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I Have Lung Cancer

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posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 02:49 PM
HI Kali, I have jumped all over this very emotionally empowering thread but have not found where you first started having symptoms and what lead you to seek medical help? Can you link or share this with many of us who have that worry?

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Night Star

Oh nightstar how did I not know this about you? We have been close for years and I would have been there for you if I knew. This thread is so important, it is truly powerful and enlightening. People do not realize the depths of the heart and soul of ATS membership.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: CrazyK22
You will get used to it. Went from a 4 pack a day smoker to a casual vaporer overnight.
Keep it up . The first month is critical . Then after a year , you will think you have bronchitis . That will be your lungs cleaning themselves
Welcome to being a non-tobacco user

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: antar
a reply to: Night Star

Oh nightstar how did I not know this about you? We have been close for years and I would have been there for you if I knew. This thread is so important, it is truly powerful and enlightening. People do not realize the depths of the heart and soul of ATS membership.

I made a thread about it back then. Maybe you missed it, or maybe you replied in there and didn't remember. I think it was in 2011.

This thread is indeed powerful and enlightening. The ATS community is filled with love and compassion.

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: antar

For me, it was several rounds of "the flu or something", major fatigue and leg weakness.

Thank you for your kind thoughts

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: Night Star

It seems as if I did know, after thought on it, but so much has happened since then in my life, so much gut wrenching loss. ALWAYS the best vibes from you and for you

posted on Jan, 11 2017 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Kali74

Thank you, we are all so vulnerable in todays environment. These conversations are so important, I thank you and wish you wellness and love.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: geezlouise
I am so sorry this is happening to you.

I don't really know you at all but I feel a love for you and I wish you well, truly.

:-) Thank you for that. I believe every word you wrote. I absolutely love the people here that I have met so far. Such compassionate people. *hugs* to you my new friend.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Kali74

Greetings, Kali.

I wanted to say hi and see how you were doing today.
I hope the sun is shining bright and your face has an awesome smile on it. I've been enjoying listening to the rain for the past several days. I've been in California for 6 years now and have not seen any thunder or lightning at all until the other day. It was rather amazing. I have missed it so much. Iowa has some of the best lightning shows. Although..people will sit out on their porches in it. Once that lightning starts to go...I'm gone too, right inside. hahaha. I've almost been struck twice by lightning, so I figure sitting outside in it...might just be pushing it a bit too far.

I hope everything is going better, my new friend. *Much love and hugs*

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: antar
a reply to: Kali74

Thank you, we are all so vulnerable in todays environment. These conversations are so important, I thank you and wish you wellness and love.

You are so right, Antar. Threads like these are so very important in so many ways. In this internet age, people are connected but so often are...disconnected or they don't like to face their own fears that they are really not invulnerable. I have never been on any forum..ever..who had so many people with such heart-felt compassion for others. You guys are so amazing. I thank you for every kind word and thought. When I log off of here, I'm smiling and I hope everyone else is smiling too. I hope I can make you all laugh...I'm quirky like that. Laughter is the best medicine sometimes. ;-) *hugs*

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: Xanxeriya


And to Kali, I hope you're feeling ok.

You have a right to get sad and angry and have awful days where you throw tantrums and don't want to talk to anybody and get selfish and stuff. It's totally appropriate, I say.

It's stupid but I watched some really good movies on Netflix the other day, one called Other People and the other called The Fundamentals of Caring. Other People is about a woman who has cancer. I loved it. The other is about a disabled kid, amazing. And oddly another movie that comes to mind is Cake, which isn't for everyone but for people who've really experienced loss or some kind of life jarring trauma that alienates you, it's amazing. I understood it like the bad day that we're all allowed to have and fug anyone who says different.
edit on 13-1-2017 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 03:29 PM
edit on 13-1-2017 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: antar

For me, it was several rounds of "the flu or something", major fatigue and leg weakness.

Thank you for your kind thoughts

I am so glad you posted that, Kali. It will give me an idea of what to look for if or when my liver reaches this last stage. With so many overlapping symptoms, it's hard for me to know what's going on sometimes with my body. Doctors never really know either.

I wish the USA's laws were different when it comes to terminal illness. Not long before I was diagnosed, they had done a scan of my abdomen and passed over my liver. I have this huge lobe at the bottom that isn't supposed to be there. So, when my doctor told me that they need live tissue to work with to help find a cure or study this disease, I was excited for a cool moment. I offered for them to take samples of my liver, via biopsies to help find a cure or study it or whatever they wanted to do. Help save a child, I said. Unfortunately, they won't do that because their oath is to not cause harm and doing so may potentially cause harm. It would be "unethical" he said. About a thousand thoughts went through my head right then. How many drugs cause harm, including death? Things that pharm companies know cause all sorts of things and yet hide those things or whatever the case is. Doctors even, that prescribe things they know causes problems, or death.

There is finally a group that is really starting to look at this disease and they come to your door and work along with your doctors as well. I just found them recently and they are very close to where I live as well. Although this is nation wide. I'm going to be contacting them. Hopefully, I can get in on the study. Even if it won't save might lead to saving someone else. Wish me luck.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: Kali74
I just came across this site for 1st time and saw the post about your lung cancer. I will pray for you, for your spiritual healing and for your physical healing. I wanted to tell you also that God answers prayers. This past year I have been in severe pain due to surgeries. I have prayed to God through my savior Jesus to take my pain away - AND HE DID! All glory to Jesus, he took my pain away after I asked him to. So don't give up hope, pray to Jesus for his healing touch, and I will do the same.

May God bless you as you deal with your illness.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: geezlouise
a reply to: Xanxeriya


And to Kali, I hope you're feeling ok.

You have a right to get sad and angry and have awful days where you throw tantrums and don't want to talk to anybody and get selfish and stuff. It's totally appropriate, I say.

It's stupid but I watched some really good movies on Netflix the other day, one called Other People and the other called The Fundamentals of Caring. Other People is about a woman who has cancer. I loved it. The other is about a disabled kid, amazing. And oddly another movie that comes to mind is Cake, which isn't for everyone but for people who've really experienced loss or some kind of life jarring trauma that alienates you, it's amazing. I understood it like the bad day that we're all allowed to have and fug anyone who says different.

Absolutely..perfectly okay to have those days where you want to climb a wall, scream, throw things. My favorite thing for the longest time...and this will probably make you laugh...was going to a garage sale and buying a bunch of dishes, going home and smashing every one of them in the driveway. Something about the sound was so comforting. Then I started taking the shards and grout, covering clay flower pots with them. They were all over my house. People would always comment on how cool they looked. I started giving them as gifts, with a package of seeds. People started asking me if I could make them for them. It was gave me something to keep my mind at peace. And the seeds prompted new life. And it gave me something to do even if I were stuck in bed for a few days. :-)

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: Xanxeriya

My favorite thing for the longest time...and this will probably make you laugh...was going to a garage sale and buying a bunch of dishes, going home and smashing every one of them in the driveway.

I absolutely love that! I love to smash things, I don't let myself but now I can! This is going to be awesome!

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 06:26 PM
This thread is really beautiful.

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: Xanxeriya

You are amazing as is Kali74 and several others whom have posted their darkest fears and secrets on a site like this in order to help people. I was so Angry with my situation that it drove/forced me to do things Drs said I couldn't, I couldn't walk for a bit then decided I was not gonna sit or lay anymore and walked. Like a toddler for a bit but I learnt and when they said you should not be doing this and that I laughed at them. We all know our bodies and I have been battered but I am a lucky one and feel blessed with the discussions I have now had with people and honoured to have met more people in this last year of my life that have had serious effect on me than at any other point in time. I'm still poorly but at present I'm being monitored (surveillance) which is for me amazing as I was first only treated for palliative which meant they just wanted to reduce tumour size as it was starting to constrict my breathing etc. I was blessed, sorry am blessed and know full well compared to some I had it easy.

I'm not sure about god but I know the devil exists so I am certain there is a map for everyone and some people need to have the worst type of experience in order to show others that trivial nonsense and hatred are unimportant.

someone said God will only give the strong the crap. Id say your another warrior just like the OP

Lots of Love and Light and my thoughts are with you.

edit on 14-1-2017 by Dinnedwiththedevil because: Its me again

posted on Jan, 13 2017 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: Kali74

How's Things? How are them tablets going down? I have understood that tablet form is fairly new and they are on Trials of it in various NHS trusts over here! I'm interested to know how your getting on with them without being to nosey or insensitive..... both of which I know I am

Happy Saturdays.

posted on Jan, 14 2017 @ 12:23 AM
a reply to: Xanxeriya

In hospital my nickname was sense of tumour. I know it sounds dark and negative but I even made fun of the fact I have a new friend in me. I also had a pain in my neck (Lymph glands) and lost my right testicle its ironic that a pain in the neck and a severe kick to the nuts reminded me of my two 7 year relationships

Some people didn't like my style (they wanted it all drab and scary just like they say it is) but the nurses and a chosen few laughed like we had been friends for years. Please don't get me wrong it was not all wise cracks and jokes I obviously had days where I cried like a hungry new born, Damn I think once I even wanted to die... but all in all id say laughter made certain days that little bit better.

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