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The IDs of the Parties involved in the 2007 Nimitz UFO Video Leak are Known!!!

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posted on Jul, 5 2020 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Shere Khaan

I appreciate most of your threads, MM, but the involvement of Isaackoi sucks. ... as I'm sure many here have, yet now you are casting aspersions due to his following up the video and chasing down the person who procured it?

His answers to questions took far too long. When he did answer he evaded them at first choosing to go off topic. Without the need to repeat things. I think everyone who carefully reads the thread and accompanying quotes and links can see that there's something not quite right going on here and Isaac is at the centre of things.

...Unless Isaackoi was planning on disseminating the information widely I doubt very much he had anything at all to worry about from the US intelligence agencies, being a foreign national...

What was he intending to do with the files and longer video if he acquired them if not to disseminate them?

Hand them back to the US Navy?

Give them to the Russians?

I don't know. Do you?

Being a foreign national is very relevant. If he was Ivan Koi, or Isaac Tsoi then maybe you'd think differently about your statement. After all we don't know his real name do we?

Why was he deep diving into the identities of people involved?

How do you know what the US intelligence agencies actions might or might not be?

I think myself and others have clearly pointed out that the risks of attempting to obtain 'potentially classified' materials in this situation. But that was a risk someone was prepared to take.

What if this was a Russian or Chinese plot? Attempting to transfer vital secrets into the public domain via third parties under the guise of a UFO story?

Would you place yourself in such a position without protection?

One of the whistleblowers even told Popular Mechanics in 2020 that he still feared repercussions and would not go on the record. Yet seemed happy providing personal details to Isaac Koi just 6 months earlier on ATS.

Meanwhile the US Navy sat idly by and claimed they couldn't identify said person. But the identity is known to a handful of people.

Maybe you honestly can't see that there's something very amiss here? I assure you that other people can.

edit on 5/7/2020 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Jul, 5 2020 @ 03:26 PM
I can see what you're driving at MM and of course you are right to fear the machinations of the Russians and the Chinese, just look at the full scale cyber and economic war being waged on Australia. As far as what he was going to do with the information, aren't we all just truth seekers here? If Isaac is at face value a barrister, well then he can keep his trap shut if he has sensitive information. If Isaac is a plant to obtain classified images of American tech, my god, I take my hat off to the dedicated long game played with all the work put in both on this site and all his background information.

From the information you have pieced together here and in your other epic TTSA threads it seems to me more likely that the widely released video was sanitised/created as plausible deniability for the incidents. And it worked. It explains the sanctioned releases, the shoddy follow up investigations and some jarring inconsistencies in stories; and in essence this could be why you are trying to discourage any further investigation into this... hmmm.
edit on 5/7/20 by Shere Khaan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2020 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: Shere Khaan essence this could be why you are trying to discourage any further investigation into this... hmmm.

But this is exactly what you are doing. Hmmm indeed.

posted on Jul, 5 2020 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: The GUT

This is seriously under-rated drama, but rather than concern with individual identities i think more consideration could have been given to the collective identity of the para-government cliques that have largely generated Ufology, this was staring you all in the face with TDL and his supposedly door opening Masonic adventures, those types ALWAYS have an ALIEN agenda, but not of the extra-terrestrial variety, their self-identity is not what might be expected, Scottish, but not as we know it

They take alien intervention of the extra-terrestrial variety more seriously than anyone else because their interests are more seriously threatened by such than anyone else's, though of course they would like everyone else to defend their interests and thus the threat narrative, unfortunately for them their activities are futile and people generally come to the correct conclusion that they are the threat.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: Shere Khaan
I appreciate most of your threads, MM

Certainly a guilty pleasure, but I confess this thread has been entertaining. I never seen MM like a dog with a huge bone = )

but the involvement of Isaackoi sucks. For the 12 years I have been here I have appreciated all of Isaackoi's work and threads, as I'm sure many here have, yet now you are casting aspersions due to his following up the video and chasing down the person who procured it?

I dont understand why we should expect Isaac or anyone else owes us anything. From his comments in this thread and the new thread he posted, it appears he wants to post the information when he feels like hes got a good handle on it instead of a bunch of speculation. But even if he posts nothing at all about the situation, thats his right, no here is paying him that I am aware of?

Let the end of ATS not be about trying to tear apart the valued contributing members of this forum.

Hopefully our internet overlord, Google, doesnt score another victory for censorship with the death of this site.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: Shere Khaan
I know people get caught up in the whole America = centre of the universe thing, but in the rest of the world they do not quite hold the same weight as you might believe, especially nowadays. Take for instance the whole wikileaks debacle with Julian Assange; The US will go for the person stealing the information and they will target anyone prominent who tries to use it, but all the people who handled the information in the wikileaks organisation are just fine.

This is very true. I have classified information from that leak, I've disseminated it on numerous platforms. No one from the government has come after me.

Sex offender Anthony "Carlos Danger" Wiener had classified info on his laptop. Nothing happened to him, Huma or Hillary when it was found. But now Isaac, ATS and all of ufology is supposed not to look at potentially groundbreaking information on UAPs? Things that make you go hmmm.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Sublant

I think you guys have things a bit ass backward here. In this situation if you somehow acquire these slides and documents and they are indeed highly classified and you post them online (aka publish) then you are the Assange of the situation and not an innocent bystander or a lowly Wikileaks intern combing Julian's beard for crumbs.

Now we can argue all day whether this whole Nimitz incident is total bull# or not but that's another question entirely.

From the beginning this entire video leak has had a strong whiff of "Hey fellow UFO people, does anyone have any purloined UFO footage from their time serving in the military that they would like to share? I'll go first as soon as I find that damn CD-ROM."

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 11:47 AM
Hello out there....if you are whistleblower you will be protected by

If you have any interesting UAP videos are slides you should consider posting them on this thread


posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: coursecatalog

Pretty much. Though Assange had the option to use the journalism defense before more recent news of him asking Sabu/Lulzsec and Anonymous to hack Stratfor and others, now he doesn't have a leg to stand on apart from avoiding extradition as he'd likely be put to death in the US.

If the info is genuine then actively posting raw US intel online, or even posting a hyperlink to it, breaks dozens of US laws with punishment being up to and including death. Sharing it is several degrees higher in terms of laws broken and severity of punishment than merely having them in your possession (especially if it's an airgapped secure laptop that doesn't connect to the internet).

To be clear I'm from the UK, was Level 2 UK intel (was told to apply to all four. passed all tests, was never paid or given access to any info as I turned down the secondments/placements). I was never dumb enough to publish 80% of the material I came across but was contacted by my UK handlers just for copying confidential files from a front company onto a USB stick.

originally posted by: celltypespecific
Hello out there....if you are whistleblower you will be protected by

If you have any interesting UAP videos are slides you should consider posting them on this thread


It's not illegal to withold UAP videos so that whistleblower protection doesn't apply. If you leak US military stuff you get prosecuted under the Espionage Act
edit on 6-7-2020 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: Baablacksheep
a reply to: bastion

For other posters I strongly recommend against clicking on alleged links or the reddit topic on the alleged leaked presentation.

Too late . Half of ATS will have clicked it and outside of ATS too.

There was nothing , the content was already deleted , with some hyperlink to what will happen to you if you leak confidential information.

Not sure really if i should care about anything anymore.

Why is it that people like Hilary Clinton can have unsecure servers for classified information and get not even a slap on the wrist.

Yet we cant click on one reddit thread , because ow mightly lord we will recieve the death sentence.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: coursecatalog
a reply to: Sublant

I think you guys have things a bit ass backward here. In this situation if you somehow acquire these slides and documents and they are indeed highly classified and you post them online (aka publish) then you are the Assange of the situation and not an innocent bystander or a lowly Wikileaks intern combing Julian's beard for crumbs.

Now we can argue all day whether this whole Nimitz incident is total bull# or not but that's another question entirely.

From the beginning this entire video leak has had a strong whiff of "Hey fellow UFO people, does anyone have any purloined UFO footage from their time serving in the military that they would like to share? I'll go first as soon as I find that damn CD-ROM."

All of Snowden leaked (above)TS documents can be obtained and republished by anyone and the government won't do a damn thing about it.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: coursecatalog

It's not illegal to withold UAP videos so that whistleblower protection doesn't apply. If you leak US military stuff you get prosecuted under the Espionage Act

Maybe, but probably not. See the Pentagon Papers.
edit on 6-7-2020 by Sublant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: Shere Khaan
... it seems to me more likely that the widely released video was sanitised/created as plausible deniability for the incidents.

Well, it certainly is a very UNimpressive video. After being the subject of fevered ATS gossip in early 2007, it was more or less dismissed as a hoax and completely forgotten about, subsequently surviving unnoticed and unloved on YouTube for eight long years until 2015 when Elizondo & Co began resurrecting the story, Roswell-style. Delonge, Corbell and Knapp were already in place by then, knitted together and well prepared...

The first blip on the wider public radar began with the 2015 article, suspiciously headlined by the same stupid Mylar balloon photograph that humiliated Chris Mellon two years later at the TTSA podium.

If TTSA and Co are wilfully presenting an incompetent front for the purposes of disinformation, they have succeeded admirably.

edit on 6-7-2020 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: TheGreazel

Its like been in wonderland.

posted on Jul, 6 2020 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: celltypespecific

Don't worry - Celly will pay your legal fees.

(post by Case74282 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jul, 7 2020 @ 12:51 AM


posted on Jul, 7 2020 @ 01:13 AM


(post by Baablacksheep removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jul, 7 2020 @ 02:17 AM


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