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Those Far Right Dutch Farmers

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posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: zosimov

More than half of Dutch “agriculture export” is just a re-export business. Products coming from other countries which are re-labelled once in the Netherlands, to be exported (ironically, to the same countries where the product were really produced).

That's clearly an anomaly that has to be amended. Like it or not.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

They will be fine without the truckers and farmers in their new system. They don't plan on 95% of us being alive for the duration. Once they have eradicated those of us who are not fit enough to be a part of their order, they will enslave the remaining people so they can continue to live like gods, and be elevated even higher.

They are most definitely insane, but not stupid, or incompetent. They have achieved so much, I don't see them failing in the rest of their agenda. There are more than enough traitors signed up to stave off an uprising. The only way out for us is a black swan event.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Direne

More than half of Dutch “agriculture export” is just a re-export business.

Can you give us an example of these products?

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Sure: tomatoes, watermelons, melons, lettuces, aubergines, carrots (they come from Spain, Morocco, Romania), plus tulips (they come from South Africa, actually).

But I guess the question here is about farmers, which in the case of the Netherlands is just intensive animal farming, and not just farming. According to the Netherlands government:

Dutch animal farming is among the most intensive in the world. The country keeps 100 million chickens, 11.4 million pigs and 3.8 million cows (1.6 million for dairy) on 30,000 farms. That’s 115 million animals in a country twice the size of Massachusetts. The Netherlands has the highest livestock density in the world.

See? There is a problem. And it has nothing to do with claiming land for immigrants, or psychopaths who hate farmers trying to get rid of them, or obscure NWO forces trying to reset specifically the Netherlands. It is that we lack essential resources and we need to put rationality into the system: intensive farming is not acceptable.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Direne

tomatoes, watermelons, melons, lettuces, aubergines, carrots (they come from Spain, Morocco, Romania), plus tulips

That produce seems like it would have too short of a shelf life
to be imported, repackaged and exported. Can you provide
a link to show how this is viable?

Dutch animal farming is among the most intensive in the world. The country keeps 100 million chickens, 11.4 million pigs and 3.8 million cows (1.6 million for dairy) on 30,000 farms. That’s 115 million animals in a country twice the size of Massachusetts. The Netherlands has the highest livestock density in the world

intensive farming is not acceptable.

So why is it again that intensive farming is not acceptable?
I missed your reasoning.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: zosimov

We think it should be obvious to all now, that the line in the sand, is being artificially drawn, and might not be so natural after all.

Us-Against-Them™ : is the program.

Everybody has forgotten some of the finer significance of " The medium IS the message. " - MM.

It's beyond ridiculous in the Canadian-Press™ as well.

Sadly : everybody in my circle is completely on-board with everything the MSM™ says.

My buddy at work proclaimed that if the Government™ was using Fear™ to get the people to comply :
that it was a good thing.
How else are you gonna get people to do what they are ' supposed-to do ' ?
So using Fear™ on the people was accepted as a good thing, because Big-Daddy-Government™ always knows best.

At a picnic last week : one of my oldest buds got very angry with me, and used that to shut down our conversation.
This was after me listening to him and his wife comp[lain about how horribly evil the Freedom-Truckers were, and how scared and terrified Ottawa™ citizens were.
They totally believed that they were Terrorists™.

Ole Nothin listed patiently and calmly, like always.
When the door opened : began a gentle questioning of where he was getting his info.
Their only source is Mass-Media™, mostly being TV-News™, Newspapers™, etc...

He thought they may not be always straight, but his line-in-the-sand was : facts are facts.

When ole Nothing tried to open the door, to the possibility of some of those facts, beings Facts™ :
there was a sudden eruption of anger, so strong, that his wife immediately went into the calming and reassuring role, while giving me the old stink-eye, and both of his kids went into please calm-down daddy mode.

Am not knowledgeable in the dark-art of personal-interplay :
But have seen anger used before to alter a convo, or situation.
Most likely all subconscious though, ( says the guy who just said they don't know anything... LoL !! )

So ole Nothin just sat there for the rest of the night, quietly listening to him tell his tales.
While constantly wondering if there were any sane people left in this world, and constantly trying to stop myself from feeling sorry for myself, for having nobody to relate-to.

Just to bring it back towards the OP : it's obvious to us, and therefore TPTSB™, that their Propaganda™ works on massive amounts of the population, no matter how easy it is for us to see through it.

That might explain why they continue to publish those backhanded hit-pieces : they work.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: zosimov

So the fact that there's a class war going on in the West is a far-right, white supremacist conspiracy theory according to the person who wrote the article.

So.. what about all the people of different races who believe the same thing?

How would Salon classify them?

Quite the awkward narrative if you're a lefty who still has an ounce integrity left.

Repeat the last line.

End of quote.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Direne

Things were working just fine before all the green business, so your argument doesn't hold water.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: ElGoobero

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: zosimov

Salon, alriiighty then, immediate dismissal of importance, IMO. It's not really a news source so much as it is the Myspace of failure "journalists" who would really benefit from a weekend in Amsterdam themselves for once.

I'd like to see them spend a month or so on a farm (a REAL farm) to get a taste of what the rest of us do to support the elite.

might open some eyes, though many of them are so far gone I don't think anything could shock them to reality.

Vast wealth, power and privilege has inoculated these idiots against reality. Their only purpose is more wealth and more power and it doesn’t seem to matter if they burn the world down to get it. None of them seem to understand the irony of all that money and nothing at all to spend it on, once the useless eaters who keep it all going are gone. Their plan seems fundamentally ludicrous.

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Destroy farming

Create Food Shortages

Which creates "essential need" for social credit scores to "distribute food fairly"

Social Credit Scores enable throughout the West a Chinese-style government to take control of every aspect of your lives
edit on 16-7-2022 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

The plan could work well in places of high-density living, as it is cost-effective. But out in the countryside, it is a different matter entirely. The city is, in reality, an institution, where if you live there long enough you get institutionalized It is your only reality, and become dependent on the system. it was a problem with long-term psychiatric patients, they didn't need to think anymore. In fact, it reinforced their condition. Like a marginally, sane neurotic who stayed too long would end up more f-ed up than when they were first admitted. It is like modern cities which are totally unnatural environments. Now the whole population seems to be neurotic to some degree. We are all programmed to some extent by our environment, the news networks are reporting stuff that has a bias that is enforcing social opinions. Mainly from individuals who project their own opinions on the masses because they can as they own the networks. They are "do-gooders "we all know how that ends up.
edit on 17-7-2022 by Asktheanimals because: Word altered to meet rules

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: VierEyes

No. Things were not working just fine as you state. Things were working fine before a couple of farmers got greedy resulting in 98% of the farms belonging to just a few guys who are not even Dutch, and who happen to live in Dubai and trade their stuff in London and Frankfurt.

Things were not working when the sons and daughters of the farmer never ended up working in the farms, at all. Things were not working when those 3 farmers are far away from the manure, living in expensive villas, and looking at the stock exchange to see how richer they get. And know what? The price of the land has increased so much it is becoming more profitable for them to sell their land to build houses, and not precisely houses for immigrants (by the way, whom do you think work at the farms? The farmers' sons and daughters? Or guys from the Maghreb and Sahel at just 9 euros per hour?)

You seem to have a romantic idea about what a Dutch farmer is.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: zosimov

Those farmers are being labeled as far right is not surprising.
The MSM wants you to believe that majority of Dutch people are all in favor of these emissions cuts.

Which in exactly they are bad for the farming sector.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: ElGoobero

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: zosimov

Salon, alriiighty then, immediate dismissal of importance, IMO. It's not really a news source so much as it is the Myspace of failure "journalists" who would really benefit from a weekend in Amsterdam themselves for once.

I'd like to see them spend a month or so on a farm (a REAL farm) to get a taste of what the rest of us do to support the elite.

might open some eyes, though many of them are so far gone I don't think anything could shock them to reality.

the closest they get to a farm is a b n b in vermont, run by a gay couple with a pet chicken.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: zosimov

The MSM goes out of its way to insult and discredit anyone who dares question their masters. I

Meanwhile their climate Change Hardliners like leonardo dicaprio was spotted in his yacht in saint tropez.. While enjoying his summer but have no issues lecturing us about climate change..
edit on 17-7-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 02:59 AM

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: burntheships

That produce seems like it would have too short of a shelf life
to be imported, repackaged and exported. Can you provide
a link to show how this is viable?

Yet for a good part of Europe there's no season for many of those products, there's always a year round supply though. There's loads of ways to achieve this but primarily it's just proper storage and ripening techniques. For half the year quite a lot of European produce is coming from the southern hemisphere via ship or plane depending on the shelf life and profit margins.

Netherlands food imports/exports statistics

As you can see Netherlands imports/exports a lot of food. It's got major ports and industries, the traffic out of that place is immense. Maritime stuff is kinda their thing really.

So why is it again that intensive farming is not acceptable?
I missed your reasoning.

To stick with the basics I'd say it's unsustainable. If I was to get in-depth about it I would argue the ethics in regards to the animals, the destruction the inevitable infrastructure would leave and the long-term potentiation health implications of our farming techniques. Just for starters.

The last one scares the hell out of governments too, it's why they go a bit genocidal when a disease jumps species.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 04:13 AM
Green is the new red.
The ministry of truth says so.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: M5xaz

It is like modern cities which are totally unnatural environments. Now the whole population seems to be neurotic to some degree.

Urbanization is neuroticism and has no grounded reality. When it comes to food and energy they have a Santa Claus complex in not knowing how it is created and delivered to them, it just magically appears. This has since spread to the suburbs which used to be filled with people who were only a generation or 2 at most removed from the land. Those who live in cities have no business telling those who don't how to do anything. They're like desert Bedouins telling sailors how to run a ship. Problem is they are now a majority. Just add democracy and voila, the wolves have voted.

posted on Jul, 17 2022 @ 05:32 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: Nyiah

I know, but I'm just predicting that this will become a common theme among other outlets. We will see

I wouldn't bank on it wholesale, people know who's #ing up the domestic food supply & they didn't maul the farmers or truckers for it. Anything D or D-affiliated is in BAD shape right now in the court of Pissed Off Public Opinion (more than one kind of P.O.P.O for them to eyeball, HA!)

It’s a worldwide issue and not about the democrats though, it started in 1992 when some 60+ countries including America signed up to agenda 21/30.

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