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Pilot admits chemtrails and says they are a "necessary evil"........

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posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:55 PM
Of course some amount of spraying is done in the name of science. Well out of the way of populated areas, and still not harmful. There is not only no proof that harmful or deliberate spraying is done over populated areas for some unknown nefarious purpose, there is plenty of proof that such spraying is not being done.

Just do a bit of research on the EPA, Federal and commercial compliance, fines for non-compliance, CoC testing done in every major city, every day (as well as non-major cities, military bases, landfills, national parks, etc.), and you'll see that there is really no basis in fact for chemtrails. There is simply nothing there.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Phage

is deliberately lying a transgression when it is for a good cause (possibly the best!)?

I don't think so.

I suppose you can be forgiven phage, waynos, gaul, rua etc., but it's not up to me to say.

I certainly forgive you.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by TopsyTurvyOne

Gosh. Thanks.
I guess.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:09 AM

reply to post by Xtrozero

Blimps would be more practical but way too obvious.
Everyone would notice blimps but no one can see "chemtrails". Except for some people that is.

I remember reading that huge blimps could carry more than cargo ships and do it faster and cheaper.... There is the cover story...

edit on 1-10-2013 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:11 AM

edit on 1-10-2013 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 01:30 AM


reply to post by Xtrozero

Blimps would be more practical but way too obvious.
Everyone would notice blimps but no one can see "chemtrails". Except for some people that is.

I remember reading that huge blimps could carry more than cargo ships and do it faster and cheaper.... There is the cover story...

Dunno where you read that but it is nonsnse.

Blimps have seriously limited cargo capacity compared to fixed wing aircraft - the biggest one ever built could carry 19 tons - a 747 or Ant-124 can carry over 100 tons. Their economics are terrible - you will never see them in any sort of commercial weight-carrying role as long as there's fossil fuels.

Here's why
edit on 1-10-2013 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 03:30 AM

reply to post by TopsyTurvyOne

Gosh. Thanks.
I guess.

happy trails, my friend.
it won't be long now.

yours, persistently.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 09:18 AM
I replied to a reply from user Phage about "my proof" and my comment was "see page 11" on a creditable document and my post was removed for that??? Can someone explain this to me?

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 10:04 AM

Aloysius the Gaul


Aloysius the Gaul
reply to post by AbleEndangered

Except they gave it up in the early 1970's, and haven't been "practicing" at all.

So perhaps you should stop inventing stuff to support the myth and just admit there's no evidence.

lol, of course they did.

so now we're back on cloud seeding - I though you were talking about Operation Stormfury - the abandoned attempt to "steer" hurricanes.

cloud seeding ahs been going since the late 1940's - so a lot more than 40 years of "practice" - and they still can't actually guarantee anything with it.

NO!!!!! Im not talking about cloud seeding.


The possible motives for "chemtrails" if they really are a valid "conspiracy" are very limited in scope.

1. Most plausible... Weather modification and "climate change". Most likely considering the desperate clamour to "prove" man made climate change. If this was to be true then yeah you can say climate change is man made, lmao.
2. Solar Defense. Not so plausible as the global warming science is very agenda based, with politically skewed data.
3. Least likely but most nefarious, to poison the population in an attempt to control population growth. ie eugenics.

If anyone else can think of any other possible motives Id be glad to take them on board.
But hey if you would like to disregard the motives for possible "chemtrails" go right on ahead, Im not about to stop you.
And some people on this thread implied that I was stupid.
People in glass houses and all that.

I knew phage had his little band of followers, but Jesus.
Call people stupid and let Phage do all the legwork, pmsl.
edit on 201310America/Chicago10am10amTue, 01 Oct 2013 10:06:31 -05001013 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 10:15 AM

reply to post by AbleEndangered

You need communications equipment that interfaces with the flight control computers, new software that interfaces with the communications to the computer, interprets the flight control input, sends the signals back to the ground station repeating everything happening on the plane, as well as diagnostic software in case something happens... It's not nearly as easy as you make it out to be.

If we can control a robot on the surface of Mars then its obviously not as complicated as you make it out to be. I suppose drones dont exist either, its a conspiracy.

In the Operation Northwoods documentation, werent they talking about remote controlled airliners back then?
edit on 201310America/Chicago10am10amTue, 01 Oct 2013 10:17:45 -05001013 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 10:30 AM
What's all this stupid incredulity about whether or not its POSSIBLE to control aircraft remotely or spray substances from the air? OF COURSE it's possible! The question itself is retarded.

As is the assumption that it's all definitely happening for real because there are clouds and trails on the sky. People need to stop being gullible morons and try learning some stuff. But I guess they never will. It's why people think evolution isn't real or the moon landings were faked.

The reality is beyond their limited grasp, so made up crap fills the gaps


posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by OneManArmy

I didn't say it wasn't possible, but comparing a Mars rover to a commercial airliner is comparing apples to cherries. A rover is purpose built to be remote controlled, so it has everything built into it for remote control operations.

A commercial aircraft is purpose built to be flown by a human crew, from the cockpit. It's not just a matter of swapping out a relay or two and it's remote controlled. The two aircraft that were converted and crashed in the desert took months of work, and testing before they flew them, and the first flights were done with crews on board.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:06 PM

What's all this stupid incredulity about whether or not its POSSIBLE to control aircraft remotely or spray substances from the air? OF COURSE it's possible! The question itself is retarded.

As is the assumption that it's all definitely happening for real because there are clouds and trails on the sky. People need to stop being gullible morons and try learning some stuff. But I guess they never will. It's why people think evolution isn't real or the moon landings were faked.

The reality is beyond their limited grasp, so made up crap fills the gaps


Call me captain obvious again, but why do you think I take part in threads on a site called "Above Top Secret"?

Im here to learn, Im here to discuss controversial subjects with people that KNOW what they are talking about so that I can improve my own understanding of the subjects being discussed.

Or do you recommend people just blindly follow their preconceptions without investigation, without discussion and just go back to sleep?

Forgive me for being pathetic by wanting to expand my horizons. How dare I.

There seems to be a stench in this thread, of belittlement of others. It stinks of BS.
Its the complacency of the "educated" types that look down on the rest of us, that allow half of the problems with the world to take place. Sitting high in their Ivory Towers, disconnected from the real world, the hypocritical narcissists and their sycophantic lackeys plotting against the "not so intelligent".
NEWSFLASH: Stupidity is not the sole domain of the "unintelligent". Get of your high horse and try to educate your fellow man by sharing your "superior" knowledge. Who knows, you MIGHT actually learn something from them.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Get of your high horse and try to educate your fellow man by sharing your "superior" knowledge.

That's sort of the idea. But when that information is instantly ignored and rejected it gets a bit frustrating.
edit on 10/1/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:12 PM

reply to post by OneManArmy

Get of your high horse and try to educate your fellow man by sharing your "superior" knowledge.

That's sort of the idea. But when that information is instantly rejected it gets a bit frustrating.

I agree completely, but please, refrain from trying to belittle others, and please try to avoid the intellectual grandstanding, I have a lot of respect for you Phage, your reputation precedes you. But you are just human like the rest of us. We ALL make mistakes. Some of us weren't blessed to have been given an education worthy of the name, a little patience with us would be much appreciated.

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

I am very patient.
Do you understand the difference between cloud seeding and "chemtrails" now?

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:24 PM

In response to your question as to whether people are conscious enough...I have to say that it probably is not the right question to be asking here because this site is not even close to an accurate demographic of 'the people'...further, this thread is not even an accurate demographic ats'ers in general - or its my hope at least that a large number here still understand the difference between healthy skepticism vs. unfounded sarcasm.
As far as the general populace though...its just a matter of information, as with anything, you either have it or you dont...and why we dont has less to do with consciousness and more to do with complacence!

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 12:26 PM

reply to post by OneManArmy

I am very patient.
Do you understand the difference between cloud seeding and "chemtrails" now?

Yes of course I can, but that doesnt mean the two are totally unrelated.
As I already tried to explain my reasoning behind my thought process.
I much prefer to explain the thought process that leads to an avenue of further interest, if I look stupid so what?

Like I have pointed out before.. didn't Lord Kelvin make the bold claim, "there is nothing left to discover"?
Didn't Edison try to make a fool out of Tesla by murdering an elephant to prove that alternating current was too dangerous and had NO future?

edit on 201310America/Chicago10pm10pmTue, 01 Oct 2013 12:31:13 -05001013 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 01:24 PM

reply to post by maryhinge

Edwards has ONE plane. They don't have the room for a fleet, and are way too visible because of the testing done there. I've been past Edwards several times, I think I would have noticed a fleet of planes sitting there.

i should have added that what i meant was they are more than likely kept at air bases if they do exist.
but as we will never know the truth we are all just putting our opinions out there

so im sorry if it was a bit abrupt of an answer

posted on Oct, 1 2013 @ 02:44 PM

reply to post by OneManArmy

I didn't say it wasn't possible, but comparing a Mars rover to a commercial airliner is comparing apples to cherries. A rover is purpose built to be remote controlled, so it has everything built into it for remote control operations.

A commercial aircraft is purpose built to be flown by a human crew, from the cockpit. It's not just a matter of swapping out a relay or two and it's remote controlled. The two aircraft that were converted and crashed in the desert took months of work, and testing before they flew them, and the first flights were done with crews on board.

Remote control is a matter of servos and radio waves, regardless.

Its not comparing apples to anything. Its comparing remote control, to remote control.

But how did this conversation become about remote control?

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