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Over 100 Million Now Receiving Federal Welfare -- The Most Ever !

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posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by Sulie

You are unkind and very narrow minded. The Lady in your email, is actually working with me, via emails, on ....a job!

Stop being so jaded, and thinking you know it all.....get off your tush, and help someone if you know, and care so much....


Well, bully for you! Glad to see you are paying attention and willing to help. Just beware that when people are not willing to help themselves.............

edit on 9-8-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

So you will disregard my entire post because of a single word? When you told me I 'prey' on people and accuse me of sitting around and whining, that is bullying, my friend. None of that is an argument, that is an ad hominem attack. Plain and simple.

I am saying nothing new by restating that our system is broken. For those that need food stamps, they are a life savor, sometimes quite literally. Yes, food stamps get funded by taxes and jobs and blah blah, that is not the point. The point is the system is broken and there is a way to fix it if only we would embrace it.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Sulie

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by Sulie

You are unkind and very narrow minded. The Lady in your email, is actually working with me, via emails, on ....a job!

Stop being so jaded, and thinking you know it all.....get off your tush, and help someone if you know, and care so much....


Well, bully for you! Glad to see you are paying attention and willing to help. Just beware that when people are not willing to help themselves.............

edit on 9-8-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

Get off your high horse....go find some other person to pick on....


posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone

There will never be a time, in your lifetime, that what you envision will happen. Not in this world. Wait until you have the weight of real responsibilities from real life sitting on your shoulders. Nothing like real life, to burst one's bubble....


It depends on how hard one is willing to invest themselves into getting a dream.

Nothing from nothing:

Billy Preston was a good friend of mine and he put the words quite well!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by mac420

It was not an attack on your character it was an attack on your argument. The argument that food and housing should be "free" either naively misses the point that someone somewhere is paying for that "free" stuff, or worse, knows full well this is so but pushes the agenda anyway. Either way, naive or insidious, your argument advocates plunder. You are advocating plunder. You are advocating preying upon those who work to produce so that you can have your "free" stuff. The argument deserves to be attacked.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone

Get off your high horse....go find some other person to pick on....


Excuse me, but I am not picking on anybody. I'm a realist!
edit on 9-8-2012 by Sulie because: (no reason given)

This one is for you from my friend Billy:

Quit spinning your wheels!

Get off your treadmill to your twisted vision of pitying people in life, and give real, honest support!

edit on 9-8-2012 by Sulie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:23 PM
I have a friend on welfare she sort of needs it. And she gets 1500 per month net! If she got a full time job paying our minimum wage which is 10 dollars an hour that's 160 hours per month x 10 = 1600 gross. Minus taxes she'd be left with about 1100. do the math. An extra 160 hours a month of free time plus more money than minimum wage? Who wouldn't go for that!

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Look, you can edit what you meant, it doesn't matter. There is no preying. That is just propaganda to keep the machine rolling. Our system is designed to divide and separate us. Rich, poor, black, white, whatever. This is how you keep control. Keep the peasants fighting amongst ourselves to not see the big picture. While we work to the bone, they have everything. And they get people in the mindset, that the less fortunate are lazy, bottom feeders who only want handouts. We are a civilized people. We can work this out without the need for fiat currencies, hierarchies, oligarchies or what have you.

As it is, we spend trillions upon trillions of dollars to create new ways to kill each other instead of using that money researching new medicine, cures for diseases, space exploration, hell, Earth exploration! We use this stuff that makes the world go round to destroy and pollute instead of uplifting and cleaning. Because we are worried about ourselves, our personal wealth and nothing else. Greed,

I'll check this tomorrow, as it stands now I have to go to bed to go to class early in the AM. I look forward to hearing your rebuttal. This is a good conversation.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:07 PM
I haven't read all of the posts on this thread so, what I write is what I know and what I have my own words and, of my own recollections.

no agenda - just my experiences.

So, here it goes:

My upbringing SUCKED!!...big time! But, I have always been able to dig deeper just knowing that there were others suffering much more that ME. I actually worked harder to achieve my goals knowing and being acutely aware of this fact.

Perhaps this is because I grew up very poor.....I experienced the struggle of digging through the trenches of poverty to break free of the chains.

Even when I became a "Ward of the State" due to the untimely death of my mother and, the absence of my father....I pushed myself even harder!!!

Despite all the chaos and all the drama...I was determined to do something better with my life.

And, I did! I worked my A$$ off!

I was a full-time student and I worked anywhere between 2 - 4 jobs at any given time to make it happen!

It was hell for many years but, I knew it would take hard work to make it happen so, I mentally prepared and just made it happen!

I was the first person in my entire (known) family to graduate from college.

If I can overcome the chaotic environment and lack of financial support in my's not impossible for others to do the same!!!

I'm more than happy to provide details if anyone should question the validity of my claims....

I have nothing to hide.

So, My Point Is....You Have No Excuse and No One To Blame!!!


Your Self.

Love to you All!

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by MagesticEsoteric

So, My Point Is....You Have No Excuse and No One To Blame!!!


Your Self.

Love to you All!

Thank You!

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Sulie

Originally posted by MagesticEsoteric

So, My Point Is....You Have No Excuse and No One To Blame!!!


Your Self.

Love to you All!

Thank You!

Your welcome...

I just hope you read the rest of my post b/c that is where I tried to make my point....

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:29 PM
What do you expect when menial jobs have been filled by robots? Automation and outsourcing will continue to push people to welfare as the technology becomes better, cheaper, and more ubiquitous. Higher education is out of reach for most as it's painfully inefficient and therefore expensive. You aren't going to have every highschool educated factory worker become an engineer, and basic needs still cost money, so welfare is going to continue to climb.
It's not lazy people and it's not immigrants. It's not Obama or Democrats or Republicans.
It's the system.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by MeesterB
What do you expect when menial jobs have been filled by robots? Automation and outsourcing will continue to push people to welfare as the technology becomes better, cheaper, and more ubiquitous. Higher education is out of reach for most as it's painfully inefficient and therefore expensive. You aren't going to have every highschool educated factory worker become an engineer, and basic needs still cost money, so welfare is going to continue to climb.
It's not lazy people and it's not immigrants. It's not Obama or Democrats or Republicans.
It's the system.

I was trying to edit a "redundant post" apologies.

edit on 9-8-2012 by MagesticEsoteric because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2012 by MagesticEsoteric because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 02:03 AM
Ok I'm starting to think money doesn't mean anything to the powers that be. A few years ago I had a conversation with a bartender and he told me that the government wants us on welfare. Tptb are just like pimps. We are serving some purpose to them wether we are working and pay taxes or unemployed collecting benefits or welfare.
WAKEUP people! Why do they want us on welfare. Today I was walking home and saw a tent set up passing out free cell phones. I passed on the free government mark of the beast phone.
Tptb want to control us own us.
Tptb are like sick pimps who want to control peoples minds. They dgaf about money, they want our human blood, energy and souls. Money is worthless guys! They want us! Wake the F UP!
edit on 10-8-2012 by Teeky because: word

edit on 10-8-2012 by Teeky because: wordn

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 02:10 AM
In a documentary that came as an extra on my copy of the movie "The Children of Men" an economist said that our western economy behaves "like a crackhead". That is to say that enough is never enough. We all know the quote from the movie Wall Street - Greed is good and this is the underlying problem.

Our system is skewed and jury-rigged.... here's the way we work. We labor so that we can invest. The companies that we invest in have to sell their products at a high enough profit margin so that we, as investors, can see some of that profit. Thus as we invest - we also drive up the prices of the things we need to buy before we invest... This cycle grows and grows until the people at the bottom can no longer afford to invest - as all of their money is being used to pay the higher prices that investment causes. The problem is that whenever the bottom falls out - it creates a new bottom. Thus yesterdays middle class is todays impoverished class.

THIS is what crashed our economy - this bubble of greed and THIS is why so many people are now below the line where they stopped being investors and fell below the threshold of survival.

Oh, and a footnote... Credit to people who should not have had access to it is a large part of the problem. But banks got greedy and we all know that people love what they can't actually afford.


posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 02:11 AM
I think we need to start drug testing people on welfare it would cut the number down drastically. I can't even to start to tell you how many people I know that sit at home all day get high and collect money from the government. In fact they make money by selling foodstamps" hey I can sell you $200 worth for $100 I have enough to spare."Our government needs to screen applicants more thorough and see that people are trying to do everything in their power to support themselves and their families. We have created a monster in our society we show our youth that things in life are free. That we no longer have to work for what we have or want. We our a me generation and we will continue to go down this path. Till I say it is too late. The whole is halfway deep and were already up to our necks!

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Yes and it will be the most ever, every single year because the bubble grows it doesn't shrink. How you keep up the payments on this is raise taxes. How you combat it is create jobs where the population is at its highest. I don't think they care though, its like they want this country to fail.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by xuenchen


so how many people work for the government?

as in.. the entire government..

all of them..

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by spyder550

This is ATS, the facts don't matter. I brought this up and was promptly ignored. The figure is BS but it suits the agenda around here so they take it as fact.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Sulie

To be honest you come over as a complete idiot with absolutely no understanding of life or economics, full of BS

A single person can't survive on money earned working at McDonald's. Don't get married and don't have kids if you can't even afford to support yourself. Hate to say it, but common sense has to rule here. People like what you describe should be in line for free condoms if they can't keep it in there pants without producing children they can't support

And what of those that had decent jobs when they married and had children? What of those who lost their jobs due to the criminal schemes of the big finance corporations? What are they supposed to do? Sell their kids into slavery and dump their wife so they aren't a burden on you? How about the fact that before this RECESSION started that they paid well enough in to the system with their taxes and now they are struggling they want a little back?

Nope. I would call a person like this stupid, because they have no business reproducing if they can't support themselves. I would also call that selfish, because they have no consideration for the lives they bring into the world.

See what I put above, just realise that not everyone who is currently receiving welfare has always been in that position, the recession has destroyed the middle class never mind just the lower class, people who once had good jobs no longer have them, and they are not responsible for the criminal actions of the banking elite

What, I mean the guy who is working at McDonald's has all sorts of opportunities to be part of Corporate America. They can apply for student loans. They can get grants, and apply for a scholoship..............If a person sits on there rear and does nothing other than decide to work at McDonald's, they should not expect anybody else to help them either.

Again you are presuming that the people taking these low paying jobs do so out of choice, just so they can get a top up from government, this is clearly not the case, the reason the welfare bill is constantly rising is because wages are dropping, while living costs are sky rocketing. And student loans? are you really that moronic? What does some 50 year old guy who has say been a machinist all his life need to saddle himself with a new shed load of debt, to be trained in some job that wont even exist once he has qualified for it? Give himself more and more financial problems, you must work for the banks seriously, hey they guy is in debt, lets give him more debts...

I don't hate anybody. I hate the choices that people make for themselves. Welfare is one of them.

Most people on welfare assistance now, have previously worked and through circumstances beyond their control have been left stuck in the middle of a recession with very little hope for the future. As I said before most have paid taxes all their working lives, supporting others, supporting the government and its ever increasing military burden. It is totally fair for them to say they want a little help back.

You act like everyone on welfare or seeking assistance has always been that way, which is BS. People have hard times, and not everyone is in a position to help themselves at all time But hey be happy in your ignorance and your arrogance and with your complete disregard for others

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