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Chemtrails brainstorm.

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posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 01:24 AM
pistonzor, welcome to my ignore list you troll.

you guys are not too bright to think you won a debunk war against people who are smart enough not to try to prove anything because they took time to read the thread tittle.



[edit on 9-10-2006 by selfless]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 01:56 AM

Do you know anything about chemtrails? OK. Chemtrails were developed by Edward Teller and are basically the seeding of thousands of tons of microparticles of aluminum on the upper atmosphere to try to increase the albedo of the planet, the reflectivity of the planet, because of global warming........

Isn't Aluminium highly corrosive? That would seriously mess up jet engines.

Iblis you contribute nothing to ATS, i gave you a chance by thinking you were just a skeptic but now i see that all you do is insult others and comment on their spelling errors.

You are a troll it's as simple as that.

Welcome to my ignore list.

Give me a break, his posts are highly logical in my opinion.

Exactly, and how is it that these chemtrails end up in patterns? Because they are intentional! Chemtrails are real!

Do a search for navaids. Also why start saying 'chemtrails are real' it's like your trying to convince yourself.

Good point, every time i see chemtrails being made there are some commercial planes that flys near by and their contrails disipate like 20 seconds afterwards.

Diferant altitude?

Everything I have said is backed up with scientific fact. Try it some time.

Amen to that.

Those of you who are trolling on this thread, and it's obvious you are or you wouldn't be so rude and arrogant to the rest of us who are exploring this phenomena, can just go start your own thread about the ignorant conspiracy theorist instead of ruining this thread.

Ok, that's exactly what I'll do. Just let me quote everyone.

from the fact that alot of us are seeing and experiencing something that just isn't right.

That's no reason to say the air is poisoned and it's the governments fault now is it?

Next: Anyone who disagrees with you isn't trolling. The fact is, you're not exploring anything. You're blowing hot-air, and we're here to suppress it.

So, you're saying Turbine fuel and my car-gasoline are one and the same? ..

The fuel is almost the same. And no MOST of the time piston engines don't have the power to reach contrail altitude.

You my friend, are not an F-16 pilot, you are a fake!

Meh, it dosn't matter. All his posts are valid.

When I first noticed them back in 1999, that same year there was this spider web like material covering the entire car lot of over 400 cars.

Dosn't mean it had anything todo with unually long contrails

Look there bubba we all know what creates a contrail.

No, someone thought otherwise.

Another point is when they are spotted at the horizon. If something is at 28,000 feet of altitude, and can be seen on the horizon, if you do the math it is over 200 miles away. It is basic triginometry, something you learned in navigation class. You cant see 200 miles through the atmosphere with the naked eye. Therefore the object needs to be at a much, much lower altitude. I have seen chemtrails that are below clouds that were at 12,000 feet. How do you form a contrail below 12,000 feet?

You form a contrail with cold air not with altitude. It is unusual to form a contrail at 12000 feet though.

Edit to add: Affirmitive Reaction, you stated that you are a tanker pilot of over twenty years of service? What in the heck is an educated 40 something year old man stating location "NUNYA (could be chillin' at the kwaj lodge!)" NUNYA and chillin' for some reason doesnt sound like something a 40 year old would say. I think you may be in the service because you know about the Kwajelien atol in Hawaii but I doubt you are a middle aged man.

rofl. You don't seem like a lone gunman either. Also I can tell you now, Affirmitive Reaction KNOWS what he's talking about.

OMG!! Wrong! Contrails do not form at any altitude there guy. We are not talking about seperating the air from the water at exterme speed at a high angle of attack! We are talking about condensation trails created by jet-turbine and turbofan engines, are we not?

You stuck your size 12 right in your mouth!

Actually they can, very rare though. Also, how can you even see something on the horizon at 12000 feet? Chemtrail or not, that is hard.

Finally a Chemtrail beleiver with a good point

Look buddy why dont you go polish the "body" of you aircraft, I think a storm scraped it...

Look buddy why don't you go drive very slow to a fire? Only joking thanks for saving lives. But that dosn't really have anything todo with chemtrails.

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

OMG!! Wrong! Contrails do not form at any altitude there guy. We are not talking about seperating the air from the water at exterme speed at a high angle of attack! We are talking about condensation trails created by jet-turbine and turbofan engines, are we not?

You stuck your size 12 right in your mouth!

Wrongo, "bubba". Contrails aren't only created by aircraft engines, they are also created by flight control surfaces. You should learn your science before you enter a conversation and put YOUR foot in your mouth. I have looked out the sextant port at only 23,000 feet and seen a contrail forming at the trailing edge of my wingtip where my fuel dump mast is located. Also, on takeoff, my C-130 (told you I didn’t fly tankers, didn’t I?) props will, especially on a humid day (remember moisture?) create spiral contrails under high power settings that corkscrew back several feet. Disruption of airflow causes a pressure differential, thus causing the aforementioned CONDENSATION, more noticeable at colder temps.

You are incorrect that contrails cannot be formed at lower altitudes, but then, being a firefighter, you haven’t done as much flying as I have, now have you?

Again, do your homework before you come at me. You embarrass yourself...

Oh, and BTW...I wear size 10.5

I have seen that, it's AMAZING! And to prove that it's real for other people:

[edit on 9-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by selfless
pistonzor, welcome to my ignore list you troll.

you guys are not too bright to think you won a debunk war against people who are smart enough not to try to prove anything because they took time to read the thread tittle.



[edit on 9-10-2006 by selfless]

How am I ignorant? Oh wait you blocked me. Ummm, well I'll let someone else answer for you.

You are ignorant, you ignore all facts about weather, jets, and other things, yet you persist. It's really pethetic and sad that people have to ignore people just for proving them wrong. It really is, pethetic.

[edit on 9-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 02:10 AM

so you know tens of thousands of workers at airports no you dont so stop lying

I have met and asked more than 25 of them. If a few of them workers did leak out information, the whole world would know, or atleast the 25 people I've met.

so you know the people at Boeing
I have taken a tour of Paine and met quiet a few, I asked each and every one about it. If a few of them workers did leak out information, the whole world would know, or atleast the feww people I've met.

and what about the other people who do know about weather and aircrafts who believe in chemtrails

Ummm, well, there aren't many are there? The other people talk about other stuff.

"I have already proved that jets often fly in grid patterns because of VORs."
wheres the evidence

Do I really need to find information about jet liners? Search about VORs for a start.

"There is no proof of chemtrails except for one ramper email which is be fake, and that is exacerbated by the fact that I've seen fake, photoshopped pictures of chemtrails."
what email are you talking about?
i gave you the evidence but you have not said anything about because you did not read it

The ramper email was from someone who worked at an airport. He discovered extra pipes in a plane, and was obviously fake.

"It's more like, there is no evidence supporting Chemtrails except for fake crap spouted out by a bunch of weird individuals."
Mods this guy needs to be warned

I wasn't talking about you, nor most people of this site.

what did you bring to this thread i think you should read the authors first post again

this is my last post to you since i dont want to banned from this wonderful site


posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 05:13 AM
thank you people for taking this thread to hell

you haven't changed anyones mind you just made a big nuisance we still see the CHEMTRAILS believe in our government theres no problem with it they don't hide anything theyre all such cheery honest chaps aren't they ???

Why do you think the empoyees at boeing do the spreading ??
are there no air force bases ??
are there no top secret installations with research with god knows what??

I thank you again for your blind squawking

Close your eyes and open your mouth science says its not there

[edit on 9-10-2006 by Dhaerma]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 05:40 AM

you haven't changed anyones mind you just made a big nuisance we still see the CHEMTRAILS believe in our government theres no problem with it they don't hide anything theyre all such cheery honest chaps aren't they ???

I never said that, I said that this has nothing to do with the government.

Why do you think the empoyees at boeing do the spreading ??
are there no air force bases ??
are there no top secret installations with research with god knows what??

Well, to do the amount of 'spraying' people say, it must be commercial aircraft, there isn't enough military flights for that kind of operation. Also don't you think people would notice thousands of military aircraft taking off and landing everywhere?

It's a common part of the myth that it's commerical aircraft too.

You're blind squarking because it dosn't take Einstein to realise the above without someone telling them.

[edit on 9-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by selfless
Thank you guys for ruinning this thread you litterly hijacked it and now it's not worth jack.

You guys have no respect for this board and no respect for the people on it.

I tend to think it might be the reverse. (sorry) is a free and open environment where the only restrictions are those of the Terms and Conditions. If you're going to start a thread about one of the most controversial "conspiracy" subjects such as chemtrails, you need to be prepared for contrary opinions.

The motto of "Deny Ignorance" implies we embrace truth and reality in whatever form. The intent of this thread should have been to get to the bottom of chemtrails with an attitude that embraces both sides of the equation. The goal for such a discussion would be to encounter the probable reality, and for participants to accept that probability, even if it means altering their beliefs.

Instead, many in this thread seem to want to research a topic with a preconceived idea and reject all opinions that do not fit that idea. Such an attitude is contrary to the ideals of ATS, "deny ignorance", and collaborative discussion/research.

We have one forum somewhat dedicated to a better focus on speculation that discourages most debunking, the Skunk Works forum. While a more narrowly focus approach my work better there... it's still not a good idea.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 09:59 AM

I thought i could make a brainstorm thread you know, this kind of thread is not about debunking anything it's just to gather ideas.

When the debunkers came and ignored the concept of the thread they totaly ruined it because the thread no longer survived the intended purpose.

If someone had requested such a thing of me i would not have come into their thread and do exactly the opposite, that's courtesy and respect and im sorry but this thread received none of that.

Just some people who ruined it for those of us who wanted to gather ideas for spreading awareness and maybe think of ways to stop it alltogether.

I knew this would happen, no matter what anyone does there will always be people trying to ruin things, there are many other threads about chemtrails and they are about the chemtrails existence not a brainstorm.

I still feel like if certain people had stayed away from this thread we might actually have more ideas right now insted of a useless bickering war.

Anyways, peace.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:19 AM
Chemtrails have slowed way down compared to the late 90s early 2000.
Personally I think the whole chemtrail enigma can be one of three things from what I have read by some obsessive researchers like Carnicom on the subject. As it should be obsessively researched if the 3rd reason below is taking place.

1. Its to test the atmosphere for meterogical reasons and or possibly to harness the climate, weather patterns, ozone etc.

2. Its being used as a military tool to boost radio communications with aircraft, submarines etc. A giant atmospheric radar of sorts.

3. The last and most dreaded reason...To either poison the human populace, control the populace using fine metalic particulates that get into the human system thus controling humans via a platform (HAARP) or last, to alter our genetics for some unknown reason.

Im sure this has all been covered before but it doesnt hurt to analyze it again

[edit on 9-10-2006 by magnito_student]

[edit on 9-10-2006 by magnito_student]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 10:21 AM
If you're going to set out to prove something, you must also be prepared to entertain information that disproves what you're trying to prove.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:01 AM
Otherwise it's like discussing where Sherlock Holmes was born, but not allowing anyone to present the suggestion that actually he was a wholly fictional character .....

You may not accept the common explanation for 'chemtrails' but you can't dismiss it out of hand unless you're willing to present evidence which shows that explantion to be wrong.

There is no question that aircraft often produce lingering contrails which may even spread out into sheets of cirrostatus. Since alleged chemtrail activity always appears identical to this known phenomena, the question has to be: what evidence can we produce that proves that what looks like normal contrails are in fact something else?

Simply dismissing the idea that everything that appears to be a normal contrail may in fact be a normal contrail is not itself a valid response.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:05 AM
In my recent train of thoughts, I've come to the ultimate conclusion that I am wrong.

First, I would like to apologize for this, as it was not fair of me to lead you on for so long-- several pages, really-- under a delusion. It was unfair of me to simply presume, and not look for the actual answers.
Lastly, it was unfair of me to give credit where credit was not do, and likewise.

SkepticOverlord. You, sir, have a huge-god-awful-freaking-load of points.
Affirmative was no-where near.


posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
If you're going to set out to prove something, you must also be prepared to entertain information that disproves what you're trying to prove.

My intentions were never to prove something... just a....brainstorm....

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:15 AM
Ok, it's clear to me now that i should have posted this link from the beggining.

[edit on 9-10-2006 by selfless]

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Iblis

SkepticOverlord. You, sir, have a huge-god-awful-freaking-load of points.
Affirmative was no-where near.


Ok, Color me kerfuzzled.

What the heck are you talking about???

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction

Originally posted by Iblis

SkepticOverlord. You, sir, have a huge-god-awful-freaking-load of points.
Affirmative was no-where near.


Ok, Color me kerfuzzled.

What the heck are you talking about???

When the trolls have no more people to annoy they resort to annoying each others that's what he means.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark

It's not an issue of how much moisture the cloud or the contrail has, but rather it is an issue with how much moisture the surrounding atmosphere has.

Once again, you have to grasp the concept of Supersaturation With Respect to Ice

Quite to the contrary, you again underestimate my knowledge of weather my dear friend Howard. It would take a peron that had not finished or paid attention in school to not understand the basic concepts of weather. It is your total lack of empathy for others to not understand that just because someone doesnt want to spend so much time typing with two fingers in explaining everything to some dunderheads, that cannot get past their own ego, that one does not understand.

If clouds did not build upon there own moisture from the surrounding moisture, our planet would be a lifeless void. Heck you can take something like MS flight simulator 2004, set the weather up just right and go to 10x for time acceleration, and watch it happen right in fron of you.

I have to go now, sheesh you guys are like the government/main stream media spin machine always distracting the issue. I wish I had more time to spend here, but there is a major emergency and my pager is going to call me into work.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by selfless

When the trolls have no more people to annoy they resort to annoying each others that's what he means.

Fella, truth be told, you are acting more like a troll than anyone in the room. You sit there and pontificate about "trolling", yet you offer nothing to the conversation except rash indignities heaped upon anyone who disagrees with you or tries to get you to show a shred of proof for your baseless claims. You have already been told by SO, a supermod, that your claims of hijacking are unfounded, and also been warned for inappropriate posts. What more do you need?

Bring something constructive to the debate or leave, because it is YOU who is being highly trollish...

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:33 AM
Afermative Reaction,

nothing more to say really except i never wanted for one second to agrue with anyone when i started this thread, you brought that along with you.

posted on Oct, 9 2006 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction

Fella, truth be told, you are acting more like a troll than anyone in the room. You sit there and pontificate about "trolling", yet you offer nothing to the conversation except rash indignities heaped upon anyone who disagrees with you or tries to get you to show a shred of proof for your baseless claims
highly trollish...

Many would think that you just descrived your contribution to this thread right there.

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