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Those We Call Cavemen Were All That Remained Of Humanity After The Last Time We Destroyed Ourselves

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posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Darkmask
I have believed in this hypothesis since I was a child. I do believe that mankind has fallen from grace many times. I do believe that this is our last kick at the can though. If some sort of disaster, man made or natural occurred, and it killed a vast portion of civilization. The survivors and all animal life for that matter would be doomed. All the nuclear reactors on the planet would go into full meltdown and would literally sterilise the planet of life. That is were we would meet our final demise. We will not survive another global cataclysm.
these damned nuclear reactors never should have been built in the first place...what the hell were they thinking! some politicians pockets got lined with a lot of cash from the nuclear power companies,thats how! and their blind i me mine greed will ruin this planet,the animals and us someday... its UNBELIEVABLE !!!

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by blocula

Plus you have to think about this, what if the Nibiru stuff is true and we get smacked around every 3600 years or so and reset back to square one? And if this is to happen, pole shifts could cause instantaneous earthquakes and tsunami's which in essence could conceivably, on a worldwide superscale size, obliterate and cover most of the entire populated places on the planet, and if this happens every 3600 years then we would not find hardly anything left of any civilization here before us. Not saying we wont find anything at all, but what we do find would be so miniscule compared to the whole, plus would probably be covered up immediately as well. Makes you wonder about the Elenin rumors, that it is a comet, but that it has a previous civilizations broadcasting space station on it, intentionally put there to remind us of our history. As well as the Pyramids were built this way in order to survive the catastrophic event, and all of that found info has been hidden from us as well. You are correct, it has happened before I believe, we would be naive or egotistical to think we are the only intelligent life to form on this planet in 4 billion years!!

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by Daygone23
reply to post by metaldemon2000

well the only thing from past civilizations that would last would be satelites in space, the reason for that is the only thing that would erode or destroy them would be meteors,solar flares, gravity distortions pushing the satelite into earth or away from it. only a few other things that dont have to due with plant growth or water or wind erosion even the sunlight wouldnt be enough alone to just destroy that. but who knows maybe the government found said satelite IE black knight back ohh i dont know in the late 50's early 60's.

I'm not sure about this so I would have to research it but I believe at the moment that anything in orbit would eventually fall to earth due to a decaying orbit. as you say. But what does have a chance of lasting millions of years is the left overs and rovers on the moon should a meteorite not impact on or near what's left there.Which also make me happy as my real name along with 800,000 other people is on a disc on the moon as a result of being members of the Planetary society
edit on 16-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by Daygone23
reply to post by metaldemon2000

well the only thing from past civilizations that would last would be satelites in space, the reason for that is the only thing that would erode or destroy them would be meteors,solar flares, gravity distortions pushing the satelite into earth or away from it. only a few other things that dont have to due with plant growth or water or wind erosion even the sunlight wouldnt be enough alone to just destroy that. but who knows maybe the government found said satelite IE black knight back ohh i dont know in the late 50's early 60's.

I'm not sure about this so I would have to research it but I believe at the moment that anything in orbit would eventually fall to earth due to a decaying orbit. as you say. But what does have a chance of lasting millions of years is the left overs and rovers on the moon should a meteorite not impact on or near what's left there.Which also make me happy as my real name along with 800,000 other people is on a disc on the moon as a result of being members of the Planetary society
edit on 16-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)
and i think that our whole reason for going to the moon in the first place was to find and bring back to earth some of the relics that ancient advanced civilizations left there when they went to the moon a long long time ago!

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:00 PM
i think people are more afraid life will stay the same and i also think theres alot we dont get to see

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
reply to post by blocula

I've thought about this also. I have a thought about the voyager spacecrafts with the golden records on them. Perhaps they are a time capsule sent into space only to fall again to re-educate future generations who might survive. Why else would we put so many languages on the disks when the likely hood of an alien race finding it wouldn't understand it anyway? Perhaps the languages are to speak to the survivors of who ever would be left...Just a thought.

Here is the quote from Jimmy Carter accompanying the disk...

“ This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours. ” — U.S. President Jimmy Carter


Isn't there a mathematical key with it? So if an advanced alien race found it and can identify the mathematical key then it's the hope they can decipher what's on the disc?

Also there not the onlly ones.

Pioneers 10 and 11, which preceded Voyager, both carried small metal plaques identifying their time and place of origin for the benefit of any other spacefarers that might find them in the distant future. With this example before them, NASA placed a more ambitious message aboard Voyager 1 and 2-a kind of time capsule, intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials. The Voyager message is carried by a phonograph record-a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk containing sounds and images selected to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth.
edit on 16-8-2011 by steveknows because: (no reason given)
i hope evil aliens never find these discs,did the scientists who made them and sent them into deep space ever think of that or were they being narrow minded as usual?...maybe evil aliens already found them...and us

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by weknowall
reply to post by blocula

Somewhat agree with ya. I think there have been previous civilizations on our planet as well. I also think that they were not all human too. I mean this planet has been here for millions of years, wait, Billions of years, there is no telling just how many civilizations could have risen and fallen in that time period, even if you only count the last Billion years, it's still could be thousands of times it has happened. How about Dolphins or Dinosaurs? The Dino's coulda destroyed themselves? One things for sure about Dino's though, I have never really bought into the fact that oil is a fossil fuel and comes from dead animals buried for millions of years. What if it was a fluid PRODUCED by a previous civilization and we are simply tapping into their storage places they had it in, when armegeddon hit them? Ya, just never know.
reptiles or insects could have evolved into an advanced species, bi-pedal reptilians and bi-pedal insectoids have been seen onboard flying saucers...the mystery deepens...

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:08 PM
I have often thought about this as well.

From what I've learned about Atlantis, it is a prime suspect for many of the current conspiracies if they were an advanced survivor race:

They used crystals as a form of power:
They had access to technology different and possibly more advanced than ours making it difficult to identify even if we did come across a random artifact, which could also explain aliens, ufo's, and extravagant black projects.

Their island was secluded, yet in reach of the entire world:
They were able to influence the entire world with common things such as pyramids and myths, possibly even create the original secret societys to bring on such theorys as nwo.

They retained incredible technology as the rest of the world was sprung into prehistory:
All of their powerful devices and knowledge survived a prior cataclysm possibly through hurried development of underground bunkers at the right time to save the elite and their way of life from decimation and setting them up for complete control in the aftermath.

Most of the material about Atlantis was picked up from a document called "The Emerald Tablets of Thoth."

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
We only assume cavemen lived in caves because we have found primitive paintings, and basic tools and other items made of clay and bones. Aside from a few bodies we really don't have much evidence. Remeber when looking for ancient skeletons it is actually an extremely rare find when a human skeleton over 8000 years old is.discovered. and to date mostly all we have found is fragments.

To say that this 100% disproves the existance.of homo sapiens during those periods would be a falsehood.

Who is to say that the stuff we find in caves wasn't the work of children painting? Tools that were fasioned by kids in an tools and weapons they have seen.
I've often.wondered.if our civilization.was destroyed would people thousands of years from now excavate a childs creation and mistake it for the height of our intelligence?
edit on 11/8/16 by metaldemon2000 because: (no reason given)
like the doll that says "mama" inside the cave,in the "forbidden zone" ,in the first planet of the apes movie from 1968!

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by weknowall
reply to post by blocula

Plus you have to think about this, what if the Nibiru stuff is true and we get smacked around every 3600 years or so and reset back to square one? And if this is to happen, pole shifts could cause instantaneous earthquakes and tsunami's which in essence could conceivably, on a worldwide superscale size, obliterate and cover most of the entire populated places on the planet, and if this happens every 3600 years then we would not find hardly anything left of any civilization here before us. Not saying we wont find anything at all, but what we do find would be so miniscule compared to the whole, plus would probably be covered up immediately as well. Makes you wonder about the Elenin rumors, that it is a comet, but that it has a previous civilizations broadcasting space station on it, intentionally put there to remind us of our history. As well as the Pyramids were built this way in order to survive the catastrophic event, and all of that found info has been hidden from us as well. You are correct, it has happened before I believe, we would be naive or egotistical to think we are the only intelligent life to form on this planet in 4 billion years!!
^^^ [nice!...thanx for your comment].."what was the ocean will become the land and what was the land will become the ocean"... the oceans are so deep and vast and heavy that if they ever washed over the continents we would be totally devastated

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Didn't the ancient Indian Vedas talk of flying machines and explosions?

.Maybe we escaped mass extinction by hiding in the earth, from the atmosphere choking asteroid that impacted and killed off huge amounts of life?

Or... Getting a little Lovecraftian here... Maybe we weren't the first civilisation here? this is simply fantastic to read when you realize how long ago it was written !!!
these descriptions ^^^ written in india a long time ago about battles in the sky and on the land are very strong evidence indeed and then when you combine what they are saying with the atomic war evidence in india here and now,thats in the link on page one, its amazing to say the least...
edit on 16-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:32 PM
I have entertained this theory in my mind many times, but on thing that I cant get around is open cut mines. We have dug some enormous holes in the ground in our search for resources this past century. I would think some of the big mines will still be visible in a very long time, the cut marks in the rock certainly will..
edit on 16-8-2011 by harold223 because: addition

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by harold223
I have entertained this theory in my mind many times, but on thing that I cant get around is open cut mines. We have dug some enormous holes in the ground in our search for resources this past century. I would think some of the big mines will still be visible in a very long time, the cut marks in the rock certainly will..
edit on 16-8-2011 by harold223 because: addition
thanx for your comment... rain and wind erosion,heat and cold fracturing, combined with earthquakes and continental drift would erase most of them over time
edit on 16-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by IEtherianSoul9

I understand what you are saying. It seems like people have a way of dis-connecting humanity from nature, though we are an absolute product of nature and by this are an extension of nature.

This doesn't neccassarily mean that we are designed to wreak the havoc we are capable of and call it natural disaster, but why would it not be a natural disaster, since we are a product of nature?

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by blocula

You're correct we have destroyed ourselves before,but this time it won't be us that destroys us but the planet,we have merely spread up the process of the next ice age by global warming which is really part of climate change.I think the signs of this have been seen in the last few months,i think the mass bird deaths were caused by ice cold air being forced down by warmer air and instantly freezing the birds to death.

The ancient buildings around the world such as the pyramids and stone henge already tell us that ancients had superior technology to us or an advanced technological power we know nothing of.There is some great secret that lies in our past that most historians will not address so it's left to conspiracy theorists to address it.
There is much still undiscovered that lies beneath the soil,i have a book somewhere on anomalies and strange objects.A couple of really interesting stories in it was a gold chain found in a piece of coal in a mine in the U.S. that was around a million years old and a street that was over one hundred thousand years old with mosaic tile as flooring.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by SirMike
Sorry, but I cannot buy it. Any truly advanced civilization will leave fingerprints on the land that will unmistakable. Although buildings facades may crumble, stone masonry work, foundations, metal implements, radioactive, and synthetics will survive in some recognizable matter for 10,000’s of years.

And Twinkies will be here for at least a Million years or so!!! lmao I just had to comment on this
I just want to see some definate studies done on all the ancient ruins recently found in africa they seem to be massive but i cant find any info on them...if anybody nows a link with a lot of info on them please forward it !!

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 11:30 PM
I do not agree either --- In "Real Life", there are NOT Second Chances! If we keep screwing up as we have since caveman days and going downhill ever since (blindly following those who make up stories and grow fear and breed nothing but BLIND FAITH in the few BIG LIARS, cheats, TAKERS - whoops - many call them "leaders").

Man is just a passing fad - a trial where ANYTHING is possible and can be accomplished BUT everything used to lead down the road to EVIL, selfishness, short-shortsightedness and stupidity. Yes -- Man only knows how to take good and turn it into crap.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 11:53 PM
Interesting theory. It sort of reminds me of Nietzsche's eternal recurrence, where the universe just repeats itself. Maybe the caveman was us.

posted on Aug, 16 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by StumpDrummer

Here's a link to that recently discovered 1500 square mile city in South Africa that is allegedly 200,000 years old. Fascinating stuff:

Ancient City Discovered

I also would like to point out that if a civilization encountered a spot of good weather, no plague, not much war, no oppressive religion, etc....etc... they would be able to reach our level of technology a lot quicker than we did. The Chinese and Indians were using advanced math before even the Greeks. Then because of plague, war and religion, things stagnated until Isaac Newton and Leibniz invented Calculus...after that, things really took off.

Just think how advanced we could be if the world had followed up on the Chinese/Indian/Greeks instead of heading into the Dark Ages. Wowzers!

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by southbeach
reply to post by blocula

You're correct we have destroyed ourselves before,but this time it won't be us that destroys us but the planet,we have merely spread up the process of the next ice age by global warming which is really part of climate change.I think the signs of this have been seen in the last few months,i think the mass bird deaths were caused by ice cold air being forced down by warmer air and instantly freezing the birds to death.

The ancient buildings around the world such as the pyramids and stone henge already tell us that ancients had superior technology to us or an advanced technological power we know nothing of.There is some great secret that lies in our past that most historians will not address so it's left to conspiracy theorists to address it.
There is much still undiscovered that lies beneath the soil,i have a book somewhere on anomalies and strange objects.A couple of really interesting stories in it was a gold chain found in a piece of coal in a mine in the U.S. that was around a million years old and a street that was over one hundred thousand years old with mosaic tile as flooring.
thanx for your comment...what do you think that this "great secret" is? maybe people way way back were able to use more of their brains power and could move objects with their minds telekinetically and things like that,maybe they could speak to eachother without saying a word... telepathically...

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