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Lifestyles of the rich and famous: Obscene wealth inequality at it's worst

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posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

The obscenely wealthy disgust me. They live in their own little bubble and have no idea what reality and real life is really like. Most of them are lazy slobs who got rich by breaking laws, finding loopholes, and by other people's suffering.

I have a great example of the stupidity and the "so far out of reality" mentality of super wealthy people. My Dad's best friend has a cousin who is a billionaire. They live in a huge mansion. My Dad's friend is a retired US Foods truck driver and his wife works as a secretary for a school. They live in a small town with cheap taxes in a very small rancher. My Dad and his friend are street rod guys, but the friend loves collecting cars. The cousin will give or offer his old car to my Dad's friend every year. (Because they buy a new car every year) No big deal, and pretty cool. Well, the mansion next door was up for sale and the cousin wanted to buy it so they wouldn't have any neighbors anymore. He said if his daughter wouldn't take it, that he would give it to my Dad's friend. Well, that's very nice and all, but my Dad's friend wouldn't be able to afford the taxes, upkeep, utilities, etc... The cousin did not understand this or why my Dad's friend had to decline. The wife was just as confused. Just goes to show you how ignorant, people with money can be.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

are you saying that the US is too big to fail and that anything that can be done to prop her up, should be done?

because that's the same situation with certain banks and businesses.

sometimes, as wrong as it is, you need to support someone, or something, to avoid a far worse situation.

it's like kissing the ugly girl so your best mate can spend time with her friend.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

Hey off hand, didnt most of the loans from the bailout already get repaid?

I think I remember that from a year ago?
Could be wrong idk...

If it got paid back it seems like things worked out.

I would say confidence is higher than ATS typically portays.

Gold went back down awhile back also and I was considering it inflated by false demand. ( panic )

Im actually not worried.
People will say I should but Im done with apocalypse paranoia. I enjoy what I have and realize its way decent.

I choose not to be controlled, I vote with $ and have it mad easy compared to every ancestor before me.

What is life about anyway??

I think Balance is returning for everything.
I think you are pretty Balanced thats why I responded to you Crak

Dow Jones is cipher code for Down Jonah btw.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Sportbominable

this billionaire is a total jerk.

he gives away cars and houses.

what he probably didn't understand was how someone would turn down a free house. the way he probably sees it, the new owner won't have any expense, other than the real estate taxes. I don't know what they are in that town but, if you assume they are $30,000, which is about what the taxes are in many houses in one of the more expensive areas around here, then the guy probably doesn't see how owning a mansion and only having to pay $2500 a month for the real estate taxes is something someone would turn down.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:05 PM
I've just found this video that was released yesterday. Enjoy!

And another one which goes hand in hand with the video I posted earlier:

edit on 23-10-2013 by TheBandit795 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:05 PM
I better not see anybody in here attempt to blame the free market for this.

Never forget that the US government is like a mafia and is entrenched in literally everything, leaving this economy NON-FREE.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:10 PM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

are you saying that the US is too big to fail and that anything that can be done to prop her up, should be done?

because that's the same situation with certain banks and businesses.

sometimes, as wrong as it is, you need to support someone, or something, to avoid a far worse situation.

it's like kissing the ugly girl so your best mate can spend time with her friend.

Clearly bailing out big business did not help much, if at all. Companies took the money and ran to asia with plenty of cheap labor, lack of enviromental laws, a communist run government that is trying to adapt to capitalism and is even more corrupt than the american government is.

I know what the solutions are but you cant fight an evil system at the 11th hour hellbent on destroying everything. I am someone that doesnt give up easy, but what more can I say? The american government like the greek government knew they were in deep # many years ago and did nothing to stop the decline.

I say keep raising the debt ceiling till it cant be raised anymore and let things take their course. Better to die tomorrow than to die today.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:13 PM

I better not see anybody in here attempt to blame the free market for this.

Never forget that the US government is like a mafia and is entrenched in literally everything, leaving this economy NON-FREE.

They've already done that.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:30 PM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Then that is illegal and should be punished accordingly.

Ahhh maybe we're thinking now?

The problem is the individuals doing this illegal stuff are too rich (powerful) to be prosecuted! Are you getting it now?

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:34 PM


There is no reasoning with you.

Yeah, pitching collectivism and Progressive crap will not be met with an open mind or ear. It is crap.

You may as well go back to serfdom as once the few get to much power that what happens. The very powerfull few will always opress the less powerfull many.

Oh, as opposed to a select few in a Govt having total power?
Those rich people have not directly taken money out of my pocket. The Govt has and does daily.

I want a world were I can work hard and see the rewards.

Geez, so do I. Yet, the Govt you and many others want intervening, directly steals from my pocket and yours.
You want a crocodile to watch over a tiger, who are both looking at us as a meal. Doesn't work.
At least with only one, I and everyone else have a better chance, as opposed to dealing with both at the same time.

What I DONT want is what we have now a world were I work hard and some lazy asshole on a golfcourse who was born with a silver spoon gets 90% of MY labour and hard work and my ability to start my own buiness is limited by the big billion doller buinnesses buying up all the buiness opportunity and if I want to own my own property forget it cause I have to pay inflated prices as a few powerfull land lords have brought up most the land to drive prices up to a point I cant afford squat even if I work 12 hours a day 6 days a week for a pitance wage for most likey the same people.

So, you hate the business owner because not only does he/she have more then you, they aren't doing what you would do, if in their place.
Talk about elitist.

I dont want a system were the rich and powerfull can break the law and get away with it cause they are buddys with the politicans and judges or can afford better lawyers.

So, just the Politicians should do this then.
So, instead of looking and saying "The Govt has too much power and is allowing it to be influenced by money", you say "Damn those with money influencing those God sent politicians that are here to protect us".
No wonder our country is going down the toilet.

Sorry your world sucks and will just lead to a system no better than serfdom and tyranny. You may as well get rid of voteing as what the point? Eiether way one of the rich and powerfull will get in and screw you over still.

I would rather go up against a business then the Govt any day. Especially with the Govt having very clear and lawful direction on what they can and can't do, yet completely ignoring that.


You want tyranny of a few over the masses!

Tyranny you say???
Yeah, okay then, Sure sure.

Last I checked, the Govt directly writes, places and enforces the laws for the most part.
I have yet to be arrested by Apple, had Microsoft rule on a law about my gun rights or Exxon steal money out of my paycheck before I even get the money I earned.

Lemme show you and others how you have been duped...LOL!

The old system of oppression by kings and queens never left. They realized that cycle were over and decided to instead allow countries to form GOVERNMENTS ruled by their money! So people like you will instead cry and moan about the government instead of THEM.

Commonsense would lead you to this as govt employees aren't there for life. They serve a term and then return to civilian life. Why would they set up laws which they have to return and suffer from? So that alone tells you GOVT isn't responsible.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

You must not be thinking. An engine needs to be governed or it will rev until it eats itself alive.

Same as when money is horded by the extreme rich. 73 Billion dollars in one mans hand gives that person the power to break all the laws and not get touched. A 400,000 square foot home is just insane. You could house over 400,000 people in that thing and have them all be comfortable.

This is not the way things should be, they did not get to that level without being highly dishonest and walk on the backs of the poor. Get a heart they are kind of cool to have.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by macman

And one more thing...

You can very easily be arrested by Apple, Microsoft, etc. All they have to do is pass some more money to your government and for example make the name "macman" a felony.

So you ARE being oppressed by only believed or rather can see the government agents. Compare it to you calling the police on your neighbor. Sure the police show up, but it was you who called them (sicced them) on your neighbor.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:48 PM

reply to post by Crakeur

and what you're seeing in this thread is greed, jealousy and sloth-like laziness.

they have money, I want it, I don't want to work for it, nor do I possess the skills to obtain it so it should be redistributed so that I can have more.


I wish I could give you a million more stars.

This is exactly what the problem is. People accuse rich people of being greedy without realizing that forcing the "redistribution of wealth" is motivated by their own greed.

Working hard and making lots of money because of it is not greedy. Seeing that someone has more than you, becoming envious and taking it from them by force is greedy.

People like you make good slaves and servants LOL! Master can crack the whip and you just keep your head down and keep going hoping that one day YOU will be master.

No one is saying someone shouldn't have any money. We're saying the same thing society is already saying that for instance...we want speed limits. Can't have any and everyone zooming through neighborhoods at 100 mph. Can you and others like you not understand this?

Society will soon realize that one or small groups of people owning such vast amounts of money isn't healthy to society. No different than people walking around with bombs or speeding through school zones.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

I never said he was a jerk. I said he was ignorant because he didn't understand that there was no way my Dad's friend could afford not just the taxes, but also the home maintenance, utilities, homeowners insurance, etc... His wife makes about 25,000 a year as a secretary. How do you suppose they could afford to care for themselves, and maintain a mansion? Seriously? I believe the home is still for sale. I'm going to look it up to see what the estimated taxes are. BRB.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

Amen! No one deserves anything. They can sink or swim and they will get what they deserve based upon their work and their efforts...most of the time. When they get dealt a bad card, they have a support system. Stop demonizing those who have done better than you. Maybe instead, strive to do better.

But that's not the American way anymore is it? It is better to leach off, blood suck and demand, steal and take from others. We have become ticks, vampires and whores. Ain't that nice! This mentality started in the black community and has spread like a cancer to every other community. I even have neighbors who buy a brand new car but live off food stamps. Pitiful.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Spookybelle

They derive a benefit from poor people, which goes back to my original point that if they could get an even larger benefit from them being wealthy then they would push for that.

You really do not get it do you?

They do not want the poor wealthy they want them to stay poor and produce cheap labor. This is what makes them so rich. They want the majority poor, while having some countries to sell the slave labor products to. Now they are shifting the wealth from America because we make too much and it cuts into their huge profits.

There is enough for everyone to live in comfort and still have the incentive of becoming rich. You don't think a billion dollars is enough? If that greedy pig with 73 billion just gave half to the Mexican infrastructure the people suffering there would not have to suffer. The seeds of the middle class would be born and these pigs do not want that. They want to live as Gods.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by TheBandit795

Those videos are they made just to satisfy the stupid?

They cut extreme poverty of $1.25 a day to what a $1.50?

They did this through nearly slave labor while transferring America wealth to the top percent. Call for a help desk and you will get one of these folks working for a $1.50 a day, not an American anymore. We are being scammed.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:15 PM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

And who allows those evil rich to do those things???


Man, if people would invest the time and effort in making our Govt adhere to the Constitution and BoR, most of these things wouldn't be an issue.

Instead people want to get all pissy about what the Rich have and can do.


You need to realize that govt is nothing but a tool like a gun. Same as with a gun, it can be used for good or following me? I'm sure you're not someone crying for the banishment of all guns right? You want less regulation on guns right....LMAO...see I gotcha!

Government is a tool in the same manner. What has happened is rich people have purchased our government and are now using it to only serve THEM!

We can't make our govt adhere to the Constitution or anything else because rich people have picked up that gun (our govt), convinced people such as yourself that the blame is on the govt (as some do with gun laws), and they are laughing the entire time while your ilk are "warring" with the people who work for them, while at the same time showing undying loyalty to them the rich!

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

No one wants a welfare state. The point is that this money needs to go back into the system for growth and job creation. The number one job creators are small business. Small business cannot compete anymore.

If you start a mom and pop cafe it WILL more than likely go under because of the big business restaurant chains. Same with anything you try anymore.

Our living wage has been lowered while there is a record number of billionaires. Something is broken and it needs to be fixed. Do not be a moron repeating what other morons are saying. You think the world is in good shape right now, just need to buck up and go to school? BS! We need serious reform. We need to have the top pay there way and give back some of what they take from being ruthless creeps.

We need job creation not wealth creation. The western world is being fleeced so the people building the eastern world can become so rich they are above all laws of man.

posted on Oct, 23 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Sportbominable

Okay, found the house. The property taxes alone on the house would be about $250,000 a year. Get my point now?

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