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Ufo Sightings Will Increase Worldwide

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posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 09:06 PM
I don't think being able to "Sense" energy is proof of anything.
I don't even think that's near being a fact.
Before you can prove the existance of many different civilizations and their supposed star ships, via your ability to "sense energy", you're probably going to have to be able to prove your abilities first before anything else you say can even be remotely back up by that.

Why don't people provide actual proof anymore?
All these people, speaking of aliens making contact, coming to Earth, like Earth is significant, all give the same hog wash proof.
Or give that whole, "The proof is all around you." bullcrap.
Well, I call shennagins.
The "Increased" sightings of UFO's (Though, I doubt it's an increase in recent years.) could very well, and may very will be, cover air-force craft not yet revealed to the public (Or, ever to be).

I'll be glad when this year passes and everyone who yammers on about their "Feelings" will be wrong.
But until then- I'd like it if anyone with "news" to tell us, would provide proof when they tell us something is true.
Is it so much to ask?

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 05:19 AM
ET's are already here. They're just waiting for the right time.
I've been "sensing" some alien presence too since last year. Started in summer.
Cmdraleon, are there any certain locations or people that bother you the most?
There's a place near my home that I've been thinking about a lot lately and I can't really control those thoughts about that place. Like it's reminding me something XD

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Frank_Rizzo

Greetings Frank,

The Galactic Ships of Light or the Good People Ets are operating within a Divine Directive .

Their is a plan of action that will at some point allow for the Ships to make direct contact after the Mass Sightings happen.

Many Govenments are aware of this the United States will be one of the last holdouts to tell the People the truth.

The Texas Sightings and January 1st in California that happened January 1st are only the beginning Mass Sightings will eventually happen this 2008 is a year of Galactic Ships coming into the view in the skies of Humans in varied parts of the United States and elsewhere.

The United States Sightings will increase because the Govenment refuses to tell the People the truth.

They will have to tell the truth because the Ships will be in clear view of many People.

The Ship seen in Texas and the one's in California were planned by the Ets for People to see in groups.

The Govenment cannot stop the Divine Plan of direct contact from eventually happening.

Thank you for your question .

Ashtar Galactic Command

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Jibbs

Greetings Jibbs,

When I use the word "'we" I am speaking of Mankind .

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,
Ashtar Galactic Command

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 11:28 PM
Hi there,

I don't mean to be cheeky but how come all the supposed, enlightened alien types that post here at ATS don't seem to have a clue about grammar and spelling?

Ok, I'll humour you for a minute, let's pretend you're not a 12 year old kid and that you're really an alien so english isn't your first language, surely if you write the word "their" then you'd know the correct way to use that word?

....Sorry, just a pet hate of mine, too many attention seekers here.

I'm off to bed, been a long night

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 05:52 AM
I have been sensing the presence of a tight knit groups of alien beings or "enlightened ones" which they call themselves "Garbosians" or "space aliens" which have been manifesting all over in Canada. I mention Canada because "they" feel there is a place of power in Pelee Island which has been a command center for which by where they have a control room that projects natural disasters or "earth (terran) events". They are increasing these earth events because the psychic level of humanity has risen and is still rising risen and we can now detect their presence although only weakly or generally. Their plan ultimately is to raise the consciousness of humanity out of the red (lowest) frequency. The red frequency is associated in their texts that they have telepathically sent to me with war, hatred, lust, and jealousy. It is a primal frequency. So if they can bring us up to the next frequency which is the orange frequency which is known for growth and warmth (associated with global warming) then humanity will not have there planet destroyed, or as it is, sent to the cosmic Graveyard Of Worlds where dead planets exist and souls have nothing to do. No growth. No energy. No frequencies. If a world is destroyed by its inhabitants an Enlightened Illuminated Galactic Council banishes it (in spirit, it's energy) to the Graveyard so that it doesn't scare the peaceful inhabitants of the galaxy.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 08:13 AM
perhaps the UFOs from the Mexico City skies are moving on to the Texas skies...
i'm not hearing or reading much of the UFO waves down in Mexico lately

or perhaps these are the Mother-Ships that 'Heaven's Gate' cult
said were hiding behind the Hal-Bop comet...
and the Mother-Ships finally turned their 'cloaking devices' to
reveal their presence.

this all sounds too much like the TV series 'V', with huge mother-ships hovering over cities...

and the purpose of these Aliens... ? is to provide the 'Truth' ?
naw! they're hiding something

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

I'm really sorry to burst your bubble Cmdraleon (I'm a big fan of yours)...but I've already de-bunked the San Diego sighting (Jan.1, 2008) on my blog as a case of Sky Lanterns launched at Midnight to mark the New Year. The UFOs just floated by, did no interesting moves...and it was New Years.

Have a look here...

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:21 AM

This thread is a microcosm of the mess that is the public perception on UFOs.

I have a "feeling" as well, and it's that we are doomed to live in ignorance until the planet decides it has enough plastic.


posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:27 AM
I know there will be thousands and thousand of sighthings and videos of aliens and ets because I sense a disturbance in The me...its real LOL

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 12:54 PM
Hmm this is interesting. For some time now i have been getting a feeling something of a profound nature will take place in the near future, just a gut feeling. I have been so annoyed,angered and fed up with all the mindless bloodshed in the Middel East in particular, not to mention the repression of Burma, North Korea and Zimbabwe to name a few countries. I just want the world to stop and think for a moment and for humanity to grow up. Anyhow of late i've been feeling something is gonna happen, when that will be i dont know. I was speaking with a friend of mine and she let slip her daughter had seen a UFO the other day and she was only 7 !
She also had the same feeling something profound is about to happen in the near future, and we both think it is comsic in nature. So i was interested to read the same sense of something is gonna happen soon on this thread from others. Glad i'm not the only one. I do feel that the Govt has been preparing us for this although they have not told the truth. Look at all the release if information/main stream reporting in the last few years. Thats for those who are not more read up than us on the issue.
I do feel that it is time for First Contact to occur. When that will happen i dont know, but i hope it is soon, cause humanity needs a few home truths to be told. We cannot go on as we are with the mindless killing.
Not to mention we need to focus on the environmental concerns we face.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

I am a skeptic. I am rationnal and I like to think I don't end up being paranoid about conspiracies theroies etc. But since I was very young, I always had the feeling something big would happen in my life and that I would end up being part of this "big thing". please don't judge me by saying that this is a common delusional symptom. I am a very stable person amd my life is quite normal. As I said, I don't focus on these things. But now more and more I can see the pieces of the puzzle coming togheter.

My mother had dreams, that she told me about, and I quickly dismissed it when I was young. But it's still in the back of my head. I really don't want to fall into the category of freaks that get ridiculized (chosen ones, blablabla, mark behind the ear, he will be fine don't worry for him, safe land over the sea when it all happens,Canada as a safe land, skipping on the pseudo hippy details, etc)...

I've let this sleep for the last 10 years, but now it's growing stronger and stronger everyday. I cannot help but feel and "sense" that we are going toward something very big. A sense of urgency toward something I just don't know exactly. Something that humanity never faced before. Somehow, I am curious about the UFO phenomenon.

I might wake up at 90 years old and nothing would have happened. And then I'd say to myself... Well, you were dilusioned... So be it.

I've been researching a bit about it and always trying to decide what is real from not. The tendency I see now is simple. We are destroying our world. Our world and planet is dying right now. And if somebody has been watching us for all these years, it just makes sense to me that they would choose intervene now, or soon. We would do the same, we try to protect endangered species, etc.

My simple theory is that if we had the means to protect a specie from outer space (not now, but one day maybe) we would probably choose to do something and try to alter the auto-destruction process of this precious life in this empty universe.

My point is that maybe right now, today, we might witness this. Who knows... We'll see.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Nobody will answer to this ??? I don't believe that NOBODY experienced this state of mind in the recent years.... Incredible....

posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

Absolutly certain that goverments around the world will use sightings no matter its origin to manipulate masses and distract attention over the real problems waiting us ahead, like finantial crises,climate and poverty.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by Cmdraleon

I am a skeptic. I am rationnal and I like to think I don't end up being paranoid about conspiracies theroies etc. But since I was very young, I always had the feeling something big would happen in my life and that I would end up being part of this "big thing". please don't judge me by saying that this is a common delusional symptom. I am a very stable person amd my life is quite normal. As I said, I don't focus on these things. But now more and more I can see the pieces of the puzzle coming togheter.

My mother had dreams, that she told me about, and I quickly dismissed it when I was young. But it's still in the back of my head. I really don't want to fall into the category of freaks that get ridiculized (chosen ones, blablabla, mark behind the ear, he will be fine don't worry for him, safe land over the sea when it all happens,Canada as a safe land, skipping on the pseudo hippy details, etc)...

I've let this sleep for the last 10 years, but now it's growing stronger and stronger everyday. I cannot help but feel and "sense" that we are going toward something very big. A sense of urgency toward something I just don't know exactly. Something that humanity never faced before. Somehow, I am curious about the UFO phenomenon.

I might wake up at 90 years old and nothing would have happened. And then I'd say to myself... Well, you were dilusioned... So be it.

I've been researching a bit about it and always trying to decide what is real from not. The tendency I see now is simple. We are destroying our world. Our world and planet is dying right now. And if somebody has been watching us for all these years, it just makes sense to me that they would choose intervene now, or soon. We would do the same, we try to protect endangered species, etc.

My simple theory is that if we had the means to protect a specie from outer space (not now, but one day maybe) we would probably choose to do something and try to alter the auto-destruction process of this precious life in this empty universe.

My point is that maybe right now, today, we might witness this. Who knows... We'll see.

In short: I know what you are saying.
That said, The predictions made by the Thread-starter, indeed seem to have been quite accurat, to say the least.

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