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Pleiadian Talk - Messages from the Great White Brotherhood

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posted on May, 8 2009 @ 08:27 PM
I've gone around in circles on this one. First time I read your OP, I was intrigued. Then, I lost respect, then I got it back. But when I saw the donation area on your website, I tossed in the towel once again.

So, I come back to your thread and read up a bit... and the topic is the donations.. It's a real interesting conundrum, that I just now understand.

I 'woke up' about a year ago, maybe a bit more, and when I started reading all this overwhelming data on our REAL history, it was a lot to take in. It took months to absorb and longer to settle in as truth. Slowly the dots connected and slowly I connected with my true self, and slowly I began to see the need to retreat from what had been 'life' to me. All of this, everything we have, everything we do, is fake fake fake ....
... well, I could go on, but I'm going elsewhere ... so

In the process of figuring out how to extricate myself from the web of lies, I began to ponder the life of a, well, I don't mean messiah, but messiah. I realized that the majority of humans on earth have NO IDEA this is going on around them. I believe the natural tendency is to want to reach out and help. This is where I began to sort of understand your donation issue.

It's not possible to spread the word, so to speak, working a 9-5 job. You just get too tangled up in karma, and bad vibes. So after that long rant, I just want to say that I, for one, understand the predicament of a 'reluctant messiah.'

Kudos .. IX-777

We aren't really supposed to beat ourselves up year after year just to survive. But that is what our society thinks, and when we look upon someone such as you, our OP, we automatically think "lazy a$$". I would actually very much enjoy experiencing what you are now.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:19 PM
I am glad there is understanding.

I actually left my old "down to earth 9-5" job to do what I am currently doing. Some people seem to think I am some kind of lazy guy just sitting writing stuff on the internet and trying to get some money back for doing so. This is indeed far from the truth, as I am rather active and busy in my "real life" and travel a lot, been around most of the world. Now I am here in South America because this is where I feel I currently need to carry out my work, or "mission", whatever you would like to call it.

There is a lot of work I do for people in "real life" for free, such as healing, teaching them various things such as meditations and methods they may find useful, a lot of esoteric and occult matters and so on. I have been holding many weekly and bi-weekly arrangements at my own place, always for free.

Similar things others charge large amounts of money for, but I have decided I want to be able to help as many as possible thus my work need to be free as far as it is possible for me to work that way.

Thus, I need other forms of income, which should be obvious, and I have chosen a donation feature - among other things - for people to FREELY decide themselves whether they think my material or what I have taught them was of any value or not. They can pay what they want if they want. I cant see how it could be more fair than that.

Regarding the Law of Attraction, it works on what you put your focus into, and that is what it attracts, and you have to chose wisely when it comes to things like money and how to receive it. If you simply use the Law of Attraction to get money without specifying how you may end up doing black magic and getting it through rather unfortunate ways - use your own imagination.

So yes, I have a donation feature, which makes the website all free thanks to those whom find my material useful enough to make a donation now and then. I could have done things otherwise and for example charged for articles, made the site a subscriptions only site, or so on, which many others have done before me, but I want all my material to always be freely available.

The same goes for books I am working on and documentary videos, I will give these out for free on my website, so anyone can see them, with the possibility to buy the copies in printed books / dvs for those whom want to support my work some and also get the material "in their hands" so to speak.

That way, hopefully, things will remain freely available for everyone who wants to accesss it, and those whom want to support my work are free to do that, or not if they dont want.

MY interest is not that of being rich, but of spreading my information and help as many people I can with the abilities and knowledge I have - and so far that part is going pretty well from my point of view.

With my thanks to the Great Source for always providing me with what I need and assisting me with my work - And blessings to all of you.


posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:28 PM

I'm an avid reader of Barbara Marciniak who claims to channel the Pleiadians and while I did read her books with a skeptical eye - I found great insight and some wonderful meditations. After one of these meditation and during dreamtime I found myself among a group of very tall, I'd say giant, long white haired Nordic looking beings. They were aware of me but, as if I were a fly on the wall. I don't recall what they said and they were not speaking to me but to each other.

Does this fit what you know about the Pleiadians?

Also, a good friend of mine who I look up to as a mentor and find very involved spoke to me briefly about the White Brotherhood. She also mentioned she was involved in a mystery school. Is there a connection or are these different schools of thought?

I appreciate your time and comments! If Marciniak does indeed channel the Pleiadians, I find them very astute on their insights of sexual energy, past lives effecting current health, and the era we all find ourselves in this very moment. Thanks again.

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 11:45 PM
Dear friend,

As I have read nothing about the author I can not verify or discredit what has been said.

However, I can say, the biblical term "there were giants in those days" relates to the Pleiadians.

I assume it is an reference to that - the angels mating with Man of Earth. Angels of course being what you may suspect by now - "us".

The great white brotherhood is indeed connected with various secret orders and societies on Earth at present times, among them being both the Rosicrucians, the Theopsophical Society and various Masonic groups.

Sexual energy is very powerful - when it comes to manifestations. I shall shred some more light upon this matter soon.


posted on May, 24 2009 @ 12:08 AM
The Great Pyramid points to both Orion and Sirius. Throughout the world red haired mummies have been discovered as far and diverse in areas as New Zealand, China, Russia, Egypt (of course pharoahs included), and Peru. The bloodline that they consider merivingian is probably through the lost tribes of Juda, such as Dann, and thus points to Hebrew mysticism and secrets. A lot of this information in great depth can be found on Burlington news website. Throughout history, the human non-terran elements, such as the red-haired mummies perhaps, and the tall whites that the Okanagan natives talk of in their legend of the wayward sun, from a land in the pacific ocean, as well as the reptilian race, such as New Zealand records of going underground and discovery reptilians that had high technology and ruled the world of men, as well as the Mayans who talked about the Iguana race descending from the skies and taking over more or less, and wishing human sacrifice.

In all these trails lead somewhere. Though the Hopi regard the greys as the ananuki and Orion as the origin of this race, but as their teacher and who sheltered them in time of disaster. Is there some sense to be made out of this? I do know the pleiadians aren't the annanuki!

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:05 AM
There are some sense.. In fact I have been discussing this and my atlantean theories in length at

I am in one of the realms governed by Atlantis right now and thus is why I am here, this is where I have been lead.

Here is my general background information:

Friends of mine, people of Earth - This is my chosen time to reveal myself for you. My own purpose here is to serve you and guide you, the ones that are ready to listen and understand.

There are always times where many will listen, some will understand, and a larger group are not at the right level of personal and spiritual development yet and will be guided further later on when they have reached the necessary state of being.

All will however do so eventually. I am here for those whom what I say resonate with - those with ears to listen, and a spirit to understand. Here I present you with some of my background information, split into two sections, first my current physical incarnations background, then my Pleiadian background. Enjoy.

The Current Physical Background:

Here is some background information about me.

My name is Edward Alexander, I was born and raised in Norway. At a very young age, basically since birth, I got involved with the occult, paranormal, secret societies, ancient history, archaeology, anthropology, the spiritual, shamanism, mysticism and other related esoteric matters. In addition I've been highly interested and active with science and technology, art and music, computers and electronics, and of course the nature!

The main reason for myself getting involved with all of the above was simply because I had a father who were interested in the exact same things, and he traveled the world doing his research, and told me the most fantastic and interesting tales. He also had a huge book collection of all kinds of different topics, some of them very old books of magic among others, centuries old. He was the grandmaster of a secret order and initiated me into some of the secrets and taught me a lot of all these mentioned topics above.

Unfortunately he passed away in an accident when I was around 12 years old, so from then on I had to continue on my own. But thats when it really got started! I got deeply into the studies of magick, the occult, spiritual and the ancient history and ancient peoples involvements with such matters.

I experimented with various systems, techniques, exercises and methods for many years before I found what really worked and what didnt, and started to understand how the universe works and the laws and principles and divine forces that governs it all.

I became member of several other secret orders and mystery schools and easily accessed many highly secret and little known about societies due to my own background and my fathers role in such an Order, and I got more and more books on these subjects and my knowledge and insights expanded in incredible ways. I was so filled with joy, amazement and enthusiasm for finding out about all this great powers, forces and worlds out there, all these fantastic experiences we can have, how much we can learnd and understand about the universe, the life, death, existence and even God himself.

Around this time I also got to know people in various positions, some of them of extremely high positions, in different institutions and endavours, including both governmental ones such as the Military, CIA, NSA and FBI, as well as very prominent leaders of highly secret Occult Orders - and the connections between all of these. Here I gained friends whom became very good and personal friends whom gave me the opportunity to see a lot of these institutions and organizations from the inside and what they are actually involved with at very deep secret levels.

I also became aware of all the conspiracies going on in this world and how it has been this way for centuries, if not even thousands of years. How completely rotten and corrupt the governments are, and how the world is being controlled by a small group of men of a secret order, usually referred to as the Illuminati, who owns all the world banks, controls the media, and creates wars and diseases and spiritual dictatorship for us to gain maximum control and power for themselves. This related to why we learn nothing about true spirituality in school or by the governments, and why the church and vatican considers spiritual developement and understanding of ones own being a sin and demonic work. They claim occultists are satanist and doing the work of the devil himself, while in reality the church are the true satanists as they keep the truth away from people about themselves.

So needless to say what I've just mentioned above is how I got started with such things, and these things are also my main interest and way of life. I have a great passion to teach others about these things, and to be able to help people in various ways, either through teaching them how to develope themselves further, or to heal the sick, or just be there as a friend whom they can talk to.

And there is another great passion I have! The Nature! Oh what peace of mind, body and soul the nature brings! I love to go out hiking and trekking through jungles, woods and mountains, camping out there in the wilderness completely alone, and be surrounded by the very force and breath of pure life itself! I can spend hours and hours walking through the woods, and days and days camping in the wild when I have the chance for that.

After a while I decided it was time to do some more serious research and field work, to understand more and gain even deeper knowledge and insights into the mysteries I am intersted in, such as those of ancient times. So I traveled to Mexico and stayed there for a while doing my research and studies on the ancient monuments such as pyramids, temples and other structures that are found around there. I wanted to do some research in the gulf of Mexico too, but unfortunately time and money didnt allow it. Why I wanted to do research there, is related to what I tell about Atlantis in next section below.

Eventually, I moved to South America, due to my interests in ancient history, cultures, traditions, shamanism and the spiritual, and I have a great interest in this continent for other reasons as well, because I believe it to be part of ancient Atlantis. You can read more about that on my "American Atlantis Research" discussion site.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:06 AM
Then eventually I had a great awakening through a profound spiritual experience that related to another experience I had years earlier, which revealed my true origins and how I came here now in the current physical incarnation

The Pleiadian Background:

Many of you have sent me questions privately about how I came here and asked more about my background. So here follows a short explanation regarding my reason for being here, and how I came here.

Regarding me and my Pleiadian origins, it has to do with my last incarnation before the current one. I was then living my Pleiadian life in physical form, and Pleiadians are in general more spiritually advanced than the people of Earth, and a good lot of us have decided to help and assist the people of Earth in their own development towards self-realization, freedom and greater insights into existence and their true being. That is why I am here. Though, I have lived more than 9000 years in different incarnations here on Earth already.

To be here in this physical incarnation I had to let my physical body of my other world die first, and then I spent some time in other realms before I decided to come here, and be incarnated into a human body. There are some complications by such a process, mainly relating to memory issues and new indoctrinations from birth into this new worlds systems and society, and some years had to be spent to recall the true origin and the progress was supported by my friends from the old place which have made the transmission easier. We do not come here in physical vehicles such as those you call space ships, as many tend to believe.

So with that I will address why we do not fly down with one of our ships and reveal ourselves that way. First of all, you have to understand that we Pleiadians do not work as one unit whom all got a goal of revealing ourselves for the people of Earth. Some of us chose this by our own free will. And we only come here in spirit form, or through physical incarnations in human bodies.

Why do we not come in physical form with our ships? Well that has to do with several reasons, one being that it is far more easy, quick and useful to come in spirit form and take human shape when necessary. Physically we are located in a far distant region of the universe and coming here would take longer time and work than you would imagine, even for us. In general we are a race that are more spiritually active than materialistic and thus we work more through spiritual means - such as coming to visit you through astral projections or physical incarnations as myself.

I am here by my own free choice, I have not been sent by anyone, but I do work with higher ascended masters, as a member of the Great White Brotherhood, to assist and help the people that I can, and guide them towards self-realization and deeper insights.

Eventually all people of Earth will come to a point where they realize their true being - some are at a spiritually evolutional level now where it is a proper time to give them a slight push in the right direction to complete their progress of the current level. This is what I am here for.

We live in a time of change, and of great spiritual revelations, the coming years will be very insightful to many people and many more than ever before will cross into the Light and Understanding. This is the New Age we are currently in that you see all around you - a shift of global consciousness.

Needless to say, those considered Pleiadians had a direct connection with those white bearded blond and red haired people of the ancient days around the world, including Atlantis.

(Source background info: )

Peace and love be with you on your path!
Maggador IX-777

[edit on 4-6-2009 by IX-777]

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 12:29 AM
Greetings, Sir. I wish to ask you about something that I posted in another thread to see if you have any insight.


I had a strange "vision" (more of an hypnagogic experience when trying to sleep) of two serpents, one light one dark, descending lower and lower into the void, coiled around one another in a double helix each trying to overtake the other in a kind of race, twisting around and around.

Suddenly I was in the void feeling the sense of total infinity, the serpents disappeared and a soft but stern voice spoke-- from nowhere in particular-- "Merovingian fantasies!" at which point I was startled back into normal consciousness.

Any idea what that could mean?

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 06:00 PM
Thank you for your answer, it was very detailed. For me its been a search for certain kinds of information, relating to those I've experienced abductions/contact with. And information of my soul family I was given by them, which seems related to a blond race connected to Mars and Lemuri, and I gather after researching much, Telos. For some reason Orion is connected to this one group, from childhood of both greys and nordics, and a kind of high councillor or admiral type of guy, seven foot tall roughly, fair hair. Actually, Orion's belt figured very strongly in my mind following our last abduction. The funny thing Orion came to me for a while, and when I showed an online picture of the grey that scanned me at 4 or 5, just as my memory glimpses begin of abuctions, chosing one that was the closest to that particular grey, I was told those were the greys from Orion as well.

The soul memory I have was of a race that took a long journey from Lyrae, or that planet symbolizes this one. From things I've read, Orion had ties with Sirius. Also, I've read about red haired Orions that originated from Lyrae as well. So, I have been searching for answers. Those I have had contact, other than remember this leader type of guy (yes, I'm pretty informal, not the military type and abhor class systems), are nordics wearing blue uniforms. I have reason to believe my area of birth is connected to Telos, there are native looking geological signs, and the natives have legends of coming from the land in the Pacific and a race of tall whites.

Been searching for answers as much as possible.

[edit on 4-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 10:57 PM

Sounds like you experienced a Kundalini Rising, and visually saw this as the traditional kundalini serpents, which relates to both the Staff of Hermes as well as the serpents of the Egpytian Pharaos seen coming out at Third Eye level on their head gear.

The two snakes are symbolizing the energies spinning up your spine towards the top - human consciousness have a lot of embedded imagery within it to represent various experiences in such visual ways which many thus experience more or less the same because they do share the collective consciousness this is embedded within.


If you want me to look further into your case feel free to private message me and I will see if I can assist you with anything.

Blessings be with you,

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:44 PM
Hello my friends,

Just a short notice to say I am back for now, and sorry for my absence but I have many other things to attend to as well and my time online is usually limited for certain periods.

But, for now I am here to continue discussions within the topic of this thread, and answer questions you may have - both for new and old readers.

Anyone whom have not read this thread should start from the beginning before posting, and I will be answering your questions, comments and inputs as I get time to do so.

With that said, I hope for interesting and enlightening discussions, and may there be something for us all to gain from this.

Best blessigns

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by IX-777

How come you say Pleiadians come from a far corner of the universe, when I've always read that they are from our own galaxy?

Also, being this magical alien man, what exactly can you do? Are you able to read minds or sense your posters to form some proof of your abilities?

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 05:02 PM
The Pleiades are far away. Its a star cluster of 7 main stars.

Ever wondered why 7 is a divine number?

Human beings didnt originate on Earth, we are your ancient brothers and sisters, and the human race is spread throughout the universe.

And yes I have proven myself before at different occassions, it is no longer anything I care waste my time with as I have more important and interesting things to do. I do not have any special super powers in either case, all of you have the same abilities as me you just need to practice your skills to be able to use them. I frequently write on how to do that, all you need to do to get your proof is to practice and discover your own powers - only true personal experience can prove anything, and only that is the ultimate goal in any case.

Certainly it can be convenient having other people do things for you, but in the end being able to do something yourself is the greatest gift of all. And, it will lead towards great self-realization and understanding of yourself, the universe, existence and all mysteries of life and death.

I have been teaching people how to awaken their abilities with great success for the last 15 years or so now, and that is my mission for being here. We live in times where it is crucial to understand what you are, where you come from, and where you will go - and how to get there.

Nevertheless, no matter how hard times might be around the corner, we will all go back to the Supreme Good in the end, so no one needs to worry. Just be content, and know you will be fine - and thus you will.


posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Could this rich fantasy life you have developed for yourself (and apparently your family) be the product of your inner child's search for the father that tragically abandoned you during your childhood? Perhaps carrying on your father's interests looking for acceptance for a father from beyond the grave?

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:13 AM
I have not created a fantasy world for myself, what I speak of is true and honest, that includes what I say about my family, my origins and so on.

Regarding my father, death is of no importance to me, in fact I embrace it. Did you think I stopped communicating with my father just because his physical body is gone?

Life goes on way beyond any physical host, and consciousness only temporarly uses the physical body as a way to easily interact in this physical world, something I have been aware of since as long I can remember as we have always been open about this in my family and the organizations we are involved with, which includes practising the art of communicating with spiritual entities.


posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by IX-777
I have not created a fantasy world for myself, what I speak of is true and honest, that includes what I say about my family, my origins and so on.

Regarding my father, death is of no importance to me, in fact I embrace it. Did you think I stopped communicating with my father just because his physical body is gone?

Life goes on way beyond any physical host, and consciousness only temporarly uses the physical body as a way to easily interact in this physical world, something I have been aware of since as long I can remember as we have always been open about this in my family and the organizations we are involved with, which includes practising the art of communicating with spiritual entities.


Death is of no importance to you.. that sounds fairly sociopathic.

Your demeanor also suggests bipolar disorder as your message shifts from that of loving protector and teacher to that of a herald of war.

How does being a reincarnated Pleiadian coexist in your reality with your Christian views?

If you are in communication with the dead, this opens the door to a massive amount of verifiable information that is at your disposal. Why not share some? Contact MY father, eh? I mean, if you are contacting fathers why can yours be contacted and not mine? Just tell me his middle name, that's all I need.

Delusions of grandeur are also playing a big role here. You claim to have been doing this for 20+ years.. yet you are only 28 years old.

You claim to help people find their powers, yet claim you have no powers, yet also claim to HAVE powers.

Can you see how it starts to get hard to cut through the doubletalk?

[edit on 2-11-2009 by HankMcCoy]

[edit on 2-11-2009 by HankMcCoy]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 12:42 PM
IX777 - Billy Meier had some pretty amazing evidence

for someone who was almost wheelchair bound . And many witnesses

that backed his story 100%.

I myself have met some Pleiadians [via spook agencies] ,and let me

assure everyone they visit here in spaceships , and are as solid as you

and me . They have distinct physical characteristics , so , if you don't

mind describing them , I would be grateful .

[edit on 2-11-2009 by radarloveguy]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 02:39 PM

Death is of no importance because it does not exist. Only shifting the consciousness from one body to another is what will happen at the time of oens physical body's death. Thus, why would it be important to me? Or anyone understanding that? Throughout the world, there are many cultures whom embrace death and celebrate it as a great new beginning - which it is. Look at the ancients, they knew more than most people today in those regards.

It is always amusing to see people believing that contacting spirits one know nothing about is as easy as clapping the hands together, to put it like this: Since you are able to talk to living physical people, tell me the name of MY father, and I will be satisfied with your claims of being able to contact living people. I assume you get the point.

And, am I really shifting from "love" to advocating "war" ? If so, feel free to quote me on that - I certainly have no interest in participating in any wars nor do I encourage such acts. Peace, harmony and balance is the key for me - and this is what I advocate and try to teach others to obtain as well.

How does a reincarnated Pleiadian NOT coexist within a reality of so called Christian views? Did you ever consider that the foundations of Christianity and other religions are not only Earth based, but universal? Did you ever consider that spiritual laws are the same throughout the cosmos, indeed throughout existence, and not limited to you here on Earth alone?

With that said, I am not a Christian, nor part of any religion, I am a follower of practical truth and personal experience, not belief. In fact I am against Christianity and religions in general as they have caused more problems than good.

Regarding how long I have been doing what I am doing, I never stated I have done this more than 20 years, I said I have been involved with it close to 2 decades. Being born into these things rather explains how I can have been involved with it from an early age.

You also misunderstand my definition of "powers", and I do admit I have used the term somewhat loosely. But, there are no special powers, it is all natural skills we all have, and all that is needed is to remember them and to regain the ability to understand and control them. Would you say learning to ride a bike is a "power" ?

With all the best

[edit on 2-11-2009 by IX-777]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 02:47 PM

If you think photos of constructions made of garbage can lids among other things are "amazing evidence" then so be it.

The same goes for photos of miniature "crafts" connected to miniature bonzai type of trees making it look like large crafts hovering towards the trees. Why would a space craft fly into a tree anyway? Lousy pilots they must be.

All his predictions were recently released - up to decades AFTER the events he "prophecised" had come to pass. Not very fantastic.

Pleiadians do not come in space ships here, at least none of the ones I know and have met, teleportation though yes that is one method of travel, but spirit travel is even more common where physical human hosts are used.

Regarding how a Pleiadian look, feel free to take a look at my photo to the left. That is myself if you wonder.

Best regards and blessings be with you,

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by IX-777

.... and you have pointy ears , no tongue , only three

longer fingers and opposable thumb ..... and larger eyes ?

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