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Am I an indigo Child I need answers help.

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posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 12:55 AM
I.C. = Indigo Crystalline
O.P. = Ordinary People

I.C. : We are different from you.
O.P. : What's the different?
I.C. : arggghhhhhh ummmmmm we are the same, I am coloured you coloured too.

O.P. : You keep on saying you are special, what is it?
I.C. : We are special, but I don't know what is so special with us.

O.P. : What is your psychic ability? What is your I.Q.?
I.C. : I can do this and that, but I can't prove it to you. Anyway psychic power is not scientifically proven yet, we are not obligated to prove it to you.
Yes our I.Q. is far higher than ordinary people, as the matter of fact I never sit on any I.Q. test, so I can't show you I.Q. cert of 160.
Some of us sit the test, and they got below 100. But we are way smarter than you.

O.P. : Why you call it Indigo Child?
I.C. : Well, I am actually above 25. Some of us are above 50 in fact. That's why we are special.

O.P. : What is Royalty means to you?
I.C. : We are Royal, we live Royal way though we don't have a piece of land, mansion, and broke. We are Royal. We are just beggars dreaming of castle.

O.P. : Who is and who is not Indigo Child?
I.C. : I am Indigo Child, you are NOT. Unless you join us, then you are one.

O.P. : Can you summarize what it is actually?
I.C. : Oh yes, sure

Indigo Child are:
- Smart but dumb
- Rich but poor
- Different but the same
- As special as ordinary people do
- Children but old
- Good but bad
- High but low
- Wide but narrow
- low profile but seeking attention
- we don't care but we need you to know
- We know but we don't know
- We can but we can't

What a Tautology.

This Kid's concept is worse than a religion.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by CinLung
I.C. = Indigo Crystalline
O.P. = Ordinary People

I.C. : We are different from you.
O.P. : What's the different?
I.C. : arggghhhhhh ummmmmm we are the same, I am coloured you coloured too.

- In my opinion it's the amount of awareness that plays the role.

O.P. : You keep on saying you are special, what is it?
I.C. : We are special, but I don't know what is so special with us.

- I.C. see things clearer, higher awareness, it comforts us, might be charismatic. They give of a special vibe.

O.P. : What is your psychic ability? What is your I.Q.?
I.C. : I can do this and that, but I can't prove it to you. Anyway psychic power is not scientifically proven yet, we are not obligated to prove it to you.
Yes our I.Q. is far higher than ordinary people, as the matter of fact I never sit on any I.Q. test, so I can't show you I.Q. cert of 160.
Some of us sit the test, and they got below 100. But we are way smarter than you.

- Psychic powers are scientifically proven, U.S. gov uses remote viewers, tests have been done in russia and america with people who had telekinetic powers and these have been proven.

This higher awareness results in clairvoyance, TK, empathy and healing and maybe much more, higher cognitivity which might be they score better on tests.

O.P. : Why you call it Indigo Child?
I.C. : Well, I am actually above 25. Some of us are above 50 in fact. That's why we are special.

- In fact, I don't know why Indigo , is it the colour purple in their aura?? I'm not sure what to think about this. Anyone??

- Child, because we understand the child in our self. We stay children and feel like children all our life. So called "grown ups" just lost their child in theirselves.

O.P. : What is Royalty means to you?
I.C. : We are Royal, we live Royal way though we don't have a piece of land, mansion, and broke. We are Royal. We are just beggars dreaming of castle.

- As someone earlier told: His generous acts are representing his royalty. Rich in mind.

O.P. : Who is and who is not Indigo Child?
I.C. : I am Indigo Child, you are NOT. Unless you join us, then you are one.

- You see us as little bastards and as a cult or something.
Join us by becoming aware of yourself! We sense if you're one or not and you don't have to pay a dime.

O.P. : Can you summarize what it is actually?
I.C. : Oh yes, sure

Indigo Child are:
- Smart but dumb
- Rich but poor
- Different but the same
- As special as ordinary people do
- Children but old
- Good but bad
- High but low
- Wide but narrow
- low profile but seeking attention
- we don't care but we need you to know
- We know but we don't know
- We can but we can't

What a Tautology.

This Kid's concept is worse than a religion.

- Why we don't talk about it..? might be because they are not open for our opinion, they don't have the level of understanding to understand what might be spoken by us, then they mock us laugh with us and take us through the dirt. When you talk about spirits, angels and demons, 70%.. 90??% of the people take you for a lunitic.

big problem.

This is just what I wanted to say about it.


posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by etherical waterwave

O.P. : Why you call it Indigo Child?
I.C. : Well, I am actually above 25. Some of us are above 50 in fact. That's why we are special.

- In fact, I don't know why Indigo , is it the colour purple in their aura?? I'm not sure what to think about this. Anyone??

The blue aura is very rare. There are two type of blue auras. Indigo, referring to the Indigos and the lighter blue, called Crystallines. There are few smaller difference between them, but not much. That's why different type of C/Is existing. But the basic is same.

Here is the explanation of the blue auras (Dark/Indigo and Light/Crystalline Blue) and this is regarding to all C/Is.

Blues are the most caring, nurturing and protective personalities in the color-spectrum. They live out of their hearts and their emotions. Their life purpose is to serve, help and love others. Blues have an inner knowledge and wisdom and they feel and know what is right without needing facts or data for substantiation. The moment they become quiet inside, they will recognize or hear an inner voice or guidance, spirits/angels which will tell them what to do. They can easily tune into other people and feel precisely what is going on. Blues are the most emotional of all the color personalities.

All blues have a strong connection to spiritualism. They also have many unique abilities (See thread).

[edit on 25-1-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 07:58 AM
CinLung, I like your style - I hate it when people cut theories to shreds with ill thought out insults. Using intelligence combined with humour is far more entertaining and I think easier to understand. You had me giggling like a school boy ;-)

I have now reached the point where I feel an almost civic duty to get these people some help. They are truly nuts, and that is a semi-pro opinion in my field of work.

The whole theory smarts of disassociated reliance on a need to reason personal inadequacies to a point that these poeple can just say, I am 'this' so my rules are fine and your thoughts don't matter any more. Scary. This is genuinelly in the land of cult and I would not be surprised if we start seeing some morally unjustifiable events being waved by on thre crest of 'but we're indigo children'. In essence, the label of indigo child seems nothing more than an excuse to behave how you want to and not worry about the impact on those around you. Selfish, Impolite and quite frankly something to shun, not celebrate.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 08:17 AM
Quackmaster. Who spoke about theories here? For both of you, yes, it's a theory. For C/Is, that's the pure ordinary life. I don't thinks so, that we need your help, but thank you for your offer.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 10:42 AM
Personally I think it is your theory. Had you considered you may actually be exactly the same as everyone of us? We just dont prioritise the signals from our brain in the same way? Had you considered that I could quite easily sit here and say, that because it is generally believed that people with ginger hair have short tempers (urban myth) and that they are generally thought to have descended from the Celts who were known to have predominantly red hair and also happened to be a warrior clan that all us gingers could suddenly start describing ourselves as the chosen angry warrior race - or amber children perhaps.

The point is, the things you identify as seperating yourself or being special are not special - they are normal. Big deal, you think they are special, you are entitled to think what you like, but to stand there and expect an educated person to place any weight of thought on your comments is nuts.

Yes, I know, before you tell me, none of you are interested in what we think - which begs the question why do any of you ever say anything about it if the feelings/condition are supposed to something inside you and personal and the thoughts of others about it mean nothing.

It is pure attention seeking. The claims of which I think are simply dishonest and fictional.

posted on Jan, 25 2007 @ 06:50 PM
Did I ever mentioned that I'm special? Nope. In my own eyes, I'm not special. Did I mentioned anything which is regarding to this? No. Definitely not. I'm just shared my own experience about the Crystalline knowledge. Independent what you thinks, that's not going to change the fact. I never was special in my own eyes. I never wanted and want to be special. I was special in the eyes of the others. Did I ever want this? Definitely not. Did I ever wanted to get any attention? Nope again. Do I want to deny my experience, my knowledge? Certainly not. Why should I? This thread is about to share our experience, right?

Have you ever seen the aura of the others? Have you ever communicated with your Guardian Angel? Have you ever seen spirits? Have you ever simply know something already, before it would happen? Have you ever know when someone is lying to you and you also knew what is he hiding? These skills and the others are great, but they are scary for the others, especially when you're using it. I cannot change this and I don't want to change this. I'm accepting this. For me, it's not a problem.

Well. About your claimings... I have a great and peaceful life with my beautiful family. I also have an excellent job in my own corporation, where I'm the boss. I have no debts, anything that from I or my family should need to afraid. I'm not an alcoholic, actually I'm not really used to drink. I'm also not using drugs. I have great and trustful friends, excellent colleagues. I'm also recognized as a pro in my jobs (I'm doing many things parallel. All of them are creative jobs. Creative jobs, that Crystallines are used to do.). Articles already have been published about my works, about me, works of mine, which have been released. So, why should I want to get the attention of anyone? I've achieved what I wanted without being advertising that I have Crystalline skills. Okay. That's also true, that these skills helped me many times during the years.
So, after these things, may I ask why would I want to get the attention of anyone? I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I don't see a single reason for it. The thread is about C/Is and experience sharing. And after just as many here, I also have experience about C/Is. Why? See thread. And finally, here, I can speak about it.

I know, it's scary and that's why people, like you are trying to find answers for something that you cannot explain. Don't fear the unknown. But if you want to believe that it's my theory, okay. No problem. For you, it's my theory. A theory which is leading to a great, peaceful life and the upper mentioned great things.

Seriously. As I've written above, independent what you believes, it's not going to change any fact. Crystallines/Indigos are existing.

posted on Feb, 25 2007 @ 07:54 PM
No matter what kind of convincing you do DC, you will never convince the skeptic. How do you describe to someone something they cannot possibly understand unless they go through with it?

Could you explain what a car was to neolithic man? Would an American understand Dutch? I mean...its like apples and oranges. People are a whole variety of fruit (so to speak) coming in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Some happen to be more spiritual than others. Its a FACT of life. There is no denying or arguing with this reality. Some people are priests, (not necessarily spiritual, but an example) some are murderers, some are economists, etc. Each individual person has a different level of understanding of reality, also a FACT. There is no denying these FACTS of life. However, I would like to see you try and offer you the opportunity.

As for the existence of Indigos and Crystals, unless you are one or have come in contact with one you will not understand. That is also a fact, more or less. We are constantly evolving biologically, why couldn't we evolve spiritually as well?

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 07:22 PM
biggie smalls: Yup, you're right. Don't worry. It never was my intention to convince them. I'm just stated few facts about C/Is, nothing more. They're going to believe it, or not, it's not my problem and I don't really care about it.

Yes. People are evolving. Not just on the biological way, but also on the spiritual way too. That's why more and more people are starting to believe in Angels and Demons. It's pure statistics, what people with greater power are not really advertising, because many people are afraid from this, afraid to loose their own power, regarding to these spiritual evolution, these spiritual beings. But this evolution is one of the reason why people have started to believe in many things in the 20th and the 21st century.

[edit on 26-2-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Feb, 26 2007 @ 08:32 PM
No ego, no one is special, no one is better and no one claims to be.

Things are simply the way they are and it is only natural.

Things are ''just''

What biggie said is true, you cannot understand what you have not yet experienced.

No need for negative energy.

posted on Feb, 27 2007 @ 12:32 PM
"traditional" scientific minds are not the best to understand the spiritual realm. the rationale they use in science with fixed forumlas and absolute right and wrong answers is the wrong logic when applied to the spiritual realm. and the public scientific communicty will never understand it, if you wait for them to acknowledge and then understand it you will be better off waiting for an ice berg in miami.

with that being said even if it was understood by fractions of the scientific community that thought outside the box, it would never be made public.

the public is not made aware of anything that can empower them above authority, they don't think we can handle the truth and the fact is that most people probably can't, at least all at once.

there is so much disinformation and people trying to make money off of others that any legitamite * special* group of people if they exist would be difficult to be seen as anything but FICTION by the seasoned truth seaker because of all the marketing crap and disinfo that would be used to discredit this group and misdirect anyone looking for knowledge about them. this attitude would also be because the truth seakers have experience of all the b.s that shrouds certain things that the public ( supposedly can't handle knowing) and/or (threatens the power of the gov't/ruler) and they have come across so much bull that it is normal to be skeptical of claims that are radical ( TO THEM)

but they need to remember, it is very possible

we(humans) know much less than we think

that's what happens when u are afraid of the unknown

u make up answers that u beleive to feel safe

and then your perceptions "confirm" these beleifs to you

it's a shame we dont understand that perception creates reality not necessarily equaling truth

the problem arises when u see these answers as absolute

[edit on 27-2-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 27-2-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Mar, 13 2007 @ 04:53 PM
Hello. My name is Zoe. I'm 14. I acctually fell upon this very subject on accident. My mother says that she believes I'm an indigo child and that I was very advanced at a young age. I meet every single one of the requirements to be one. I've had dreams telling me or implying that I was. I've asked someone what color my aura was because I just wanted to make sure and she said that my aura was electric blue. A large part of me belives that I'm not worthy to even think I could be an indigo child and that I'm only posing or pretending to be one. How do I know for sure?

posted on Mar, 21 2007 @ 02:37 PM
Indigo Children, Reality?


posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 01:09 PM
Mayet, Page 2

Jesus didn't have any natural children. Just giong to have to take my word for it. Not at liberty to disclose why I know. However, I am an "Indigo Child" and so are most of my kids. How can I get/keep them out of mental health gulags? This is a real problem in our family. Tired of living in seclusion, more tired of the witch hunts. As to the violent impulses some have mentioned in the first 1 1/2 pages I read, I believe you are probably being manipulated by people who have tortured you in an attempt to control your unusual abilities. Additionally, all should google electronic harrassment, it's called V2K or voice to skull in slang. Heats the top of your head because most often is on a microwave carrier wave. Strip thermometer on the forehead will read 103F or 104F while oral temp or ear is only 99F or 99.5F, but the brain is much hotter than surface temp. Have seen deaths at 99.5F oral temp. Control your anger or it will control you. The illegal govt program you have been subjected to is called MKULTRA, one of the most sadistic things I have ever seen. The Indigo Children mystique may even be put out by the govt types as a cover to discredit us and our suffering. Don't believe the indigo hype. You have the same rights and responsibilities under the law as anyone else, no more, no less. You (and I) do; however, have a greater responsibility to humankind than others do. "To whom much is given much is required." The best place to find some guidance is in the Christian Holy Bible. With the anger-- "Be angry but do not sin." The bad guys win when you do that. Don't let the bad guys win !!! --------a mom

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline

Originally posted by etherical waterwave

O.P. : Why you call it Indigo Child?
I.C. : Well, I am actually above 25. Some of us are above 50 in fact. That's why we are special.

- In fact, I don't know why Indigo , is it the colour purple in their aura?? I'm not sure what to think about this. Anyone??

The blue aura is very rare. There are two type of blue auras. Indigo, referring to the Indigos and the lighter blue, called Crystallines. There are few smaller difference between them, but not much. That's why different type of C/Is existing. But the basic is same.

Here is the explanation of the blue auras (Dark/Indigo and Light/Crystalline Blue) and this is regarding to all C/Is.

Blues are the most caring, nurturing and protective personalities in the color-spectrum. They live out of their hearts and their emotions. Their life purpose is to serve, help and love others. Blues have an inner knowledge and wisdom and they feel and know what is right without needing facts or data for substantiation. The moment they become quiet inside, they will recognize or hear an inner voice or guidance, spirits/angels which will tell them what to do. They can easily tune into other people and feel precisely what is going on. Blues are the most emotional of all the color personalities.

All blues have a strong connection to spiritualism. They also have many unique abilities (See thread).

[edit on 25-1-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

thefatlady replies:

The blue aura IS NOT rare, do you actually see them? Because I do, and I'm sick to death of this bit of disinformation. One's aura also has absolutely nothing to do with one's spiritual state, it's only related to one's state of physical health. The aura around a cancerous tumor for example will often be a sickly yellow, green or brown. Have seen blue or very bright white auras on serial killers. I get so tired of this crap. Most people's auras are blue or white!!! I once saw a huge vivid electric pink one: the guy had a metabloic disorder. We "Indigos," for lack of a better term, are much more intuitive, but we fall everywhere on the spectrum as to being moral or altruistic--with basically the same stats as the general public--one in a hundred general public may be a true sociopath--so with "Indigos". If we could find a way to help each other police the bad ones, maybe people like me wouldn't beliving in abject total misery most days.

posted on Jul, 20 2007 @ 03:24 PM
I have felt since day one that I was a mature adult in a child's body, and always felt my purpose was to save humanity. I meet all the requirements of an "indigo", though I am not sure what that means. Can anyone quit bickering long enough to provide actual information? If not, I am going back to my Royal home to smoke a Royal bowl and forget about this nonsense. ;p

posted on Jul, 25 2007 @ 04:47 PM
The Fat Lady. Sorry. In this case, you're the one who is trying to disinform people. You read books, right? But actually, yes, I'm seeing auras. Completely. What I written down is from personal experience. You know that's the difference between Crystallines / Indigos (Such as me, a Crystalline) and people like you. What you're seeing... sorry, that I need to tell you, that's not the aura of the people what you're seeing. That's only an echo of your interior, similar to radar echo, and it has NO connection to your aura at all. Your health, your condition is not changing your aura, your illness, i.e. cancer, is not changing your aura. Your behavior, the very basics, the core of your spirit... yes, that could change your aura dramatically. But basically it's not going to change at all.

You're seeing the outline, right? Now, that's the echo. If you're seeing the true aura, you're seeing the entire people as pulsing sapphire blue (That's my color) or in additional pulsing color(s) and not just the outline.

So, if you're really seeing auras as you stated, you should know this. You're seeing nice echo colors, which is changing due to the surroundings, but that's not the aura of anyone. Sorry.

And again. In the name of the Crystallines and Indigos... please don't defame us with these sort of statements, such as Serial Killers have blue aura or even white aura, because that's not true at all. Thank you.

12SeVeN34. If you're an Indigo or a Crystalline, you're able to communicate with your Guardian spirit, a.k.a. Angel. From that moment you will know what to do, what your existence is all about, because he or she (She in my case) will guide you. No explanation is necessary at all if this requirement is fulfilled.

[edit on 25-7-2007 by Dark Crystalline]

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by NeonHelmet
Relax, I am an indigo child, don’t worry.

If you want to tell your parents it is your choice, I would not do it! Keep it secret and learn from it! Take the advantage that evolution has given you; I am of the First Wave, fifth column.

Hail and kill


ps: being an indigo has nothing to do with society or religion, it only concerns you!

EDIT: Why are you posting this in the SS forum?

[edit on 29-8-2005 by NeonHelmet]

Can you please explain to me the Wave and Column? I am an Indigo, but I'm not really aware of this.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 01:10 AM
I still don't get why people are calling these Indigo Children the next step in evolution. They sound kinda bratty to me. That would indicate a level 2 on Freud's personality level scale. Level two is acting for your own benefit. Level 1 right below it is acting for your own defense. Level 3 is acting for recognition (compliments). Level 4 is acting for belief in the law, level 5 is actign for the belief of the help of others, and level 6 is acting by your own set of standards and beliefs.

You'd think that the next step in evolution would be like level 5 or 6 or something, but in reality they seem to be 2's. I am an Indigo adult, but I was not an Indigo child when I was younger. I would be defiant against classmates when I was little, but that's becuase I was a little fat. They judged that against me, and made the bias that I was a stupid behemoth. That's why I was defiant. I hated all the kids in my class, and only had three friends that year. But I would not usually defy my parents, or the school teacher. Maybe the Indigo Children and Adults are just here to let others learn from them. To adapt their spirituality, but then to also learn from their personality, and help themselves into the next step in evolution.

Or maybe there is csome kind of separation between the Indigo's who are kind, but those who have pride problems. I believe this will need some closer research.

posted on Jul, 27 2007 @ 01:44 PM
Techno. Is it perhaps saying that indigos are the next step in human evolution that turns you off?

It turns me off, and I consider myself to be an indigo. However, I dislike elitist attitudes, and I completely understand that that statement does give off the wrong impression. I personally don't think I am better than anyone else. Just like someone may be good at say, quilting, I am good at a few things that involve energies, sensing them, mental communications with certain beings, etc. To me, I see that as something that's not commonly understood or done by most people. But it doesn't make me better than anyone. It's just something I can do.

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