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"high class hooker" says west coast cities to be nuked this saturday...

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posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
It's getting close, every hour and day till doomsday. Wonder how many places it is going to be and how they are going to do it?

And I wonder how dumb you will feel when nothing happens...

I don't understand how some of you can follow something so blindly.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 09:08 PM
I have noticed that a few of you are concerned about the fact that there is this half day safety stand down supposedly Friday, and belive that maybe this is weakening resistance......

Well, I just want to point out that this aplies only to non-deployed squadrons, meaning all squadrons currently on ops will not be standing down......

So there is no excuses for anything slipping through the net unseen.....

Andif the stand down is somesort of diversion from the truth tactics (coverup excuse) it cant wash......

I know some of you realise this already I am just making it clear for those who dont......

And I pray that even America is not insane enough to nuke itself......

Good luck west coast!!!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 09:36 PM
I don't believe it to be insane for the US to attack itself and place blame elsewhere. I believe there is a fractured power struggle going on between the different forces of the government. To change US rule or policy, you don't necessarily kill the leader anymore. You force their hand, sort of an assymetrical coup.

So someone gets tired of Bushco selling out to foreign interests, so they pull off some horrific foreign looking attack, and says ok deal with this big shot. And all just to make a blunt point whether its true or not. And raise your hand if you've seen a bunch of movies like that.

The people in government are largely removed from the ordinary, workaday
people. They don't care until they need your donation and/or vote. But sometimes you need leadership that is largely callous so they can make the tough decisions, but on the other hand they can do some really outrageous things because most fit the psychological profile of psychopath.
Thye manipulate others for their own gain or pleasure. Psychopaths aren't necessarily serial killers, but they're all emotionally detached from any given situation.

If you don't think this could happen, then you either don't know people or have never been around such individuals. The higher up you go in corporate culture, the more you see its littered with them. And guess what, a lot of US leaders are just that, corporate business men.

They don't care. They didn't care about Katrina, and they sure as hell won't bat an eyelash over this if it were ever to come true.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 09:44 PM
First of all if there a shred of truth to this, the information would be buried in secrecy. But here were given a story that 1. This gentlemen was talking about it on a mobile phone (Why not just shout it from the roof top) and 2. He's talking about while with a hooker?? I'm sure if he were this incompetent measures would be taken to ensure that he's no longer breathing.

If anything this sounds like a setup to test a possible security problem with the hooker. Feed her some fantastic story, and see if she runs her mouth.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 09:52 PM
Might be relevant now or not, but I have to go to work now though. Never heard of European 20/20 alarm. Depression on the horizon? Iran switches to Euro this month. Other countries probably will follow. What do you think?

So M3 money is money given internationally?

[edit on 3-9-06 by pacman]

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 11:25 PM
OK Laz, point taken that the people "officially" in charge wouldn't exactly be welcome to join Mensa, but does being dirty and somewhat less than shrewd make them dumb enough to think that they can 1. Undermine themselves by allowing us to be hit a second time. 2. Subsequently increase their own powers a second time. 3. Take unconstitutional action to keep us from voting them out in 2006 and quite possibly forcing an impeachment afterwards?

I WISH that the manipulators behind the scenes in American government had the guts to push their agenda like that, because there would be a dang war against them and when the dust settled we'd be able to clean our government up and get a new lease on life and liberty.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 11:44 PM
Safety stand downs are not uncommon. Many squadrons will have one after an incident (crash, maintenance problem, etc.) Navywide stand downs are also not uncommon. Actually, cutting out 1/2 day's worth of flights can save the Navy an enormous amount of money.

As was stated before, only non-deployed squadrons will be participating in the Navywide stand down. Which means that all stateside squadrons will be involved for half of the normal workday. By noon Friday, most squadrons will resume business as usual. No need to worry.

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 11:45 PM
I practically read this whole thread plus some on the GLP. There are two things that only two people picked up on. One was from one person on GLP, where he said that the information given to the hooker was disinformation to find out who would squeel and who wouldn't.

The second mentioned on this forum about mindslaves, and how the twinkle, twinkle little star poem could very well be a mind controle divice for the slave.

No one put two and two together. What if this was a disinformatin test to see how well a mind controle slave was actually programed? It could go two ways here. One to see if the slave was programed enough to keep her mouth shut. If she didn't, she would need more programing.

Or they programed her to go on the message board and reveal what she believes is valuable information. The poem was the code for her to forget as someone suggested. Then later on she will never realize what she had done. If that was the test and it went well, she could be programed to obtain valuable information later on. She would never spill the beans so to speak until she was given the code to do so.

There are two other possibilities, one being that this is just a hoax. The second, she could be real with real information. Remember these would have been the plans as she heard them when she heard them. They could have changed since then.

So people, which is the correct answer?

A) Testing of a mind control slave
B) Hoax
C) Real Plans
D) A disinformation test

I don't know the answer, but we all have a 1/4 of a chance of being correct.

[edit on 9-3-2006 by Mystery_Lady]

[edit on 9-3-2006 by Mystery_Lady]

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
I practically read this whole thread plus some on the GLP. There are two things that only two people picked up on. One was from one person on GLP, where he said that the information given to the hooker was disinformation to find out who would squeel and who wouldn't.

Good points, ML.

In fact, aforementioned GLP user THE DOOM has posted on GLP that 'birdie' is a mis-direct.

Is there an East-coast threat which has been alluded to here also? 'birdie', bless her little heart, may have been used to deflect attention.

...Uhm, or it could be one of the many hoaxes from this website, as has been mentioned.

No one put two and two together. What if this was a disinformatin test to see how well a mind controle slave was actually programed? It could go two ways here. One to see if the slave was programed enough to keep her mouth shut. If she didn't, she would need more programing.

I have to wonder if such programmers would ever expose themselves to the outside. You know? I don't think they'd play around with real MK techniques like this.

Rather, I wonder if perhaps somebody was afraid 'birdie' would post more and tried to make her go into trance by the poem. I have never personally observed anyone falling into trance from reading something, but with a trauma-slave, I guess it could be possible.

Or they programed her to go on the message board and reveal what she believes is valuable information. The poem was the code for her to forget as someone suggested. Then later on she will never realize what she had done. If that was the test and it went well, she could be programed to obtain valuable information later on. She would never spill the beans so to speak until she was given the code to do so.

Yes, they could set up a trap for her, but what about where she says she left the US and talked to a reporter? This means that somewhere there is a reporter who knows birdie's ID. Is she telling her story or is she simply spinning a memorized, implanted fictional misdirect?

she could be real with real information. Remember these would have been the plans as she heard them when she heard them. They could have changed since then.

Yes. If birdie's song is true, then surely they'd cancel the event now that it's out. That is, unless they know the ensuing chaos will drown out any serious investigation.

This is a pretty slick angle that birdie's thread has: psuedo-Iranian sub (sunk, no evidence) hits three American cities with nukes. US retaliates to Iran, destroying it. No evidence left on either side. Very clean, as were the Kilo and Typhoon subs which Iran bought from Russia. Or so I read.

Anyway, If this does happen, and a California city gets hit by a nuke, I will immediately submit my application for governor of California. I will run for election in whatever is left.

My first legislative product?

"Bust a Deal? Face the Wheel!"

[edit on 10-3-2006 by smallpeeps]

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 12:49 AM
This is some how related to Nostradamus, March 11, Nuclear and Ocean / Coast is an old thread in the newsgroups... check it out: l=en#48eb9379ef3cb8ab

some more here um=6&hl=en#cb161d05e5815f52

In fact I could probably dig up more, but at this point it's a little creepy.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 12:56 AM
link 47a0638003491da3

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 01:00 AM
is a date Madrid had the bombings

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 01:05 AM
if significant at all, you be the judge:

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 01:30 AM
Stranger things have happened. But I am only hoping this is just somebody messing with us. But I must say, if it is a hoax, A Huntin' I will go...

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 01:53 AM
If any of this has anything to do with the 'elite', every action has multipurpose reasons behind it. Proficient with every move and it's how they remain unseen.

USA today website had this link from 2004 talking about the Patriot Act and privacy.

A little 'birdie' told us
funny he used that name

The government won't say how it determines whether you're a risk. It won't say whose databases it will tap, or how your profile will be drawn. And, as I pointed out a couple of weeks ago, databases and data mining are incredibly powerful tools.

With the government's power to compel information from private organizations, plus its unwillingness to disclose where it's getting its data, you might want to be worried. What determines whether you're a risk? The stores you shop in? The library books you borrowed? The organizations you give money to? Your church, temple, or mosque (or lack thereof)? What rallies you attended in your bright college days? The USA PATRIOT Act gives the government the right to all that information.

Could be birdie was helping the government find dissenters for the coming camps to fill if real.
Also, "BIRDIE" is a reference to "Battery Integration and Radar Display Equipment".

Byrd, I hope your right about GLP site and I hope this goose chase week ends blowing over to nothing. I really do.

That site is strange, mentions about how both GW Bush and Laura have Graves disease and had there thryroids removed, even their dog if story is true. For those that don't know about potassium iodide, I'd suggest storing some. If and a big IF this happens, (potassium iodide) fills your thyroid gland, so radiation won't. Only one a day is needed, 1/2 for children.

Checking on it, yes the dog has graves disease too.

The Bush dog, Millie, came down with Graves disease, too..

[edit on 3-10-06 by pacman]

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady

So people, which is the correct answer?

A) Testing of a mind control slave
B) Hoax
C) Real Plans
D) A disinformation test

I don't know the answer, but we all have a 1/4 of a chance of being correct.

None of the Above.

E) Diversion - Look at all the ATSers discussing this. Anyone seen an elephant laying around?

[edit on 10-3-2006 by snausages]

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 04:38 AM
Just my 2 cents on this.I really doubt that there would be a nuke attack now as it has been leaked.Remember in that alex jones martial law 9\11 rise to police state he exposed the owner of wtc complex just bought the sears tower and have motives to bring the building in 2002-03.Well it didn't happened and i bet tomorrow nothing would happed.
the recent port deal back out by the dubai firm proves that the bush administration is weakining.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 08:40 AM
I have a hard time believing that the US government is so diabolical and crafty as to nuke our own soil. Can anyone point to any proof ( not hunches, intuition, gut feelings, psychic images, etc etc etc) that the US government has even planned an attack like this let alone pull one off? Have our politics spiraled down to such a level that anyone not agreeing with our politics is evil. We can't have arguments about policy without the other side seeing evil incarnate. I saw it when clinton was president and the extreme right was always blathering about clinton planning on taking over the government. They saw him as the most diabloical person right up there with the anti-christ. Everything clinton did was somehow a super secret plan within a plan to keep power. Being a conservative those people made my skin crawl. I said at least the majority of the right tried to muzzle and lessen the negative impact of those people.

Yet the democrats are hard to believe far worse than the right was. The moderate democrats on a national level embrace any and all wackos if they are attacking bushchimphitler. Bush isn't making decisions that should be debated and even hotly contested no not that....he is a blood thirsty soul less monster. So anyone working with him just has to be evil also. All those mindless goose stepping idiots who voted for him deserve the hell bush is going to give them.

We get to the place where if a american city gets nuked it can't be from the people who kill homosexuals who belittle women who hack off the heads of journalists yelling God is great. Who have been blowing up embassys and barracks and night clubs , hell everyone knows the bloody list. It can't be them because bush is evil and has the power to do his evilness and blame it on islamists. yeah thats the ticket. I guess it is easier to blame the person you know than the evil you have no control over.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 08:57 AM
Listen, 100's of thousands of lives is NOTHING if the end result will be Marshall Law. Just like on 9/11, sacrificing a few thousand was nothing to this government in order to get the ball rolling.


posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 09:01 AM
it seems every month before the 11th there are stories that come out predicting something will happen. this story is interesting though because it is not uncommon for politicians to blab about things to hookers. someone else also brought up how NORAD was down on 9/11 and now this week the navy has grounded its jets. i'm sure this will become the biggest thread ever if it happens.

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