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ET UFOs are Not Real

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posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by rigel4

Thanks for the reply, my prediction still stands, if you believe life is possible outside of this planet, then you are halfway there, if we can visit space then why couldn't other species do the same.

Think outside the box, unless you have had a UFO sighting yourself then you are an out of the box UFO believer,
thats all I'm saying.

Nothing wrong with that, right !

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:09 PM
Well, like most of you, seeing something "unidentified" happens quite often, I have seen something truly amazing that I cant even begin to explain, not sure who or what was piloting this "unidentified object" but ive never been the same since ive seen it. I can respect the person who had the courage to start this thread but from just my own experience I have to say they are real, whatever they are!.
edit on 9-10-2011 by Blu82 because: spelling correction

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Elzon

Originally posted by rigel4

Originally posted by ShedAlert
this thread comes up 20 times a day on other sites I browse. obviously people are passionate regarding this subject, but you're all just going to go around in circles. he quite clearly doesn't believe in aliens, and no amount of evidence you throw at him will change his mind, as he is clearly adamant in his decision.

i suggest we just say 'okay' and let it die.

Real Evidence would convince me, nothing else.
Which is, under the circumstances only fair.

You wouldn't hang someone for murder, because some else just believes it so.

Evidence needs to be corroborated and cross examined.

"Real Evidence"

Could you go ahead and define that for us please?

Remember, if you can't define your terms then they are unobtainable.

"Real Evidence"


Probative matter furnished by items that are actually on view, as opposed to a verbal description of them by a witness.

For example, a weapon used in the commission of a crime would be classified as real evidence.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by rigel4

So your relying solely on other peoples accounts?

Why don't you get yourself outside at night and look up, I happened to have witnessed something on the 4 th october 2009 that would have changed your views completly! Have for the record It was NO STAR NO FLASH NO TRIANGLE OR anything that can be explained!

I can assure you, you can look through every photo, every story on this topic Until you see one for yourself in person you will never believe!

All I can say is that since the 4th of october 2009 8:16pm I remember the exact time! Is one of two things:

We have a craft that is circular in shape ( disc shaped) and have anti gravity technology or:

It was ET craft

Because I witnessed it, Im sticking my neck out and saying Im 100 % sure on my life it was of an ET origin, Due to the things that were witnessed prior to seeing the disc..... Plus 10 mins after we lost sight of the craft a Merlin military helicopter came on the scene, circuled the village twice then went in the direction of the craft, Definate without doubt that chopper was sent out to intercept, and move it on!

I know people say this site is infiltrated by CIA and other agencies, little message for them If they are reading : )

I saw along with my twin brother What you have been covering up for 50-60 years !

Catcliffe sheffield south yorkshire
4th october 2009 8:16pm onwards!

If the agencies involved keep records they will know exactly what im talking about

Laters all!

edit on 9-10-2011 by lukeUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by rigel4
NO , it wouldn't be some random delusional that claims he has Venus wife's.

Excuse me, but your ignorance is showing. You claim to have been following this topic for years, maybe time to do some actual research...

I'll agree there's no solid proof, but there is truckloads of evidence even if we don't understand it...

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:15 PM
Frick off already, if nasa or whoever can make a vessel in this century that can fly into outer space then what makes you think that someone else can't do the same thing and run into our planet, use your head and stop saying that other intelligent beings don't exist. pics or it didn't happen, they're a million pix and videos what else do you want.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by rigel4

See I guess for me I don't need evidence to know there is alien life...the only evidence I need is looking up at the night sky and seeing...oh I don't know countless examples of how little we think we know and how much is actually out there.

I guess for me I don't need to see a blue-print of an alien machine to know that eventually as technology progresses it will be inevitable to contact another species...

I guess for me I don't need to shake hands with an alien to know that they exist and could very well be visiting us on an "observational" level...

I mean why do some people try to portray the above to be thoughts of fantasy? They are very well within the realm of possibility...and If aliens were going to visit us why not now? Why not thousands of years ago? WHY does it have to be off in the obscure future? It could have been at any time...

I mean I guess I don't need facts and evidence coming our my arse to entertain the idea/notion that aliens are real and visiting us on some level...

I guess for me personally I don't chose to beat around the bush with "facts and evidence" proving what I already know to be extremely likely...Its just a matter of time before its common knowledge...

Gravity, relativity, physics, mathematics, everything that we use to determine "facts" these days was a "theory" long before they were "science"...

If we don't have time for "theory" around here or anywhere else we won't even have an idea of what "facts" were looking for...and thus will never find them.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Toxicsurf

Originally posted by rigel4
NO , it wouldn't be some random delusional that claims he has Venus wife's.

Excuse me, but your ignorance is showing. You claim to have been following this topic for years, maybe time to do some actual research...

I'll agree there's no solid proof, but there is truckloads of evidence even if we don't understand it...

I agree with you , bar the insult.
There is truck loads of "Circumstantial Evidence"
Not enough convince someone . who needs proof.

I have watched the Skies for 35 years. I have seen nothing i can't explain.
Every moving object has either been a satellite or a meteor, except one.
I'm pretty sure the the "one was some military object as it had smoke trail and was falling.
This was in daylight.
So for those of you who think i haven't read, or watched the skies, i have done both.
edit on 9-10-2011 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:20 PM
"UFO are Not Real"

Well, actually they are real!, to quote Wiki:

UFO are an English heavy metal and hard rock band, who were formed in 1969.[2] UFO became a transitional group between early hard rock and heavy metal and the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. UFO were ranked #84 on VH1's '100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock'

Maybe you should have put 'U.F.O's'

But in all seriousness, you ask for proof they are real, well, show me the proof they aren't real, you can't do it either.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by rigel4

Guess Im just lucky then

Must have been my time and my brothers time to see something like that, pretty life changing also!

Will never forget it, still to this day we talk about it amongest ourselves, Nobody else knows in our family though!

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:27 PM
How do people explain away the credibility of such groups as the Disclosure Project and others? There are HUNDREDS of high-level military and government officials that are sharing the details of their knowledge and experience with those who wish to hear it. They compile tons of documents and records, along with their own eye-witness testimonies. Are you really so egotistical to just say all these people are crazy?

There are also thousands of videos and eye-witness reports of UFOs that fly WAY BEYOND any speeds that we can achieve as humans, and then make a 90 degree turn with out slowing down. Things like this are impossible with human technology.

All it takes is ONE of these events to be real in order to end the debate. And for those who have had a personal encounter or sighting, their mind is already made up I can assure you.

Do you just assume all these millions of people around the world are just delusional and running around to all make UFO hoax videos and pictures???

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by lukeUK
reply to post by rigel4

Guess Im just lucky then

Must have been my time and my brothers time to see something like that, pretty life changing also!

Will never forget it, still to this day we talk about it amongest ourselves, Nobody else knows in our family though!

I guess you are.
I believe you , but you couldn't make it an irrefutable case out of it.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by rigel4

No, I am just sick of the unspoken lack of evidence.

And *I* am sick of people who do no reading and have no real grasp of the history of the UFO topic making broad proclamations about what is and is not "real."

Have you read the entire Condon Report, rigel4? Have you read Bluebook Special Report 25?

Have you?

If not, why are you offering your therefore admittedly uninformed opinion as fact?

If so, what is your explanation for such a high percentage of unknowns even AFTER the "not enough information" cases have been set aside?

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by rigel4

Dear ,

According to my perception , UFO are True .., There are many evidences in our ancient civilizations ...,
In Indian ancient Sciences .. if you see - GANDHARVAS , ASWANI GoDs .. They Use Special vimanas(FS) to visit earth ...,
Till now .. i found many suspect-able landing places in India .., I think .. it is easy to communicate with them by using symbols

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by cahlmac

I hope that wasn't directed at me because I stated that i did it for myself and was stating an opinion of my years of searching that some might relate to. But it seems armchair believers rule the day so I say go ahead and buy the bunk and junk and believe what you will. I don't want to change your mind and hope that you empty your wallet and hope you do again and again and again.

My armchair probably has more evidence and documented files researched on the subject than someones blind faith that most are brainwashed into. One day you may wake up like many of us did and realize that the promises, dates, and evidence, just didn't come true or stack up.

I think for myself before I leap on a subject and so far only a few cases have my feet leaving the floor.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by rigel4 Prove me wrong

That's like trying to explain the TV remote to your pet dog.
In other words, we (humans) are the pet dogs ...

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:56 PM
No doubt there is life on other planets. No doubt there is sentinent life on other planets. But in no way does that make visits to earth real. Space is big really really big and people can say that these aliens can bend space all they want as imagining what an alien race could do does not mean it's being done.

The ancient Greeks had their Titans.

The dark ages had their witches.

Days of sail had ghost ships.

The early 20th century had phantom armies.

We have UFO's from another planet. UFO's didn't travel at the blink of an eye until after the sound barrier was broken.

Do people see a trend here?
edit on 9-10-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 05:58 PM
i dont believe in ghosts. just sayin'.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by rigel4

Originally posted by lukeUK
reply to post by rigel4

Guess Im just lucky then

Must have been my time and my brothers time to see something like that, pretty life changing also!

Will never forget it, still to this day we talk about it amongest ourselves, Nobody else knows in our family though!

I guess you are.
I believe you , but you couldn't make it an irrefutable case out of it.

For someone that's finding it hard to believe in the possibility of life outside our own little world i would first of all change my avatar to something of a more earthly origin,.I have seen something with my son and i can tell you i know for a fact that they are real.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 06:27 PM
Okay, the OP isn't denying that there are things flying around from time to time that have gone unexplained. Aside from Bluebook there are cases that show undeniably that there are some things that appear to be extraterrestrial. Proof of that much? Well, aside from cases like JAL 1628 and many others, Gordon Cooper said he had clear photos from three cameras plus movie film, all taken by professional photographers with high-quality equipment and turned it over. Project Twinkle took film from at least two locations of the same object at the same time with cinetheodolites, which display azimuth and elevation on the movie film and are normally used for tracking missiles during tests. Those would be pretty strong evidence, but they’re of course not available to the public. When I went to court years ago to protest a ticket, the cop didn't show up, and the judge immediately dismissed the case, not wanting to hear my story. If one side has proof but withholds it, the opposing side wins in court. But the OP has already apparently agreed that there's stuff up there but not necessarily of extraterrestrial manufacture.

Einstein, according to Peter Kolosimo, in his book Timeless Earth p. 194, believed that there were other inhabited worlds but preferred the notion that the flying saucers were built and flown by humans of a society that had left Earth 20,000 years ago to escape some disaster and were here to check on descendants of the survivors and the planet's recovery.

edit on 9-10-2011 by xpoq47 because: (no reason given)

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