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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Observationalist

Yeah actually Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose have probably the most well-known quantum consciousness model right now.

I've corresponded with Hameroff a couple times -- most recently about ultrasound as the key to resonating the quantum microtubules. Hameroff has a recent podcast interview that mentions ultrasound so that's why I contacted him. Earlier I had informed him about superconducting protons at room temperature....

Yeah this is a great interview with Hameroff on quantum consciousness

This model explains spirits -- which I did see when I had done the intensive training and so I had increased my shen third eye vision energy -- the dead spirits were floating from outside the room in towards Chunyi Lin -- hovering around him. Qigong master Chunyi Lin then said this is normal for him when he is doing his qi-emitting lectures -- that the dead spirits visit him for healing.

Hameroff has a model for spirits as quantum coherence. But just keep in mind that even quantum science is based on symmetric measurement -- so consciousness can not be directly measured by quantum physics. Consciousness can be logically inferred but not measured. Whereas using noncommutative and nonwestern harmonics as alchemy enables access to pure consciousness so that spirits can be seen, there can also be astral travel, etc.

edit on 21-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 03:34 PM
In researching spiral of fifths and pythagorean tuning, I came across some fascinating software for the ipad called Mugician and Pythagoras. It turns the ipad and soon iphone into a fret-less instrument capable of playing the eastern tunings and harmonics.

It's reminiscent of old-school Star Trek where Spock plays the finger board instrument. Very much eastern & Turkish in feel.

The videos deserved their own thread as they haven't been seen here on ATS before but this thread was the catalyst of the search.

Here's the link: The Future of Music, the Spiral of Fifths and the Ipad - Going Old School Star Trek with Mugician and Pythagoras

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by elmoastro


So in this one he says how 4/3 is the only one that matters for his 53 notes for the octave which is so close to the octave that it's next to no difference. This was also what the Chinese did - mathematically -- a 53 note octave.

Then the first to make a 53 note octave instrument was the French musicologist who studied tantra in India for UNESCO -- Alain Danielou but this googlebook review Music: A mathematical offering traces the 53 note "equal-tempered" scale to 3rd century BC China and also thinks the Pythagoreans may have known of it.

O.K. here's the Alain Danielous instrument -- the second one made by his specs called the "semantic."

Now we get to the fun part. So mathematically the 53 note scale would appear to converge to the octave as an "equal tempered" scale. But my contention is that the subharmonics and overtones of the natural fifths/fourths will resonate into ELF and ultrasound waves more easily -- as a nonlinear feedback and that's the real alchemy.

The math music book contends the Pythagoreans knew of the 53 note scale but bases it on Philolaus -- but he wrote down the Pythagorean teachings which he was not supposed to do and then he left the Pythagoreans. He was not in the second level of the secret society which required nine years of silence.

There does not exist a finite number of positive integral of true fifths to an integer value of octaves as the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic states that there is no positive integral power of 3/2 is an integral power of 2.[3] Presenting an infinitely long series, a physically impracticable scale can be found by extending the scale beyond the Pythagorean limits of seven tones. One must address the fundamental effect that this would have on any musical instruments as an infinitely long scale could be “infinitely difficult” to document for the benefit of musicians, let alone offering any practical solutions to instrument development.

So the true Pythagoreans like the true Taoists were practicing meditation from this secret of the music scale
edit on 21-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

When you suggest practicing the small universe are you also suggesting a modified version of this based on your insight into sound/vibration?

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 03:40 PM
Can anyone tell me exactly what notes are used in The Devil's Chord? I'm working on some concepts involving vibration and spiritual awakening, and I want to see if the chord would support my theory-in-progress...

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

When you suggest practicing the small universe are you also suggesting a modified version of this based on your insight into sound/vibration?

Yeah the whole point of this thread is to promote the "small universe" aka "microcosmic orbit" as the foundation for mind-body-spirit transformation. The traditional book is again "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" -- so there is no means to change that book as it's based on the masters who did the training to the most advanced levels.

There are, of course, major differences in this practice for modern society -- this is a practice suited not for mundane circumstances but better suited for a monastery or a person in isolation.

The modifications in the Spring Forest Qigong training are the standing active exericises which are simple Tai-Chi movements again utilizing the yin-yang harmonics of the body. So I've posted the videos for those exercises -- they are very simple yet very effective.

So at first a person could just do the "Moving of Yin and Yang" exercise for 20 minutes a day and see what happens. Still the "small universe" exercise is considered the "foundation" for the qigong training.

Then the full lotus padmasana position is considered the advanced position for advanced meditation. As I mentioned Taoist master Wang Liping had to sit in full lotus for four hours nonstop, with no movement, as the beginning of his training.

Chunyi Lin went one month in full lotus with next to no water, no food and no sleep -- in a cave in China -- which is the training of Master Zhang.

So it is said the simplest is the most powerfull -- sitting in full lotus is the simplest exercise to do and as the tetrahedron is activates the yin-yang channels of the body also.

So the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" has a lot of esoteric terms but it is a practice book -- if you practice it seriously then as qigong master Yan Xin states -- 70% of the practice is "cultivation" meaning Te or virtue. So it is the heart-mind energy as virtue which also means it's a spiritual training.

So it depends on how serious the practitioner is focused on healing versus mundane pursuits which of course we are inundated with in modern society. haha.

So that's why it's easiest to rely on getting the spiritual energy transmissions from a real energy master which are rare to find -- there's a lot of "teachers" but a real energy master is very rare. People do not even know what they are missing.

As Chunyi Lin says the energy in the advanced level is holographic -- called the shen energy or shakti energy in India -- called the !Xia by the Bushmen healers. So an energy master can see inside a person's body and also do long distance healing through the holographic laser energy and this also includes physical transformations of the body and even levitation.

So the "small universe" practice will take you to all those levels if practiced seriously -- like a serious musician training six hours a day -- or even if you have a good environment to practice so that there are no backward movements in the practice -- then even just two hours a day may be sufficient to continue to the advanced level. But mainly in the advanced level then there is the need for a longer retreat to fully open the third eye because what happens is that as the electromagnetic energy increases then a person has paranormal healing abilities including telekinesis and precognition and people around you desperately want this healing energy which is also love energy. So if a person doing the training uses the energy to heal others then they have to rebuild the energy again which can be very difficult as it requires subtle harmonic tuning of the body-mind.

The main problem of course is that people do not support this training since they don't understand how it would be possible to do -- the idea that listening to the source of sound and utilizing the secrets of harmonics could transform a person to be able to see the spirit realm and to have consciousness that extends beyond the body-mind -- as spirit energy -- this is not considered to be possible by a standard training procedure.

So the small universe is that standard training procedure for alchemical paranormal spiritual holographic laser consciousness that bends spacetime -- the secret training is the 12 notes of the scale as a nonlinear harmonic oscillator -- practicing the 12 note scale over and over and each time increasing the frequency of the body-mind to create the spirit energy. If a person accepts this understanding --- the secret understanding of nonwestern music -- and practices it diligently just like a musician practices diligently - then amazing results will happen.

Small Universe practice c.d. here -

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 11:24 PM
Here's a brand new podcast interview of qi healing energy with Chunyi Lin -- just scroll down to play it and he does healing live through the phone on the podcast.

Enjoy the free qi healing podcast here

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Thank you for the videos. I think I'm starting to get a glimpse of whats happening. I like when Hamerhoff talks about a sequence of nows, that resinates with me for some reason.

Thanks for all the time your putting into this thread, its great.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by Observationalist
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Thank you for the videos. I think I'm starting to get a glimpse of whats happening. I like when Hamerhoff talks about a sequence of nows, that resinates with me for some reason.

Thanks for all the time your putting into this thread, its great.

Right -- the rainbow color when looking at the back of a c.d. is from the quantum diffraction gradients -- the small notches breaking up the light. So those quantum diffraction gradients work throughout the body as a rainbow vortex -- and then when the power of the heart is opened up -- it is the real mind with just as many neurons -- and so then the conversion of the electrochemical energy to the electromagnetic energy creates a spontaneous OHM sound from the heart and this also opens up the rainbow vortex as the liquid crystal quantum consciousness -- or astral spirit energy.

So I mentioned Dr. Mae-Wan Ho -- giving a link for her on "quantum jazz"

Also qigong master Chunyi Lin read the book "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot and he says that the book is accurate of energy masters -- that reality is holographic.

So if you listen to the new podcast I just posted it's really amazing because Chunyi Lin does live phone healing and he reads the energy blockages. First he tells the story of how his wife was healed of terminal lung cancer after she opened up her heart energy.

Now he's taking a live call in to do phone healing -- at the beginning of Chunyi Lin's podcast he kicks out some serious healing energy and now that he's doing live phone healing which kicks in around 65 minutes you can also feel him transmitting healing energy.

So listening to this free podcast healing is really amazing.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Thanks for the info qi!

"practicing the 12 note scale over and over and each time increasing the frequency of the body-mind to create the spirit energy."

OK so the above statement.. this is what i was really asking about.. Is the above what appears in the book you are recommending? Or is the "12 note scale" practice a modification of the small universe taught in the book?

Does my question make sense? Is practicing the "12 note scale" version of the small universe what you came up with or is this what is taught in the book? Is it a visualization or an "auditorization" of the scale (sounds) that corresponds with focus on the specific energy center or what?

Or simply.. is the statement i quoted a specific instruction or a generalization of what happens? Hope this makes sense. thanks!

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Starchild23
Can anyone tell me exactly what notes are used in The Devil's Chord? I'm working on some concepts involving vibration and spiritual awakening, and I want to see if the chord would support my theory-in-progress...

For your spiritual journery, I'd suggest you research/Google the Solfeggio Frequencies and/or why 432 Hz is important...

The diminished fifth or the "devils chord" isn't really a chord per se; you can use it in all keys.
For instance, in the key of G, the chord would be made up of the One, the Flat Fifth and the One octave - G, D♭(flat) and high G.

Like I said, you can use this chord in any key by using the One, ♭Five and One (octave = 8va), just as long as you flatten that fifth.

Tritone in C would be = C, G♭, C
Tritone in A would be = A, E♭, E
Tritone in F would be = F, B (or C♭), F

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by the_philth

AH i wasn't going to dig thru the whole thread just yet but i'm glad SOMEONE finaly mentioned Solfeggio.
I'm still not quite sure what all the fuss about 432Hz is (thanks again i'll read up) but A was originally 417.
Anyway, the point is, any instrument or church bell or chime from before the mid-1930's is going to have a completely different frequency resonance than current modern tunings, so in working with the subect matter here, i'm pretty sure that unless you're tuned to the same as the time when this information comes from, it won't be correct.

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Thanks for the info qi!

"practicing the 12 note scale over and over and each time increasing the frequency of the body-mind to create the spirit energy."

OK so the above statement.. this is what i was really asking about.. Is the above what appears in the book you are recommending? Or is the "12 note scale" practice a modification of the small universe taught in the book?

Does my question make sense? Is practicing the "12 note scale" version of the small universe what you came up with or is this what is taught in the book? Is it a visualization or an "auditorization" of the scale (sounds) that corresponds with focus on the specific energy center or what?

Or simply.. is the statement i quoted a specific instruction or a generalization of what happens? Hope this makes sense. thanks!

I came up with the 12 note scale but yin is 3:4, the Perfect Fourth and yang is 2:3, the Perfect Fifth in Chinese Taoism. The small universe is based on the yin-yang cycle of energy around the body. So in one direction the notes are yang -- going up and in the other direction going down the notes are yin -- just as with the Perfect Fifth/Perfect Fourth scale. Only again this is the "infinite spiral of fifths" so it doesn't converge to the octave -- and that is the alchemical secret. So there are also infinite levels of yang and yin within each other and that is the Tai-Chi symbol. Or you can take the Octave with it split into thirds so that 2:3 is C to F and G to C is 3:4 and this is the same as the Tai-Chi symbol. Also the Devil's Staircase is the Cantor Set which is also the same as the Tai-Chi symbol and based on this infinite resonance of natural ratios.

Chunyi Lin says in his latest podcast interview that I posted that qigong has four components but he added the fourth one - so normally it is mind and posture and breathing as the first three parts but then he says he added sound. So if you listen to his "small universe" practice c.d. then it's 12 nodes and each one is based on two sounds - so it starts as OHM and then the next sound is MUA and then OHM and it alternates like that with more time spent on the heart node as that is the purification center to create the qi energy.

So there is a resonance from the sound but you don't have to say the sound -- you just listen to the c.d. and then focus on the 12 nodes along the outer body as the 12 notes of the scale. Again I'm the one who made this connection of yin and yang as the notes of the scale but John Bealieu first clued me in as he says this explicitly. So then I checked the research and I discovered that the sound as qi is resonating into not just sound energy but beyond sound -- electromagnetic and laser holographic energy and electrochemical energy. So the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" goes into all the details of that practice of the transformation of energy.

I posted the microcosmic orbit video from Mantak Chia and he has added more than the 12 nodes or notes but the Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and immortality book has the 12 notes of yin and yang and connects it to the cycles of the sun and moon and planets, as a number system and then also says how astrology is just an analogy for the internal energy of the body. There is a connection -- the moon and sun energy are very real and so are the planets but the focus still is on the internal body energy -- so it is a holographic interactive experience. So when the moon is full then the magnetic bliss of the pineal gland is ten times stronger just by the natural resonance but modern people are cut off from this.

So Mantak Chia does not go into all the number system and so he does not use the traditional 12 points but adds a few extra but then again there are an infinite amount of yin and yang within each other as the resonance continues.

The book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" then takes the "small universe" 12 notes practice to the most advanced level and since this is the foundation then it is a very fast means of body-mind transformation. The book "Awaken the Healing Energy of the Tao" by Mantak Chia is scribd - I gave the link to it - and that covers the beginning experience of the small universe aka microcosmic orbit practice in terms of body/mind transformation.

The advanced level creates a spacetime vortex around the body and also very strong electromagnetic fields as chi energy and also the ability to see spirits and to do healing and have telekinesis and precognition but that is even before the very advanced level of astral travel that happens from nirvikalpa samadhi or what's simply called the Emptiness in Taoism. Then you create "yin spirits" as holographic light laser love energy from the heart-mind pineal gland connection. Then more advanced is "yang spirits" as physical bilocation.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

This model explains spirits -- which I did see when I had done the intensive training and so I had increased my shen third eye vision energy -- the dead spirits were floating from outside the room in towards Chunyi Lin -- hovering around him. Qigong master Chunyi Lin then said this is normal for him when he is doing his qi-emitting lectures -- that the dead spirits visit him for healing.

Have you considered the implications of messing with brain chemistry like this and hallucination? At least read this. The source appears to be pro quigong.

Quigong Deviation Syndrome

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by DenyObfuscation
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

This model explains spirits -- which I did see when I had done the intensive training and so I had increased my shen third eye vision energy -- the dead spirits were floating from outside the room in towards Chunyi Lin -- hovering around him. Qigong master Chunyi Lin then said this is normal for him when he is doing his qi-emitting lectures -- that the dead spirits visit him for healing.

Have you considered the implications of messing with brain chemistry like this and hallucination? At least read this. The source appears to be pro quigong.

Quigong Deviation Syndrome

Haha. It's "Qigong" - - yeah there's an excellent book on the topic by Professor Nancy Chen - -an anthropologist.

Breathing Spaces: Qigong, Psychiatry, and Healing in China

So as an anthropologist that's an inside account from China of people put into psych wards for "qigong deviation."

But for a more broader analysis of qigong deviation seen in the context of China -- the best book on the subject is Dr. David Palmer's work -- with whom I've corresponded.

Qigong Fever: Body, Science, and Utopia in China

So that book analyzes the "skeptics" supposed debunking of qigong which is hilarious. But more so it considers the political reaction to qigong by the Chinese government.

the modern "qigong fever" of the 1980s where Yan Xin went around China holding mass qi healing meditations needs to be seen in the contact of qigong as a traditional healing practice going back 5,000 years in China or older.

So there's a long history in China of qigong secret societies used for political rebellion -- and the source for political rebellion.

So qigong deviance also needs to be considered in terms of political deviance since it's a judgment against religious freedom based on the political repercussions. Dr. David Palmer analyzes the Falun Gong movement in this regard. The leader of Falun Gong is not a real qigong master. There are a lot of fake qigong masters to be sure. The Chinese government then set up a strict testing standard to weed out fake qigong masters but at the same time this created a government controlled exclusion of qigong for the masses because it's too much of a political threat for a large group of people to become independent of the government for health treatment.

There's 300 million people practicing qigong in China -- so that's as if every person in the U.S. more or less practiced nonwestern healing resonance meditation.

So the difference about Falun Gong is that it was based on volunteer spreading of information at no cost -- just photocopying and free information and free practice sessions and so it was very egalitarian. Even though Falun Gong has a fake leader the practices do produce real results and are real qigong practices -- even though the ideology of Falun Gong is apocalyptic and incorrect.

So for example in China there was the Taiping Rebellion of the mid 1800s and this rebellion swept China killing some 20 million people over about 15 years. that movement was Christian led by someone who claimed to be the younger brother of Jesus. So the potential of a religious movement in China becoming a huge threat to the military regime is very real.

Anyway Dr. David Palmer argues that the qigong fever of the 1980s helped to modernize China -- to Westernize China -- as a sort of "vanishing mediator" - meaning qigong meditation served as a catalyst to speed up the conversion of tradition folk culture to a more rational Western culture - using meditation as a tool for brain plasticity in essence. Then once qigong served its purpose for the Chinese miltiary regime it's broad use by the masses was squashed by the regime - and hence the term "qigong deviance" becoming widely used.

So now there are no longer mass qi healings allowed in China and also the qigong hospitals -- were no Western medicine is used -- are not common -- just smaller clinics. But qigong is still accepted and supported officially by the Chinese government only they have a category of "national treasure" to control qigong. So qigong master Yan Xin is now a "national treasure" of the Chinese government. So when Yan Xin came to the U.S. he was invited to the White House eight times to heal President George Bush Sr. This might explain Bush Sr. doing his sky dive at such a late age. haha.

Beyond the Red Wall: The Persecution of Falun Gong is a must see documentary about the organ harvesting and torture of qigong practitioners in China

This other doc -- Transmission 6-10 is a more indepth expose on the organ harvest torture of Falun Gong.

edit on 25-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-2-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
this also opens up the rainbow vortex

Is there any relationship between this vortex and Marko Rodin's vortex math?

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by the_philth

Originally posted by Starchild23
Can anyone tell me exactly what notes are used in The Devil's Chord? I'm working on some concepts involving vibration and spiritual awakening, and I want to see if the chord would support my theory-in-progress...

For your spiritual journery, I'd suggest you research/Google the Solfeggio Frequencies and/or why 432 Hz is important...

The diminished fifth or the "devils chord" isn't really a chord per se; you can use it in all keys.
For instance, in the key of G, the chord would be made up of the One, the Flat Fifth and the One octave - G, D♭(flat) and high G.

Like I said, you can use this chord in any key by using the One, ♭Five and One (octave = 8va), just as long as you flatten that fifth.

Tritone in C would be = C, G♭, C
Tritone in A would be = A, E♭, E
Tritone in F would be = F, B (or C♭), F

The diminished/flatted fifth, augmented/raised fourth and tritone are all names for this interval in western (12tet) music. I'm sure the chord that was banned by the Council of Trent wasn't just the tritone interval, it was the diminished chord itself (unison-minor third-diminished fifth, e.g. A-C-Eb). In western 12tet there is no difference in terms of frequency between the diminished fifth and augmented fourth intervals (both 600 cents, exactly half an octave). But in other western and Asian tuning systems the augmented fourth and diminished fifth have different ratios, and they exist as separate intervals in the harmonic series. You can't really play any of the intervals on a guitar without tuning slightly sharp or flat of many of the 12 chromatic notes, even the perfect fifths are a little bit out (in 12tet they are exactly 700c but the 3:2 ratio is 702).

As a musician I've played all sorts of instruments over the years as learning about music (first Western music theory then learning the physics of sound more generally) lets you find the notes on any instrument. With the exception of guitar/bass/mandolin etc I'm not very good technically but using some instruments, (e.g. violins where you can pick the pitches by ear as they're fretless) you can play all sorts of intervals that generate every type of emotional response to the 'open' ear.

In other ways, I use music in rituals to heighten the emotional input (as magic is all about the power of pure emotion). Knowing the effects music and sound more generally can have on people and on nature, I'm prepared to go with some of what the OP is saying. Unfortunately his writing style (the way of presenting what he said) confused me

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

My basic question is about chemistry, not politics. Can qigong cause hallucination or not?

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by the_philth

Originally posted by Starchild23
Can anyone tell me exactly what notes are used in The Devil's Chord? I'm working on some concepts involving vibration and spiritual awakening, and I want to see if the chord would support my theory-in-progress...

For your spiritual journery, I'd suggest you research/Google the Solfeggio Frequencies and/or why 432 Hz is important...

The diminished fifth or the "devils chord" isn't really a chord per se; you can use it in all keys.
For instance, in the key of G, the chord would be made up of the One, the Flat Fifth and the One octave - G, D♭(flat) and high G.

Like I said, you can use this chord in any key by using the One, ♭Five and One (octave = 8va), just as long as you flatten that fifth.

Tritone in C would be = C, G♭, C
Tritone in A would be = A, E♭, E
Tritone in F would be = F, B (or C♭), F

I'm working on a theory involving matching the numerology of crystal vibrations with the chord numbers. My theory pretty much states that once the numerology of the crystals and the chords are aligned, we can unlock certain chakras (and manipulate them) through sound alone. In other words...ascension through music!

My question about the chords was intended to find similarities between this "chord" and numerology...but if it's simple an arrangement that can be used with any note, I'm wondering if perhaps the tritone could be used to create an entire song, and what the effects of that song would be on the chakra flow of the human body.


posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:34 AM
I have a question, the answer to which could mean nothing, or could have immense implications.

Has anyone measured the Hz of these "sky sounds"? If anyone has done so, the answer could be of monumental importance. Just imagine if it were precisely...

432 Hz.

Think about it.

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