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Shooting reported at Gilroy Garlic Festival

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posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 11:27 AM
So will that be a "white" person ?

It will be interesting to see how the pc police spin this one, or if it will be quickly dropped like those in chiraq?

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 11:38 AM
First---thanks to who linked the shooter's identity. Seeing that from what looks like a more local source makes me think they have correctly identified him.

Again, my comments are not made without compassion for those affected.

My thoughts are----going by his name only I wonder if he targeted a place he figured would be more "white". Meaning a angry young kid. We have had articles out recently talking about how surprising researchers were to see todays kids LESS sympathetic to racial and LGTBQ issues:

I don't really care to focus on the gun because like many have said guns have been around a long time. But the psychological monkeying around with children recklessly for "social" reasons has curiously aligned with the mass shooting phenomena

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: EnigmaChaser

Why? My thought is that SM allows people to be a keyboard warrior with relative safety. A person can talk a bunch of S and get people riled up in 140 characters or less - then just sling mud all day back and forth. This bleeds into way people think, how they interact, and what they do when they aren’t online. it’s also brought large amounts of information to the masses who have no idea how to consume media critically, scale numbers, do some of their own DD, etc. - and they can do so privately/work themselves up without any voice stopping them.

First, what I am about to post is NOT to be taken as a political statement IN ANY WAY!

I merely wish to point out the the, apparent, pervasiveness of the phenomenon you are referring to, and it’s possible impact(s).

I would also like to “suggest” (lacking any “proof”) that there may exist a correlation between a veritable action and a suspected(?) reaction.

These assertions do not bode well for the present state of the US government, or the possible future welfare of it’s citizens.

Again, I do NOT imply that any “agenda” may be at work (may what God or gods that be help me if I have become that cynical!), but it seems to me that our current president’s affinity for aggressive use of SM plays, at least unwittingly, into the very phenomenon you expose. And we have all been (especially most recently) witness to the widespread and vitriolic public reaction those “tweets” have aroused.

If the leader of one of the most powerful nations on the planet can be “infected” shall we say?, by this SM “contagion”, who among us are safe?

I begin to believe that Dr. Leary has the right idea all along:

“Tune in, Turn on, and Drop Out”!

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: madmac5150

Funny you mentioned that Gilroy is strange I was driving through one night forget the highway but it was a back way in and pitch dark , Something the size of a man flew straight across the road right in front of me and it had talons I can see why people claim there's a Moth man .

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 12:10 PM
Hate to be the guy to say this, but...

If there were lawfully carrying citizens at this festival, and it was not a gun free zone, I highly doubt he would have gotten 30-40 rounds off.

I am gonna start thinking more before I enter an area that impedes on our rights to carry.

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 12:38 PM
Need to think this all through...

19 years old, locally famous family, but no accomplishments himself. He only made three posts total on Instagram, and none of them really telling before the event. He was apparently enthralled by some of the anti-Semitic, true-white-supremacist garbage out there. And he was angry.

I wonder if this anger couldn't be misplaced anger? Everyone follow me here... his whole family is famous, and he feels inferior. He doesn't fit in. He's not big on social media, probably because he doesn't feel like he fits in there either. So he goes looking for where he does fit in and he finds it... in that garbage he was reading. Now he's angry with his family for being so famous, meaning they "sold out to the man" but he can't hate his family... so he turns his hate on society in general. They never gave him a chance to prove himself. They're the reason he doesn't fit in. They should have accepted him more.

The truth of course, is that he was a troubled young man teetering on the brink of insanity. When he cut through that fence, he fell off that brink.

In some ways I can relate to those feelings... certainly never to the actions, but to the feelings. At age 19, I couldn't understand why life was so unfair either... today I still don't completely understand why, but I have learned some of the reasons. And I'm good with that.

Children grow up making mistakes. That's what they do; that's how they learn. They establish a pecking order early on... some will emerge as leaders, others as followers, and still others as outsiders. All of them have to fight for and search for their place in the world. I wonder if we have not altered that arrangement through a lot of social demands on children that didn't use to exist. For instance, I know several people my age who have been locked up as a teen. It always went the same way: the cops would pick them up for doing something wrong, call their father, who would then ask the cops to scare the kid straight. They did. They'd lock them up, laugh about "his folks said they didn't need a jailbird," and leave him overnight. The next morning the father would show up, take the kid home, and make sure he understood this was the last chance.

Cruel? Maybe. But it worked. Some of those kids went on to become cops themselves. Today, there's no calling the parents and definitely no chance of scaring them straight. Everything goes by the book.

In my day, teachers could spank children if they got too far out of line. Then they'd call the parents, and the kid would get it worse when they got home. Today, teachers must allow kids to "express themselves" until they reach the point the police have to be called, and even a stern look in their general direction elicits an angry response from doting parents. If there is trouble that is not police worthy, the solution is to simply send them to "A-school" for a while. In my day, there was no "A-school" but we did have juvenile. If you went there, you were in big, big trouble already and about to be locked up. No one in my class throughout K-12 ever got sent to juvenile. We all knew better, and it took a lot to get you sent there. Getting sent to "A-school" is easy as pie.

In my day, the idea of a kid taking psychotropic medicines was unheard of. Today, Ritalin is a common thing, despite the fact it says directly on the bottle not for use in children.

In my day, bullies ruled the playground until someone finally had enough and stood up to them, exposing them for the cowards they were and establishing a new pecking order. Punishment for fighting was a judgement call: who started it and who was simply protecting themselves? Today, kids who stand up to bullies are called bullies themselves, and defending oneself in a fight is treated as severely as starting the fight, all in the name of "equality."

In short, we have destroyed the normal development of children over some cockamamy notion of social justice. And I believe we are seeing the result. The thing is, we cannot change this overnight. We have to change the way we handle children and then wait 20 years for the problems to die down. This time, I fear we have unleashed a demon we cannot control. If so, may God help us all.

There's a lot more malcontents out there.


posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: Gargoyle91
a reply to: madmac5150

Funny you mentioned that Gilroy is strange I was driving through one night forget the highway but it was a back way in and pitch dark , Something the size of a man flew straight across the road right in front of me and it had talons I can see why people claim there's a Moth man .


posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:03 PM
The chief already blurring the lines about the "type" of gun that was used. He called it an "AK-47 Type" of gun. What the heck is an AK-47 Typeof gun? AK-47's are illegal in this country and have been since the 90s. The chief also said the rifle was purchased legally in Nevada. Well, you can't purchase an AK-47 rifle legally anywhere in the US. So what is this chief talking about?

We all know. He's playing politicals to gear up the discussion yet again.

edit on 29-7-2019 by TheRealKreemerz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: TheRealKreemerz

It is a big black scary military style assault weapon.
That is the actual technical term.

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: TheRealKreemerz

Those gunz have one of dem bananer style bullet cartridges..ya know nana clipz...

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

Garlic festival?

Seems an unlikely event for a shooting...unless they were using silver bullets.

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
My early bet is on it being some deranged person inspired by the article saying that farmers markets are a hotbeds of white supremacy.


I wonder if you or the other 30+ people that starred this post will denounce the shooter now that it's been revealed that he's a white supremacist.


posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

a "white supremacist"(italian/iranian) that shoots white people?
nice try tho

from your "source"

Another post on the now-deleted Instagram included a picture of a Smokey the Bear sign advocating for forest fire prevention

it is just as likely he is a smokey the bearist
also from your "source"

While it’s still unclear whether the shooting was racially motivated, or if Legan had any other concrete ties to extremist circles

did you even read this crap before posting?

this is why we cant have nice things karen!!!!!
edit on 29/7/2019 by shooterbrody because: (no reason given)

edit on 29/7/2019 by shooterbrody because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: projectvxn

Garlic festival?

Seems an unlikely event for a shooting...unless they were using silver bullets.

I know this is a weak attempt for humor involving a scenario where multiple people died and were injured but it's not the first time i have seen someone here say "Garlic festival seems like an unlikely event"

So help me understand what is an "Awakened Mind" approved location for a crazy or angry person to do something crazy or angry?

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:41 PM
His Instagram has been linked to White Supremacy... yet we need to classify Antifa as a terrorist organization for punching people? Even if you look at the overall statistics and not just this situation, you can see that right-wing extremists pose a larger threat than Antifa.

What would conservatives do if someone from Antifa shot up a food festival? They would be labeled terrorists immediately! Fight the double-standard. All one way, or all another.
edit on 29pmMon, 29 Jul 2019 13:42:47 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 29pmMon, 29 Jul 2019 13:43:03 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254

originally posted by: IkNOwSTuff
My early bet is on it being some deranged person inspired by the article saying that farmers markets are a hotbeds of white supremacy.


I wonder if you or the other 30+ people that starred this post will denounce the shooter now that it's been revealed that he's a white supremacist.


Reading a book that’s considered anti-Semitic doesn’t make you a white supremacist.
You see more anti-semitism coming from the left nowadays than you do the right.

He’s also half Persian, not exactly the sort I imagine would be welcomed down at the local neo nazi catch up.

And it’s seems an odd choice of place to shoot up for a white supremacist, I imagine they would go for mosques or synagogues rather than an event that was filled with middle class white families.

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:42 PM
dbl post

edit on 29/7/2019 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: darkbake

His Instagram has been linked to White Supremacy

source please?
your post is not enough

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: shooterbrody

No problem.

"Read Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard," the caption said. "Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white tw**s?"

A "mestizo" is a person of mixed descent, usually white and Hispanic, or white and American Indian.

"Might is Right" is a book published in the late 1800s which has been described as a white supremacist text that promotes anarchy, vilifies Christianity and calls Jesus the "true Prince of Evil." The natural order, according to the book, is a world at war in which the strong must vanquish the weak, and white men must rule over those of color.


I would like to see you guys twist this as not being about white supremacy... at some point, we all need to start being realistic about things and not try to live in a fantasy.
edit on 29pmMon, 29 Jul 2019 13:45:37 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2019 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: darkbake

His Instagram has been linked to White Supremacy

no it hasn't
you simply made that up

Even if you look at the overall statistics and not just this situation, you can see that right-wing extremists pose a larger threat than Antifa.

antifa is the boil on the azz of society
"sources say"

What would conservatives do if

what would a frog do if it had wings???

your made up drivel is just that

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