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Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?

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posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:31 PM
Journal entries:

Looking over my lazyletter archive (online in the torbtown library) I actually wrote a lot of past tense stuff in the present tense... not everything but enough that I don't see the writing style as all of that suspicious. Even in my more private pen and paper journals I adopted that style of writing...

I think it comes from who you picture your audience to be. This is obviously not a formal report intended for the Boss, it's an informal letter to mom and dad kept in a book....

I have gone over the serpo journal entries a few times, and it felt to me that the radical change in writing in style/tense/vocabulary etc. was actually a good thing as it lead me to believe that Anon and Bill did not generate that text... (however,I'm not familuar with Victors styles of writing...)

just my thoughts, (hey, I'm only a word wacker, not an English expert *shrugs*)

duty calls (again... poor thing has a fever today and no vocabulary to express her discomfort... Imagine the sounds *laughs*)

rock on

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:35 PM

from submitted by V. martinez for Anon
The top level inside this room contained just one seat. One EBEN was seated in that chair. We figure he must be the pilot or commander. He seemed busy with an instrument panel. There were many television screens, but they all showed EBEN language and series of lines, both vertical and horizontal. Maybe some sort of graph.

We were able to wander around without any EBEN bothering us. 633 and 661 were really interested in this. 633 seemed better. There was one window. But we could see anything. It was dark but we could make out wavy lines. Maybe some sort of distortion in time. We must be moving faster that light speed, but we can't see anything out the window.

There seems to actually be a mix of present and past tense writing. This would be consistant with a person who was observing events and time permitting jotting down what happened and including thier current thoughts...
This seems plausible - IMO
J - DefunCtion

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by defuntion

There seems to actually be a mix of present and past tense writing. This would be consistant with a person who was observing events and time permitting jotting down what happened and including thier current thoughts...
This seems plausible - IMO
J - DefunCtion

You know - that's actually a very good point. What bothered me was at the beginning when it was ALL present tense. However it would make sense that at the very beginning he is very excited, writing everything down as it happens. Then, later on, while sitting in those glass bubble during the trip, he started to reflect back on events that had happened, and meanwhile also peppering the prose with present information as it is occurring to him. That would probably explain the mix of tense. However some of the narrative still seems weird, I mean as they are walking onto the huge ship, he's writing it as it's happening - I just can't imagine doing that. Have you ever tried walking around while writing in a journal? I don't just "feels" weird - but I suppose there are plenty of logical explanations other than that it is a made-up story...

Great analysis on here - I have to say I'm really impressed with all of the responses on here...


posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:50 PM
Comments about the Serpo story. In the account language is mentioned as being a problem, from the Betty and Barny hill encounter to present day encounters the Zeta Reticulans are discribed as being telepathic. I don't
think language is required with telepathy. Several years ago an unnamed high ranking American government official who's voice and image was hidden spoke on national television about the Reticulans. At the end of the program viewers were asked to phone in their votes, yes if they wanted to know about extraterestrials and know if they didn't. I think this high ranking government official was Jimmy Carter. The point is he said the Zeta Reticulans had an IQ well above 200. The serpo story mentions the Reticulans have an IQ of 165. Again this official said the average Reticulans
age was 300 years. The Serpo story leads you to believe the aliens life span isn't known. I personally believe the Serpo story is contrived.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:53 PM
entry1 day1
entry2 day1
entry3 day2
entry4 not sure
entry5 not sure, maybe 10 days
entry6 long time, guessing 25 days +-5days
entry7 no idea how long it's been, mvc says they are half way...

I tally 7 entries... entry 6 begins in the middle of a paragraph, right after the line:

"Their water is milky looking but tastes like apples. Strange. ENTRY It has been a long time since I have made an entry"

and tha's why I got the big bucks back on the rock. Every little fish counts, and every little fish gets counted, it's enough ta drive a guy crazy, lemme tellya *laughs*

rock on

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by DeuceCyrenne

Originally posted by Anon
Attached for your UFO Thread List are just four pages of the Team Commander's diary. The diary contains a large number of pages, all hand written. It took me several days to prepare the attached four pages from the diary.

From this quote, we cannot necessarily conclude that these four pages from the journal are the first four pages. Since the entries after day two aren't numbered, it may be possible that Anon omitted some the pages in between that don't contain interesting or useful information.

I guess that is possible, but I thought he meant the first four pages of the journal, so I will concede.

I haven't noticed the pattern similarity between Anon and the journal, but I will take another look. It's time I read all the posts again anyway.

It's hard for me to put my finger on it, and I don't have time right now to review it, so I will look at it again later tonight.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 01:18 PM
i listend to that podcast about serpo - and strangely , mr bill ryan sounds like a speeded up david icke voice! - tell me if im wrong. His voice is identical to ickes, in style - just the tone is alittle higher - this must be a hoax? or is this mr icke making a noise??

and is serpo short for serpent?? - after all he talks extensively about lizard people...?

[edit on 17-1-2006 by Im a true sceptic]

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 01:23 PM
rdube02, good topic to discuss. I have a writing background and present tense should be used and is used to describe actions/events currently happening. Writing in the present tense is more direct, more efficient and easier to understand vs. past tense. The 1st entry is written in this way and the Commander seems to be thinking clearly. The next entries use mixed tense and it seems he's doing the best he can under the circumstances of being confused and having difficulty concentrating. Also, Anonymous mentions that he/she intends to post journal entries from multiple team members. If this ever happens, we will no doubt see a difference in writing style between the team members.

Hal9000, regarding the few journal entries the long trip. I agree that details are definitely missing. So why is this? It could be that the "sickness" was so disconcerting to the team that they chose to sleep or not do a whole lot during the trip. One of my older sisters has a condition where it becomes hard for her to read text or type/write because of intermittently unfocused vision which causes her to become dizzy (our family learned this is a side effect from her getting radiation treatment to eliminate a brain tumor 30 years ago). It seems clear from the journal entries that the crew was heavily effected physically by the trip. Imagine being in this state for weeks. Not sure how much writing could be done. But the journal entries aren't numbered so we don't know if there are more but there could be.

About any SERPO information that has a number or measurement attached to it (time, date, weight, count, etc.) The topic has come up here that SERPO may be disinformation, the question is how much is true? And what is true, if anything? Because of the numerical inconsistencies with the physics, the time issue, etc. I've decided for my own interpretation that anytime a number is mentioned that it's either true or false. Were there really 12 members? Did the trip really take 9 months? Did the team really stay for 10 or 14 years? Is SERPO 436 or 800 million miles from it's star? Again, until we see more "proof" this story is still just a story however plausible. If the authors want to convince us, they're going to have to do a lot better.

Also, for anyone that thinks we're all wasting our time spending nearly 80 pages and countless hours discussing this - Well, it's our time to waste. I believe that any critical discussion involving a potential human-alien cultural exchange is not a waste of time. Sitting passively in front of a TV for 4 to 6 hours a day is more of a waste of time (and as a college football fan, I will happily sit in front of the TV for 12 hours straight on a Saturday!). This discussion is invigorating and entertaining at the least. It's opening many minds and challenging all readers and participants to think about new issues and challenge critical thinking and analysis skills. Being able to consider more than one point of view is a skill. Putting yourself in another's shoes is a valuable exercise that leads to better communication and more understanding. Can anyone doubt that we've had our own "cultural exchange" in this discussion? Is anyone the worse for being here?

The day may come (hopefully soon!) when we do in fact have public disclosure about and contact with alien civilizations. Until then, we have time to practice our communication with and willingness to understand those who think differently from ourselves. I enjoy it so thanks to everyone in this thread for participating.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by vietifulJoe
From what do we know they did not make smart choice with gender proportion. Two females and ten males. I bet those two dead are females.

you need to reflect on the fact that 'back then', men would have outnumbered women in those sort of professions (discrimination in the forces, education and academia was much more prevalent) and of those who would be prepared to go, again, i think negative attitudes about women then would have easily outweighed any scientific positives about gender balance. unfortunately.

this story has actually got the nuance of the period quite accurate, imo.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 01:37 PM
"But something went wrong. The 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada. Seven men and one woman returned. Two died on the alien's home planet. Four others decided to remain, according to the returnees. Of the eight that returned, all have died. The last survivor died in 2002."

This is quoted from Anon's first post and implies that one of the females either died on SERPO or chose to remain.

(Thats my small contribution so far! - just wanted to be involved!)

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by torbjon

I tally 7 entries... entry 6 begins in the middle of a paragraph,

Yep, I missed that one in the middle. Nice find.

Still I would think if Anon did select certain entries out of several pages of this journal, he should have at least stated that he skipped some, IMHO.

This is just another reason why this info is hard to judge either way.

Originally posted by enhancedesign
Hal9000, regarding the few journal entries the long trip. I agree that details are definitely missing. So why is this? It could be that the "sickness" was so disconcerting to the team that they chose to sleep or not do a whole lot during the trip.

Well the team members were military personnel, and I would think due to their training they would continue to write unless incapacitated, even if they were sick. They should have been able to write while they were in the containers, and didn't have much else to do on this trip.

Also, for anyone that thinks we're all wasting our time spending nearly 80 pages and countless hours discussing this - Well, it's our time to waste.

Exactly, and well put. It is an exercise in logical thinking if not anything else.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 02:09 PM
Mr. Ryan....
is there ANY new info......any at all??.....right now forget the pictures but does Anon have anything new?? or is there anything that was left off previous posts but could be added now??

the wait is UNGODLY LONG !!

2006...the year we put a fire under anon's keister !!

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Anon
But something went wrong. The 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada. Seven men and one woman returned. Two died on the alien's home planet. Four others decided to remain, according to the returnees. Of the eight that returned, all have died. The last survivor died in 2002.

Maybe I'm missing something here. Eight people returned, two died on the alien planet, and four stayed. That's fourteen people. Anon probably means that the two that died stayed on the planet for a total of four, but the wording seems to imply an additional four people stayed besides the two that died. Am I reading this wrong?

[edit on 17-1-2006 by DeuceCyrenne]

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by DeuceCyrenne
Maybe I'm missing something here. Eight people returned, two died on the alien planet, and four stayed. That's fourteen people. Anon probably means that the two that died stayed on the planet for a total of four, but the wording seems to imply an additional four people stayed besides the two that died. Am I reading this wrong?

Right below that is a correction from Victor.

from Anon's original post.

[Clarification (BR/ Victor Martinez): the paragraph above contains a typo in the original. Twelve team members went, and eight returned – two having died on Serpo and two having chosen to remain; these two were not ordered to return.]

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 03:19 PM
How does anyone (especially Dr. Carl Sagan) expect to calculate this star system with "Hundreds of Pages of Calculations" as quoted by Anonymous if the physics is different?

11) Serpo moved around one sun only. The other sun was within the two orbits. As I said before, there are hundreds of pages of calculations in the debriefing explaining all of this.

The planet had two suns but their angles were small and allowed some darkness on the planet depending on one's location.
The planet was tilted which allowed the northern part of the planet to be cooler.

The stars in that binary system must have a type of figure '8' orbit with each other, meaning that at most times they are far apart until those stars get closer together. (like two circles overlapping - figure type kind of 8 -- and that is not known to exist with any star system at this time. (Although that is only a guess by me, since nothing here is concrete enough to come up with abstract math to explain it. Otherwise the stars orbit in such a way as to be close all the time, somewhat, but again the distance perceived between the two suns are 785 some billion miles apart!)

or something that allows an unique type of star system. I doubt if a unique star system has been found, as surely none have been reported, that I know.

Planet Serpo is 96.5 million miles from its one Sun it orbits.
The other Sun comes within the distance and is at 91.4 million miles then, and whatever the position angle when it is closer to the planet whenever in the orbit of the two suns that is!

Planet Serpo may be like Planet Venus in our Sol's system in that it is upside down (North pole is away from the Sun, and the South Pole points towards the Sun, and somewhere is the angle of 43 degrees for the tilt of the Planet Serpo!

Planet Serpo may be retrograde in its orbit like Planet Venus perhaps -- then! (Then we would say that the year is a negative 865 days compared to our Earth's year of positive days and 365 days.)

Nearest planet to Serpo is OTTO at 88 million miles -- perhaps somewhat comparable to Mars in our system (35-60 million miles about away from Earth).

There are six planets in the EBEN system.
Silus is nearest inhabitable planet to Serpo, but only with creatures of various types but no intelligent life forms. (What is considered intelligence anyway?)

Silus is 434 million miles from Serpo. (and Jupiter is about 350 million miles, and on one of the Moons, perhaps there is a form of life, that has been debated - but more like -- gas bags type creatures!)

First, the physics can not be different to have anyone calculate this, but may include things like magnetism and gravity that we do not fully understand.

In that case then, and assuming that Dr. Carl Sagan could not even begin to know what we are learning nowadays with parts about magnetism and gravity, then how could he have done it, even using the known equations back then about magnetism and gravity or any such endeavor involving -- different physics?

First saying the the Right Stuff Team who supposedly went to Planet Serpo, they would also have to find out from the EBENs the appropriate physics, at least to me, I guess. And guessing is a large part of any of whatever is going on with these postings as of now!!!

Just for added amusement:

Here is another story:

The EBENs had a war with another species. They decided after that to contact younger species of the galaxy (and here we are) to perhaps gain support in case they have to have another war with hostile species in the galaxy (as mentioned again by Anonymous). In a nutshell, we ended up saying no (as Clinton was mentioned to have terminated the exchange program in 1994!)

That means that humans are now on their own if any hostile spacealiens come around, and we can not communicate with the EBENs to learn anything or gain their support in the future, unless we get there and find them there at Planet Serpo!

That means that if the EBENs feel threatened by hostile alien species that they may hide away, and now the hostile spacealiens may find us instead and we humans may have to have a War (like the EBENs did - a long time ago in a Galaxy somewhere near) and defend ourselves against these hostile spacealiens!

Well, it is certainly political now then!

How does anyone feel (being a spacealien on this Planet called Earth)?

Any more stories that can be written about possible outcomes from any of all of these postings so far?


posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Im a true sceptic
i listend to that podcast about serpo - and strangely , mr bill ryan sounds like a speeded up david icke voice! - tell me if im wrong. His voice is identical to ickes, in style - just the tone is alittle higher - this must be a hoax? or is this mr icke making a noise??

To me all Americans sound the same too!

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000
Right below that is a correction from Victor.

Thanks Hal! I kinda feel like an idiot now. If only I read the next sentance before I opened my big yap!

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 03:35 PM
In a reply much as what someone else wrote about someone else that claimed to be human but again a timespace alien:

Screw the physics!

I am sure that I am not going to be the one doing any of those calculations for such a Binary Star System as Zeta 1 & 2 Reticuli.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 03:44 PM
My own speculations.

so, in the event of the last week, of me trying to find out if Mr. Martinez was in fact Mr. Martinez. I emailed the Victor Thorn site (and various other emails) I've found that belong to him or contact to him..without a response, the only thing I can think of from Mr. thorns aggressive stature, is I'm being Scoffed at and deemed irrelevant...which further proves to me that Mr. Martinez is not Mr. thorn.

thought I'd post this FYI on my faulty advert of a pursuit!

[edit on 17-1-2006 by waffleprime]

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Alpha Grey
Mr. Ryan....
is there ANY new info......any at all??.....right now forget the pictures but does Anon have anything new?? or is there anything that was left off previous posts but could be added now??

the wait is UNGODLY LONG !!

Hi, Alpha Grey – Believe me, I sympathize. No, there's no other information.

Here's what's pending: I've contacted the AF Lt Col again, and am waiting to hear back. There's not a whisper from Anonymous. This could be for any or all of at least twenty good reasons. There's a major Serpo edition coming out of UFO Magazine in early Feb (pieces by myself, Victor Martinez, and Rick Doty) – you may have plenty to talk about after that!
I'm been asked to give a 90 minute presentation at the UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, on 3 March. I wrote a long personal analysis to Dr Michael Salla, and got a very intelligent reply from him – happy to post those (that too may prompt debate).

I still think we'll hear more, though. This is because it seems that no definitive purpose has been achieved yet – either if one goes with the "it's for real and Anon has not done a good job of his disclosure" camp, or with the "it's all clever disinformation" camp. The latter requires photos as a climax to the act, while the former requires Anon to keep going because he's irritated that no-one believes him yet... although there's certainly a chance that he's got discouraged and has given up or been stopped somehow.

I'll post my Salla piece next. Thanks for the prompt.

Best, Bill

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