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'Farewell Intercourse' law allowing sex with dead wives sparks fury in Egypt

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posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:46 PM

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:46 PM
Sounds like perfect propoganda. Almost too good too be true...

Beleive half of what you see and none of what you hear or read.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:47 PM


posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by ChristianJihad

Hold your horses and calm down buddy.

1. I am an ex-Muslim and outspoken critic of Islam.

2. This thread is about "Farewell Sex", not stoning.

If you are at all interested in my beliefs, here are some threads I authored:

Becoming Muslim: I Did Not Read The Fine Print

Human Unification Through Understanding Spiritual Relativity

God: My Gnosis

King Dome's Throne Is On Water

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:51 PM
Wh..aaat did i just read? That's really creepy.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:59 PM
Well the more I read about it...seems that people who do this type of thing have some issues...according to studies!

In 1958, Klaf and Brown[5] commented that, although rarely described, necrophilic fantasies may occur more often than is generally supposed.

Rosman and Resnick[2] (1989) theorized that either of the following situations could be antecedents to necrophilia (pp. 161):

1.The necrophile develops poor self-esteem, perhaps due in part to a significant loss;

(a) He/she is very fearful of rejection by women/men and he/she desires a sexual partner who is incapable of rejecting him/her; and/or
(b) He/she is fearful of the dead, and transforms his/her fear — by means of reaction formation — into a desire.

2.He/she develops an exciting fantasy of sex with a corpse, sometimes after exposure to a corpse.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Jameela
reply to post by Sahabi

Look, only one Morrocan cleric even deemed this to be a thing allowed, and I can only find one other fatwa for him, so he is obviously not one of great popularity or influence. One cleric in the entire world and all of Islam is blamed for the sickness of one man. That in and of itself is wrong. It is not a thing considered to be anything more than sick, and a desecration of the dead by every other cleric in the entire world.

Second, Egyptian Parliment is stating this is nothing more than a vicious lie against them, that it is nothing more than an attack by Mubarak supporters, and never was considered as a thing to be placed in Egyptian law.

(sorry I cannot find any official statements in English so I do hope they put one out.) This was reported in the Mubarak controlled media, and it obviously had its intended purpose. To upset the Egyptian people and take any support away from the Islamic controlled majority there.

This is what lies do, they have a reason and a purpose. But NO ONE can blame Islam! Because it is not Islam.

Great reply!!!

To be honest, I don't have much objections to religious debates or even religion bashing. What I have a problem with is religion bashing based on falsehoods are misunderstandings.

PEOPLE: There is not one single teaching in the Qur'an or from Muhammad that condones necrophilia.


If this story is indeed a fabrication created by oppositional parties, then I would love to see a big fat [HOAX] placed on this thread.

edit on 4/27/12 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Starred and Flagged.
I've handled dead bodies before.
A lot of them. So I feel I can speak about this with some knowledge.

Most of you reading this have no conception of a dead body - the closest is at a wake or funeral as most cultures now make death a sanitized, sterile process, after the undertaker has "prepared" the body and it's been dead for a few days.
Any culture, in my own opinion, that would allow a person to defile or show such disrespect to a person's cast off shell is demented and twisted on so many levels, it's not even remotely sane.
Maybe we are all products of our culture.

But making love, really making love should be (again my own opinion) with someone that can appreciate being pleased as well as getting pleased yourself.

Sex with a dead body is one of the most selfish and again disrespectful acts.

There are two kinds of people pure and simple: Honorable and dishonorable.

The choice is yours, which category you decide to embrace.

edit on 27-4-2012 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

Very well put! You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned HONOR! This seems to lack any meaning in these Islamic religions. I was taught to fight fairly and treat your dead enemy with respect. How can a person think it is "honorable" to stone a woman for her views, her beliefs, or if she was raped? How can someone call it honorable to strap a bomb on them and walk into a crowd of people and detonate it? How can they justify a so-called god that would ever look at them as a hero and honorable? I believe in a Christian God,who has unconditional love and I feel will punish the wicked who kills for the reasons these monsters do!
I think there is a time to kill, to do your duty as a solder to protect the weak and innocent but even then we should treat the dead with respect and let God make the decisions regarding their place in eternity!
It's another case of this so-called religion to carry their hatred of women to the death and beyond!
Like you said the act of making love is for both, for a man to want to 'make love' with his dead wife simply shows how little respect he had for her when she was alive, simply an object FOR HIS pleasure!
I think if one more Islamic person calls their sick, twisted criminal lives honorable I will puke!
edit on 27-4-2012 by wulff because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:09 PM
"­The “farewell Intercourse” bill was inspired by a Fatwa issued by a Moroccan cleric last year. Zamzami Abdul Bar SAID that since the two would meet in Heaven again anyway, death shouldn’t get in the way of one last post-mortem marital romp."

So now Islam gets the blame for what that cleric SAID???
Wich psychopath would be so horny enough to bone his own dead wife?
Oh wait! Dont forget you have 6 houres the time...
Cmon guys, you seriously believe that this BS has something to do with Islam?
Why isn't this allowed in Iran or Saudi-Arabia? The countries that are considered
to be even 'more' Islamic than egypt.
I rather think the egyptian lawmakers are trying to legalise their dark fantasy..

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by iforget

I quit following this thread when it got out of hand so I dont know if this has been posted but:
Egypt’s ‘Farewell Intercourse Law’ News False: Report

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:20 PM
Its going to be a bit boring for the women though surely since their dead husbands can't get it up.

This is sick though and its this sort of thing that will be legal in the West soon,all under the guise of mulitculturalism.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi

Great reply!!!

To be honest, I don't have much objections to religious debates or even religion bashing. What I have a problem with is religion bashing based on falsehoods are misunderstandings.

PEOPLE: There is not one single teaching in the Qur'an or from Muhammad that condones necrophilia.


If this story is indeed a fabrication created by oppositional parties, then I would love to see a big fat [HOAX] placed on this thread.

edit on 4/27/12 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

this is what I found on an English site for everyone to read:

These supposed laws are not real.

From Dan Murphy’s article:

“Today, Egypt’s state-owned Al Ahram newspaper published an opinion piece by Amr Abdul Samea, a past stalwart supporter of the deposed Hosni Mubarak, that contained a bombshell: Egypt’s parliament is considering passing a law that would allow husbands to have sex with their wives after death.

It was soon mentioned in an English language version of Al-Arabiya and immediately started zipping around social-networking sites. By this afternoon it had set news sites and the rest of the Internet on fire. It has every thing: The yuck factor, “those creepy Muslims” factor, the lulz factor for those with a sick sense of humor. The non-fact-checked Daily Mail picked it up and reported it as fact. Then Andrew Sullivan, who has a highly influential blog but is frequently lax about fact-checking, gave it a boost with an uncritical take. The Huffington Post went there, too.

There’s of course one problem: The chances of any such piece of legislation being considered by the Egyptian parliament for a vote is zero. And the chance of it ever passing is less than that. […] [E]xtreme, not to mention inflammatory claims, need at minimum some evidence (and I’ve read my share of utter nonsense in Al Ahram over the years). The evidence right now? Zero.”

edit on 27-4-2012 by Jameela because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-4-2012 by Jameela because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Jameela

I believe you. This thing is totally not representative of the true Islamic faith, whether true or untrue. It does sound fabricated now after thinking about it.

Some people who hate religion in general came out to bash all religions based on this hoax. I just wanted to clear up anything in any posts of mine, because clearly someone misinterpreted my intent.
edit on 27-4-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by Jameela

I believe you. This thing is totally not representative of the true Islamic faith, whether true or untrue. It does sound fabricated now after thinking about it.

Some people who hate religion in general came out to bash all religions based on this hoax. I just wanted to clear up anything in any posts of mine, because clearly someone misinterpreted my intent.
edit on 27-4-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

True, this has nothing to do with Islam, and a perfect way to get every single Egyptian to hate the Brotherhood and not vote for them. But it really is not true, all I am finding are statements issued saying that this is all a fabrication.

I personally do not agree with the Brotherhood, and oppose them. But I prefer my opposition to anyone to be based in fact and not in lies. There is no need to lie upon anyone, and it is wrong to do such a thing. If you oppose anything you should oppose the truth of it, otherwise it is not really opposing but only ignorance.

edit on 27-4-2012 by Jameela because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by ElectricFeel
"­The “farewell Intercourse” bill was inspired by a Fatwa issued by a Moroccan cleric last year. Zamzami Abdul Bar SAID that since the two would meet in Heaven again anyway, death shouldn’t get in the way of one last post-mortem marital romp."

So now Islam gets the blame for what that cleric SAID???
Wich psychopath would be so horny enough to bone his own dead wife?
Oh wait! Dont forget you have 6 houres the time...
Cmon guys, you seriously believe that this BS has something to do with Islam?
Why isn't this allowed in Iran or Saudi-Arabia? The countries that are considered
to be even 'more' Islamic than egypt.
I rather think the egyptian lawmakers are trying to legalise their dark fantasy..

Hey, I thank you for the clarification. I've been wondering whether this was a hoax or not. Such heavy reporting by mainline outlets though made the hoax thing hard to take as well. At least 100%. That gives a little more background.

As I've noted myself, not all Islam is to blame for the radical nut jobs that seem to be happy at climbing to power in the region on the heads of the general population. HOWEVER......When this is said and done in the NAME of Islam and Islam as a whole says little or nothing in outrage, the public will happily give Islam as a whole the credit for the whole terrible idea.

Can anyone really blame folks for having that response?? This headline had Drudge exposure for a long period, if nothing else..and that is huge exposure for a headline these days. The outrage from the Muslims would seem it's near total silence. Little things like this are what makes for a hostile public even when there isn't much REAL reason for it to be that way.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 02:23 PM
Just wait...Sharia Law is coming to a neighborhood near you. Its already happening in England and de-facto in many American neighborhoods. If it wasn't for the EDL in the UK it would be full blown public beatings of Muslim women in the streets. And this necrophilia law just shows how sick these people are.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by studio500

To be fair, perhaps non husbands can have a go after the six hours?

Heck, perhaps we can forgo the formalities and set up post mortem brothels... refrigerated... of course.

That way folks can be productive members of society even after sloughing off the coil.

Perhaps we will dispel with the word "necrophilia" as old fashioned.

Gotta love the humans.
edit on 4/27/2012 by Baddogma because: left out the "I" in necrphilia

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by studio500

Eeeerm.. what?

This is just sick...

And i don't mean JUST sick..

This is SICK!

ETA: I can't imagine this being true actually... is it?
edit on 27/4/12 by Romekje because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by OrionStarfire

Sharia law isn't coming to any neighborhood near me. Civil unrest and more will come long before that and will have to be overcome and defeated (fat chance.
) before Sharia will have any meaning in this part of the nation. Other areas? Who knows...but the Show Me State isn't the Sharia Me state.

Added Note: I feel it's right to clarify here after a member indicated in U2U that the way I put all that may seem downright confrontational and unyielding. Well, to some degree it is, but the example he used does make the clarification important. It dealt with Sharia law as it would be applied in civil law (as we call it) on divorce or marriage issues..where culture already has considerations built into that process that supersede what our system does when things don't work out.

I suppose it's perfectly fair to say that as much as the Italians, Jews and Irish of a past era in our nation tended to handle things among themselves and outside the overall court system, so it's fair Muslims do. Not just fair..but preferable in my view.

That feeling and attitude comes to a dead stop with no tolerance remaining when we move from Civil to Criminal matters and from a cultural 'court' within the Community to the sworn courts of our system here. There, Sharia is as nice an idea as concepts of other nation's justice...and just as meaningless beyond pure opinion. I hope that may be a more balanced way of presenting how it all looks to me....I just can't help but feel these days that on some topics, giving in inch gets a person run over for miles to follow. Sad..but there it is some days.

edit on 27-4-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

LOL...I hope your right. As long as we have common sense people with a strong fighting spirit and the will to survive and protect there families and culture, then maybe we will be alright. Unfortunately these people are few and far between. But you may be right, La Raza mob rule may come before Sheria Law.

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