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Reasons why I believe the sun is more luminous and why it matters to you

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posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Orderamongchaos

Can you honestly say I haven't provided any evidence? I think not.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by RocketMan0266

Sorry, it was a very out-there, nebulous concept. But while there is an alignment every year in December, this shall be different in a big substantial way. Would you fancy a guess as to why? Or rather, how?

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by motoboy21

most obliged (tips hat).

I'm not being shut up atm lol thanks to the kind graces of the mods for letting me back on, given a first or second chance as the case may be, I'm not sure which lol

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by nataylor

thanks, still looks like it's getting bigger tho

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by HoppedUp
I'm not a scientist, nor am I an accredited researcher, but I do my best to learn all that I can about things that interest me. In my opinion, there are too many strange things happening with the weather, uptick of natural disasters, mass animal deaths, strange "new" diseases popping up in both man and beast and cosmic anomalies to just ignore it and say it has all happened before. Wouldn't it be equally ignorant to turn a blind eye to these changes without looking into the matter how speculative some theories may be?

That is exactly the problem, you have fabricated these statements. There is no sudden increase in natural disasters or diseases. You don't have to be an accredited researcher to investigate this. Ten minutes of google will show you that nothing recent has been abnormal. As far as natural disasters go, there has been more or less a steady stream since the earth existed. Diseases? There are far less deadly dieseases present then there were one hundred years ago.

Originally posted by shortsticks
reply to post by Orderamongchaos

Can you honestly say I haven't provided any evidence? I think not.

Yes, I can. You haven't provided any. In fact, you've done nothing other than mindlessly spam posts.

edit on 5-4-2012 by Orderamongchaos because: Added a reply

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Imagewerx

halogen lamps?

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Deee2

awesome, thanks for that~! it's no wonder that christianity revolves around worship of the Son (Sun). the cross is just our going through the galactic plane. 12 apostles, 12 zodiac signs. it's really quite simple to decode.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:01 AM
The whole crux of the op's post is that he "believes" the Sun is brighter.
However those with any knowledge of solar matters know it isn't.

Whilst I must respect your belief (as I do those who believe in religion, ghosts etc etc) it certainly doesn't mean that you are right.
If you care to read up on basic astronomy you may find where your belief falls down.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by HoppedUp

excellent. mass animal deaths. they can't deny this, but they do try to couch the reasons in simple reasons, so as not to alarm the public at large and cause outright panic. panic shouldn't be started, but something should be. this is it, btw in any case. do or die time.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:03 AM

that's right, global warming isn't man-made. oh how we like to think that the world revolves around us, if there's not a much more sinister reason involved. remember the origins of the word sinister, in any case...

it's not all doom and gloom, because the earth has its own balance system, so when the sun gets hotter, more water gets released into the atmosphere, causing more clouds which serve as a buffer from all the heat from the sun in my opinion. and then when things really get bad, all the dormant volcanoes erupt giving us a nice little ice age, as another poster has opened my eyes elsewhere on the net. it shouldn't be too hard to realize who this is, considering my big interest in one of his posts here lol

btw since I'm still learning the ropes here at this forum, I don't know whether it's proper to reply to everyone who posts. I'd like to. perhaps tho just the ones I can offer something else of substance in my reply..?
reply to post by shortsticks

This is such a great response and its a very believable approach, as the world is a living thing and has adapted many times to many threats. I like what you said and how you said it. If you dont mind I would like to include this into my approach to the global warming/sun heating up debate.

You can reply to whatever you like as long as you remain civil and considerate no one should mine.

Intrigued and Interested

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by shortsticks
reply to post by Imagewerx

halogen lamps?

Mostly yes the old fashioned halogen bulbs that didn't bother me previously but now do.Sadly also cheap and very illegal xenon or HID bulbs retrofitted to headlight housings only designed for halogen bulbs that just throw light every where apart from where it's needed-onto the road.Also some legal OEM HID headlights such as Range Rovers always seem to dazzle me despite being fitted with the legally required self levelling devices.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by Orderamongchaos

How can you possibly say mindless? I give careful thought before I respond and have given a few links even. Do you consider this spam?

Terrestiral mass extinctions

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Pardon?

yes, that's the caveat that you most astutely observed. read up a little on ben franklin for getting some of his controversial points across.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by CitizenJack

np, thanks for the invite. I look forward to conversing with you further, here and there.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Imagewerx

that's why I hate driving at night. sometimes it doesn't matter if another car has their beams set to low, it's still too damn bright.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:12 AM
-Op, I am sorry, but luminous is not the correct term here.

A star's luminosity is determined by it's distance away from us and it's apparent brightness. What you mean to say is that it is becoming brighter, not more luminous. Brightness also has to do with temperature, the more bluish that the star looks the hotter, and conversely the more red a star, the cooler it is

But that does not make any sense either, because a star's lifetime has to do with the fuel it has for nuclear reactions. Stars only use 10% of their mass as energy in the form Hydrogen Fusion so to say that anything is being added to increase this reaction has no basis in the real world. Our sun, through it's lifetime, will only cool down (except on the core- temp will increase) and expand.

Furthermore, there are hundreds of scientists looking at the sun everyday and measuring it's apparent brighness, it's distance away from us (even though that is fairly stable) and it's luminosity. The change in color would cause a change in wavelength on the visible spectrum, which would have sounded an alarm bell somewhere as this technology is fairly common and is used by astronomy students worldwide.

Source: I am an astronomy major.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:12 AM
I can't believe baseless conjecture and anecdotal evidence gets so much play here.

Which is more likely, your ocular organs are changing (which is a biological norm), or the SUN is changing so alarmingly quickly that you are able to sense it in your lifetime (which would be an astronomical outlier)?

Everything looks well within established parameters to me.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by shortsticks

Sorry, it was a very out-there, nebulous concept. But while there is an alignment every year in December, this shall be different in a big substantial way. Would you fancy a guess as to why? Or rather, how?

Hmmm.... Maybe some celestial alignment of the solstice with the galactic equator or plane and something about the transit of Venus, the Mayan calendar rollover, awakening, and .... what do you ponder?

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by shortsticks

Originally posted by shortsticks
reply to post by juleol

The new interstellar plasma cloud has everything to do with it. This is so easy to understand, I'm not sure why you don't understand. The sun is also reclassified as variable. Because of its change.

Here's the sun today:

And this is what the sun used to look like, but when it was midday, not at sunset:

Used to be at sunset it was dark red. These observations are shared by many of us. You can choose to ignore it all you want. It ultimately doesn't matter to me.



Excuse me, but where did you say you come from again?
I smell a massive rat.
Besides, the link you have of sunset over leek shows sunset on the brow of a hill, not true sunset on the horizon.

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by shortsticks
reply to post by Deee2

awesome, thanks for that~! it's no wonder that christianity revolves around worship of the Son (Sun). the cross is just our going through the galactic plane. 12 apostles, 12 zodiac signs. it's really quite simple to decode.

Don't forget that Jesus is also supposed to come back on a "cloud". Could this be the energy burst/wave that will manifest into the physical (man)? lol

My mind takes me to far places. I love it.

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