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Schumann Resonances, Electro Magnetism, and the Brain.

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posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:38 AM
"My wireless transmitter does not use Hertzian waves, which are a grievous myth, but sound waves in the aether..." ~ Nikola Tesla

Is that an accurate quote?

If so, how can electricity be transmitted by sound waves?

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

You didn't answer my question.

Without the information I requested the only answer I can give is the parameters given by the author allow for just about anything.

You want a mainstream scientific lab to vouch for the product?

I didn't say mainstream but you must understand that one may need more than the "word" of snake oil salesmen.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by DenyObfuscation

So, you're assuming Warren is supporting a bogus product.

I'm not so sure. I'm interested in more information about him.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
"My wireless transmitter does not use Hertzian waves, which are a grievous myth, but sound waves in the aether..." ~ Nikola Tesla

Is that an accurate quote?

If so, how can electricity be transmitted by sound waves?

Not 100% on this as physics isn't my strongest suit, but I believe it's just a different wave length. By hertzian he seems to be referring more to electromagnetic ranges of vibrations, which are much higher than sound and generally in perceivable. Sound waves are slower waves. By the mention of aether, it sounds to me like he's speaking to more of a spiritual take. To me, he's stating the part of the "karmic wave" (so to speak) that affects us is lower frequencies of sound waves and not the higher frequencies of electromagnetic waves. Also keep in mind that Tesla was a strong proponent for electromagnetic energy and would probably prefer to think EM doesn't affect us at all.

I don't think I'm too far on this one but I'd love to be corrected if someone knows more
edit on 12-4-2012 by DudeCuda because: (no reason given)

And as far as transmitting energy via sound:
Acoustic Drilling has shown to be used to harness acoustic energy for building purposes.
Also, radio waves essentially function to transmit low(ish) frequencies over the air, much of what Tesla's pattents spoke of. I also remember (if transmitting to yourself) a meditation chant (Which I believe was in this thread)where you place your tongue between your teeth and hum at a specific tone to make your cheeks essentially serve as tuning forks, vibrating your pineal and supposedly activating the third eye

As far as EM energy, Tesla had simple pattents to collect EM energy from a simple aluminum plate and a few accessories
edit on 12-4-2012 by DudeCuda because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2012 by DudeCuda because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2012 by DudeCuda because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

It is claimed That The Tesla Personal Oscillator was the most popular gadget of 1907 and was widely used in The USA and Europe.

I can't find anything on a Tesla personal oscillator that was sold to the public. Only something about a mechanical oscillator.

Does anyone have any information about a personal oscillator?

Amongst his many legacies to society are a number of small items that employ Nikola’s discoveries in both electricity and vibration. Nikola influenced the production of personal oscillators that vibrate in tune with "the luminiferous ether" (collectively called, Purple Plates). Like many of his inventions, the plates cannot be explained, and yet for over twenty-eight years the plates have continued to offer the same "increase comfort and happiness" to society that his poly phase system has provided since 1896.


I can't say with certainty however it sounds like this technology is sold today under names such as "Hitachi Magic Wand"

ETA: Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so. I found THIS from "Harnessing The Wheelwork Of Nature Tesla's Science Of Energy" edited by Thomas Valone, PH.D, PE, corroborating my theory... only supporting it.
edit on 12-4-2012 by DenyObfuscation because: ETA

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
reply to post by Mary Rose

In the April 2010 issue of Discover magazine, the article, 'Back From the Future' by Zeeya Merali, talks about Jeff Tollaksen's experiments that show that future events effect the past. Superposition is the name given to an object that appears to be at two places at the same time. .. Aharonov who rethought the idea of indeterminism and instead said that what was needed was to include the future states as well as past states in order too describe an event in space-time.

Now this I agree with and have been looking for the hard science on.

Here is that article: Discover magazine

it’s tough to decide what is more unsettling: the boat’s incessant rocking or the mounting evidence that the arrow of time—the flow that defines the essential narrative of our lives—may be not just an illusion but a lie.

There is a lot of good science showing this. The MK sect know this also one of the favorite lines of theirs to use here is Alice talking to the White Queen:

‘Living backwards!’ Alice repeated in great astonishment. ‘I never heard of such a thing!’

‘–but there’s one great advantage in it, that one’s memory works both ways.’

‘I’m sure MINE only works one way,’ Alice remarked. ‘I can’t remember things before they happen.’

‘It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,’ the Queen remarked.

LEWIS CARROLL, Alice Through the Looking Glass.

back to phsyics

The Rochester experiments seem to demonstrate that actions carried out in the future—in the final, postselection step—ripple back in time to influence and amplify the results measured in the earlier, intermediate step.

So the experiments show the future influence the past. Is there any other people with experiments that show this... oddly enough. Yes.. Our brains seem to get information from our own future. This experiment in psychology today shows the same thing.. future knowledge effecting past:

In one of the studies, college students were given a list of words and after reading the list, were given a surprise recall test to see how many words they remembered. Next, a computer randomly selected some of the words on the list as practice words and the participants were asked to retype them several times. The results of the study showed that the students were better at recalling the words on the surprise recall test that they were later given, at random, to practice. According to Bem, practicing the words after the test somehow allowed the participants to "reach back in time to facilitate recall."

So although humans perceive time as linear, it doesn't necessarily mean it is so. And as good scientists, we shouldn't let out preconceived beliefs and biases influence what we study, even if these preconceived beliefs reflect our basic assumptions about how time and space work.

psychology today

I think of time more as a pond. Each event/action/occurrence like a drop of water. It radiates both to past, future (forward/back). And side to side (current effects). And all variations in between.

I have told this to people for years, it appears science is backing up my postulate.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by DudeCuda
And as far as transmitting energy via sound

That is what I'm especially interested in. If one can drill using sound that is a very powerful thing.

And it seems clear that Tesla's technology was using longitudinal, as in sound, not transverse, as in EM, waves.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
I found THIS from "Harnessing The Wheelwork Of Nature Tesla's Science Of Energy" edited by Thomas Valone, PH.D, PE . . .



Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
, . . corroborating my theory... only supporting it.

Fulllotusqigong will appreciate your humor, I'm sure.
(A refereence to exchanges on "The Devil's Chord . . . " thread, for those who are wondering.)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by DudeCuda
Not 100% on this as physics isn't my strongest suit, but I believe it's just a different wave length. By hertzian he seems to be referring more to electromagnetic ranges of vibrations, which are much higher than sound and generally in perceivable. Sound waves are slower waves. By the mention of aether, it sounds to me like he's speaking to more of a spiritual take.

This is incorrect. Sound waves are not slower. Electromagnetic wavelength goes through all wavelengths that sound does also. EM does go to faster frequencies than sound, but it also goes through all the frequencies of sound also. See ELF.

Aether was not spiritual in connotation to Tesla at all.

Tesla's aether concept

It is important to correctly comprehend Tesla's unique aether concept as several popular researchers in the field have not done.

Tesla's aether is a rarefied gas having extreme elasticity. It allows ponderable matter to pass almost freely through it, waves in it are electromagnetic waves and electrostatic, gravitational and magnetic forces are all directly related to the aether...Tesla believed his aether to be an insulating medium and after studying the lectures in detail it becomes apparent that he is in fact talking about polarizing and solidifying the air, not the aether. Also his aether is said to be carriers immersed in an insulating medium as supposedly quoted from one of his high frequency lectures. This is incorrect as reading it properly it states that the air is the carriers and the insulating medium is the aether. In 1894, Tesla invented a special bulb (which was the ultimate result of his research in vacuum tubes; the unipolar "targetless" bulb) which augmented this technology to create "tubes of force" which could be used for motive power (what Tesla later cited as "veritable ropes of air"). Note that the tubes of force is only a theory and without proof should not be taken seriously.

Theory structure

Tesla said he had fully developed his Dynamic Theory of Gravity and "worked it out in all the details". This aether-based theory, which initially was developed between 1893-94, explained gravity and directly linked it to electromagnetic phenomena, explaining also that the sun and all stars emit "primary solar rays" which in turn produce secondary radiations. Tesla's theory states that the phenomena produced by electromagnetic forces is the most important phenomenon in the universe. According to portions from his theory, mechanical motions are universally a result of electromagnetic force acting upon and through media.

Tesla demonstrated that all bodies have electrical content and as such, are all moving charges as our earth hurls through space at incredible speed (hence 'dynamic'). He demonstrated, through the use of his particular evacuated tubes and high voltage coils powered by specifically designed high frequency alternators, how earth emanates "microwaves" and how it behaves as a charged sphere. Based on these discoveries and their confirmation at Colorado Springs, he developed and tested his first electromagnetic machine that could fly "devoid of sustaining wings, propellers or gas bags".

Non-hertzian waves

In the Responses to Questions on December 20, 2000 of various authors and researchers concerning Mr. Tesla, it is reported that Tesla's concept of "electromagnetic momentum" appears to have been gleamed from Maxwell's original work .. Tesla was familiar with the quaternion notation in Maxwell's work and often referred to Maxwell's books. Tesla also conveyed the notion of J. Zenneck's longitudal ground wave as the non-Hertzian wave he was talking about. These are now known today in microwave field theory as "surface waves". Tesla calls attention to a "field of force" being indispensable for explaining the movements of astronomical objects (a concept that fields model the phenomenon more precisely). Heaviside himself offered "a gravitational and electromagnetic analogy" (The Electrician, 1893).


posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
MK sect

Originally posted by pianopraze

In one of the studies, college students were given a list of words and after reading the list, were given a surprise recall test to see how many words they remembered. Next, a computer randomly selected some of the words on the list as practice words and the participants were asked to retype them several times. The results of the study showed that the students were better at recalling the words on the surprise recall test that they were later given, at random, to practice. According to Bem, practicing the words after the test somehow allowed the participants to "reach back in time to facilitate recall."

So although humans perceive time as linear, it doesn't necessarily mean it is so. And as good scientists, we shouldn't let out preconceived beliefs and biases influence what we study, even if these preconceived beliefs reflect our basic assumptions about how time and space work.

That is absolutely mind boggling!

Originally posted by pianopraze
I think of time more as a pond. Each event/action/occurrence like a drop of water. It radiates both to

And that is profound.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Fulllotusqigong will appreciate your humor, I'm sure.

I'm skeptically hopeful about that. Anyway, funny story about Mark Twain there. I have read that before but can't recall if it was the same book or not. BTW, I am a Tesla fan. Obviously a genius however not infallible. Most anything he knew that we don't would certainly prove valuable, perhaps revolutionary, with the exception of splitting the Earth in half etc.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

I'll give you a few... Google Karl Welz, SLim Spurling, Centre for Implosion Research, Moe Joe Cell, and xtrememind

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
with the exception of splitting the Earth in half etc.

I've seen something about that but don't know much about it. What is your understanding of the meaning of it?

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

If the sources are correct he believed he could literally split the Earth in half using sufficient energy and frequency resonance. He is said to have mused this to reporters following the earthquake machine incident in his building. There's a part of me that thinks maybe some of his tech should be "suppressed".

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

This is incorrect. Sound waves are not slower. Electromagnetic wavelength goes through all wavelengths that sound does also. EM does go to faster frequencies than sound, but it also goes through all the frequencies of sound also.

Actually in terms of speed

Sound waves travel about one million times more slowly than light waves but their frequency and wavelength formulas are somewhat similar to light wave formulas.


If they're wrong let me know.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
Aether was not spiritual in connotation to Tesla at all.


But your link does say this:

. . . Tesla's aether is analogous to the classical aether "gas" theory.

"Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance." (Grotz, 1997)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by pianopraze

This is incorrect. Sound waves are not slower. Electromagnetic wavelength goes through all wavelengths that sound does also. EM does go to faster frequencies than sound, but it also goes through all the frequencies of sound also.

Actually in terms of speed

Sound waves travel about one million times more slowly than light waves but their frequency and wavelength formulas are somewhat similar to light wave formulas.


If they're wrong let me know.

You are correct I used wrong term.

Sound is slower, but the are of the same frequencies. What I was objecting to is the assertion EM waves start at the radio frequency.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Originally posted by pianopraze
Aether was not spiritual in connotation to Tesla at all.


But your link does say this:

. . . Tesla's aether is analogous to the classical aether "gas" theory.

"Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance." (Grotz, 1997)

That bit is not from tesla as far as I know. That is Grontz's words you can find here: link.

Tesla was refering to aehter in a physical way, not a spiritual way:

When Tesla worked, another very serious component of the universe was very much a critical topic of discussion among physicists— the ether (or aether). This was the postulated finely structured substance that simply had to exist, if there was to be any hope of explaining how light waves were to travel through what otherwise would be just a vacuum of absolute “nothingness.” James Clerk Maxwell, who gave us the first version of the equations used in electromagnetic theory today, certainly believed in an aether—the luminifereous, static one that carried light. As he wrote in the Ninth Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica (which began appearing around 1875), “The only aether which has survived is that which was invent- ed by Huygens to explain the propagation of light. The evi- dence for the existence of the luminiferous aether has accumu- lated as additional phenomena of light and other radiations have been discovered; and the properties of this medium, as deduced from the phenomena of light, have been found to be precisely those required to explain electromagnetic phenome- na.”

He used the term, but he used it entirely different from the metaphysical concept.

What did Tesla think about the aether? For that matter, what did Tesla think of “electricity”? We must remember that when the nineteenth century Tesla worked, the aether was inextricably connected with the concept of electricity—in addition to its being the medium of the transmission of light and other Hertzian electromagnetic waves. The idea of “parti- cles of electricity”—later to be discovered and then called “electrons”—was not yet in vogue. Electricity was thought of as something like an intangible fluid—literally “etheric.” In a seminal talk before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) in May 1891 at what was then called Columbia College in New York City, Tesla spoke these telling words: “Of all the forms of nature’s immeasurable, all-pervad- ing energy, which ever and ever change and move, like a soul animates an innate universe, electricity and magnetism are per- haps the most fascinating. . .We know that electricity acts like an incompressible fluid; that there must be a constant quan- tity of it in nature; that it can neither be produced or destroyed. . .and that electricity and ether phenomena are identical.”1 Tesla noted that this “ether” was everywhere mov- ing and dynamic. The use of the ether would be the salvation of humankind, he said: “. . .with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from stores forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides.” He said, “. . .it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheel- work of nature.”


edit on 12-4-2012 by pianopraze because: formatting

edit on 12-4-2012 by pianopraze because: typos

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

It's interesting to look at the talk page for the article:

owerPedia:Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

I will continue to update this page until I feel that my expose' sufficiently resembles Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity based on my research. I thank William Lyne for his major efforts in uncovering Nikola Tesla's major achievement through his two books Pentagon Aliens and Occult Ether Physics which provide a vast amount of information on this subject and for helping me in editing this document. --User:Iceweller, Sept. 6 . . .

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
MK sect

What is MK sect? Anything to do with MK ULTRA?

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