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Why does my 3 1/2y.o. son keep saying that he wants to go home?

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posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Fylgje
For the last several months now, my son will say: "Daddy, I wanna go home." I say you are home son. Then he points in no particular direction and says: "No daddy! I wanna go home." So I ask him where home is. Most of the time he looks around and just changes the subject or walks away. He's told my wife this a bunch of times too. I believe in reincarnation and think this is what's going on here. It hurts me a little everytime he says it. What I wanna know is, has anyone here had this happen? And how did you deal with it?

I'd also like to add that my other son, who is 4 1/2, was repeatedly talking about a "green lady" and a "helicopter crash" when he was 1 1/2, up until now. He talked about it more then than he does now, though.

Thoughts? Comments?

This is a really important piece of information I'm going to ask you to follow up on..... Look up the "BORISKA BOY" its a lad from one of the old russian sattelite countries that from an early age, like your worried about with your son, had intimate knowledge of a past life, but heres the bomb blast, he remembered his past life of being on another world, and some of the things he came up with and also his intelligence for his age was astounding! dont know wether i actually believe it or not, but its a strange universe and it certaimly is an interesting story, when i read your post, what you said instantly reminded me of him and i havnt thought about that story for years.


posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Fylgje

Hmm helicopter crash and green lady, the only thing that comes to my mind is Statue of Liberty?? She is green! lol Do some research and see if a helicopter has crashed anywhere near there. Show him some pics of the statue see if he can recall anything. Do you live there? Has he been there?

There is a Report of a plane and helicopter crash over the Hudson River in New Jersey. There are helicopter tours to the Statue. This crash happened in Aug 8th, 2009. There was no survivors. The time frame fits perfectly.

edit on 5-3-2013 by sean because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2013 by sean because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 11:50 AM
This is not surprising to me, I have lived many times before but I don't care to discuss it. Nevertheless, here are some interesting videos on the subject:

Again I want to refer to the Roswell, Alien Interview,as it addresses the Brain Wipe that take place when we die and before we are reincarnated:

This is a "Prison Planet".
edit on 5-3-2013 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 12:24 PM
I remember pre-existing and telling my parents 30+ years ago things like these, not trusting anyone, questioning everything, and always being very weary of this place called earth. They just changed the subject.

Now I have an ex-gf who has a son who says the same thing. I tell her to ask him more and get more info out of him. He's spoke of angels and demons when he's 2 and has no idea or reference to them since they don't let him watch tv, has said a giant earthquake is coming soon, and points to the sky when saying "home".

Your gonna have alot of hardliner skeptics tell you he's imagining it. But he's not. Many times its legit

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by DARREN1976

I just read about this and it is very interesting, to say the least. My oldest son has always been far ahead in everything. He was walking at 8 months old and talking really good at 11 months. He is very articulate in art and music. When he draws a pic of a face, you can tell immediately the emotion on the face. I always thought it very bizarre how he could do that. He has a small guitar and plays it a lot--not just banging on it, but he plays with feeling. He can play keyboard. He can play kids songs like Twinkle little star. He figured it out himself.

He grabbed my wifes phone when he was 1 and figured out how to get to the pics and cycle through them. My wife asked me if I showed him how to do it and I told her no. When he was 2 months old, my wife was holding him and I was making funny noises trying to make him laugh. Then I made a growling sound, like a big ol' bear, he done it back. I have it on video to prove it. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen! He growls with everything he has in him all while smiling. Doctors have noticed how advanced he is and showed him shapes and all that and he blew them away with what he knew at such a young age.

My youngest son just seems to be average in every sense, other than wanting to go home.
Thanks for the link and your post. Very interesting stuff.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Fylgje

Your kid is definitely a warlock. A traditional Catholic exorcism will have him smashing snails in no time.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 12:48 PM
Thanks to everybody for the accounts and personal stories. It means a lot to me that you are willing to share personal info like this. Thanks to skeptics too because we need to keep things in perspective.

Last night, I sat with my youngest son and we were just talking and laughing. Then I gently asked him about home. I asked him who was at home. He said mommy and daddy. He always seems to get nervous energy when I talk to him about it or when he say he wants to go home. He didn't really want to talk about it, or just can't express himself well enough. I asked him if it was me and his mom but he just stops. I brought him a pencil and piece of paper and we sat at the table and I asked him to draw home. It wasn't anything but scraggly lines--no points of interest or anything. I'll talk to him more soon.

My oldest son & I sat and talked while my youngest played in his sisters room for a while with her. I asked him straight up about the green lady. He said she was his friend, but she died. I asked how and he said that the helicopter crashed into a building. I said a building? He said yes, and that she came into the back of the helicopter and had blood all over her face and then everything was on fire. I was pretty shocked but didn't react the least bit. I showed him a picture of The Statue Of Liberty but he didn't know what it was or didn't have any reaction to it whatsoever. He didn't really wanna talk any more than that about it but I'll bring it up again soon.

I think my oldest son remembers something because he has talked about this since he could first talk and me and my wife were stunned everytime he talked about it. He was so little. He never saw anything like a heli crash, blood, or any green lady at that age. Even so, he was too little to describe something like that in that kind of detail. It's just strange, as a parent, to witness this stuff day in and day out. They're very happy, healthy kids as we have a loving, safe enviroment for them. They're our world, including my 13yo mouthy daughter! LOL

I really enjoy reading all the accounts that other people here are having and I appreciate the vid's and links. I'm a sponge and checking all of it out!

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:22 PM
I think it's very easy to blame it on imagination... i mean, at 3 years of age they should have a great imagination! Some of my fondest memories as a child are imagining things with my friends to make a game. A shed would become a castle etc etc

But i think, seen as though many of us only have a select few memories from when we were around the age of 3, it's completely open for interpretation. I find the idea of reincarnation both fascinating and terrifying. Doing it all again?! hahaha. Who knows, i'll keep an eye on here.

Thanks for the post. These kinds of posts always seem to keep me hooked!

edit on 5-3-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:26 PM
When my little sister was around 5 or 6 we were sitting on the bed with my mother and other sister and talking about things we did in the past, vacations, parties etc.... and she said "remember that time we all died and were buried in the backyard?" it was a real jarring statement coming from here and she was very serious about it. I am not sure what to make of it and my mother and I did not know what to say. We have not talked about it to her (she is 20 now) because we do not want to trigger any bad thoughts or something.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:49 PM
Apparently my older sister when she was a toddler would speak and count in Chinese. She can remember most of the numbers still and shes nearly 40.

The op needs to just trust that they'll eventually figure this out. There isn't ANY REASON IN THE DAMN WORLD TO COVER THIS UP OR IGNORE IT.

The kids will figure it out too as they grow up. There seems to be more of this happening, makes me think the illusions of "the world" are starting to come down. but thats not here or there. What important is the children are living a riddle and the only relif to be had is figuring this out.

passing it off as an active imagination and thus ignoring it KILLS a child's acknowledgement in your willing to listen to them and hear ALL their problems and not just "normal" ones.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:50 PM
Hello OP, wow what an interesting topic!

When I was a teenager (about 20 years ago)and my mom's best friend came to visit us from another country-they hadn't seen each other for years-, we had a very strange conversation. My mom's friend asked me if I was still drawing pictures of heaven. She meant it as a joke, but I didn't get it, so they had to explain.

(Before I start let me just say, that neither my mom nor my dad are religious, and we didn't go to church or had any religion classes, until I was in elementary and decided to take part of it by myself.)

So anyways my mom's friend then went on to tell me that when I was around the age of 3 or 4 whenever I would draw a picture, it would always have the same theme:
roses , other smaller flowers, and angels.
And when one of them would ask me what I drew , I would tell them it was heaven. It really surprised them, since my mom thought those pictures were too good to be from a little girl my age, and she never talked to me about heaven or angels before.

I completely forgot about this, and was listening to them in awe. It helped me understand some of the gifts I had at the time , and still use to this day.

So long story short, I think your son is probably remembering a past life, but I would really not worry about it, because once he gets older, he will probably forget about it. I have heard of many similar stories as yours, even from friends, and those little rascals turned out just fine.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:53 PM
My son just turned 4 and I've heard him say that before. Mostly it's when he's unhappy about something like when I'm putting him to bed.

I just figure he's sad and whining about wanting to be happy. Like when you see a war movie and a wounded soldier is crying out for their mommy.

Of course I've also heard, "it's too dark", "I'm gonna throw up", and countless others. Anything to try and get out of going to bed.


My son is playing quietly on the floor next to me. I asked him if he wanted to go home and he said, "No. I am home".

Sorry he didn't say anything about his home in the sky with his big eyed grey colored friends for you guys

edit on 5-3-2013 by Mayson because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:26 PM
Kids are like sponges and soak up stuff that would overload an adult! They say and think incredible things, sometimes it's just a TV show or something other children told them, as an example when I was about 5 my older brother and I was watching a cops and robbers show and my brother told me that all the guys that got shot were criminals sentenced to death and they were using them as actors!
I totally believed him! (I got mad at him when my wife told me a few days ago he was making it up!!) LOL
My grandson who is 21/2 always says "NO" for either yes or no, he shakes his head properly but just won't say yes. I'll ask something like "Want to go watch a movie?" and he will smile, shake his head yes and say "NO"!

I personally don't believe in reincarnation, the only thing that I ever saw (if it wasn't bunk) was a guy that was walking by a Civil War Officers grave and suddenly collapsed and had strange feelings, he did some research and found similarities between them (he looked like him from an old photograph) plus he read that he was wounded (I think it was in the left part of his forehead) and this guy was born with what looked like a scar in the same spot!

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:37 PM
I think these types of comments from those under 5 yrs of age are normal. My grandson did the same thing. He would also say he couldn't talk about it. He would play in his room and would also talk to his "sister" (which he only has an older brother). He would say her name and when we asked what she wanted, he would say she wanted to be close to everyone, especially mommy and daddy. It was really eerie. I love the fact the veil of life is not totally removed for young people. I wish we all could know these types of things, but unfortunately, it seems at age 5ish, they fad.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Fylgje
reply to post by DARREN1976

I just read about this and it is very interesting, to say the least. My oldest son has always been far ahead in everything. He was walking at 8 months old and talking really good at 11 months. He is very articulate in art and music. When he draws a pic of a face, you can tell immediately the emotion on the face. I always thought it very bizarre how he could do that. He has a small guitar and plays it a lot--not just banging on it, but he plays with feeling. He can play keyboard. He can play kids songs like Twinkle little star. He figured it out himself.

He grabbed my wifes phone when he was 1 and figured out how to get to the pics and cycle through them. My wife asked me if I showed him how to do it and I told her no. When he was 2 months old, my wife was holding him and I was making funny noises trying to make him laugh. Then I made a growling sound, like a big ol' bear, he done it back. I have it on video to prove it. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen! He growls with everything he has in him all while smiling. Doctors have noticed how advanced he is and showed him shapes and all that and he blew them away with what he knew at such a young age.

My youngest son just seems to be average in every sense, other than wanting to go home.
Thanks for the link and your post. Very interesting stuff.

Also, if you believe in it, he could be whats called an "INDIGO CHILD" try digging up some intel on that, theres a whole wealth of stuff on it, but it is a bit new-agey sort of thing for me, not to sure what to make of it catch my drift?

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:49 PM
when is the last time he watched E.T. the extraterrestrial? E.T. PHONE HOMEEEEE
edit on 5-3-2013 by dirtybird because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 03:13 PM
Thanks for sharing OP! Very interesting thread. I'm just fascinated by stories like these. I think all the theories have merit: reincarnation, starseeds, prison planet brain wipe. It's all pretty plausible to me.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Fylgje

My son has been doing the same thing for the past 4 months and I can not figure out why and I get the same feeling of not being able to comfort him. Yes people will say oh he is just being 3 but that is very much not the case. When I read this it creeped out because it is something I can't explain. He is a very bright child. I would very much to discuss this further. Yes I do feel they are more connected with things that we have grown numb to. Do they know something we don't? Amazing that you posted this. I actually have been looking at this site for 5 months now and this thread made me get an account just so I can talk about this because it is not a mere coincidence but much more.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 03:20 PM
I feel this may have already been said, as I have not read through all replies. Your son is refering to the place we all want to go back to....Heaven. When we are born we come into this world from Heaven. As a baby, Heaven is still real. Over the years, our memories of "home" are erased. this is because we need to concentrate on what we are doing here on earth. However, where we will all go when our time here is done is back home. Question him when he says this and you may get an idea of what our home is like. As he grows this memory will get less until gone.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Fylgje
For the last several months now, my son will say: "Daddy, I wanna go home." I say you are home son. Then he points in no particular direction and says: "No daddy! I wanna go home." So I ask him where home is. Most of the time he looks around and just changes the subject or walks away. He's told my wife this a bunch of times too. I believe in reincarnation and think this is what's going on here. It hurts me a little everytime he says it. What I wanna know is, has anyone here had this happen? And how did you deal with it?

I'd also like to add that my other son, who is 4 1/2, was repeatedly talking about a "green lady" and a "helicopter crash" when he was 1 1/2, up until now. He talked about it more then than he does now, though.

Thoughts? Comments?

Could it be similar to this ?
(There's a lot of controversy over this with sceptics nit picking over points etc)


This case is weird because it is claimed the boy could recognise and name his fellow pilots in past life.

(If you search You Tube for Soul Survivor you can find more videos)

edit on 5-3-2013 by Limbo because: (no reason given)

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