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Lifestyles of the rich and famous: Obscene wealth inequality at it's worst

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posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:28 PM

Okay, found the house. The property taxes alone on the house would be about $250,000 a year. Get my point now?

that's not correct. there's no way those are the taxes. Westchester NY is one of the most expensive places in the country when it comes to real estate taxes, and the median annual real estate tax bill is $8,404. (taken a few years back)

I have seen houses in Westchester with Real Estate tax bills in the $40-$45k range and that is astronomical.

$250k is a mistake. either you are looking at the assessed value or you added one or two too many zeroes.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

Capitalism isn't bad.

But there is a reason why Corporations were once given a 5 - 10 year charter that was subject to review because of the damn power they could have.

Now banks have to own shares from the Federal Reserve, which operates similarly to a private corporation, in order to be a member of the System.

It really boils down to greed... and it's so horrible too because it seems as if the fiat system seems to feed the greed...
edit on 23-10-2013 by DelayedChristmas because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:35 PM
Isn't crony capitalism the worst. Almost as bad as socialism and/or communism.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

I want everyone to follow the law, and to have the laws be the same for everyone.

Wealth doesn't create that. Corrupt Govt influenced by wealth does.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:39 PM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Aghh. Who allowed them to write it??? Who allowed them to propose it????? Who is putting it as law??? and who is going to enforce it??????

Say it with me "government"...Yet the problem is business. *Facepalm*

Removes facepalm...

Who do you think owns the government? We the people or rich people? Do you think all guns should be banned because of some gun crimes?

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Oh good hell.

The corrupt Govt allows it. Hell, it invokes and welcomes such crap.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:43 PM

reply to post by crazyewok

Stop allowing money to corrupt the Govt. Yes. I agree. Stop allowing the Govt to be corrupted by money and power.

Government was always a tool for the rich. They the ones who picked up the gun and ran with it.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Wait, you suggest that politicians serve a term and return to normal life????

Now who is Bullcrapping who.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:45 PM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

are you saying that the US is too big to fail and that anything that can be done to prop her up, should be done?

because that's the same situation with certain banks and businesses.

sometimes, as wrong as it is, you need to support someone, or something, to avoid a far worse situation.

it's like kissing the ugly girl so your best mate can spend time with her friend.

Ding, ding, ding! Chicken dinner!!!

If the U.S. goes down the entire world goes down...

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Oh, so an Apple Genius shows up with handcuffs?????

Nope. The Corrupted Govt does.

So, just because I offer you a poison apple, and you eat it knowing full well it is poison, it is my fault???

No personal responsibility at all.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Oh, so the Gun acts alone in what ever it does???
The gun will do as it pleases?
Or the gun can adjust reality where it does not adhere to physical laws, like, being able to operate on its own???

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Govt and the people in it are self serving. While money influences them, they are still corrupt to begin with.

Facepalm returned.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:51 PM

reply to post by crazyewok

I want everyone to follow the law, and to have the laws be the same for everyone.

Wealth doesn't create that. Corrupt Govt influenced by wealth does.

You continue to describe the government as if the people holding those seats are there for life and their kids will be also.

In most positions a person serves their term and then they return to "civilian" status. So why would they pass laws which themselves and their families would suffer from too?

All the problems in our government are caused by wealth and the people they place in our government positions!

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:54 PM

reply to post by DZAG Wright

Oh, so an Apple Genius shows up with handcuffs?????

Nope. The Corrupted Govt does.

So, just because I offer you a poison apple, and you eat it knowing full well it is poison, it is my fault???

No personal responsibility at all.

Please tell me and the thousands of sick minds in this country that because of "personal responsibility" we should remove plenty of crimes such as drug dealing, pimping, etc.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 04:31 PM


Wealth doesn't create that. Corrupt Govt influenced by wealth does.

Not denying that.

Wealth itself is not wrong like I have said a million times. I have a few mates in the very rich club. They are not bad people. So wealth is not bad.

Problem is when that wealth ends up in the hands of very unethical people who use that to get into goverment and other position of power then shape it to suite there own ends. IE you get a corrupt bloated goverment and a crony controlling system like we have now.

Im sure even without money your congress, my paliament would be still evil corrupt people. Give them 10 million and they are even more dangrous.

These people should be rooted out and the system worked so that these sorts of people dont get into positions of power and responsibility.

Let just remove wealth as a factor in our conversation and just agree that wealth or not the sort of evil, unethical, sleezy, self serveing people should not be holding any sort of office or power and system should be in place so that if they do get there the damage they can do will be minimal.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 04:33 PM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Aghh. Who allowed them to write it??? Who allowed them to propose it????? Who is putting it as law??? and who is going to enforce it??????

Say it with me "government"...Yet the problem is business. *Facepalm*

So you want anarchy or a different party running the show?

Business= BIG business.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 04:35 PM

reply to post by crazyewok

likley buy breaking laws and paying of politicans

I think you summed up the problem.

Everyone resents the "mega corporations" because they bribe politicians.

So we go to politicians to try and stop it.

I think the common denominator here is politicians.

What happens when the politicians rotate between DC and the private sector and vice versa?
The politicians in DC are not from small business Joe Sixpack, but hail from the Mega Corporations and Wall Street Banks, helping their fellow cronies out.

It is redistribution of wealth from the labor class to the rich when they are allowed to write their own policies to pass off to their fellow cronies in DC. Policies like "Free Trade Agreements" and Lowered Lending Standards since their derivatives scam was selling like hotcakes to investors here and abroad, which blew up the world.

Here are some of your "politicians" serving their cronies and not the best interests of this nation.

The redistribution of wealth has been going on for the past 20 years from the poor to the rich thanks to these policies set forth all so that the top .5% that own 40% of the nations wealth can get more dividends per share in their stock portfolio.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 04:37 PM


Oh, so an Apple Genius shows up with handcuffs?????

No what he is saying is that Apple or Microsoft et wants you home to put a shop or offices there they will go to your local authroties and slip some corrupt politican a few million and they will pass a law forceing you out most likley below its real value. Or they want to set up a similiar buisness to you but dont want the competition so again they slip some politician a few million and bang you hit with a load of permit "violations" and tax "disrepances" and bang you buissness goes.

Yes its the polictians fault for accepting those bribes or "party contributions" as they like to call them but the buissnesses should not be offering bribes either! To me both are guilty and both partys need locked up in jail.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

People like you make good slaves and servants LOL! Master can crack the whip and you just keep your head down and keep going hoping that one day YOU will be master.

I'm a slave because people can make money?

No one is saying someone shouldn't have any money. We're saying the same thing society is already saying that for instance...we want speed limits. Can't have any and everyone zooming through neighborhoods at 100 mph. Can you and others like you not understand this?

There is a difference between a speed limit and robbing someone.

Society will soon realize that one or small groups of people owning such vast amounts of money isn't healthy to society. No different than people walking around with bombs or speeding through school zones.

"Please give me your money because you shouldn't have so much, never mind the fact that I am going to compare people with money to speeding through school zones and people carrying bombs."

Yeah. OK. If you think it is moral to use government to force people to redistribute their money for the "good of society," then you are an authoritarian and should see my sig.

If you want money, figure out a way to make it on your own.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 04:48 PM

DZAG Wright

reply to post by crazyewok

I want everyone to follow the law, and to have the laws be the same for everyone.

Wealth doesn't create that. Corrupt Govt influenced by wealth does.

You continue to describe the government as if the people holding those seats are there for life and their kids will be also.

In most positions a person serves their term and then they return to "civilian" status. So why would they pass laws which themselves and their families would suffer from too?

All the problems in our government are caused by wealth and the people they place in our government positions!

If you haven't been paying attention, Congress is exempt from Obamacare.

That includes past and present Senators and members of the house.

The problem is not corporations.

The problem is not rich people.

The problem is a government that no longer fears its people.

Politicians take bribes to favor business. As I stated in a previous post, if a politician's fear of losing their head trumped their greed, we wouldn't have this problem. No more corporate lobbyists.

The people need to inflict tyranny upon the government.

We are taxed by government.
The economy is declining because of government.
Jobs moved over seas because of government.
Prisons are full because of ridiculous prohibitions because of government.
We are spied on by Wal Ma...wait, is that right?
edit on 23-10-2013 by LewsTherinThelamon because: (no reason given)

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