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Live: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention In D.C. – 5/25/24

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posted on May, 30 2024 @ 02:56 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

Why? I looked at his campaign page, and he seems good to me. Not seeing what the problem is. He seems like a normal Libertarian.

If you look at his past political positions, he’s more into identity politics than libertarianism.

I don’t see how leaning into the two party wedge issues helps the third party. It’s the antithesis to being an alternative IMO.

The third party should be brave and highlight big issues like end the fed and fixing our economic problems. Even much of the libertarians think this guy is just the worst pick at the worst time.

Well, since his political positions are what really matters, I dont really see the point of looking beyond his positions. Political positions are really the only thing that really matter in the end when looking at a candidate. I'm generally not interested in what they are as people unless it directly affects their platform and quality as a candidate. The dude is gay which in my opinion, is a complete non-issue in regards to whether he is a good option or not.

Im not Libertarian but my boyfriend is, so Im very familiar with the Libertarian platform and even agree with many of their stances, though not all. I looked at Chase Olivers stances, and they are all pretty much in line with everything I know about Libertarian beliefs. Pro 2A, abolish gun regs? Check. End war on drugs? Check. Abolish department of education? Check. Cut regs on businesses? Check. Abolish the Patriot act and other questionable civil liberties violations? Check. End the death penalty? Check. And so and so forth. These are all standard Libertarian positions. I dont see a deviation.

What part exactly is identity politics? Is it because hes gay? Thats not identity politics. Thats just him being a gay man wanting to be active in politics. And the Libertarian party has always been one of the most pro-gay parties in existence, because they believe in the personal choice and freedom of adults to live their lives in peace, regardless of who they are. So it doesnt surprise me that a gay dude would be a Libertarian presidential candidate. Given the nature of the party, Im surprised they havent had more gay candidates.

posted on May, 30 2024 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: burritocat

I don’t care that he’s gay, I believe in individualism.

His past activism isn’t even things that I necessarily disagree with, and it isn’t out of line with libertarianism.

People often make the misconception that libertarian beliefs always lean right, or that all their base does.

On the political compass, you have left, right, and authoritarian up top with libertarian at the bottom. So a lot of social issues that deal with individual freedom do find support in the libertarian party.

That said, it’s the social wedge issues that bog people down on politics. It’s where you can lose interest, and to me politics is being able to sell a position. I think the timing makes that a harder position considering people will lean into the wedge issues at a time of division.

On his “official” platform, I see most of it does fit with current libertarian beliefs.

My one knock is probably where I don’t fit in myself. Personally I don’t want to end the department of education. I think it needs an overhaul, but not necessarily dialed back. I’m even open to making stem college degrees more accessible if we can address pricing by putting a cap on state funded schools.

I don’t see education as spending, to me it’s an investment. The more educated our population, the more self reliant they are. It also keeps our nation competitive.

I would like a focus on the federal reserve though as Ron Paul is what made me so interested in the ideology. I’m not a card carrying libertarian, I don’t like parties or dogma and the party is far from perfect. But I would say my world view aligns with the ideology more than others.

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