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The Sun Is Much Smaller And A Lot Closer Than We Are Misled To Believe

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posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by blocula

Yes certainly paradigms have changed throughout history... I do wonder what might be around the corner... For this reason it is good to think outside the box a little.. Btw did anyone read my first comment about the sun losing mass? I didn't get a reply from it but wonder what you guys think about what i said... Including you bloc...

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by blocula is it because the super advanced aliens curtain of holographic stars only contains the few thousand that we can see,just enough to keep us believing in their projected illusion?

Bloc listen take it easy whatever you are taking, i mean that go easy! mind what you read.
i told you about david icke and how he suckers people in, i lived near the man i ought to know.

Listen to what your saying pal

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by CynicalWabbit
Simply unbelievable that this thread should be 8 pages long answering the op about his nonsensical post
Truly amazing

What's next bloc ? "the world is flat thread"
edit on 1-7-2012 by CynicalWabbit because: (no reason given)
Like it or not,it is indeed possible that the fantastic image in the following link below is what the earth,sun and moon really look like,how they really are,how they were intentionally designed,like the earth being some kind of massive petri dish experiment...

"The earth is a farm,we are someone elses property" Charles Fort 1874-1932
edit on 1-7-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by InLightTend

You clearly have no grasp of that which you seek to bash, however poorly. Adding all the emphasis and smiley faces doesn't help with the presentation of your non-rebuttal. It just makes you look petulant on top of ignorant.


Ouch! (I'm sure!)

A little light on the facts there, non?

At least Old_God is pointing to something he perceives as facts... You know the disc files on the server farms with the pretty pictures, surrounded by nicely formatted ads for girlfriends from the Philippines, if you can only work up the nerve to just click here.

Was it too much trouble to come up with something on topic?

In my contributions to this thread, I've tossed in a whole bunch of stuff...

You know...

- No such thing as gravity.
- The Sun is NOT nuclear.
- The Big Bang theory is just pagan worship...
- Clouds are charged plasma...

Am I speaking too fast for you?

... it would seem like someone sitting way up high on your soapbox, you could easily dispatch...

If it's not too much trouble.

edit on 1-7-2012 by golemina because: Typos!

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by blocula

Explain how the horizon has an arched appearance, if the whole world is flat, and just falls off into empty space on the sides. Also, we can see the shadow of the Earth on the moon, giving it the monthly lunar rotation. So, yeah, no. You're wrong.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:21 PM
See, this is one of many reasons why I love coming to ATS. All these wonderful thought experiments. Sure, the OP may view this as "real", but, hey - we all live in our own little delusions/realities - allow him/her to live in theirs. While the logical, critical side of me balks at this very idea, my creative, questioning side giggles like a little child at this thought.
WHAT IF? What if this were the case? Well, my very first question would be, "What would be the point?" ... Of the deception, that is. Control? Experimentation? Just a couple of college-age extra-dimensional beings pulling a prank on us "little kids"?
Just because you don't believe in something, don't be afraid to ask, "What if?" Everything in our lives that we take for granted first sprung forth from that simple question.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:24 PM
2+2 equals 4... A fact
The earth is round A fact.

Blocs hypothesis about the sun being smaller and closer is a THEORY.
The chances of blocs discworld becoming a reality ....NO CHANCE.

Possibilty of getting through to him ... NO CHANCE IN HELL.

Hope that clears up the facts from the theory

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by mee30
reply to post by InLightTend

Hmmm well if people are just going to believe something whether it be in skunk works or not that is pretty much their own fault and there will be no helping them really. Obviously everything has to go through your own critical thinking filters and each individual has to make up their own mind as to what they think reality is.

There are millions and millions of theories out there about all sorts of topics. I think that's a great thing.

Even commonly believed perceptions are sometimes changed when new information emerges. A lot of science is guesswork in my opinion. Just look at climate science as an example. Or even medical science.

Absolutely. But I feel like were throwing out the baby with the water here too. There's like a 'drumbeat' to his responses, he just keeps repeating the same lines in different order and phrasing, never really responding to rebuttals, just more parroting of the same "I just can't believe it"....

This type of logic isn't what makes skunk works "All important" as listed in the forum description. And I agree with the assessment that out of the Box is exactly what makes this forum "all important", as someone already pointed out(in a rather fanatical manner) every new theory disproves an old one.

We should be looking outside the box. I don't know what this is, but I'm pretty sure the box is empty.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by blocula

Bloc listen

To start with... there's a horizon, meaning that the surface that one is observing from is not an infinite plane. On the clearest of days, the only restriction to one's range of sight is the horizon. There can be two explanations for this - one, that the Earth at some point just stops, as if you were looking off the edge of a table. The other is that the Earth is round. Hundreds of years ago, before the invention of the compass or sextant, precise navigation for ships was difficult, even with the stars. Ships that ventured past sight of land were often lost, and thus it was generally believed that the world simply *stopped* at the end of the horizon. With the invention of the compass, and improved map-making, people began to dare more, and with the return of Columbus from his trans-Atlantic voyage, the concept of the Earth as flat was shattered.

Further proof of the Earth being round came after the voyage of Columbus. When Newton discovered and measured the force of gravity, that number could then be tested anywhere the theory was known. Since the force of gravity is roughly the same everywhere on the globe, it could be surmised that the Earth must be spherical. If the Earth were not round, whole hemispheres would have different atmospheric pressure and significantly different sea levels. Also, pictures taken of the Earth in the last 50 years have proved absolutely conclusively that the Earth is round. These are just the arguments that don't require much physics knowledge to explain, there are others that are more technical, but I think that the simplest arguments are the best.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by golemina

I am curious about two of the things you've purported to have explained.

01. The Big Bang is pagan worship
02. Gravity doesn't exist

Specifically, could you expand on the first one? I've never heard anyone purport that chemical and subatomic particle reactions were polytheistic worship. You've hooked me, please expand.

As for the second... gravity does exist. Except at a quantum level. But, then again, at a quantum level, nothing exists for certain, beyond all possible doubt. So, you've kind of moved the goal posts on that one. But, I am familiar with the stance, and yes, the deeper you look into gravity, the less it exists at subatomic levels.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by shadowreborn89
i have to say for once.Im skeptical of this, its a good idea. but what else would be there outside of this holographic universe? inlighten me please?
Just beyond the holographic illusion we call outer space,the three dimensional curtain of stars thats intentionally wrapped around our world and malevolently induced within our minds,thats most likely being projected into our visible spectrum from within another dimension,exists the real world...

where the earth may be hoovering suspended within the science laboratory of super advanced aliens from a class-3 civilization and when seen from their vastly different than our size pespectives,the earth might really only be a thousand feet across and the sun might really only be about fifty feet across,but when seen from our much smaller in comparison to them points of view,the earth and sun appear to be much larger...

how would we ever really know? whos flown to the sun and seen it with their own eyes? no one...
edit on 1-7-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by denver22

2+2 equals 4... A fact
The earth is round A fact.

Blocs hypothesis about the sun being smaller and closer is a THEORY.
The chances of blocs discworld becoming a reality ....NO CHANCE.

Possibilty of getting through to him ... NO CHANCE IN HELL.

Hope that clears up the facts from the theory


The Earth is NOT round!

That would be WRONG.

It is spheroidal.

(It's actually not a sphere either.
Being fatter at the equator. )

At least to those of us living in the 3 dimensional world.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by blocula

But if you're not convinced, read on...

You can also observe, with binoculars, ships slowly 'sinking' below the horizon as it sails farther and farther out to the ocean, then watch them come back. They certainly didn't fall off the edge of the earth! You can also sail or fly around the world.

The Greeks discovered that the earth is round by observing lunar eclipses (i.e. when the earth blocks the sun from the moon, casting its round shadow on the moon's surface).

Another method is simultaneously measuring the length of the shadows cast by identical poles perpendicular to a flat surface that is tangential to the earth's radius at various, distant locations. If indeed the earth is round, then the shadows should all vary in length from one distant location to another, which means that the angle at which the parallel rays of sunlight struck each pole varied from one location to another. (recall the alternate-angles theorem from Geometry class) If the earth is flat, then the lengths of all the shadows should be identical when measured simultaneously, since all rays of sunlight that strike the earth are parallel. However, they are not identical, but in fact, varies in such a way that the angles indicate a spherical surface. (This was one of the earliest methods to determine the radius of the earth)

Also, keep in mind the 24 hour time zones. When it is noon in Hawaii, it is approximately midnight in the Middle East and vice versa. How can it be noon and midnight simultaneously? It is certainly impossible with a flat earth and a sun millions of times more massive.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by InLightTend

Yeah I'll agree the responses leave a little to be desired for sure...

It matters not if the box is empty if we are supposed to be searching outside of it anyway!

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by denver22

I know you are right but i'm just arguing for the sake of it here lol... The flat earth society do not believe in gravity at all. They believe we stay on earth and things fall back to earth because the earth is constantly going up!

So that force would measure the same wherever you are right?

I obviously do not not believe this but hell it's fairly logical...

My only question to that would be what about the damn atmosphere? It would just fall off the side while we're pushed up... I'm sure they have an answer for this but not sure what that is.

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by blocula
The night sky should be aglow more or less like day,illuminated by the light from millions and billions of stars,but its not...

Omg,outer space is an intentionally projected,three dimensional,holographic illusion...

This isht too funny, seriously.

Okay let me answer that stupid statement above (not saying you are stupid, just that statement above is, however as you wrote it, it makes you stupid by default...).

I will give you an idea to ponder, at least then you will have some hope in understanding why your statements are ridiculous.

1. You claim the sun is closer than it is...fine. Lets take that measurement, and put the known universe into scale, this would mean that the entire universe is much smaller in size, meaning the objects contained within it are more tightly packed creating a denser universe. If this was the case, then for sure we would see the sky light up as you so want to believe.

Now this would support your "Malevolently Projected Bases Are Belongs To Us" theory but for one fact, a tightly packed space with black holes in it is no fun, trust me on this.

2. By contrast, if the universe is huge, as in spread out very far and wide, this would firstly verify the Sun is indeed miles away, as are other planetary and cosmic bodies, as such we don't see everything but light wave particles vary over a long distance so we see some bright stars and others are barely noticeable (unless you setup a long exposure camera, then you will see a hell of a lot more).


On a separate note, on this forum is for far out theories, but those far out theories are usually always made up of or are extensions of known theories and facts.

What we have here is complete bollox as we English people like to say and as such is a troll pit from hell, much like a black hole, sucking in everyone. Good Nightly Fun!

edit on 1-7-2012 by old_god because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2012 by old_god because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2012 by old_god because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by blocula

You are the reason that elites justify their actions,,,,, if the medicore population doesnt want to know, and think,,,, or if they do want think, but make stuff up and disillusion themselves,,, if they are willing to be ignorant and believe their own spontaneous and baseless fantasies as truth,,,, we are justified in lieing to them,, poisioning them,, and attempting to kill as many as we can,, in the name of truth and human progress,,,,,,

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg
No matter how we look at them,we are never able to see anywhere near the many billions of stars that supposedly are out there all around us all the time and so stars must have their own selective light shining capabilities and the stars decide amongst themselves which ones light reaches us and which ones light doesnt...

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by golemina

I am curious about two of the things you've purported to have explained.

01. The Big Bang is pagan worship
02. Gravity doesn't exist

Specifically, could you expand on the first one? I've never heard anyone purport that chemical and subatomic particle reactions were polytheistic worship. You've hooked me, please expand.

As for the second... gravity does exist. Except at a quantum level. But, then again, at a quantum level, nothing exists for certain, beyond all possible doubt. So, you've kind of moved the goal posts on that one. But, I am familiar with the stance, and yes, the deeper you look into gravity, the less it exists at subatomic levels.

~ Wandering Scribe


'...Chemical and subatomic particle reactions...'

Really? You honestly believe you have the where with all to explain the 'Big Bang'?

Please do carry on!

My points about the Big Bang theory is that it is just another nonsensical CREATIONIST THEORY invented by 'Scientists'.

Who said anything about 'POLYTHEISM'?

I was talking about the hedonistic version of 'pagan' worship.

Gravity? Is a perceived EFFECT, not a CAUSE.

You are obviously confused by cause n effect.

Electromagnetism is what attracts objects to each other.

Quantum Physics?

I'm sorry... That is just smoking the crack pipe of Circular Logic.

Put the pipe down...

You CAN think for yourself!

edit on 1-7-2012 by golemina because: Typos!

posted on Jul, 1 2012 @ 07:46 PM
I would like to believe that our Earth is a nice, safe distance away from the planet-evaporating heat of the Suns core, and the violent solar flares and radiation that are constantly being blasted out into space. Yes, sweet, sweet distance. Great entertaining thread, though.
Also I like to note that here in Texas, it feels like the Sun may as well be the distance of the moon sometimes.

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