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The Secret Life Of Grays

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posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

"my" gray is funnily enough a lady as well.

i have one clear waking memory of her but the rest are from dreams but the time i was awake i was not scared as soon as i saw her it was like seeing someone i had a great deal of feelings for and was very happy to go along with her, of what i assume is my free will.

but i had never been so happy to see a friend ever and it didnt matter she looked a bit differently and was kind of good looking as strange as that sounds.

She gave me a tour of a tropical 'base' i thought was on earth until i saw the sky, we were around a gas giant i assume a moon of said gas giant and a red star.

she wears a 'flight suit' for lack of a better word, it is iridescent with a pink chevrons on her arms but i got the feeling they were more like ear rings or jewelry than a rank or something

she can be very tricky and has used some nasty tricks on me to get my compliance when i was asked to do something i was pretty uncomfortable with.

makes you wonder if the ladies of the race a running the show

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: CoyoteAngels
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Not sure I followed that but repeat medical procedures could be repeat trauma? I had to be in an oxygen tent in the hospital around 3 and I still remember how weird it was inside. but it wasn't traumatic, kinda fun pretending.

But that wasn't invasive. I could see a strange cocoon memory moist hot and dimly lit.

i hurt my knee and was going to need my meniscus surgically repaired and was told i would never walk the same, the night i saw in real life no alter state or sleep, in the middle of the afternoon i saw flashes in my room, like someone was taki9ng pictures and for whatever reason it seemed like i just feel asleep.

when i woke up i walked to the bathroom, WALKED, i was on heavy pain meds and up for surgery in days.

whatever the flashes were after that my knee was fine.

my doctor couldnt really explain how my meniscus that was previously ripped to the point i couldnt walk with out a heavy brace/cain/morphine pills..

she said sometimes the body just fixes it's self but i knew different but didnt say anything.

i have had some pretty scary experiences in my life when i decided to face what ever was in the dark i was afraid of and finding 'others' waiting for me uselly outside.

if you watched a normal surgeon fix a hip it would be terrifying for the person if they were awake, i dont think they are hear to hurt us for the sake of pain(for the most part) but that the pain is a side effect of them fixing something they just skip knocking you all the way-out like we do and just wipe your memory.

a doctor to a small child is terrifying but to an adult we are greeted with a hand shake and trust.

i have only had one bad experience as far as i know and it was more of a nasty trick

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

I can quite relate to what you're describing OrangeOrbs, they can become quite endearing. My own "young lady" was there when I was taken as a kid. So she is probably way older than my sixty odd years.

she can be very tricky and has used some nasty tricks on me to get my compliance when i was asked to do something i was pretty uncomfortable with.

Aye, they do, and tricky they are.

My suggestion is; what I saw of what was created at the RATS forum CE5 encounter location by the gray may explain how the grays take us places as you describe:

She gave me a tour of a tropical 'base' i thought was on earth until i saw the sky, we were around a gas giant i assume a moon of said gas giant and a red star.

A psychic-spiritual created and controlled closed space within which we can be shown many things and taken to other places.

From seeing the infrastructure of the location, some possibilities come to mind. For one these locations can be created and become doorways and windows to other realities and probably places such as distant stars.

I think the big take away is we, as individuals, can be learn of something greater if we forget about the stigma and simply don't panic when it happens. Unfortunately that doesn't sit well with those who think it should be secret.

makes you wonder if the ladies of the race a running the show

Aye it does. that would not sit well with the menfolk here who went to a lot of trouble to put the women in the bedroom and kitchen so the men could run the show. ; )

edit on 6America/Chicago662023b20231623th by NewNobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

she took me my hand and we walked out my office door *FLASH* i'm in this new place.

i have seen other humans a few times but nether myself or they try to speak to the others in passing

my friend had so much of my concentration i didnt really care about the other people or what looked like military people everyone with a guide.

thats my one real experience i cant fit neatly into a box(being a dream, drugs(dont take them), i was going crazy, etc.
so instead of letting it drive me crazy i just accepted i have some odd friends somewhere

i have a sleep doctor because i was so afraid to sleep i was falling asleep at work and at red lights, they though i had narcolepsy or some other issue but i have been scanned, tested by psych dr as well as my own and they all tell me im not crazy.

the picture freaked my PCP out and kept it to show the other 2 Dr's and they gave me HEAVY sleeping pills and something to help keep me awake.

i dont take any of that stuff anymore but i do sleep with a small light on and a gun on my night stand as silly as that sounds.

she wanted to do a 'medical procedure' or extraction of DNA if you will and i wasnt really okay with that and than she started to engage me herself and she is very pretty and the bond we have made it feel okay and that it wasnt wrong.

i came to looking at this creature? or thing that looked like a 6foot tall jello mold with what looked like spikes on it doing the extraction and she was behind me when i snapped out of it and saw all this i was very upset that she would trick me(sad not mad) and i was whisked away and i woke up in the finished basement laying under the pool table.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

It does take some getting used to. It's a different reality for sure.

Still, I think; if we can work out how they create the separate reality, we can gain a better understanding of what is happening. Rather than begin to think we are going crazy or have an organic medical issue.

Once we know how it is done, we can begin to make some sense of the things that happen there. My own opinion is they enguage our dreaming aspect of consciousness. They create an interactive shared dreamscape.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Nice thread!

I want to say do the dragonflies next but I suspect you already have. One of my own "UFO" experiences was preceded by a gathering of dragonflies in the mist. 1000s of them was the impression. They were in a rolling mist that was like thick smoke. I found the moment to be serene and rather beautiful but it seemed to freak out family members.

I can't definitively say I have experience with greys or anything else for that matter, I do have a bunch of strange memories though, the earliest one is probably seeing superman coming through my parents bedroom window when I was 1-2 years old. I can't remember watching superman beforehand (who would?) But I remember the image clearly and my inability to wake my parents. It floated down with that one bent knee just like the movies with glowing red eyes. I don't remember the trauma but the memory has the taste of it. I've seen those eyes before.

Insects and nature spirits are an interesting angle when it comes to phenomena, I wonder how much conflict between species their is behind the scenes because in my mind I could never see bees or dragonflies finding comfort in the presence of a spider for instance. IDK, guess I'm just trying to stay open minded about the possibilities.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Why thank you RAY19190.

Yah, your suspicion on the dragonflies is right. One visited here and we went looking for her sisters. They stayed for a while after wards.

My guess is you may have encountered one of them.

Wood-nymphs is what I liken them to in the classical literature. About four feet tall with the clothes-less form of a human girl, except for their face. Their countenance is difficult to look into, even up close. I could never tell if a human face or a dragonfly's face, it was like a bright yellow light that didn't stay still. Gotta keep in mind that the dragonflys are predators.

The three sisters had more in common history wise with the Lady of the Lake of Arthurian lore. Though I spose in this modern age they are considered "insectoids" in the UFO lore.

Perhaps one of the wood-nymphs was moving through the landscape when you encountered the mist and dragonflys?

. . . and the red eyes are generally angry about something. The native folk here in Australia say the red is anger and green is happy in the Beings they encounter in the bush at night.

Insects and nature spirits are an interesting angle when it comes to phenomena, I wonder how much conflict between species their is behind the scenes because in my mind I could never see bees or dragonflies finding comfort in the presence of a spider for instance. IDK, guess I'm just trying to stay open minded about the possibilities.

I've wondered about that too of late.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

This was incredible to read, thank you for taking the time to put this together. It seems you are well acquainted with the spiritual and astral realms. I believe I am on my journey towards them myself. I have knocked on the door once or twice, and perhaps poked my head in, but am yet to truly explore this place.

I must say though, I feel like the last 18 months of knowledge gathering, people I am talking to and meeting are setting me up for a trip there. So that when it happens, I am properly prepared.

I cannot wait for the day, the spirits deem me ready, and help me open that door. Perhaps that is half my problem though, and I must find a way to open the door myself

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: K1xaru

Your welcome K1xaru.

Just my perspective, but I think it is all so close we could reach out and touch it. I also think our preconceptions of what is are in our way.

As an analogy; our preconceptions are like pictures we hang over the windows of our house until we can no longer see what is outside. Our preconceptions being the pictures we cannot see through.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I’d just like to pop in and say I’m still following your thread.

Life’s been hectic. Moving and all. I look forward to discussion when I’m not running around like a chicken with my head cut off. 😂

Please do - continue! 🍻

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Hi ya KKLOCO, and my appologies for my dyslexic moment in my opening post. It kicksi n every now and then.

I think it will be a slow thread. The concept of (at least some) grays not being aliens from outer-space goes against the current wisdom of ATS' UFO lore. I'll add to it what I learn over time.

Still, if we are to discover who or what the Orbs, UFOs and "aliens" out there are ,we have to work out what is not an "alien" first.

The other thing that needs clarification is the question of 'the creators and the created'. This comes into play when we begin to wonder in terms of the Orbs and UFOs as living things, as being alive, as is so often reported by those who encounter these things.

So if we consider the Orbs and UFOs are living things, it follows they are conscious and aware as Beings themselves.

We also have the Beings who created the Orbs and UFOs.

So two levels of consciousness; the Orb / UFO, and also the creators.

That implies quite clearly two levels of conscious engagement in possible encounters.

The question is; who are we engageing in the encounter? The UFO or the UFO's creator?

When we put the pieces of the opening post puzzle together and understand how it works, Melissa (lavender Being) is the creator of what happens within, and what one meets within, in the 100 meter / yard wide psychic / spiritual sphere of encounter.

In the analogy of the theater, Melissa is the director, the stage is the field, the grays or other Beings we meet are the actors. We of course as experiencers are the audience.

In the theator analogy we can be a passive audience and simply watch the play. Or, as is usually the case, the actors will engage the audience.

The third level play is when the encounter becomes the interactive play, where the audience becomes an actor too. Then we can put aside the script book and the play becomes truely dynamic, and no one will know where the rabbit will pop up next. Rabbit holes aplenty.

Alice in Wonderland . . .

becomes . . .

Through the looking glass and what Alice found there.

The game is really 'Through the looking glass', and not 'whack a mole' as most people think ; )

It is all a game, a play, and all the world is an actor, as they say.

Even Alice woke up eventually. The secret of the Rabbit holes.

edit on 9/29/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 01:17 AM
My gray people are male, one tall one not so tall and they hold no secrets from me.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

You've met them, cool.

My other one was an "it", sexless and about four feet tall. Not quite phyical yet distorted my ordinary eyesight when it bumped into me. It was only the human memories "it" aquired where I began to associate "it" as a "her".

If you would like to share your thoughts on them, I would like to hear. I have a very limited pool of experience with different grays to draw upon in writing. So I'm hardly an expert.

Feel free to share. It doesn't have to agree with me by any means. The more, and varied knowledge in the pool the better is my thoughts

edit on 9/29/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I am going to share something here, that I shared in a discord I am in that researches FL.

I had been exploring meditation as a soft fix for some of my mental health issues for a couple of years. 2-3ish I think. I can't really remember when I started going down the meditation path. But I didn't really take it seriously.

About 12 months ago, I had an urge to meditate more. I don't know why, or where it came from. But I found a beautiful little spot on a local beach that I would go to each morning for some quiet contemplation.

I got into using vibration and tones during my meditation sessions. One morning, I was deep into meditation when I realised I thought I could feel the Earth spinning. I know how that sounds, but I am being serious. It was as if I could feel the entire Earth, spinning below me. And I could feel it hum. I could hear it. It resonated through my entire body and was a beautiful feeling. I was vibrating, at a beautiful tone. It feels like I was one with the planet.

I felt 3 distinct strands of energy, leave my chest/head, and spiral up above me in a counterclockwise direction and I followed them. It was then that I realised I was outside my body. I could see the carpark, I could see far out into the ocean, I could see me, sitting on the beach and as I realised what was happening, I came crashing back down to Earth.

I opened my eyes, and I cannot even really explain what I saw. It was like, everything had sort of shifted to the right slightly. Like I could see 'through the veil' so to speak. And it was just, layers upon layers of waves. Vibrations. Energy. It faded, slowly, but took a good 30 seconds as things sort of shifted back.

It changed me.

A lot more has happened to me in the last 12 months. But this was the moment that changed my life, for the better, forever. That was the moment that I went from being an Atheist who was terrified of death. To knowing there is something more and that we are eternal. It's REALLY hard to put into words. Because I am still exploring all this myself. But regardless of what is happening with 'disclosure' right now, I know deep down that I am a better person because of this experience. And I thank whatever beings are responsible for helping me down this path. It has saved my life.

After my OBE on the beach, I got the overwhelming sense that I was being 'guided'. Not because I was special mind you, just because I was listening.

I got the strong inclination that I was being guided to certain areas. And each time I would go to an area, I would find a rock or a stone. I would go there specifically to find rocks and I had developed an intense love for fossicking. I still have it, and I am still drawn to certain places.

Each time I would go to a place, I would search, find an odd stone and know that was what I was there to find.

As I found more stones, my feelings of impulse got stronger. One day, meditating on the beach. I could make out another energy. It came through very strongly.

I asked who it was, and it told me that I knew who it was. I asked if it was one of the ascended beings. And it sort of sent acknowledgement.

Then, I got the overwhelming sense of St Germaine, as well as images of Hermes Trismegistus and Toth.

I kept receiving 'guidance' until one day I nearly had a panic attack as I sort of realised what the # was going on. I was following feelings, to stones. I sort of had a moment of disbelief.

The feeling came through from this entity, forcefully this time, the feeling I had on the beach, was one of joy and calm. This was not the same, it was panic, fear and intrusion. I felt like this entity wanted bad things. It scared the # out of me, and we had what I would call a fight.

I told it, quite forcefully that my life was my own. And that being a father was what I was here for. And to stop sending me places, because my family came first.

I am really glossing over this. It was an INCREDIBLY intense experience. At one point, it felt like something tried to enter my body.

I stood firm and more or less shut the door. I imagined myself bathed in white light. And practiced some techniques from the gateway tapes and other protection type things I had been reading about in regard to exploring consciousness, spirituality and OBE's. Settle the mind, focus on breath. Ground yourself in your lower chakras and focus on the moment of being. (edited)

While doing this, I very forcefully told the entity to leave me alone. And it has, ever since. (at least the darker one I felt that day has)

I am not sure if these entities are the spirits of animals, bees and dragonfly and such. Maybe they appear to the individual as whatever that individual resonates most with. I am not sure. But I know they are real. But reflecting on your post, I can definitely see how the grays being the spiritual form of bees could be possible. In fact, when I envision a grey in my head next to a bee, they do exude a somewhat similar aura/energy, if such a thing exists.

Here are three of the stones I found that I knew as soon as I touched them, that I was there to find.

This one, was dug out of an ancient riverbed, approximately 1.5 meters below current ground level, in Glenalva out in the Gemfields in QLD.

This one, was dug out of the bottom of a cliff face, just outside of a national park.

And this one was found sitting on the beach. At the mouth of a river that ran into the ocean.

All three have energy, all three have given me wild and vivid dreams.

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

you know anything about bee hives?

lots of cloned ladies and a few males to send their dna out and vise versa

It would be interesting to take a survey of creditable people who have said they have had 'visitors' on if they perceive them as male or female.

the only 2 real waking sighting of these creatures one looked very very old with round eyes and was kind of see thru and gave off 'danger' 'DANGER"

the other one was the female i speak of and yeah they are odd looking but clearly are trying to make contact

they likely choose to do personal introductions and what not until a civilization gets to the point that we are today.

and they likly imposed secrecy as part of some deal that was made with god knows who and for what

if you are a scholar of UFO and abductions there was the early 'contacte' period in the 40-50's, than to the abduction period that sounds like it started in the 70s-mid 2000's and now have seemed to shift to just mass sightings and governments are now forced to explain what we are all seeing and recording.

a few years ago they would call what is going on right now as disclosure but like was predicted even government video is called a HOAX and im not sure how that works out, and why would they do that?

if they were going to do some blue beam style thing the powers that be here and possibly other places would be forced to show their hand

i think the M.A.D doctrine of mutual nuclear distruction my be like holding a gun to our colective self's head, and up until recently we maynot have had any option other than totaly destroying all life on this planet in a nuclear holocaust to stop the 'vistors' from just doing as they choose. they are clearly intrrest in humans and if we burn out in nuclear hell fire there would be nothing left for them.

i think they NEED us alive for whatever they are doing and the clones im sure they can make of humans are said by abductees to be inert.

might explain their interest in what us humans are putting in our missiles, satellites and national laboratories that have from day 1 have been hot spots for UFO's.

i dont think every odd light in the sky is a ufo but i know that we have the ability to at least emulate some of the ufo's abilities and weaponry most likely.

their has to be a reason the government is just letting all this come and even they are even showing gun camera footage

other than a tour of a craft and a creature on stage what else do people need to know that there is something going on here, and it might not be from another planet lightyears away.

why in the contacte era they said they were from mars or Venus or other areas we could see existed but not in detail, not it is from other worlds/dimensions.

why lie? why use screen memories and why kidnap and do awful experiments when we are awake when they could easily render us out cold? i think we need to be awake for them to 'connect' with us.

i think they know or have a very good idea of what these things are flying around and showing up in peoples rooms, cars, etc. and it very well could not be good news, for us that is.

they clearly are very curious about our souls and our genes and how we react to various stimuli(pain, pleasure, terror etc.). They could get all the DNA they need all over the place why kidnap, inflict pain/terror, and try to take or alter the memory?

doesnt sound like a friend to me, if they just showed themself to me and had a civil discourse or any abductee i think most people would go along with them as long as we come back and no pain would go along way to ease alot of peoples minds and maybe we can be treated as more than just lab rats.

there is a black box somewhere in the 'room' they take you to and this box seems to be able to hold our soul outside out of body and some accounts say that they have had their soul taken out as a 'test'.

dont let the trickster fool you with silly scary masks, steel yourself and face them head on as much as you can.

God help us

edit on 30-9-2023 by OrangeOrbs because: spelling

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Perhaps one of the wood-nymphs was moving through the landscape when you encountered the mist and dragonflys?

whatever it was hung around for a bit so we both had a good gander I'd assume. Why? Idk, not sure I care beyond the experience in all honesty.

Gotta keep in mind that the dragonflys are predators.

The best around in their element. It's when they're found outside of it they'll seem like graceless bumbling idiots. They're quite amazing to watch really.

. . . and the red eyes are generally angry about something. The native folk here in Australia say the red is anger and green is happy in the Beings they encounter in the bush at night.

I've thought about that and I can't see a reason why any anger would be directed at me either as an adult or a baby, I'm not sure it is. There's "locked up" bits of my memory when it comes to that superman memory but I can't definitively say those are real or injected by imagination and the likes. Non of it bodes well and has the opposite feel of any later experiences.

a reply to: K1xaru

Nice collection you've got going there!

I'm no expert but the last one shouts out geode to me. I'm not sure if the 2nd one is a fossil or disturbed layers of sedimentary rock but either way it's quite beautiful.

edit on 30-9-2023 by RAY1990 because: Messed up quote somehow

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: K1xaru

Was suggesting to Sapien82 over on the vampyre thread to check out the water memories in the rocks, and you''re already on to it. I often feel the earth is our spiritual home rather than an abstract "spiritual plain".

So I wonder if Germain and the other folks you found disagreeable may have been on the lookout for talent and saw your OBE?

I don't sticky beak other people's experiences as I reakon it is bad manners. So I'll just say I know what it is like to be in the position of getting recruited, and telling them I am not interested. "They" don't seem to like being told "no".

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

I've thought about that and I can't see a reason why any anger would be directed at me either as an adult or a baby, I'm not sure it is. There's "locked up" bits of my memory when it comes to that superman memory but I can't definitively say those are real or injected by imagination and the likes. Non of it bodes well and has the opposite feel of any later experiences.

Who knows what pi**es them off. Grudges? Probably not directed at you personally. Sometimes it is just trespass. People are everywhere these days and try telling tourists and locals to stay away from certain public places. No one listens, they just think you're a nutcase.

The early childhood events are a neglected area of study. People just dismiss the "night terrors" as a "childhood phase". Personally I think there is a lot more to it.

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

I know nothing of bee hives and the cloning theory but that does not mean they don't have multiple agendae or there are not multiple types of grays and other similar beings. I just haven't seen any other types of beings other than the classic grays and hybrids.

they clearly are very curious about our souls and our genes and how we react to various stimuli(pain, pleasure, terror etc.). They could get all the DNA they need all over the place why kidnap, inflict pain/terror, and try to take or alter the memory?

doesnt sound like a friend to me, if they just showed themself to me and had a civil discourse or any abductee i think most people would go along with them as long as we come back and no pain would go along way to ease alot of peoples minds and maybe we can be treated as more than just lab rats.

I believe my involvement was specifically for DNA/hybrids and they explained to me the purpose (to save themselves and ourselves) and asked my permission, which I gladly gave after understanding their reasons.

I recall meeting another gray in what I can only describe as a laboratory with vertical, tall liquid-filled receptacles for fetal development. The gray in the laboratory did not appear or feel to me to be male or female but seemed sexless - all intellect. I was also shown a baby, which looked quite human and less hybrid, and was encouraged to pick it up but I declined for some unknown reason. I was also introduced to a young female hybrid child, but I felt no connection towards her so our interaction was limited with no telepathic interaction.

Now that I am recalling more, it may be that they do not understand the inherent? natural maternal instinct, perhaps their evolution differed from ours, in that, they abandoned their young after birthing (?) as some animals do here on Earth. I say this because the gray in the lab was studying me during the interactions with the baby and the hybrid child.

Yes, in my case, they are most certainly interested in a deeper understanding of how we as humans behave and 'yes' I would not describe them as friends, per se, but more along the lines of beings with a common interest in surviving whatever negative outcomes are expected in the future where perhaps the protective maternal instinct may be the most important consideration for survival.

The maternal instinct in humans is certainly something worth studying.

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

The human instincts . . .

When the yellow gray I nicknamed Wednesday Adamms arrived the second time she came with the memories of a long deceased human girl.

She would keep me company. One day I noticed a sadness in her and wondered why. Turned out that the deceased girl's memories included an older brother whom dotted on her and was adored. The gray missed him as a consequence of the memories.

So I got the idea of fixing that sadness.

We tracked down the memories of the deceased older brother and installed the memories in a blank.

So a gift for her, her big brother, and a gift for him, his little sister.

I felt at the time that the grays lacked the human relationship of family.

An informative post with food for thought.

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