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Oh My God, Chemtrails on the ground on your street, and......

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by adeclerk

But they couldnt tell the police? And why was he so afraid of allowing the bottles to be exposed they werent doing nothing RIGHT? he couldnt even repeat round up when he seen he was on tape
I am doing this because this looks real suspect I can be wrong but their behavior seemed suspect.. K
Also the DOT couldnt just say they are spraying weeds over the phone he did provide numbers?
edit on 8/24/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by adeclerk

But they couldnt tell the police? And why was he so afraid of allowing the bottles to be exposed they werent doing nothing RIGHT? he couldnt even repeat round up when he seen he was on tape
I am ding this because this looks real suspect I can be wrong but their behavior seemed suspect..
edit on 8/24/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

The police confirmed everything was in order. Why do we feel its his responsibility to inform every nut about what chemicals are in round-up?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by simone50m

Not sure if they're spraying for weeds or mosquitoes but whichever the case I can't help but think, we (they) care MORE about that than they do homeless and hungry people/animals.

Who cares about weeds/mosquitoes when this country is tanking? I'm sure the drone-like workers think it's important because they get a pay check but where is the balance here in America????

I know this is a little off topic but I couldn't help it. All I care about are people and animals suffering. Not an overgrowth of friggin weeds!

Rant off.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by adeclerk

In time my friend be well

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Blaze090

Yeah, but if homeless people and animals are getting sprayed (God only knows what) on by secretive drones,
It might not be good for the animals and birds and homeless people.
edit on 24-8-2011 by simone50m because: Why?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Maintenance Division- It is responsible for winter snow removal, safety and civil defense, maintenance of highway lighting, traffic signals, signs, the motorist-aid communications system, litter control, sweeping, mowing, roadside repairs, drainage cleaning/repair, weed control, and bridge inspections;

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Frater210

Then why do they behave like they are criminals that are up to no good? Why didn't they tell the guy, "We are doing weed control, and here is our paperwork showing this." End of controversey.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Starseed32
The liquid has that same rainbow effect just like the trails the planes spray!

That would probably be because the spray has water in it - just like contrails...;0

I've seen the workers around my town spray down weeds or water plants similiar to that style, BUT I have never seen them spraying down sidewalks and everything. Nice find!

Perhaps you have better sidewalks with fewer cracks and weeds in them.

they usually use hand held sprayers on sidewalks here.
edit on 24-8-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:36 PM
Funny thing, I was about to say its probably Roundup, or some similar short half life kill all weed killer.



... Nothing to see here folks move along

Just city maintenance guys spraying the weeds on the sidewalk, and a "reporter" hassling them.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by simone50m
reply to post by Frater210

Then why do they behave like they are criminals that are up to no good?

He didn't. He behaved like a low paid city employee doing a routine job of weed spraying being accosted by a conspiracy nut hounding him with a view to trying to prove he's a criminal.

Why didn't they tell the guy, "We are doing weed control, and here is our paperwork showing this." End of controversey.

Is there any actual requirement for him to have such documents on hand?

He's clearly a city employee - he HAS said what he is spraying.

If you want more technical or legal data why don't you go ask the department concerned? That is where I would expect to be able to get all the background information - not from a guy with a spray gun!

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:41 PM
My favorite is how the guy tells him 5-6 times he is spraying ROUNDUP, and the guy continues to act as if its some unknown chemical that the people are refusing to discuss.

The roadwork guys didnt act "secretive" about anything, the guy just refused to acknowledge that they told him what it was, and they got fed up and called the cops because he wasnt allowing them to continue with their work.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by simone50m

As far as I know, I may be wrong here so have some fun finding out, DOT emplyees are not required to produce an MSDS for any member of the public that requests it.

In fact what I see here is not secretiveness. When the guy shuts down the spray rig it is because he knows what is coming and knows this camera guy for what he is, then he just goes about following policy and procedure.

AdeClerk had it right; there are contingencies in place for just this sort of thing in cities all across post 911 America.

It is not some hidden group subjecting us to this; this is how we have chosen for it to be, whether you like it or not.

We do this to ourselves.

If you want to understand how then you need to understand the sociology of prison systems.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:22 PM
What people fail to take into account, is the parts of situations like this you don't see. The nature of "secrecy", or the appearance of such... is a self fulfilling prophecy. If you keep telling people they're doing something secret and they're part of a conspiracy, and nothing they say makes you think otherwise... What do you think they're going to eventually do? They're going to stop talking. I can bet you that these guys have had people hassling them before, and possibly had people acting even more nuts than this guy did. If you're out there unarmed and have some person start acting nutty and following you around, what are you going to do? Call the cops, that what you're going to do. Who the heck knows what people are capable of. Road workers are some of the most abused people on the planet, and they also have one of the most dangerous jobs around. Those guys have probably had guns brandished on them, bottles thrown at them and god knows what else. They know that talking to people is a waste of time. And anybody who's ever worked with government offices knows that just getting somebody to tell you what day of the week it is, is like pulling teeth.... and that's for people who DON'T have some nutty story. Common sense issues... They're doing this in broad daylight. They're not wearing any masks at all.

But seriously... Are we going to start calling rainbows evidence of chemical poisoning now? lol

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:23 PM
This is what I find fascinating about the ChemTrail and GeoEngineering threads and the phenomenon in general.

RoundUp and Monsanto are a problem. The fact that these guys are billowing great plumes of Glyphosate all over RI is a travesty in the making.

But here is the twist. The guys on the truck are not hiding anything; they are just going about their business, with no protective equipment on at all.

And even though the 'reporter' is told that they are spraying RoundUp he goes on (as many on this thread do) insisting that something is being hidden. As he rides along behind them taking in facefulls of the stuff.

RoundUp is bad enough people. It denatures proteins; enzymes are proteins. Study this if you have not so that you realize the significance of this.

And I must say before anyone begins to decry the use of the RoundUp that this is the way we have chosen for it to be. We don't want any ugly weeds on our roads. I bet these guys are actually late getting to it and the people that outnumber your opinion on this called to complain.

So the guy could have just stopped at RoundUp and thrown a fit about that and he would have been in his right mind.

But no.

It must be something else and even worse, right?

Do you see how subtle this has gotten, ATS. Do you see how they have really got us by the short and curlies?

This has to stop or we will just be entirely useless to ourselves and each other.

The real problems will be missed and some of us are just doing this automatically now.

Here, Look:

I hate to say this here on ATS as it is so cliche.....but.....

Wake The F Up!
edit on 24-8-2011 by Frater210 because: link

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:36 PM
It seemed to me that the spray guy was pretty cordial until the word "reporter" was mentioned. That's when he turned off the sprayer and stopped answering questions. I'd imagine that everyone at that level has a standard policy for reporters: shut up, call the home office. The DOT and other such departments like to have their PR people talk to reporters, as opposed to some guy who sprays weed killer.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:43 PM
I wasn't actually able to hear the guy say Roundup in the video. Roundup doesn't have a lot of market share or even a market left anymore. I think it's up to some 22 states that now have super weeds completely resistant to Roundup. Also the Chinese made a designer Roundup that they sold for alot less and took alot of the market away from Monsanto. Strange that Rhode Island would still be using Roundup when cheaper has been available and super weeds that nothing can kill are the result and there are currently budget restraints.

Also, uniforms are cheap and work orders can be laser printer forged and unless this spraying is defense or national security classified, there should have been a community advisory. The city or county or state via council men and women would have approved the funding for this and they answer to their respective constituents that elected them.

In years passed I recall mailings, door to door advisories, news bulletins etc. etc. prior to any spraying with the usual blah blah of how safe and what precautions to take i.e. pets indoors etc. etc. But hey, as Americans, what we really need is more secret stuff going on with veiled threats of arrest for even asking.
edit on 24-8-2011 by luxordelphi because: correct spelling constituents and one etc.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
I wasn't actually able to hear the guy say Roundup in the video. Roundup doesn't have a lot of market share or even a market left anymore. I think it's up to some 22 states that now have super weeds completely resistant to Roundup. Also the Chinese made a designer Roundup that they sold for alot less and took alot of the market away from Monsanto. Strange that Rhode Island would still be using Roundup when cheaper has been available and super weeds that nothing can kill are the result and there are currently budget restraints.

roundup is jsut Monsanto's tradename for glyphosate - it has never been a patent solely owned by monsanto & you ahve always been able to buy "generic" products.

Resistance to glysophate is on the increase - wiki article, and hte introduction of "roundup ready" GMO crops seems to be making it worse, and incrasing hte use of herbicides.

I don't see anything about 22 states tho....

Also, uniforms are cheap and work orders can be laser printer forged and unless this spraying is defense or national security classified, there should have been a community advisory.

do you know there wasn't one?? I'll go check & see what I can find after posting this....

The city or county or state via council men and women would have approved the funding for this and they answer to their respective constuents that elected them.

Yes it would be in the budget of the unit that has responsibility for weed control as has already been identified.

In years passed I recall mailings, door to door advisories, news bulletins etc. etc. prior to any spraying with the usual blah blah of how safe and what precautions to take i.e. pets indoors etc. et. But hey, as Americans, what we really need is more secret stuff going on with veiled threats of arrest for even asking.

What secret stuff??? This wasn't secret, there were no veiled threats by anyone - what are you talking about??

edit on 24-8-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Why are you repeating everything I've said? Used to be you could talk to any city/county/state/contract worker provided they spoke English and even if they didn't you could plod along and communicate. People were open about what they were doing because there was no reason not to be. I certainly never heard of a city/county/state/contract worker calling the police because they were asked a question. There are plenty of situations where employees are instructed not to answer a reporter's questions and are told to refer all inquiries to (fill in the name & number.) No one calls the police unless there's a crime.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Why are you repeating everything I've said? Used to be you could talk to any city/county/state/contract worker provided they spoke English and even if they didn't you could plod along and communicate. People were open about what they were doing because there was no reason not to be.

Also use to be you didn't have lawyers filling the airwaves with commercials, trying to draw in clients looking for any excuse to sue somebody. Think about it... Do you think they're going to say... "Hey, how ya doin'... Oh yeah, we're just driving down the road spraying this weed killer all over the place. Make sure you take some good deep breaths in, then go straight home and call Larry H Parker". Come on.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

Thanks lux. The debunking team on here refuses to grasp that, my problem with the situation in the videos is authoritarian tyrrany, in the form of calling the cops just for asking -legitimate- questions. Over weed whatsh**?
(Supposedly) What the f**k?
We Americans are SICK AND TIRED of TSA and (note carefully)> TSA-LIKE tyrrany in this country. We have had it up to here. It's degrading, and from every which way you turn in society, is this Orwellian nightmare of tyrrany. Americans are sick and tired of it. I mean look, we have a President in the WhiteHouse who acts with impunity, everytime he acts. And they treat citizens like they are stupid, thinking everyone swallows their plays on words psyops. (NATO good Libya bad)

Uh oh, here come the attacks on minutea without getting my overrall meaning, (Libya, what? Have you gone off your meds? You "nutty" "nuts") (Some men just can't get their minds off those I guess)
edit on 24-8-2011 by simone50m because: Why?

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