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Ontarians oppose the new graphic sex-ed program for schools

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posted on Mar, 15 2015 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: Telos

originally posted by: caladonea
a reply to: Telos

I get this awful feeling that there may be a (hidden pedofile agenda) for teaching such things to children at such a young age.

I am very frightened for and worried about the children of today.

I had to quote you again because withing the pages of the first article, there is also something else that can answer to what you say. To avoid personal attacks or LGBT "actions" against my thread and my comment I have to make it clear that what I'm posting is published in a website (following article after the first one in the OP) and the other one is part of a journal called HuffPost Gay Voices

TORONTO, March 13, 2015 ( -- A homosexual activist has candidly admitted that gay-themed materials and policies pushed in grade schools across North America are for the sake of “indoctrinating” children into an unquestioning acceptance of homosexuality.

“I am here to tell you: All that time I said I wasn't indoctrinating anyone with my beliefs about gay and lesbian and bi and trans and queer people? That was a lie,” writes long-time Canadian gay activist S. Bear Bergman in a piece appearing on Huffington Post a week ago tellingly titled ‘I Have Come to Indoctrinate Your Children Into My LGBTQ Agenda (And I'm Not a Bit Sorry).’

Bergman, who runs a Toronto-based publishing company making books for children that positively portrays “LGBTQ” people, is the transgender partner of J. Wallace, a gender equity adviser at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB).

In September 2014, Bergman’s publishing company offered a free “trans-positive kids (JK-2) book” to Toronto District School Board libraries. He said he was combating “fear-mongering” from school trustee Sam Sotiropoulos who had taken a stand against homosexual activism in the school board.

Bergman and Wallace’s book list for kids to “break gender stereotypes” has 54 titles, including:

Girls Will Be Boys Will Be Girls
Sometimes the Spoon Runs Away with Another Spoon
The Princess Knight
A Girl Named Dan
It’s Okay to be Different.
10,000 Dresses
My Princess Boy
My Mommy is a Boy
When Kathy is Keith

I Have Come to Indoctrinate Your Children Into My LGBTQ Agenda (And I'm Not a Bit Sorry)

As a young queer activist, full of teenage certainty (and angst, and hormones), I used to bristle and complain at a lot of the things said about those of us who were doing the work of LGBTQ equity and inclusion. By far, with a bullet, my number one upset was with the people who accused us of recruiting. "You can't reproduce, you have to recruit!" shrieked one memorable fellow.

The first time I was introduced to this idea of reproduction and recruitment as the two paths to Being All The Homosexual I Could Be, I had two very strong reactions. I felt the revulsion of denial, of course -- we were not recruiting, and certainly not in the way that this asshole was suggesting we were. At the same time, I experienced a delicious fantasy in which I was in fact recruited and chosen to be queer. In it, I was ushered into the world of queerness with care and tenderness by experienced homos and trans people (in my imagination they were like very fabulous versions of my favorite camp counselors from childhood). I would be issued my leather jacket and my protest pins, my safer sex supplies and a hotline of some kind I could call if I needed it. As a teenaged homo trying to piece together strained relationships with my family or origin, it was a really nice idea.

I progressed to giving talks at high schools about LGBTQ acceptance and tolerance (those were the watchwords of the day) and again, the mail flowed -- how dare I indoctrinate impressionable young minds into the idea that queers and transfolk were just as fine and lovely a kind of human as any other kind.

My wickedness, you see. It knows no bounds.



From Tolerance to indoctrination and intolerance for those who dare oppose their viewpoints.

Accept our worldview or else.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 12:25 AM
I found some of this information interesting:

The current Health and Physical Education (HPE) curriculum in Ontario is from 1998 – it is 15 years out of date

What's the deal? Is Ontario Canada's "Bible Belt"?

The changes would bring Ontario in line with other provinces, . . .

Hmmm, masturbation, same sex marriage, and transgender all in one breath.

"Why are you as a government teaching my kids about masturbation? Same sex marriage? That it’s okay for your brother to wear a dress?" one protester asked.

Could better sex ed solve Ontario’s rising gonorrhea rates?

edit on 16-3-2015 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 09:38 AM
From ctvnews link above

The changes would bring Ontario in line with other provinces, Education Minister Liz Sandals said Feb. 23.

Among the more controversial updates, Grade 2 students will learn the concept of "no means no."

Grade 3 students will learn about same-sex relationships, while Grade 4s will learn about the dangers of cyberbullying and posting and sharing sexual images. Grade 6 students will be taught about masturbation, while Grade 7 and 8 students will learn about contraception, oral sex, preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Students in Grade 7 will learn about the dangers of sexting. Grade 8s will be taught there are six genders: male, female, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual and intersex.

Since when human beings are divided in 6 genders? And there is someone in here who can tell me that there is nothing wrong with this salacity?

And this perverted curriculum got from parents in Scarborough the answer it deserves. Organizers got shouted and kicked. it started toward the liberal MPP who issued a warning to the crowd but when the people turned on them, the meeting was cancelled.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: Telos
From ctvnews link above

The changes would bring Ontario in line with other provinces, Education Minister Liz Sandals said Feb. 23.

Among the more controversial updates, Grade 2 students will learn the concept of "no means no."

Grade 3 students will learn about same-sex relationships, while Grade 4s will learn about the dangers of cyberbullying and posting and sharing sexual images. Grade 6 students will be taught about masturbation, while Grade 7 and 8 students will learn about contraception, oral sex, preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Students in Grade 7 will learn about the dangers of sexting. Grade 8s will be taught there are six genders: male, female, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual and intersex.

Since when human beings are divided in 6 genders? And there is someone in here who can tell me that there is nothing wrong with this salacity?

And this perverted curriculum got from parents in Scarborough the answer it deserves. Organizers got shouted and kicked. it started toward the liberal MPP who issued a warning to the crowd but when the people turned on them, the meeting was cancelled.

Oof, you're right. That's some pretty controversial stuff right there. I mean...medical definitions? Warnings against various types of sexual misconduct? Their poor little ears. I definitely support violence used against people trying to educate children.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

You are free to tell your kids what you want.

Leave the rest of us alone

This is the heart of the matter.

These deviants are hell-bent on getting to your child.

Being a responsible parent and protecting them from this crap gets harder every day.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: AshOnMyTomatoes

originally posted by: Telos
From ctvnews link above

The changes would bring Ontario in line with other provinces, Education Minister Liz Sandals said Feb. 23.

Among the more controversial updates, Grade 2 students will learn the concept of "no means no."

Grade 3 students will learn about same-sex relationships, while Grade 4s will learn about the dangers of cyberbullying and posting and sharing sexual images. Grade 6 students will be taught about masturbation, while Grade 7 and 8 students will learn about contraception, oral sex, preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Students in Grade 7 will learn about the dangers of sexting. Grade 8s will be taught there are six genders: male, female, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual and intersex.

Since when human beings are divided in 6 genders? And there is someone in here who can tell me that there is nothing wrong with this salacity?

And this perverted curriculum got from parents in Scarborough the answer it deserves. Organizers got shouted and kicked. it started toward the liberal MPP who issued a warning to the crowd but when the people turned on them, the meeting was cancelled.

Oof, you're right. That's some pretty controversial stuff right there. I mean...medical definitions? Warnings against various types of sexual misconduct? Their poor little ears. I definitely support violence used against people trying to educate children.

Why is my opinion bothering you so much? Should I ask for permission from you before I post my thoughts? I tried to interact with you when you wrongfully accused me of using derogatory words against LGBT. Other than that I don't care what you say and how you say it. Everyone is entitled to its own opinion.

One little advise: Leave the irony alone. Is not for you.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: Seamrog

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

You are free to tell your kids what you want.

Leave the rest of us alone

This is the heart of the matter.

These deviants are hell-bent on getting to your child.

Being a responsible parent and protecting them from this crap gets harder every day.

Within this digital social media trend, family members are becoming more and more isolated, and with both parents working to bring home a paycheck, just who has the energy and time to do quality parenting?

However, in a dual income family, as in a marriage, work responsibilities can all too easily overwhelm family obligations.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 10:39 AM
From what i can figure out, their is no social repsonsibility, the attitude seems to be my kids are alright and i dont give a stuff about those that dont have anybody to tell them the facts of life.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: Seamrog

originally posted by: M5xaz
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

You are free to tell your kids what you want.

Leave the rest of us alone

This is the heart of the matter.

These deviants are hell-bent on getting to your child.

Being a responsible parent and protecting them from this crap gets harder every day.

It's going to continue to get harder so long as you continue to be incorrect.

But continue to try the same thing over and over again if you must, even expect different results, see what happens.

In Ontario, what happens is Gonorrhea.

I personally don't want to see that, and I want people to be protected from that. What are you protecting them from? Views that differ from your own? Such zeal and compassion you must have.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: Telos

What I am about to say is going to anger people.....If you allow progressive liberals to run schools and governments this is what happens.
edit on 20-3-2015 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: SubTruth

That would only anger me if it wasn't so incredibly partisan that I could write it off as utterly moronic and call it a day.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: DeadFoot
a reply to: SubTruth

That would only anger me if it wasn't so incredibly partisan that I could write it off as utterly moronic and call it a day.

How could it partisan when both sides do exactly the same thing.......Are you blind or something. Progressive liberals control all the political parties that actually get elected.

Think I am nuts.....I bet you do. I'll tell you what study the early progressive movement in the US around the turn of 1900 century and learn a little something. The script changes but the ideals are the same.

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: SubTruth


You just entered a thread on Ontario curriculum to complain about US political parties and the "bad-word" in the US "progressive". That is partisan, sorry.

You are aware that Canada is not a state? Because if so, then you are deliberately going way off topic.
edit on 24-3-2015 by DeadFoot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 08:40 PM
I think they might try to approach this in a compromising way, with more study, especially with divergent groups of society, and what exactly they want for their children.

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: DeadFoot
a reply to: SubTruth


You just entered a thread on Ontario curriculum to complain about US political parties and the "bad-word" in the US "progressive". That is partisan, sorry.

You are aware that Canada is not a state? Because if so, then you are deliberately going way off topic.

You must not be familiar with the US's "Common Core."

Unfamiliar with what these deviants are trying to ram down the throats of our middle school-age children?

Do a little research on common core standards for middle school literature.

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 09:22 PM
Most recently, to wit, they cover all your questions about assimilation in TV's "Modern Family".

Just the title should suffice to get over the strangeness of it.

Modern. Family.

What if you were gay, but saw that over time, more and more young persons were turning out normal?
Er, I mean straight.

Say, Dad, I really wanna keep my sexual chi channeled between two luscious tiddays, or grounded in some female ground zero grotto, and baseball and football of course. But we learned this stuff at school, and now I wanna try dildoing myself, just to see if I like it…but I also read about how specific plastics can cause confusion in the anogenital differentiation process, so my question is…about plastics….

What if it just became uncool to be gay, and not because a bunch of gay bashing was happening, but just because?
A fad, of humans who understand there are forces at work trying to fulfill an agenda which reaches far beyond what is sexuality. This is a subconscious nightmare for the aberrant seed.

It'd be like the porn industry losing Ukraine girls, because they lost Ukraine. Where will the new ones come from?

That's right. They must be taught. There are many Levins waiting in the wings to take the place of any who are cast out.

Personally, I'm surprised you lasted this long at ATS. I like your no nonsense approach to a taboo subject. Some of the mods must be fuming.

a reply to: Logarock


edit on 24-3-2015 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 09:51 PM
What the OP and other objectors to the sex-ed curriculum need to understand is that your children are not obligated to attend these classes. They are NOT MANDATORY and in fact there already exists a law that allows you to OPT YOUR CHILD OUT if you don't want them to be exposed to whatever you feel is not necessary to their education about sex.

Do you know what demographic is affected the most by STIs right now? Seniors. Want to guess why? They were from the generation of not talking about sex at home, let alone school.
edit on 3/24/2015 by MonkeyFishFrog because: Grammar

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: MonkeyFishFrog

While a parent can 'opt out,' the child will be swimming in a fishbowl full of other children who are subjected to this crap.

The entire environment is polluted.

Regarding today's seniors - it is foolish to believe they are unaware of sexually transmitted diseases and how to avoid them.

These are the boomers that brought us the delights of the 60's and 70's, who continuing a self-serving, self-gratifying lifestyle of promiscuous sex face the inevitable consequences.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Seamrog

You may have the right to "protect" your own children from sex education, but cant complain about those kid whos parents wish to have them edcuated in these issues, or those kids who may not have anyone at home to tell them the facts of life, they need to be able to discuss it in a normal environemnt, not just pick stuff up off tv..
It's not pollution it's knowledge.

posted on Mar, 25 2015 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: WilsonWilson

My children are far more educated about the nature of their sexuality than any of the poor masses subjected to a government indoctrination that imposes an innumerable manner of deviant sexual practices on their young minds.

Children are force-fed "Johnny has two daddies" and "Debbie is now named Mike." Children are shown how to put on a condom, but not given any information on what sex separated from it's intended purpose does to hearts and souls.

Children are taught masturbation is good for sexual development, and encouraged to experiment and dabble.

This is not knowledge - it is pollution.

I don't want it to be my problem that $hitty parents let the state have uncomfortable conversations with their children for them, but it is forced on me and my family.

I do what I can to protect them, but there is always Sally-down-the-street who is sharing naked selfies with her teenie boyfriend and using condoms he picked up in the school-based 'healthcare' clinic that Planned Parenthood operates while quietly referring said Sally to their abortion mills because teenie boyfriend ran out of condoms with Sarah-down-the-street who has been sending him naked selfies for two weeks longer than Sally.

A pox on all of your heads!

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