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White People Need To Go!

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by James1982

I couldn't care less cause what goes around, comes around...which we're witnessing right now.
edit on 25-3-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

After doing some research myself, I also stumbled upon the same phenomenon. As a result of mixed marriages and self imposed oppression, the entire gene pool is slowly dissolving. We brought about our own undoing.

Europeans/European-Americans (such as myself) will be known through mythologies, which future civilizations will study and examine through psychological, sociological, and biological methods. We will become the Atlantians, Egyptians, and Romans for an entirely new generation.

Once we have faded from the gene pool, the Africans and Mexicans living in cooler regions will become white. As a result of several generations being born in cooler climates, the darker genes used to protect people from intense sun exposure will fade. Longer they stay away from the equator region, the lighter their skin tone becomes over time. Its a biological fact.

Within about four hundred years from now, modern day Africans and Mexicans will have ancestors in which look like Europeans.

I should know. Even though I am a fully Caucasian-Irish-German-French descendant, my original ancestors were black and African. As my family moved into cooler regions, our skin tone, eye color, and hair became lighter over a few hundred years.

Other words, all those new Africans and Mexicans are future white Europeans. Modern white Europeans will eventually fade, so that a whole new generation will evolve to take our place.

Its biologically inevitable.

edit on 25-3-2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by James1982

I couldn't care less cause what goes around, comes around...which we're witnessing right now.
edit on 25-3-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

Just listen to yourself. What are you even talking about? I don't speak for the white race, I speak for myself. And it's my opinion. Am I not allowed to have an opinion?

Please quote one thing I said where I have proclaimed I am the authority of race and culture.

While everything I say is simply my own opinion, you are only giving more evidence towards my point of view. You are somehow assigning blame to ME about exactly what even? I don't even know what you are getting at.

Now I know I'm white so that means I'm probably pretty dumb, so please explain very directly. What are you saying I'm guilty of? What have I done? What exactly is my fault? What authority have I claimed, and what will am I trying to impose on who?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by BiggyMcBigPants

What you have just said is racist! by saying that race doesn't matter is pathetic and is a Zionist plot to ethnic cleanse white people which why its cool for fools to say ''race doesn't exist'' or ''we are all one''.
Humanity is diverse and is not made up of one race and yet one is disappearing because of a racist Zionist plot and you are ok with that?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by malicacid922002

History doesn't show that the white man doesn't care because all of the problems of the past were to be put on the white man for him to feel guilty about things he never did or had little to do with......ever heard of white guilt?

The African slave trade is a fine example because it was the Jews and Muslims who benefited from 98% of the trade and the small amount of Jews(Zionists) who want the white race gone have made the African slave trade seem like whites were to blame......THEY WEREN'T!!!!!

You clearly know nothing about history.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by dude69

''In my entire life I haven't heard one single human sit around and complain about people of different ethnicity, except white people.''

Are you serious? i guess you haven't looked around enough but there are more non whites who speak about wanting whites gone then whites themselves.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Don't you see that if the White population is fewer than the other ethnic groups... that makes Whites the minority. So, not only the tone of your ranting OP, but your use of the word minority in this case comes off a bit racist, just as you anticipated. Good Job

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

A better place? have you ever heard of mongrelisation? i don't think what is happening to you and your family is a good thing.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:01 PM
Has anyone heard of melanin?


posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by James1982

I live in I said Im half Arab, so on a daily basis the " white " people here assume Im less civilized for whatever reason and they have to teach me their sophisticated ways. Like punctuality, not saying those dirty, dirty cursewords, listening to authority, behaving myself. I have to go allright like a nice little dog and play along, if not I'm a fascist as that Viking dude said...Im an ungrateful little foreigner for not embracing this splendid mentality, which is nothing but a serf/slave mentality. Also...I've been attacked by Neonazis here a couple of times, while my last fight was in the 2nd grade. The Irony of the whole situation is, that my father is a German Diplomat...meaning I have probably seen more of the world, than many people in their 40s here, grew up in multiculturally schools in foreign countries where racism wasn't even an issue and find Germans to be racist, stupid,egotistical, not funny, hypocritical and definitely not cultured in any way. Now I'm an arrogant little foreigner in the eyes of the people here. I've lived through all of that.

You see what I'm getting at?...
edit on 25-3-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

"White culture" ..................

.....about as idiotic as the term `Black Culture`

Vague and bare boned-

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by trekwebmaster

Race was invented to better control the population? sorry mate but race isn't anything like religion and race is natural and we have natural instincts when it comes to race.
Next you will be saying theres no difference between lions and tigers and that they are the same *rolls eyes*

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Schaden

Its called ethnic cleansing and thats why whites are being told that there is no such things as race and that if they speak about the plan to kill them off then they are branded a racist.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:08 PM
Melanin: Human skin color

Human skin color is primarily due to the presence of melanin in the skin. Skin color ranges from almost black to white with a pinkish tinge due to blood vessels underneath.[1] Variation in natural skin color is mainly due to genetics, although the evolutionary causes are not completely certain. According to scientific studies, natural human skin color diversity is highest in Sub-Saharan African populations,[2] with skin reflectance values ranging from 19 to 46 (med. 31) compared with European and East Asian populations which have skin reflectance values of 62 to 69 and 50 to 59 respectively.[3]

The natural skin color can be darkened as a result of tanning due to exposure to sunlight. The leading explanation is that skin color adapts to sunlight intensities which produce vitamin D deficiency or ultraviolet light damage to folic acid.[4] Other hypotheses include protection from ambient temperature, infections, skin cancer or frostbite, an alteration in food, and sexual selection.[5]

We all belong to the same species. Depending upon our exposure length to sunlight, the gray tone in our skin varies upon how much ultraviolet rays we are exposed to. If your family lives near the equator for a few generations, your ancestors will eventually gain darker skin tones. If your family moves to a cooler climate, away from the equator, your ancestors will eventually lose their dark skin tones.

One species. One biological difference due to how much UV radiation we are exposed to over a period of time.

As Africans and Mexicans move and live in cooler climates, their ancestors will eventually become Caucasian over a period of time. Same goes for the reverse.
edit on 25-3-2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Viking9019
reply to post by getreadyalready

You are a Caucasian and nothing more! you may have DNA of other ethnics but if the white gene prevailed in you,which it has because you are white,then you are not a part of the Apache,Cherokee or African people.

If the genes of the ethnics didn't make up your genetic outcome then you cannot claim to be something or someone you are not.

That is incorrect. When I tan, I have a red tint. I don't have any chest hair to speak of. My hair is gray through the temples, and if I let it grow out, and you saw me shirtless in the summertime you would be reminded of many old Cowyboy/Indian photographs. I choose to be cleancut and professional. If I chose to let my hair grow and carry a tomahawk and scalp my enemies, then you would see me as something besides caucasion. It is all about perception, not about truth. My DNA has nothing to do with my identity.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by James1982

I live in I said Im half Arab, so on a daily basis the " white " people here assume Im less civilized for whatever reason and they have to teach me their sophisticated ways. Like punctuality, not saying those dirty, dirty cursewords, listening to authority, behaving myself. I have to go allright like a nice little dog and play along, if not I'm a fascist as that Viking dude said...Im an ungrateful little foreigner for not embracing this splendid mentality, which is nothing but a serf/slave mentality. Also...I've been attacked by Neonazis here a couple of times, while my last fight was in the 2nd grade. The Irony of the whole situation is, that my father is a German Diplomat...meaning I have probably seen more of the world, than many people in their 40s here, grew up in multiculturally schools in foreign countries where racism wasn't even an issue and find Germans to be racist, stupid,egotistical, not funny, hypocritical and definitely not cultured in any way. Now I'm an arrogant little foreigner in the eyes of the people here. I've lived through all of that.

You see what I'm getting at?...
edit on 25-3-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

I definitely see what you are getting at, and I give you my sympathy for the situation you have to deal with. Like I said before no person should have to be victimized because of their race..... actually no person should be victimized for any reason at all.

But the conclusions you are drawing from your experiences are what I have a problem with. You are in a white country, with a white majority, and you have Arab heritage. Like I previously mentioned ALL races are intolerant, bigoted, and racist. You just happen to be the minority in a white country, so you see white people victimizing arabs.

Now, I'm a white American. If I moved to Saudi Arabia, or Iran, or Korea, China, don't you think the racial majority of THOSE countries (IE: Non-whites) would treat ME the same way YOU are being treated? I'd put money on it.

Like punctuality, not saying those dirty, dirty cursewords, listening to authority, behaving myself. I have to go allright like a nice little dog and play along,

This is another example of how it's not an issue of whites being racist. EVERYBODY of any race is expected to be punctual, not use foul language, and follow the rules/laws of their land. Wouldn't you agree?

Like I said before I'm white, and live in America. If I was late all the time, breaking laws, and spoke like a sailor people would not be happy with me either. I fail to see how you refusing to follow the rules of where you live means you are being victimized by whites.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

There's more Hispanics!? So?
As a white guy who lives in west texas, I don't really care. You might say, "oh, there's so many that come over here illegally." well, do you remember the Irish potato famine? How about the journey to plymouth rock? America is, has, was meant to be, and hopefully always will be a country that stands as a symbol for those who want a free life and the success that America is known for. Honestly, today I think our immigration system is racist and merely redtape to keep people from immigrating. Do you think you could pass the U.S. Citizenship test? From the sound of your OP I'm gonna assume you're racist, and yeah there are a lot of statistics that you could quote to support your view. Does the color of their skin make them any different than you or me? I don't thinks so. Quit complainin. Honestly, you should get excited, if there are more Hispanics in the U.S. then maybe you can enjoy real Mexican food. (taco bell isn't Mexican food)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

The dumbest of society are the ones who have been brainwashed not to believe in race but the most intelligent are the ones who see through the lies and know that race exists........whether its important or not.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by James1982

Originally posted by die_another_day

Learn some history and think about it before complaining about racial diversity.

While I love Louis CK and think that vid is hilarous, it's a comedy act. Nothing more.

As far as history, specifically what point in history are you referring to? Racial diversity has ALWAYS throughout history caused problems. Different cultures and races have always had a hard time getting along. This is nothing new, and it didn't start with white people.

Why do you think Japan was so isolationist for awhile? They didn't want immigrants, they didn't want other races and cultures coming in muddling up their country. They wanted Japan to be Japanese, in race and in culture.

Racial diversity causes seriously problems. My answer is not segregation. It's integration. Like I said before, if everybody was interbred to the point where EVERYBODY was exactly the same racially, I would be a happy camper. Because then people can't hold race or color against each other, and we celebrate our combined heritage as human beings of the planet earth. Not white people of Europe, or black people of Africa, or Asian, Indian, etc.

People that want to keep blaming whites for all the problem of the world do nothing but to perpetuate the rift between their fellow humans.

Let's just say that only idiots focus on superficial differences on a daily basis.

Smart people tend spend their time wisely to educate themselves and become even more wise as a result.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Viking9019
reply to post by getreadyalready

A better place? have you ever heard of mongrelisation? i don't think what is happening to you and your family is a good thing.

Well, that is are wrong!

My father is a successful business consultant, my brother has a BS in Physics and an Masters Degree in Economics. I work for the State government in a fairly high position. I have 2 beautiful children, my brother has 1. There is no major health defects in my family to speak of. Everyone lived at least into their 70's, some 80's, and a couple of 90's. My Dad still has a full head of hair at 59, and he is fit and healthy. Nobody wears glasses, nobody needs hearing aids, and neither my brother nor I have ever had a cavity or a broken bone.

Yes, I have heard of mongrelization. Have you heard of inbreeding? Let's compare pedigrees and health problems shall we? I never buy a dog with perfect papers, because I know that won't be the best dog. The best dogs are always mutts!

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