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Freemasons - What can you share?

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posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Madrusa
No tricks, I simply posted an article I wrote concerning religion and Freemasonry showing that Freemasonry does not qualify as a religion. I explained it if you had read the link(s) I gave.

Again, my list isn't based on "my own protestant fundamentalism" as 1) I'm not a Protestant, and 2) that list was taking into consideration characteristics of religions in Mesoamerica, Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East.

My list couldn't be applied to the Quakers. Clearly, you didn't read my article.

Again, there was and is no such thing as "Catholic Freemasonry." Nor have there been any wars fought over or against Freemasonry. 1717 was just the establishment of the first Grand Lodge in England.

The Catholic Church never recognized the 1717 Grand Lodge as relating to the former Masonic tradition, your version of Freemasonry is a total fraud.

Show proof of this "former Masonic tradition."

It is not for you to say what is and isn't fraudulent in Freemasonry. You carry no expertise nor authority to make such definitions.

The modern signification of Freemasonry in which, since about 1750, the word has been universally and exclusively understood, dates only from the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England, 1717

What about the Regius Poem?

Didn't the Constitution of the first Grand Lodge not come about until 1723, not 1717?

In other words you're a LARPER.

That's your opinion.

a reply to: Grenade

The Sword and Trowel:

posted on Apr, 26 2022 @ 08:20 PM

edit on 26-4-2022 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

You are the ultimate authority on the religious free, Quaker friendly, fake and gay, utterly meaningless Free Masonry of the 1717 Grand Lodge, the fact that you draw attention to operative Stone Masons guilds in England is pointless because you're not a continuation of those Catholic Guilds and aren't the sort to be building Gothic Cathedrals.

Jacobite Free Masonry was speculative as well as operative, they actually did also produce some very nice buildings but were steeped in esoteric architectural allegory, the English Civil war was between Protestants funded by Orthodox Jews against Cabbalistic Masonic Catholics, the 1717 Grand Lodge was intended to end this tradition with it's own facade.

History that never happened according to you, or perhaps just happened without your permission.

a reply to: gkskg

Well i've never played the game but listen to socio-political commentators who make comparison with it's lore and current affairs, people continue to mythologize their lives and stimulate their imagination and according to what is popular among such they would welcome a future dedicated to total war against all forms of corruption and degeneracy in the sense of a Holy War through the restoration of the Theocracy. Trump as the God Emperor of the Warhammer 40k Universe was a popular meme in recent times, people were somewhat let down when he turned out not to be, this led to the Horus Heresy.
edit on 27-4-2022 by Madrusa because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

Thanks, I had a good read through it, very interesting.

I also went a little deeper online and found some convincing stories on the initiation rituals, after reading the vows I have to say the people that break them should still receive the old traditional punishment.

If people make a vow to God then they should keep it!

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 09:42 AM
I was off for a couple days, did the Baphomet-worshipping reveal happen yet?

posted on Apr, 27 2022 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I actually just started a new book on that very subject, I’ll let you know if you pesky masons get a mention. Reading it with a pinch of salt but already some things I didn’t know. Like the Knights Templar was forbidden from retreat from battle and would fight to the last man. Fair play.

posted on Apr, 28 2022 @ 04:44 AM
Here's something interesting with regards to the tradition of the (Neo)Antient Freemasons.

That portion of the Rite which is connected with the legend of the Tyrian Artist, is well worthy the deep and earnest study of thoughtful men. Against the notion that it is the representation of a scene that actually occurred in the Temple, it may well be urged that, outside of Masonic tradition, there is no proof that an event, such as is related in connection with the Temple-Builder, ever transpired; and, besides, the ceremony is older, by more than a thousand years, than the age of SOLOMON. There are characters impressed upon it which cannot be mistaken. It is thoroughly Egyptian, and is closely allied to the supreme rite of the Isianic mysteries.

The suggestion that the Master Mason mythos had been derived from the cult of Osiris has some merit.

OSIRIS, ISIS, and TYPHON are the three principal figures in the ancient Egyptian mythology. TYPHON—i.e., Evil—made war upon OSIRIS—i.e., Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. A fierce conflict long raged between these spiritual forces, of which all the combats, antagonisms, and disorders of the outward, visible world, were only far-distant.

ISIS set forth, on her woful pilgrimage, to find the remains of the beloved OSIRIS. After many disappointments and trials, her efforts were crowned with success. The great day of triumph came. TYPHON (Evil) was destroyed by HORUS; the tomb of OSIRIS opened, and HE—Order, Truth, Justice—came forth, victorious, in the possession of immortal life, and harmony, peace, and joy prevailed through the universe.

All sounds good.

This myth is the antetype of the Temple-legend. OSIRIS and the Tyrian Architect are one and the same—not a mortal individual, but an idea—an IMMORTAL PRINCIPLE! In Egyptian Freemasonry, OSIRIS was the type of Beauty, Goodness, Order, and Truth. So, in the Temple-myth, the Tyrian is the symbol of Beauty and Order, and of that Creative Art which is ever ready to seize the Ideal, and incarnate it in material forms—that divine art which robes the physical world in immortal splendors—embellishes and beautifies life—idealizes all Nature, transforming dull and prosy reality to a sunny, flowery dream; TYPHON was slain, and the iniquitous triad of the Temple met a deserved doom.

Ahiman Rezon

What confuses me though is that the last known location of the Seth-Typhonians was Jerusalem according to Manetho and other Greek considerations and that i would consider Seth-Typhonian Gnostics a major influence in the development of Free Masonry, one could though just take their Temple version as some weird inversion of earlier Egyptian tradition, but that would then raise the question of why one would dedicate to building a Typhonian Temple of Solomon rather than an Osirian Pyramid.

It may well be that raising questions such as this is what got Ancient Scottish Masonry shut down in the first place, were Candidates in the modern version were simply encouraged to shed all former religious considerations and ethnic identities and become servile Noahides of the Jerusalem cult, in which case that would be the Seth-Typhonian version of Masonry, dedicated not to truth but to evil.

posted on Apr, 30 2022 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Madrusa
And unlike you who thinks he knows more than actual Masons? You have no clue about Freemasonry.

I love how you focus on made-up pedigrees as if you get to decide what is and isn't real Freemasonry.

posted on Apr, 30 2022 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: Madrusa
Ahiman Rezon:

Laurence Dermott:

Regius Poem:

John Theophilus Desaguliers:

William Preston:

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

Your linked articles are Wikipaedia based common knowledge, you're not a researcher and are incapable of adding to what is generally known, this is the background to the schism between Ancient and Modern Free Masonry, the Scottish Catholic claim.

Masonic Puzzles

Generally the speculative Free Masons just saw themselves as Cabbalists, therefore to be any sort of actual expert on the subject you'd have to be an expert on Jewish esotericism derived from the various Gnostic sects of Hellenistic-Judaism, because all the rest is just foolish games and pretentiousness.

posted on May, 1 2022 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Madrusa
Well, you need to learn the basics before you flap your gums about more advanced topics of Freemasonry.

And papers of mine can also be found on that Academia site.

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

By your reasoning only the Fish in the Goldfish bowl truly understands fish and knows it is the only type of fish in the world, you'd have to eat the fish food to understand that perpective, but not everyone wants to become a fish in a goldfish bowl.

Anyone can submit articles on but that doesn't mean they're all academic quality and your articles are generally Masonic hobbyist tier, Freemasonry was just Catholicism with trimmings and you weren't even aware that it had been appropriated from Catholicism, which itself was the subversion of Roman religion by an Anti-nomian Jewish cult of the Typhonian variety and thus Catholics continued to seek out deeper understandings from that source, thus creating an Order generally understood to be actively destroying the World, the final form of Free Masonry groups such as the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis.

edit on 2-5-2022 by Madrusa because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 03:17 PM
By your reasoning a shark knows what it is like to be a flathead. It ain’t so.

a reply to: Madrusa

posted on May, 2 2022 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Madrusa
That wasn't my argument of all; nice strawman fallacy. I'm saying you don't understand Freemasonry and got should before you try telling actual Masons about their own group.

Well , my papers are academic quality. The first one uploaded was my Masters Thesis. I also have papers submitted to "academic quality" journals for publication.

Freemasonry was just Catholicism with trimmings and you weren't even aware that it had been appropriated from Catholicism...

It isn't and it wasn't. I am aware of that. Rejection of your claims doesn't mean they I'm stupid or unaware. You are not right.

...thus creating an Order generally understood to be actively destroying the World

Freemasonry wasn't and isn't destroying the world.

...groups such as the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis.

The OTO has never been a form of Freemasonry.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

That's been the argument here entirely that it can only be understood through subjective experience within the cult and cannot be undrstood from an outsider objective analysis, which is a deeply flawed perspective given the behavioural and mental conditioning involved, and you have only provided evidence of articles you have writen which are basically fan-fiction.

You are also wrong in assuming developments in Free Masonry ended when the Hanoverian Grand Lodge sort of put the lid on things in Britain and it's Colonies, the same process of Anti-Nomian Cabbalistic Jews introducing strange doctrines continued from Eastern Europe with the like of Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank giving rise to such groups as the Illuminati and the Asiatic Brethren, the Morgenrothe Lodge of Frankfurt as the Mother Lodge of the Golden Dawn, all sorts of irregular Masonry such as Memphis-Misraim, the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis is the final and ironically most honest end result of the entire dabbling in Seth-Typhonian magical tradition.

What else would Seth-Typhonian magical tradition be concerned with if not destroying the World?

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Madrusa
I'd say that first-hand experience trumps your second-hand information, but your second-hand information isn't much to begin with.

Again, Freemasonry is not a cult:

Fan fiction? LOL You're not really an expert or objective to make such a conclusion.

I never made any statement concerning the development of Freemasonry. I just said that it wasn't a sect of Catholicism because it wasn't.

The Golden Dawn was never a part of Freemasonry as a concordant or appendant body. Nor was the OTO.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: KSigMason

But there's a pattern isn't there, you don't recognize what came before and you don't recognize what came after because technically they were never under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge, i don't think that means much in terms of observing the greater pattern of development, except simply that competing factions have emerged, and while you don't recognize them the Catholic Church doesn't recognize you either and i suppose neither does the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis for what it's worth.

posted on May, 3 2022 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Madrusa
Who says I don't recognize the patterns?

I couldn't care less if the Romanized church recognizes me or Freemasonry.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 01:58 PM
Never realized this site was ridden with fremason propagators. Oh, the irony.. To the darkweb we go.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 02:09 PM
For the most part you wouldn’t know who is a mason, besides the occasional handle, it is only when the subject comes up that the resources available to ATS becomes apparent.

a reply to: MrCrabs3000

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