political parties?---

And supposedly this has been going on since the b.c. times is this true, or are those 'certain et's' trying to create propaganda? I also heard that the ones that want to exploit us (mainly Greys)are in control now.

No one has come forward to claim who is in control of this mess---

I also heard that a big battle between both factions are near.

The battle to move souls forward is on going and never ending

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 11:53 AM

Your ability to continue despite the new thread catagory is commendable. Although I have to wonder how your other thread is still catagorized as this one used to be.....similar info, different thread.....double standards abound.....

OK, Bigfoot on Mars. Was that picture shown on the news last week really a being on a ledge or just a rock outcropping? I buy your statement but it brings more questions. I envision Bigfoots to be smelly, huge beasts.....but to think they might be much more intelligent and able to fly spacecraft is pretty cool. You hear about bigfoot encounters and how they like to throw rocks as warnings.....pretty low tech for a space riding ape!!! Do they just play the primitive man game to get by in the wild, while they're really much more sophisticated? It's interesting they might be coming here for stuff they can't get on Mars. If Mars lost it's atmosphere and they lost forests, it's interesting Bigfoots are patroling forests for stuff they can't find on Mars. I wonder what they are gathering? Pinecones, pine needles, bark beetles? Maybe moss is like a gourmet treat.

Is there a central spaceship meeting place/docking port in the Kupier belt? Or do ships do where they want and go inside our solar system? Like maybe the big ships stay on the outside of the solar system? I've heard rumors that many are gathering out there for unknown purposes?

As mankind grows in technology and eventually travels out into the solar system, at what point will it be obvious to our planet that we're not alone. Will we have some form of disclosure before we begin exploring our solar system? Or will we continue to be kept in the dark?

Our standard space shuttle program creates a huge amount of noise and display. Where does the secret space program take off from and how do they avoid the noise and rocket plumes? Is it easy for this stuff to be kept secret?

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by AlexDJ
Hi sleeper...Hope you are fine and Milton hope he is not sneaking your refrigerator (sounds more like gremlin type of being ..hope he doesnt trasnform after the 12 am clock after eating LOL).. Anyway i think i can sahare some dream stuff..hope i dont get you bored.

Hi Alex

That might explain why he gets freaky looking sometimes

You said that energy of love (center of the galaxy) where all the souls come from (most, created) well i remember a dream..strange one indeed, on it i see this pure white light energy around me...all around..then a small orb gets out of it (me), separated from it...and I float and lands on a very nice place like a wooden forest, big trees around great vivid colors, i remmeber see one guy (entity, man who knows) who comes and talks to me (dont remember what i talk)..and then all whent blank....I think this is how souls are born..more or less what happens in reality, (AM I right???)

The exact formula is kept in a secret vault

Remmeber the blue beigns (dont know with thousands of question you can actually remember my questions and some chatting), well i didnt told you all the story about it, he actually communicated with me (they are funny little guys)..and told me i was going to be visited by many (i supouse ET's, or Spirits, people, who knows) and that I should know who is Good and who is Bad, of course i Ask him How do i know he was good or bad (well like thinking heck maybe he could be lying and its a bad guy)...and he told me that They (blue beigns???) are neutral to this matter (my own matte i think)..anyway after that i didnt remember a heck just waking up.

Evil beings can only affect us if we play cards with them, and then want to emulate them---we hold all the cards, and we play the cards we choose to play---some of us like to cheat at cards and the evil entities love cheaters and make friends with them.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 04:28 PM
Hi Sleeper,

I had a lucid dream recently, but was only allowed to remember part of it ...

When I wake up in the dream, I am in the third person watching myself sitting on a rock in front of a man sitting on another rock in front of me talking to me. He looks like an evil warlock of some kind. Apparently he had just tried to make a deal with me about something that I have wanted for some time. I am not sure what it was that he asked from me in exchange for what I wanted (that part was blanked out of my memory) but I knew what he would give me. At that point I became first person when I answered, and I said, "No, you can't buy me like that." This warlock told me that a friend of mine had accepted the same offer, but I didn't budge. So the warlock turns around and stares at his group of people in the background who were kind of gathered in a circle and one of them yelled, "Hey lets throw her some evil!" And they all laughed pretty heartily. Then I woke up.

I haven't noticed them throwing evil at me - just the opposite, actually. Or if they are, I don't feel it. Is this part of the process of changing horses and getting on the right track?

Thanks for your input,

ps you were right about that little vibrational disturbance, too. :-)

[edit on 27/1/08 by chutso_ha]

[edit on 27/1/08 by chutso_ha] sheesh! i can't seem to spell tonight!

[edit on 27/1/08 by chutso_ha]

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 04:48 PM

One last question today - can you look at this link of a Saturn object (or objects) and give some information about this?

What is going on in the Kuiper Belt region and pluto? There seems to be a lot of activity. Something tells me 2008 is going to rock with activity.

Some drips please. pretty please? or maybe even an infusion? Or just send Milton over with a cryptogram.

As ever....


shoot - forgot the link:

[edit on 27/1/08 by chutso_ha]

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by spacevisitor
Hello Sleeper,

I thought, what the heck, I open my “Grey” basket a bit more.
This are some burning questions I have and hope that you can answer.
Thanks in advance.

This one is about our Universe.
You ones said,

“There was no Big Bang, the universe as we see it through the Hubble telescope has been here forever.”

The today’s perception of our mainstream astronomers is, and what they seeing through the Hubble telescope, that our Universe is expanding, and it looks that it’s expanding faster and faster.
Their evidence to proof that is their use of the “The Doppler Effect” what shows the so called blueshifts and redshifts exhibited by stars, galaxies and gas clouds also indicate their motions with respect to the observer.

My question is, is their view on this correct, is our universe expanding.

Hi visitor

The Doppler Effect is way off and inaccurate because it doesn’t show us the circular motion that galaxies are moving in because it can’t. This is another bit of info that will go ignored---
---but you can bet a cosmologist and perhaps an astrophysicist that reads this will run out and see if they can prove it somehow and then get the coveted Nobel prize

And if so, will this go on forever then, because as you said, there is no dark matter or dark energy that good stop this?.

The universe is like a hive of bees, the bees buzz around the hive or nucleus but some will venture off and then come back

All the dark matter in the universe is hiding between the ears

This one is about cattle mutilations.
I am convinced that most if not of all the cattle mutilations are done by an ET intelligence for some unknown purpose.
Perhaps some are done by black ops, but I am not shore of that, but maybe you can answer that to.

This mutilations are as it seams, always executed with a very precise surgical operation and as witness accounts say sometime in a very short timeframe.

My question is,
Is it realistic to assume that these mutilations where / are done at the same time by some of the instruments of where you speak in your magnificent book ”In league with a UFO”.
So, that each instrument perform its own precise surgical operation.

Yes those instrument have been used for that, I have given some of the reasons in past posts but other reasons are off limits

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by chutso_ha

There is no junk DNA, some DNA is stealth by design

Actually, it seems there is new evidence that came from The Human Genome Foundation that showed that junk DNA is actually contains extra-terrestrial material (i can find the link if anyone cares to read about it).

Sleeper, any comments on the research coming forth now and where they are trying to take it?

They don’t know how to tell the people that it’s all extraterrestrial, and they better not or they will get their helixes put where the sun don’t shine.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Pericle
Hello sleeper!

Just want to ask you if Earth is hollow as some people keep saying. Is it true?

Hi Pericle

The earth is not hollow but there are large open spaces down there---but not for human habitation, well maybe a few

And what about the Sun, do people live there?

Cheers, Pericle

There are “entities” that hang out in and around the sun, they have a higher energy field than the sun and hardly tan at all.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Vortices
Hello Sleeper, it is truly great to see you posting again. I was worried we had seen the 'last' Sleeper post. Which lead me to worry about what John would say or do when we set up an orphanage on his thread....constantly raising our hands and asking questions about the moon being made of cheese.
I have a feeling he would have taken care of us.

Hi Vortices

I called John’s bluff concerning Milton and so John threatened to come to my house with his Spring lineup---need I say more---

Your subtle hints to bigfoot on mars back in May thats awesome!! ...sheesh, there are so many posts that after reading them, I think to, he's subtling trying to tell us something. To quote Izarith qouting Dan Randolph, "double dammnit!"

That Izarith fellow seems to be having more impact on people here than I do---what’s that about!---stop it man---

I am having a hard time wiping the grin off my face. I am just glad to be here. Been very happy lately....Dr said it should pass.

No doubt, happy people don’t help pay overhead bills at the doctor’s office.

Ooooo OOooo I got one ...I got one (question) You mentioned waaay back that ET's had some, however small, interest in that because of their ability to travel extra-dimensionally? umm okay they dont do that. Or the fact that they fly so double-damn fast...mmk they dont really do that either...
Fixed-wingers (airplane pilots) have a saying, "helicopters don't fly, there so ugly the earth just rejects them." ...that sounds like anti-gravity to me.
It may sound out of this world but I fly one that has a siren on it. A helicopter with a siren on it....who'd a thunk it.

They morph their ships to look like helicopters sometimes so as not to attract attention when they uncloak and to throw off any tails

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:52 PM
Hey sleeper!

So souls come from the center of "things" or from the center of "everything"?

And when they do get created is it like being a new born baby and learning how to move around and communicate with one another? or they just automatically put all known knowledge of everything in this newly created soul?

Describe what a soul looks like? is it circular like an orb or this aura cloud of gas looking thing? or they just come in many different shapes, size and color?

P.S. "Whats the deal with everyone becoming lactose and intolerant all of sudden? Hope to hear more from ya sleeper. Thanks."

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 07:18 PM
Hey Sleeper,

Off limits. May be out of your/my curricula, but some of your posts, although cryptic, center around refrigerators and prisons.

Now this could be me just over anylizing? Refrigerators and prisons both are containers that protect things from getting rotten or keeping rotten things from rotting others..ourselves too... Okay, so forgive my stream of consciousness...LOL.

Once we get that our purpose here is to get between the ears, in control of the cards after being dealt, awareness of hate, envy, and selfishness and accepting the emotions they bring through this grade school classroom...well???.

You mentioned having a "happy soul"....

Thanks sleep,,,,that was the key for least for the past couple of days. Who is always pretty happy in there right now..when I think about past stuff,,,ewww,,,future,,,,ewww...but now is just fine.

Happy soul? Unhappy Soul,,,and where does that come from?

The Sleeper/ET message is to choose to be a happy soul and to get your motor running, head out on the highway...born to be wild...LOL

Okay, Settle down Muse,,,,

Never alone....Hmmm. Please explain faith, hope, patience and not expecting any of the above from the Et perspective?.

Hate to sound new age,,,but are we headed towards accepting and forgiving everyone and every situation before being allowed a chance to bounce off this planet?

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