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Anti-OWS threads reach for everything they can to denouce the movement.

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posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:53 AM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

reply to post by Evolutionsend

You know, I wonder the exact same thing. Been lurking for years before registering and in this past year have noticed a massive influx of extreme far right conservatives. I was on a thread a bit ago about an apparent alien head found in Peru and after some back and forth between rational people some guy appears out of nowhere and decides to attack the occupy movement with a pun. Not only that but the mods ignore it. WTF? Its like propaganda just seeping all around here.

I have been to the OWS and can personally attest that the mainstream media talking points that are pushed here are complete lies. OWS does not want a handout or are masochist that enjoy police brutality. Protesters want a transparent government that does benefit ALL of us not only the politicians and billionaire elite. At this point in history it is simply an abomination to be rooting for the ones that created all this misery.
edit on 19-11-2011 by Snoopy1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow
I think we'd be edging away from a representative republic with voting every week. Federal legislature needs to be kept in DC.
But with no interference of special interest groups, corporate or union, we should have open access to the servants with whom we hire to represent us.

Here's the point, though. I'm all for change, I see what is wrong with the system. But my solutions wouldn't get the support of the Occupy Movement.

It's too non-partisan.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 07:12 AM
Fact is most vocal Americans are selfish people. They were to taught to believe that they are superior to people who don't just don't go along with it; as well as people who they deem different; be it the poor, the gays, minorities etc. Those of us who were actually raised well realize that protest is as patriotic as you can get. Every protest movement through our history (esp Vietnam and the civil rights movement) were met with opposition from other Americans. Sad, but true.

They are simply scared of anything that rocks the boat and can do nothing except spit venom. The OWS is speaking for them whether they like it or not. I for one don't want my kid growing up in a society that is controlled by big business and corrupt officials. And I am grateful to the OWS for putting boots on the ground.

We are all brothers and sisters, whether you like it or not!

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by David9176

Posted by Neo?
You read my mind!

Corruption within our government led to a lack of regulations which allowed financial institutions to engage in incredibly reckless business practices to make a profit. This came to a screeching halt, and caused the economic collapse which made millions of people lose their homes and jobs all around the world.

TupacShakur, how many business regulations are there now compared with 1990?

The ignorance of people such as your self is responsible destroying America's economy.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by intelligenthoodlum33

The KKK protests, they don't represent me.
Communists protest, they don't represent me.
PETA protests, they don't represent me.
Why should Occupy protest and automatically assume that they represent me?

It's the epitome of arrogance, hubris, if you ask me.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 07:49 AM
The issue I have with OWS is that it won't achieve anything meaningful. Sorry to burst your balloons. They won't elect their own OWS candidates to office, I doubt they can even get one to win a primary. They certainly wouldn't win a Republican one, you think they will win won against a mainstream Democrat? If you can't get elected, you aren't going to change things here in America.

They have these broad slogans that stop there. No solutions to the problems, not steps along the path to solve the problem. It's easy to whine about how bad things are, much harder to implement the change you propose. I've tried listening to them, you can hardly ever get a coherent statement out of them of how they would fix things. The main solution I hear is "tear down everything and start again", that would lead to anarchy, things don't work that way here in America. You won't be able to change "the system" until you become part of the "the system" and change it from within. I don't see OWS people willing to do that, frankly. They like to be the outsider, that way they have no accountability.

They have no idea of how they can really get things done, mainly because they have no unifying core platform other than banks and big business=bad. People with money aren't going away, neither are people without money. That won't win you any elections and if you aren't planning to do that, then you are a viable political movement.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 07:50 AM
Another thread dedicated to "You forgot why you joined ATS, We Failed ATS, because you decided not to join or support a movement that has no goals, no list of demands and are Occupying Wrong Street, despite it being a movement that anyone can hijack it's still people with good intentions"

Any pro-OWS thread can never be an intellectual one
because the supporters are only supporting a facade.......relentlessly!!!!

It's been what 2 months or more now that you are all supporting this massive rally with zero substance?

You forgot why you joined ATS
Deny ignorance, and focus on the issues

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Snoopy1978
Been lurking for years before registering and in this past year have noticed a massive influx of extreme far right conservatives.

First of all welcome. STOP with the namecalling!.... I've really had it with the "Extreme, far right conservative" crud. We are all entitled to opinions, name-calling such as that does not further debate. It tells me that you don't even consider what the other side has to say in the debate, that your mind is made up and you are right. Everyone has a right to speak, OWS people do, Teaparty does, everyone does as long as you don't infringe on the rights of others. You need to translate that speech into results at the election booth if you want to implement your changes.

ATS is/has a pretty good cross section of people, albeit of a conspiracy mindset to start with. While you think it's going to the right, I think it goes to the left, when in all actuality, it is exactly where it should be, a clearing house of opinions.

FYI, most "extreme far right conservatives" just don't want Government in every aspect of our lives, which is in of itself, a very Libertarian stand. Government isn't the answer or solution to societies problems, we, the people are. The more Government gets out of the way of things, the better off society will be, IMO.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:10 AM
First of all, OWS is achieving not "achieved". It is achieving the awakening of those that still believed the government was looking out for their best interests. Awakening those that trusted authority figures to actually serve and protect them instead of being hired goons for the elite. Awakening those that thought were alone in their rage and desperation in the face of full blown fascism and corruption at all levels.

OWS IS the beginning. Worldwide poverty of the bankrupted middle class and starving poor will reach critical mass. The mass thievery performed by bankers and corporations aided by their puppets in power has gathered such momentum that stopping is not an option for them. The numbers of those having nothing to lose is growing as the billionaires are amassing it all. The path things are going down is all too clear no matter what your television makes you believe.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by pavil

You have a problem with me calling people out yet call me out yourself?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
It's a bipartisan/non partisan movement. When conservatives say I don't want to go out because it's mostly a liberal movement.. that is exactly why it is mostly liberal!

If it truly were that, it would be getting droves of people to it. It hasn't and probably because it (OWS) doesn't resonate with everyone. They don't represent "the 99%" like they claim, otherwise we would have a rally like they just had in Takir Square in Egypt.

OWS is for the most part, a liberal movement, trying to claim otherwise doesn't fool anyone who looks into it in detail. At first I thought OWS would be a great idea, then when I looked at it, I saw what they really wanted, it wasn't for me. I hate evil banks and all that, but OWS has no real plan to change things. Without a real plan you are just demonstrators, not a movement. If you typical OWS person can't state how they want to change things, then you have a conceptual issue. OWS need to work on it's delivery of message, maybe it should hire some image/advertising people....wait that would make them part of the system!

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Snoopy1978
reply to post by pavil

You have a problem with me calling people out yet call me out yourself?

Yes, I do.

I didn't call you any names, did I? If so, accept my apology.

I stated a viewpoint. Look at my posts overall, I try very hard not to get into name calling. I respect other peoples opinions, even if I disagree with them. That's what debate of ideas are about. When you name call, it hinders that.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Snoopy1978
First of all, OWS is achieving not "achieved". It is achieving the awakening of those that still believed the government was looking out for their best interests. Awakening those that trusted authority figures to actually serve and protect them instead of being hired goons for the elite. Awakening those that thought were alone in their rage and desperation in the face of full blown fascism and corruption at all levels.

OWS IS the beginning. Worldwide poverty of the bankrupted middle class and starving poor will reach critical mass. The mass thievery performed by bankers and corporations aided by their puppets in power has gathered such momentum that stopping is not an option for them. The numbers of those having nothing to lose is growing as the billionaires are amassing it all. The path things are going down is all too clear no matter what your television makes you believe.

Let me guess. The next thing you'll say is, "If you're not with us, you're against us."

It's this tired "proletariate" rhetoric that turns off so many of the unwashed heathens you and OWS are trying to "save".
edit on 19-11-2011 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
Great. Either pick on Neo, or ignore the facts.

Between the rapes, drug usage, violence, empty rhetoric; what else has OWS done?
They protest the banks influencing politicians, but ignore the unons doing the same thing.
They have garnered support from anti-capitalist, socialist, communist, anarchist groups.

But go on and pick on individuals who pointed out the flaws in this "occupation".

Well, we'd pick on the "flaws" of the Bankers, the Wall Street crowd and Congress but then we'd never get to post it because we'd still be typing 10 years from now....

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Riffrafter

Star for an excellent reply.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:48 AM
The movement is doing a fine job denouncing itself. It seems more like sour grapes about the fact that the majority of the people no longer support them nor can they relate to these people and their actions. Nothing wrong with sharing information that depicts the side of OWS that they do not want anyone to see.

Perhaps you need to contact the agitators within the movement and tell them to move on or form yet another movement of.disorganized raging ranters.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by Riffrafter

Star for an excellent reply.

Thanks Beez...

BTW - I like reading your posts. I sometimes agree...sometimes disagree but you usually are able to make your case pretty well which forces me to really think about an issue. That's what makes ATS such a great place.

Oh, speaking of that...I was out with a bunch of friends last night and one of them said to me, "we've all noticed that you seem to tell us about real news issues a day or more before the issues hit the MSM. How do you do that?".

Of course, I told them they'd have to pay me $100 bucks each before I divulged my secret...

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by jibeho
It'll be interesting to see their "staying power". I've been writing, ranting, raging since 2008 when Bush signed TARP 1.0.

Funny, didn't see many folks then.

Guess they were too busy getting "free" stuff to bother.

edit on 19-11-2011 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:04 AM


posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 09:06 AM

edit on 19-11-2011 by Kali74 because: nvm

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