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Extra Terrestrial Embodiment on Earth and Subsequent Astral Projection

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:21 PM
Just astral projected for the first time in a long time last night and came to ATS to brush up on some info and found this on the front page. My experiences are limited to flying around and never last more than a couple minutes since I get too anxious and excited and wake up. But thanks for all the info here I couldn't guess how to communicate with anyone in AP but I'll keep an open mind.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:45 PM
What is the difference between dreaming and channeling/astral projecting?

I asked that once before and was told nothing, that a dream is a projection.
but I personally believe if that is the case, then a projection is little more than a dream, and you can program your dreams by saturating yourself with whatever...aka, if I play a zombie apoc game all day and watch zombie movies, I will be dreaming of zombie apoc stuff...did I suddenly wisk my soul away to some zombie apoc world, or is my brain simply sorting out the information I have been feeding it all day? Chances are its the feeding thing.

So, channelers say they channel in dreams and leave bodies to experience all this fantastic stuff...but they also spend many of their waking hours saturating their brain with this stuff..and like the zombie apoc thing, no doubt they will dream of it.

I quite like the concept of channeling, telepathy, astral travel, etc...but ya...skeptical until some proof comes sort of thing...else we will believe any dream that comes (and people quite often dream of some brutal stuff..especially after lots of violent movies/games/etc)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:46 PM
I hate to bust your friend's nut, OP, but this grabbing up of human bodies has been going on for at least, by my count, almost fifty years.
I wish I could have told her to save her energy.
Humans are darn near impossible to teach. I might as well teach my dog how to play ukulele as to teach a human the simplest tasks like sewing a button onto a shirt.
Migraines and ulcers are her path in life when choosing to work with humans, they will never see things through her eyes.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:49 PM
very interesting thread, i look forward to reading your blog, thanks for sharing with us

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:49 PM
I am not saying that this didn’t happen but what I’m going to do is present to you what raised red flags in my head. These are things that I read that did not seem to add together correctly. Even though I am of a skeptical nature I am not closed minded and I don’t throw out any possibility until there is sufficient enough reason to do so.

The first thing that I noticed that bothered me was the fact that this “advanced” being was not aware of what would happen upon going into this designed body. Even if it was aware it apparently took absolutely no precautions or put in place any fail safe options in case of an emergency. If this outcome was inevitable then great precaution should have been taken. I find it odd again that you turned out to be the sole means of help that she had. How were they going to assist, meet or whatever with us if they forgot? That doesn’t seem very competent on their part. In truth it seems that this forgetting upon incarnation almost seems to me as it was meant to provoke a “hey that’s what must have happened to us” reaction.
On a tangent the act of astral projection to me has nothing to do with reaching out for love. In fact from what I’ve read and experienced over the years it is quite a robotic process that anyone can do given the right set of circumstances and practice. I believe anyone can do it given some effort and one need not be “spiritually advanced” or “special”. As to whether it is merely an altered state of brain activity or true separation of consciousness from body I wont get into and leave it to the individual to gather info and make their own conclusions.

The second thing that bothered me is why does an allegedly incorporeal entity need a home planet or star system? Along those same lines the answer to the age question just answered the question without really answering it at all and offered little in the way of profound concepts. If they are indeed from a particular star system that star system was not always present and had a concrete beginning at least in our reality. They could have offered an approximation of how long they have been in existence w/out going into how, why or that time isn’t like it is for us.

The third thing was the construction of the body to incarnate in. Once again why were no precautions taken during the process? Where is the body formed? Here or somewhere else? Why choose an alien form and color? It would be a lot easier to look more human during the revealing instead of green. It is actions that will ultimately speak for their true identity not appearance.

The next thing is taken from the blog. At one point there is discussion between the two of you and she describes being as a copy and that you wont feel her or don’t expect her to read your thoughts because she is limited then in the next line she states that she senses your amusement to this. These two seem to contradict each other. If I misread it forgive me.

It is the message I am judging at the moment and not your honesty. I would be hard pressed to give the answers or messages you received credibility due to the explanations and the way the messages present themselves. If this is indeed some sort of contact I would suggest taking a closer inspection because there are a lot of signposts warning that deception is present; intentional or not.

Remember even though a message may say all the right things it does not always indicate intention. For example there is nothing inherently wrong with the message of turn the other cheek or love your enemy but if taken to extremes and I can instill this docile nature in you and I am preparing to take you out it is all the less effort I need to expend since you wont even fight back when the time comes.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:00 PM
As much as I want to believe that there are benevolent forces out there hoping for the evolution of human kind, I must call Bravo Sierra on the blog and the OP. I think it wreaks of new age garbage philosophy and it's just the OP's attempt at getting other people to make him feel special. I think the mind can play tricks on someone when they believe they are making contact with extraterrestrial beings, but in actuality, it is probably an underlying mental issue that needs to be resolved.

Why lie to people that hope for something positive like what the OP is saying? The language in the blog also confirms for me that there is no way this person could be making contact with intelligent beings.

I am tired of these so called starseeds telling me what level of crystal power they have and having nothing to show for it. PROVE to me that your alien contacts exist and that they are not just a figment of your imagination.

I too use to think that I had made contact with extraterrestrials, but the mind is a powerful thing and it can even deceive the one that drives it.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:20 PM
I'm in the same boat as many of you. Ever since I was a young boy, I felt different and that I came to this world with a very important purpose.

It all started with hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis at an extremely young age (about 3 or 4). I would be sleeping on the sofa in the living room, and suddenly wake up in sheer terror, to an entity that felt like pure evil or quite simply, death itself. While there was no physical harm done, I always felt that it took some part of me, as these "visitations" ensued over the course of several years. Later on in my life I came to the realization that I was astrally projecting at a very young age and subsequently, running into some pretty nasty lower astrals during my travels.

However, it wasn't until my mid to late 20's that I started to get in touch with higher vibrational energies. Over the course of the last 6 or 7 years, I've been receiving "downloads" subconsciously. I don't know how to explain it, other than, you wake up one morning with knowledge you didn't have the day before.

A couple of these are:

- Everything is vibration. Every thought, and action raises or lowers an individual's vibration. For example: It specifically mentioned meat and alcohol as vibration lowering.

- The human race is at a tipping point with ascension just over the horizon. It's not a question of "if?", rather "when?" In other words, it's inevitable - built into the design.

- The tipping point, as mentioned, will be the collective vibrational frequency of human consciousness. Much like two notes harmonizing together to form a piano chord, the individual consciousness comes together to make up one collective consciousness.

- To tip the scales, we need unconditional love for one another. Do the right thing, love yourself, respect nature and trust your heart.

- This ideal, however, will not be met without strife. Individuals whom tap into the lower vibrational frequencies, will look to undermine these efforts at every turn.

- The major Earth changes occurring are needed to facilitate this change. Remember, the Earth is not separate from you. It is very much alive and we are part of it, much like a complex organ system.

- WW 3 will be "a war within".

- Truth is individual to everyone. Once an idea enters into existence, it has become the truth. That's why it is important to follow your own personal truth and not look to others for answers. Sharing is a must, but develop your own views.

- Each individual's life has already been mapped out in its entirety. We have unlimited free-will in this framework.

- For every branching point in the aforementioned framework, a completely unique alternate reality is born.

- Overlaps in these realities are what people refer to as "fate". Anything else is an exercise in probability.

Well, before giving myself a chance to be long winded, I'm going to quite while I'm ahead.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

I quite like the concept of channeling, telepathy, astral travel, etc...but ya...skeptical until some proof comes sort of thing...else we will believe any dream that comes (and people quite often dream of some brutal stuff..especially after lots of violent movies/games/etc)

Saturn the only thing I can say from personal experience is that one must experience it for themselves, no amount of talking, typing, videos, or pictures can prove voluntary OBE's, or astral travel.

But what I can say is that movies, books and themes can have a significant effect on people trying to consciously project do to fear.

In the End, there is nothing to fear except what is created by one's personal beliefs.

Peace Out,


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:27 PM
Yay. This thread reminds me of the old ATS. Let's keep it up!

Oh and Skyfloating where are you!?!?!? I miss his/her amazing threads.


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:42 PM
I'm wondering if someone or four may be able to give me their take on my experience(s). Ive been trying on ATS for a while now to see if anyone has had an experience like mine and so far I have failed in this. In a nutshell, when I shot back into my body, due to a thought about leaving my baby alone in the house if I went off floating down the street (yeah I know!), I experience intense pain in my ears. Really intense! Here is my ATS post on it. Please someone read it and give me feedback.

The thing is I OBE about 3 more times after the initial, two within a month then then one more about 3 years later. The last one was amazing due to the fact I got proof that I was indeed out of my body. Anyway, its not the OBE per se that I need to talk about but its the pain and sleep paralysis that I have unleashed on myself since my first OBE. Before then I only had sleep paralysis when I was sleep depraved with my new born and only a handful of times before that. Since I was a child I had lots of hypnagogic hallucinations during sleep time, so I suppose I was always inclined to freaky events at night!

I would appreciate some illumination on my experiences that anyone could give me.


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:53 PM

The first thing that I noticed that bothered me was the fact that this “advanced” being was not aware of what would happen upon going into this designed body. Even if it was aware it apparently took absolutely no precautions or put in place any fail safe options in case of an emergency. If this outcome was inevitable then great precaution should have been taken. I find it odd again that you turned out to be the sole means of help that she had. How were they going to assist, meet or whatever with us if they forgot? That doesn’t seem very competent on their part. In truth it seems that this forgetting upon incarnation almost seems to me as it was meant to provoke a “hey that’s what must have happened to us” reaction. On a tangent the act of astral projection to me has nothing to do with reaching out for love. In fact from what I’ve read and experienced over the years it is quite a robotic process that anyone can do given the right set of circumstances and practice. I believe anyone can do it given some effort and one need not be “spiritually advanced” or “special”. As to whether it is merely an altered state of brain activity or true separation of consciousness from body I wont get into and leave it to the individual to gather info and make their own conclusions.
reply to post by DetectiveT

I am not trying to make the OPs argument for them, or even say I believe that the OPS experience is true etc, and really only the OP as the one who experienced it knows what experience they had, but reading some of your rebuttals I did see some flaws and assumptions. Mainly, the idea that an advanced being should have known what the experience of incarnation entails and being able to set up some kind of safe guards.

As, far as the first, there is a difference between logically understand what an experience might entail and experiencing it. From what the op said, the being seemed to be part of a collective or a hive mind, meaning that for it's entire existence it was in constant connection and contact with other beings of it's kind and though it may have understood logically, that separation from the collective would be difficult, it really would have no way to judge how difficult it would be until it experienced it.

The closest example I could give would be, lets say you are part of a tight knit community or family and you get a job offer on the other side of the world. You can logically realize that by taking the job you will be separated from your community and family, but until you actually go overseas you really don't know how it will effect you. Some people wouldn't have a problem with it and others would become extremely homesick and really there is no way to know which you are until you experience it.

As, far as placing safe guards to protect itself from the negative experiences it claims to have had from disconnecting from the collective, well that is an assumption that one could even do such a thing. I mean, if you do believe in a spiritual component to life and that spirits incarnate into physical bodies, there seems to be rules to the process, one rule seems to be that you have to forget the spiritual plane to incarnate in the physical. Now, others I am sure will point out examples of those who claim to remember other lives or even the spiritual life before this one, but they actually are a very small fraction of the people alive on the planet. In other words their may be no ability for the being to implement safe guards, simply because forgetting and etc may be the rules of the road for physical experience.

Like, I said I am not trying to butt in and defend the OPs position for them, but I did have a different light to shed on those two rebuttals. On the other hand some of your other points are interesting and do provide some food for thought.

edit on 16-2-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typos

edit on 16-2-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typo

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:18 PM
This sounds to me like your a fooling around with what you would call "Spirit Guides" or "Ascended Masters" but Familiar Spirits if you will, they go by different names but let me tell you that these are not benevolent forces no matter what lies they tell you.

Satan is very much real and it is a battle in the spiritual realm. I have done extensive research into the occult, and ancient civilizations and I have come to the conculsion that these are the serpents of old that the Bible speaks of.

Notice that they always will promise you some sort of power or ability. This is what keeps you seeking it.

I have never had to deal with any of the entities but I have done a wide variety of Psychotropic drugs and have seen into the spiritual realm. It is not something to play around with or for you to assume your in control, they are extremely deceptive to a magintude we can't even concieve of.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by DarkVeela
Ok, this is embarrassing... Can anyone explain to me why it says I can only send U2U messages to ATS staff??

Yup, newbie.

You don't have enough posts yet. I think you need 20 posts to U2U. Try again after that. If it still doesn't work, contact staff.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:24 PM
Hey I've never channeled or anything, but do you think its possible for ET's or ufos to sense someone without them knowing? I say this because I believe that one time I heard and saw some kind of craft following me at three in the morning. It was really strange and I ran away from it.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Starterkit

I too find this subject matter to be interesting and wonderful. It feeds my imagination.

I hope you can answer my question; Why are so many of these beings from the Sirius region of space? It almost always seems to be the stock answer to where these beings are from.

Great thread.

Great question. I'm really not sure why other than it seems to be, according to the beings being channeled, one of the oldest consciousness centers in the universe. They have evolved many times and actually have beings whho simply "live" as floating on and around Sirius B, out in space. It's as though they tune into that star system for some reason.

I have heard of a few others but I don't normally ask where they are from - if it comes up it is included in the session.

I also have many channeling sessions from Agarthans - beings living under and in the Earth's crust.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by TheEnlightenedOne

I had ups and downs with my abilities for years. I'd even go a year of two without doing much of anything overtly spiritual (although I live the "connection to Conciousness" with every breath when I can).

I think that when it feels right then go for it. If you do simple counting breaths meditation or something like that every day you will be ready for when a new breakthrough comes. (I assume you know that but consider this a general statement as well

After a while astral awareness and channeling become truly second nature. I can be driving along having a conversation and notice that someone I'm passing has an illness, then connect with that person's higher self to see if they want healing (without crashing the car
). It really is just second nature after a number of years.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:42 PM
sounds a lot like some stargate sg-1.

cool scenario though OP.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Katharos62191

Hi Katharos,

Welcome to the non-lurking, posting side of things! Thanks for the kind words.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

Perhaps you can help me by shedding some light on a few experiences I have had. I am a very sceptical person, in fact I have 20 years of scientific training and genetics work behind me. I do not have a Ph.D but I have a degree and a masters in genetics. I only say this because it may give you some idea as to why I am so sceptical. Anyway the following experiences have left me shattered, my entire reality has been somewhat fractured and what was an exciting and fulfilling career has become a little mundane and to be honest quite insignificant. These experiences have left me questioning why and what. Am I a little mad or is there something to this. Any advice you have would be really helpful. I don’t think this is off topic as it relates a little to what you have discussed.

About 5 years ago I was travelling back from the Tasmanian Highlands with my father and we noticed a white ball of light following the car, my father is very sceptical about this stuff but he suddenly appeared nervous and would not let me stop the car to get a picture or try and see what it was. It followed us for about 5 minutes. Then a motorcycle appeared heading towards us, the light vanished and the motorcycle drove past. When the motorcycle was out of view the light reappeared and continued following the car, I was driving so my dad kept watching it and after a few more minutes he told me it had shot off over the car.

About 3 years ago I recall being laid in my bed unable to move anything but my eyes, I recall being in an odd environment, there were no sharp edges on anything in the room (I don’t know why I recall this but it stood out) and it had an almost mother of pearl appearance, blues and purples. I remember climbing off a table, not really afraid, but trying to get out of the room, there were small beings around me but I cannot make out their faces, they followed me around and sort of ushered me to a room. Then I woke up in my bed, exhausted and a little nervous, I woke my partner up to explain the odd dream I had and before I said anything she said “I just had the most bizarre dream that there was a small grey being in the room with large eyes, I couldn’t move, but it was ok I wasn’t scared because they told me they were here for you!” (voices in my head) Now in October 2010 I was at work at about 5pm and all of a sudden I felt I had to go home to bed, this is most unlike me. I grabbed my stuff, got in my car and went straight home to bed, and fell asleep pretty much immediately, I did not really question what I was doing until I was half way home. I woke up at what I think was 2-30am and my room was just as I left it, I hadn’t pulled the curtains, my clothes were on the floor and there was a DVD sitting on the edge of the DVD player just as I had left it the night before. The room and possibly the entire house was filled with this amazing blue light which itself seemed to be full of bright blue/white orbs dancing around, I cannot describe this light it was just something totally different and so utterly fantastic. What was weird was I knew what was happening and as I became more aware of what was about to happen I started to panic but I managed to calm my breathing and my heart rate. I felt like there were some small beings near me but again I could not see their faces its like they are masked from me. I felt myself falling asleep again and then remember nothing until I am back in my bed, its 3-30am, the light is fading and I am desperately trying to see the entities. I remember thinking very consciously “I want to see you!”, and at that moment my gaze was drawn to the bedroom window, I saw what seemed to be a creature outside (I sleep upstairs so this seemed very odd). I got the fright of my life! It had what appeared to be quite big black eyes but its face was not smooth it was wrinkly and it stared at me for a short while. I lost my calm and started to panic, something I am still angry with myself for. I wanted to smile at it but I was too scared. The light faded and the creature vanished. I remember falling back to sleep and waking up at 4-05am (I have a clock next to my bed).

Now about a week after this event, it was late October/early November 2010 I was sleeping at home and in my sleep I could see a strobe like flashing light through my closed eyes. After a moment I managed to open my eyes to see this flashing white light filling my room, again I am paralysed but I could move my head and eyes. I knew something odd was occurring and I surveyed my room for details to ensure I was not dreaming. Again everything was just as I left it, I could hear my cat sleeping on the end of my bed and I looked to my right and there was a six ft being standing by my bed staring at me (the flashing white light continued). I managed to slightly shift my position so I was looking straight at this entity (that was exhausting btw). I managed to study it for about 2-3 minutes before it just vanished with a flash of the light. It had very big black eyes, I guess it loosly resembled a preying mantis but there was very little insect about it. It was very slender, its skin was transparent and I could make out vessels (like blood vessels) under the skin which appeared to have what looked like tiny balls of light moving through them. I could also sort of make out its skeleton amongst all the other anatomical detail. Its head was big and it had what looked like 2 short fleshy antennae on its head. I got a real sense of gentleness and wisdom from this creature and it seemed to just be content standing and staring at me, I managed a “hello how are you” and very shortly after I said it was when it vanished.

After these experiences I went through a period of about 6 days where I was experiencing total peace and an understanding of things that I don’t really quite get, it was like I understood everything but at the same time wasn’t sure what it was I understood. I felt a connectedness to everything living and actually for 6 days I was totally blown away. This sensation faded and left me very confused about my mental health….

In Early December 2010 I was fishing with my friend Simon up in the Tasmanian highlands, we were fishing a lake called Pine Tier. I had stopped fishing and was stood next to my friend and we both saw a flash of light in the sky (it was still light not dark) and I saw what appeared to be a silver apple seed shape shoot out of the flash and streak across the sky. Simon did not see the pip he only saw the flash. He looked at me and said “# did you see that?”. I told him I did and we stopped fishing and discussed it for a while both of us were surprised there was no bang or explosion associated with it. We lit a fire a while later and started cooking dinner. I saw another flash in the sky which Simon missed but while I was playing with the fire Simon said “Giles can you see that?”. I looked up and there was an orange orb moving silently above us it tracked across the sky and vanished behind some trees. We don’t think it was chinese lanterns as it moved against the wind direction and there was no flickering of light or change in altitude but that does remain a possibility.

2 weeks after this event I had a friend called Harry visit me from NZ. Both myself and Simon decided to take him fishing to Arthurs lake, again up in the highlands. We found a campsite in an opening in the trees and made camp. We went fishing for a few hours then came back and lit a fire. Simon and I were telling harry of our experiences a couple of weeks before and we all had a bit of a laugh when Simon said he didn’t like camping with me anymore as weird things often happen (its really not that often it was a joke). Harry was cooking some food on the fire and Simon had got up to go for a whizz behind a tree. I turned to Simon as he was taking a whizz and said “mate what would you do if this whole area we are camping in just lit up like a football pitch?”. Now this is either a very strange coincidence or something is going on here because the moment I finished saying that sentence the whole area we were in lit up like day (it was very dark before). Simon seriously looked shocked, I was expecting to see a bloody huge ship hovering over us and Harry just sat there mouth wide open. I turned around and looked up and a large white light moved slowly over us (probably 2-3000ft above perhaps less) and split into 2 and travelled over the lake lighting the whole place up. I thought it was a large meteor but it was travelling very slowly and about 10 minutes after this event whilst we were still discussing it we heard a huge explosion way off in the distance and felt a shockwave hit us. That was really very odd indeed and a little unnerving.

Thank you


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by DarkVeela
Ok, this is embarrassing... Can anyone explain to me why it says I can only send U2U messages to ATS staff??

Yup, newbie.

You need a certain number of posts in order to U2U people. Not sure exactly the number but 30 comes to mind? If you ask a Moderator they'll let you know.

If you can't seem to find one you could also "Report" this post (without saying anything bad about me
) and they'll let you know.

edit on 16-2-2012 by Thermo Klein because: (no reason given)

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