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A Message to ALL Americans. READ!

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posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by WWJFKD

your words ring with some truths, but the op failed to state that his country is in a bad a state as our own.
maybe even worse. theres not one spot on the face of the earth thats not under the control of tptb. at least here in the u.s. we have the pretense of freedom, although we are losing them more and more every day. but if you think all these countries that are having rebellions right now are about freedom just watch and see if they don't wind up in worse shape than before.

now mont said that the u.s. citizen should stop going to work and u.s. solders should lay down there weapons and come home, and a bunch of other things that would cause the country to shut down. wont happen. as far as the citizen goes you gotta eat. and you cant get unemployment if you quit, not sure about food stamps, and if your a solider and refuse to fight or follow a order,your ft.leavenworth bound. or portsmith.

so what you gonna do, vote em out, that won't happen either. both dem and rep are just coved up with worlders.and trying to start a new party, well everybody knows now that the neo's have moved in and corrupted that one.
and you can't stand up to them, everybody knows that if you do, you will wind up on the six o'clock news like the folks down in waco, (even though david was a nut job he still had rights) or the folks at ruby ridge. we can all thank bill clinton and his cronies for that. but i think it safe to say that this has gone back even futher than bill.

the u.s. is to important for the worlders plan and they are just gonna bleed us slowly. theres not much left that can be done. well maybe............................................................

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by WWJFKD
Hey Monts,

No one, that I know of, wants to sit there and eat crow, but you know what, there is plenty on the plate to be had.

I appreciated your impassioned plea and I have shared it in a local forum to my region where it will be seen by many more who do not frequent ATS. I hope you don't mind.

Before you (all) call me traitor and advise me to not let the door hit me in the butt on the way out (you don't like it here then leave crap) spare me I've heard it all. Know also that I served this country in its military, I've seen combat and I've earned my right to speak my mind, and I will.

Monts knocked it out of the park and I agree with his assertions, and if you are too cowardly or too unwilling to admit the err of your ways or too brainwashed or whatever your disconnect is that cant seem to wrap your head around this then you hold the answer to why he is correct right there in this fact alone.

American pride? When there is something to be proud of, not when an entire nation is so apathetic to its evils and corruptions against itself as well as its neighbors that another country has to beg you to wake from your trance. This is a shameful thing and I'd like to be able to "have words" with any "foreigner" who dared utter them to me, but what has been said that was not true?

Dig deep down inside of yourselves and ask yourself "truthfully" what said here has been an untruth and what do we now have to be proud of. To fall back on the sacrifices of countless men and women who have come before and sacrificed all so that we might one day awaken in a truly free land and then we somehow suppose that we can claim "pride" when all that they have sacrificed and toiled stands to be lost because of our inability to get over ourselves and reach down deep inside and awaken some of that warrior spirit in favor of Football games and American Idol. How dare you puff up your chest at this gentleman. He has spoken no lies here.

I'm ashamed that "we" have allowed it to go so far that our neighbors have to implore us to get off our butts and do something about it.

Yes a great many who have come before have helped lead us to where we are now but sometime - long ago - others tried to make a difference and it is their efforts which we must not allow to have been made in vain. So when do we turn this thing around and show that we have not forgotten what it once meant to be an AMERICAN? When do we earn the right to puff out our chests and rightfully claim American pride? When do we start making some sacrifices of our own to right the wrongs of so many generations before us?

When indeed.

(sigh) rant completed

Spoken like a True Soldier indeed.
This, next to Monts OP..
Is the next best thing Ive seen here in a good while.

That was perfectly said WWJFKD.
Many thanks for posting that.

Make sure that post is included when you share the link! lol

Nice to be amongst you..
You remind me of my brother,
also a 'real' Soldier.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Monts
Very well written.I pretty much agree with you. I really don't understand the negativity coming from alot of the members. The same ones who say the government is hiding everything from us, actuallly starts to defend them when a thread like this starts. Keep up the good work. By the way ATS members.....I love this site, and your going to be hearing alot more from me. Hope eveyone has a good night! P.S. Please try and keep your spelling in check. It's hard to take people serious when the grammer is 3rd grade.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by WWJFKD

Well said friend...

People like you are what America needs- people who know what America is really about, and people who see the exact opposite when they look at the state of their country.

And people who aren't going to yawn and sit around in apathy and pessimism while their country turns black.

You are what I like to call a TRUE American

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by MisterWho
reply to post by Monts
Very well written.I pretty much agree with you. I really don't understand the negativity coming from alot of the members. The same ones who say the government is hiding everything from us, actuallly starts to defend them when a thread like this starts. Keep up the good work. By the way ATS members.....I love this site, and your going to be hearing alot more from me. Hope eveyone has a good night! P.S. Please try and keep your spelling in check. It's hard to take people serious when the grammer is 3rd grade.

Some Americans don't like it when people from other countries talk bad about America.... even if what they say is true.

They bash their country in other threads, bash the single faces of corruption that are revealed, yet when someone sums it up, they flame them and wallow in apathy and pessimism.

My challenge to them is to live up to their criticism of the corruption of their country and DO something about it.

But I guess if I'm not doing something about my own country, my message is pointless and they deserve to just keep on sitting around and waiting for someone else to come and get them riled up while things get worse- because I am a hypocrite

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Monts

If this is all such an issue, how is that you wrote this post, presumably in the comfort of your home, feeling safe (unless you're paranoid), and clearly aren't starving to death if you are able to afford the technology to access the internet and be familiar enough with it to reference videos and statements made on other websites?

Phew....I apologize if I come off as being in the state of mind to not really give a #### anymore, but Im just so tired of everyone pointing fingers, looking for someone to place blame on, when in reality everyone is just a bunch of pompous know it alls (with all due respect
) and no one really wants to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING.

Its easy to dwell on the past, its commonplace to contemplate the present, but who of you has the audacity and the intestinal fortitude to frame the future?

In other words, talk is cheap. Put your money where your mouth is.

Do we know that the current governing/financial systems in this world are corrupt? Of course
Just as we can all agree the world could be a better place, run by the people instead of the tyrants. But talking about it will only get us so far.....
edit on 4-2-2011 by WhiteDevil013 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Monts
If only the people in America had as much passion as you do. This place would be alot different. Wake up people! We are the ones to make a difference. Just look at Egypt! Time for a change? Then let's do it! I still say....." Well written, Sir.."

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:58 AM
You write this like some of us aren't aware. There's a definitive difference between people who understand everything you have written and those that instead embrace the capitalist society blindly.
Living here I'm disgusted by most people, jeeze Walmart is horrid, and their infatuation with materialistic gain at any cost.

Cant tell you how much I wish everyone around here had a free mind and heart and shaped # up.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:00 AM
Very Good Thread..

One thing though. Your preaching to the choir. We are the ones doing something about this even though ATS is kind of popular in some respects, it's not that popular.

You still got people and many of them that would rather watch TV, drink beer and just go to work the next day, wake up, rinse and repeat.

Well, grass roots does work and seriously buddy many people are doing it though they don't want any more blood shed so were changing on a social level.

Yah....were different that way.... many ATS'ers....I believe.
Seriously V for Vendetta spoke much truth. Ideas that become more popular will soon over power everyone's conscience, this is really the way it is done.

Media is funny because, really there is almost an infinite amount of things going on all over the world all the time but even on Forums like this you don't get everything.

I think it's about time to realize a trend is universal. Seriously I know everyone's broke and nothing is working for anyone right now but no one say's much about it in the USA. The system is broke but the wool of mainstream media is pulled over our eyes. Not our eyes, the sleepy one's eyes.

The same people that elected BUSH, my god, for a second term.

Has stupid got out of hand or what, is it any wonder why Obama is up against so much?

Anyways, I try to get people angry about the way things are all around me many times, it doesn't work. I seriously try to propose many ideas on many sites and my own about how mind F++Ked we are as Americans, doesn't work, no responses.

People don't care cause' people are too tired, working too hard to survive even though we have alot compared to the rest of the world people are just too MInd F__ked by media and seriously selfish and uncaring Americans don't care about anything.

It's not like people aren't trying. I already grow food for myself. I pulled out of my bank, I don't use it anymore. I'm just taking care of myself cause sorry to say it's all about to IMPLODE.

Peace and Wisdom to you, Muzeamy

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by Vicky32

easy vicky32 coming from new zealand you defeaintly will never have the luxury of spitting on america so piss off with that attitude. the guy was an @sshole but dont badger america hes an individual badger him. Soo back down little lady
edit on 4-2-2011 by ThatGuyInTheKnow because: reply to

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:16 AM
Anti-statists know that the root cause of all these problems is government. Not that there needs to be a BETTER government or that the government has gotten out of control or that the government has become corrupted. Just government. We know it's inevitable and that the root problem of government is that it is the government. If you don't see it then you're forever lead on a wild goose chase blaming everything but the actual cause. It's so hilarious watching the world running around on a wild goose chase. It's amusing as hell watching you all come up with solutions that all involve there being a government. It's the perfect scam. No one even sees it! They got you all by the balls .You'll never give up your precious daddy government. You'll just try to make a new government or change the politicians in the government as if that matters.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by Muzeam
I know ATS hates these comments, but I have to say...Nice....

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by MisterWho

Mister Who who the h3ll are you? You have 4 posts all in this thread!!!


Sorry OP and moderators i just think thats lame.

Wouldnt mind an ip check what....? LOL
edit on 4-2-2011 by ThatGuyInTheKnow because: reword

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:36 AM
Somebody ought to take their knee-jerk, America-hating, bleeding-heart liberal bias and pour maple-syrup on it followed by shoving it up a certain orifice of the body. I'm not going to say any names though. They know who they are.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Monts

Hey Motts or whatever you're supposed to be - get this - as an American, I really don't give a tinker's damn about your opinion.

You don't like how we spend our money? Tough **** . It's ours, we spend it, and it's really none of your business.

You don't like the fact that we have bases all over the world? Yeah. It seems that Britain got its ass overloaded during WWII, and you lost all your colonies.

Then, after 200 years with the British Sterling being the world's standard currency of preference, you went and blew that. Don't worry though, the Dollar is just about finished as is the US the day its abandoned, so maybe Britain can pick up the slack once again.

True, the US was given bases on British territory in the Lend/Lease deal.

You'd be sprechen sie Deutch had it not been for American supplies, American weapons, American ammunition, American ships, American coal, American oil, American artilllery, American tanks, and American everything else provided by American convoys on American ships in late 1940.

Come to think of it, there's only about thirty nations who owe their very freedom to the United States.

I helped a guy out once who was in so much trouble, that he couldn't see any way out. I felt for him and pulled his bacon out of the fire. There was no way possible he could ever repay me in any shape, form, or fashion.

And he hated me for it.

So I don't give a rat's fuzzy *** what folks think of us. As long as they know not to piss us off.

Are you still sore that we kicked your ass out of US territory? Get over it! You're subjects - we're citizens.

Your "mature" civilization may not be trusted enough to own personal firearms, including fully automatic firearms, but as you can see, our young nation has apparently matured far beyond yours in this respect.

You seem to have the redass about something, so if it's not better by morning, load up on about a five-gallon container of suppositories, use a plunger if you have to, pack yourself full, and within a half-hour, your mind will be clear once again.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:48 AM
Thanks for posting this, OP. No matter if this argument was discussed before on ATS: important things NEED to be ALWAYS repeated.

If I can add something, well, I'm italian, I appreciate most sides of your Country but our mass-mediatic culture is, unfortunately, VERY USA-centric. Let me make a quick example: every time one looks a film or a TV series that involves an american and he/her is in trouble, the first thing that the actor says is: "Hey, I'm an American!!!" or "I'm a citizen of United States of America!!!". Like he/her is something like a super-human or a "god", with superior rights or superpowers. And believe me if I say that I hate this behaviour. I've never heard someone say "Hey, I'm Bolivian!!!!!" or "Hey, I'm ITALIAN!!!!" nor "Hey, I'm French" or "German". Probably it's only a fictional, filmic or cinematographic representation of US citizens but it's really annoying.



Originally posted by Monts
Here is a message to all Americans, and anyone else who cares to listen.

Dear Americans...

Have you lost your minds?

Is the huge conspiracy that is ruling over your lives not obvious? Have you ever wondered why most of the world hates the US and do things like fly planes into buildings?

If you answered no, let me point it out to you. And this is all FACT.

1. The US owns at least 20% of the world's economy. And this doesn't even include the Black Market, or the over-seas corporate operations and off-shore banking. That means that whatever the US does and whatever happens to the US affects EVERYONE. All these psychopathic corporations are not only robbing you americans when they throw the economy down the drain, but the entire world as well. Although America spends the most money on foreign aid, but in relation to the amount of money America has, it spends the least.

edit on 4-2-2011 by Emanuele_C because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-2-2011 by Emanuele_C because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by Emanuele_C

Yeah, if I was Italian, I'd keep my mouth shut too.

I don't blame you a bit.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Emanuele_C
Thanks for posting this, OP. No matter if this argument was discussed before on ATS: important things NEED to be ALWAYS repeated.

If I can add something, well, I'm italian, I appreciate most sides of your Country but our mass-mediatic culture is, unfortunately, VERY USA-centric. Let me make a quick example: every time one looks a film or a TV series that involves an american and he/her is in trouble, the first thing that the actor says is: "Hey, I'm an American!!!" or "I'm a citizen of United States of America!!!". Like he/her is something like a super-human or a "god", with superior rights or superpowers. And believe me if I say that I hate this behaviour. I've never heard someone say "Hey, I'm Bolivian!!!!!" or "Hey, I'm ITALIAN!!!!" nor "Hey, I'm French" or "German". Probably it's only a fictional, filmic or cinematographic representation of US citizens but it's really annoying.



Originally posted by Monts
Here is a message to all Americans, and anyone else who cares to listen.

Dear Americans...

Have you lost your minds?

Is the huge conspiracy that is ruling over your lives not obvious? Have you ever wondered why most of the world hates the US and do things like fly planes into buildings?

If you answered no, let me point it out to you. And this is all FACT.

1. The US owns at least 20% of the world's economy. And this doesn't even include the Black Market, or the over-seas corporate operations and off-shore banking. That means that whatever the US does and whatever happens to the US affects EVERYONE. All these psychopathic corporations are not only robbing you americans when they throw the economy down the drain, but the entire world as well. Although America spends the most money on foreign aid, but in relation to the amount of money America has, it spends the least.

edit on 4-2-2011 by Emanuele_C because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-2-2011 by Emanuele_C because: (no reason given)

Ciao Emanuele,
Sono d'accordo con te, al 100%! E' lo stesso qui, in Nuova Zelanda...
We're US centric too, and it's infuriating!
Oh, and Far Archer, still trying to con everyone into believing y'all saved our donkeys in WW2? Good luck with that...

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 02:17 AM
Great post O.P. I waded through most of it :-)

Who cares if the information has been posted here a thousand times, judging by some of the replies it doesn't sink in regardless of how many times it's posted.

I have NEVER in all my time here read so many ignorant opinions by Americans. Amazing self defence mechanism.

S&F...interesting reading.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by Emanuele_C

Well funny guy, like you said your an italiain which is cool. The sad part is you try to assume were all unintelligent, your really gonna sit there and claim american made movies/ television sit and promote american propaganda.

For you to have the nerve to say american tv production says such horrible things is an outrage. I would love to see Movie scripts as well as Tv scrips that include your bull sh!t worded claims. This is almost a joke but im fair and i dont mind disputing it.

What you need to ask your un -- informed self is was it merely a dumb-ass country fault in where they re-worded the text for counrty wide read.(meaning they fixed it for language purposes or not)

Or like you claim Americans plotting against world

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