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Wikileaks - Something seems wrong

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posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:58 AM
Yup I am also very suspicious since the MSM jumped on the bandwagon. Why does all kinds of serious corruption conveniently fall under the radar of MSM yet they've been blowing the trumpet of wikileaks for ages. I'ts like what reinhardt says, expose small time corruption whilst the big time corruption goes on in the background, in fact I wouldn't even class it as small time corruption. There has been very little significant being exposed in the release of these cables but the MSM are saying it's an attack on the world lmao. The whole thing stinks.
edit on 30-11-2010 by SpaceMonkeys because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by SpaceMonkeys

Yeah I'm in agreement now. Thought they were genuine to begin with but if they had any real secrets they'd of been shut down long ago. Also these memos coming out don't seem to mention the elephant in the room (Israel) at all. Ridiculous really.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Mr Moon
I would like to state that only 243 documents out of 251,287 have been released, so that is only a fraction of what is to come.

Lets wait and see... You know what they say "Save the best till last"

Before yesterday everyone was talking about 2.8/2.9 million in the past 36 hours that has gone down to 250,000, is this a mistake or a new meme being pushed.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:25 AM
I have to admit that nothing earth-shattering has been released thus far.

But if you look at all the documents, can anybody find one that is a confirmed hoax or lie?

Maybe there is no way to tell.

But, who benefits from all of this? So far, It is Israel.

Does anyone know the owner of

Can that owner give us reasons why he believes, WL is CIA?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by wavemaker
reply to post by gem_man

I'm also starting to think that Wikileaks is a disinfo agent of the US government. Disseminate some truth and sprinkle them with lies. The US government can easily embargo the Wikileaks website but they don't do it.

The other purpose of Wikileaks is to give the US government some public support in suppressing the information flowing in the internet. They can always say that they have to regulate the internet because the internet is a threat to national security. I remember one Rockefeller who recommended that the internet should be abolished. Maybe this is the compromise solution being offered by the US government to their bosses.

Remember wat Ben Franklin said "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by gem_man

I have no doubt that Wikileaks is just a vehicle that is being used by the worlds mega media corporations to remind the governments of the world who the boss really is. To these megalomaniacs, the world wide web in its current form is a terminal cancer that is tearing apart their empire and they have no intention of letting this continue.

Newspapers and magazines around the world are almost obsolete and ratings for News and Current affairs programs have been in free fall for years. We no longer like being told what to think by media corporations and instead we obtain, discuss and debate issues with people on websites, blogs and social media outlets free of charge. From the global media's perspective, we are thieves who plagiarise information that has cost them millions of dollars to obtain through their reporters & whistle blowers all over the world.

You do not have to look hard to find evidence of what the Media Corps want. The CEO's of these corps have made countless public speeches expressing their hate for the free information available on the internet and their calls for strict censorship and the enforcement of copyright laws. In years gone by when these people told a politician to jump they said how high or their careers would be destroyed by relentless smear campaigns. This time though, the politicians have been promising to act but once in power, they have made the same assumption most of us did in that the MSM was not as powerful as they once were. Besides, to introduce such strict censorship would be political suicide anyway..

History will show that the media beast is still alive and well because in the past two years the MSM has already taken out an entire government in one country, a Prime Minister in another, and has a President is on rack. However, these localised wars have still not brought about the change they seek. Time is running out because they have already announced that in early 2011 all news and entertainment available on their websites around the world will go behind a pay wall. If strict copyright laws are not in place they cannot protect their stories and therefore nobody is going to pay for access to news that is already available in the public arena. No visitors also means no millions of dollars in advertising revenue.

They have now escalated this to a world information war and it is a final warning to every Government that they will not accept anything less than total control over the information available on the internet. Rather than tarnish their own brands they are using Wikileaks to release the info which is just the tip of the iceberg. It is enough for the worlds leaders to understand what else they have and what is at stake. Honestly, does anybody really think that these media empires that own every major media outlet around the world would not have had this information long before a man with no fixed address and a website called Wikileaks? They would fight each other to the death to get a story like before the rival but now we are supposed to believe they are happy to wait around and act as a free marketing agency for a rivals pending scoop. Rubbish!!

You may have noticed that yesterday, the USA finally decided to waive the white flag. To show that they understood and that they had the ability to comply, they took down a number of websites on the basis of copyright infringement. Enjoy the last of your sense of Freedom.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:32 AM
I have a strange feeling about it. When I think about what happened to Joseph Moshe, and yes I know it's not a perfect comparison to Julian Assange, but think about it for a moment. If they want you to shut up, they will find a way, ie: Joseph Moshe.

If they want to shut down a site from the U.S. they would find a way. They could use internet kill switch. Anything.

I get a feeling that they have been keeping the American people busy with one thing or another for the past few months. It's interesting to me that they are literally flashing neon signs all over this wiki leaks on the msm.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 08:50 AM
What would give US authority to shut down Wikileaks? That isn't so light. And Wikileaks could always use different server and address.

I want to see more proof that WL is disinfo site, saying positive things about US and Israel isn't reason. First ppl are like "Yay, we get info about corruption in US" then when Wikileaks releases 0,1% of those cables all are just "Nothing negative about US and Israel, this smells funny". And does everything have to be conspiracy.

And their plan fails if we can't get to that site 99% of time, are the hackers hero or are they just US officials making cover-up. Wikileaks is currently under massive DDOS attack, and completely offline.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by gem_man

Good observation.

I'm always skeptical of organizations such as Wikileaks. Most times they claim to be benevolent so much that they raise questions. No one is Ms polly-pure-bred in this world.

I feel they certainly could be releasing this info for US BigGov interests. How could a lowly PFC have access to such a broad amount of secret documents at his fingertips? How could he download the huge quantity of data to CDs without raising attention of higher level brass? How could he then transport this data out of a secure location to pass it on to Wikileaks with no one in military intellegence even noticing? Why haven't we heard that those who should have oversight of this lowly PFC have been at least questioned or accused?

BigGov is currently calling for regulation of the internet for several reasons. This release by Wikileaks has been presented by MSM in such a way that could be used as a major argument for tighter control of the internet by BigGov.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by gem_man

The Israeli Gvt. and so does the CIA, control wikileaks in order to maintain people thinking that this kind of "democracy" exists. Assange no longe control the cable leaks nor does control the website, it´s a facade!

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 09:22 AM
I too have became suspicious of wikileaks.

All sunday night i kept up with it, but something was fishy. The MSM accepted it too much, we didn't get much info i expected. It seemed to be all about Iran and some other useless crap i don't care about.

I started thinking, was wikileaks taken over before the iraq war logs release? Remember that downtime, remember the insurance file? Activate Reston5? These questions were never answered, and wikileaks just came backup as if nothing happened. I feel wikileaks was taken over and is now going to be used as a tool to trigger a False Flag.

If the gov really wanted Wiki to not release the documents, they could have stopped it, for sure, if there were servers everywhere it wouldn't really matter, me being a network administrator know that if a website's DNS is blocked, anyone going to wikileak's website won't make it unless they are going to the IP address. If they change the IP, it DOESN'T Matter, the DNS will be the same. I find it hard to belive the US and other countries could not shut down the site.

This is the first odd thing.

Then all this talk of Clinton.

She went all over the world during this time, and from what i at least read is going to the middle east due to the wikileaks leak, now i might be wrong here and don't have time right now to check for sources, but i'm fairly certain.

Anyways, i can see it now, she will go there, and be killed, sparking a conflict. That will be our false flag perhaps.

But wait there is more!

What bothers me even more is, the timing. The same day, the whole Chinese conference happened, inwhich we gained no information from. And guess what? Something as important as China either siding with NK, or telling NK and SK to shut the hell up, didn't make it anywhere in the MSM. But yet secret documents made it all over the place? What the hell is this? I feel like they used last sundays date to cover up the whole china conference, and distract the public. Now instead of even looking at the Korean Peninsula, we are all focused on wikileaks, and this time, they are tring to fool us too, the people who see the curruption, making us think we are on their side.

I feel wikileaks has been taken over, and is now a tool for the upcoming false flag.

Your Thoughts?

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by doom27

All great points.
Wikileaks is just too "clean and neat".
The PFC who fed info to Wiki is the most curious link in this chain, IMO.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by gem_man

I got the same impression after reading the leaks. We all know that the world was coming down on Israel when the Gaza invasion occurred. There must have been honest cables expressing condemnation for what was going on and the high body count. Yet the leaks show NOTHING! I don't believe it. Not a single bad word about Israel. In fact, the theme of the leaks is that everyone wants to invade Iran. Seems fishy to me.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:00 AM
The Russians have their own theories on this...

“I have no doubt that this was a prepared operation, probably by [the] US secret services," says Alexei Mukhin, director of the independent Center for Political Information in Moscow. “I find it improbable that US authorities couldn't deal with one guy (Mr. Assange) if they really wanted to. No, this is clearly being done as an instrument of destabilization," he says.

Interesting report
edit on 30-11-2010 by Fractured.Facade because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by andrewh7

Indeed, it makes me feel like the documents are intended to piss off iran, and possibly make them attack to allow us to go to war.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by doom27
I too have became suspicious of wikileaks.

All sunday night i kept up with it, but something was fishy. The MSM accepted it too much, we didn't get much info i expected. It seemed to be all about Iran and some other useless crap i don't care about.

I started thinking, was wikileaks taken over before the iraq war logs release? Remember that downtime, remember the insurance file? Activate Reston5? These questions were never answered, and wikileaks just came backup as if nothing happened. I feel wikileaks was taken over and is now going to be used as a tool to trigger a False Flag.

If the gov really wanted Wiki to not release the documents, they could have stopped it, for sure, if there were servers everywhere it wouldn't really matter, me being a network administrator know that if a website's DNS is blocked, anyone going to wikileak's website won't make it unless they are going to the IP address. If they change the IP, it DOESN'T Matter, the DNS will be the same. I find it hard to belive the US and other countries could not shut down the site.

This is the first odd thing.

Then all this talk of Clinton.

She went all over the world during this time, and from what i at least read is going to the middle east due to the wikileaks leak, now i might be wrong here and don't have time right now to check for sources, but i'm fairly certain.

Anyways, i can see it now, she will go there, and be killed, sparking a conflict. That will be our false flag perhaps.

But wait there is more!

What bothers me even more is, the timing. The same day, the whole Chinese conference happened, inwhich we gained no information from. And guess what? Something as important as China either siding with NK, or telling NK and SK to shut the hell up, didn't make it anywhere in the MSM. But yet secret documents made it all over the place? What the hell is this? I feel like they used last sundays date to cover up the whole china conference, and distract the public. Now instead of even looking at the Korean Peninsula, we are all focused on wikileaks, and this time, they are tring to fool us too, the people who see the curruption, making us think we are on their side.

I feel wikileaks has been taken over, and is now a tool for the upcoming false flag.

Your Thoughts?

Here is a source for the Middle East Tour, it starts today.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:26 AM
Remember the mantra, "Let no crisis go to waste..."

The reason our government isn't really 'trying' to stop the information leaks is because they want strife and conflict. Conflict creates enemies and leads to chaos. Chaos leads to war and crisis. Crisis can be resolved by a government that grabs more power and freedoms and control for the "benevolent" purpose of resolving the original conflict and keeping their people "safe". Control equals power and money.

Previous manufactured crisis haven't panned out as yet, much to some of our leaders dismay. They are going to keep trying, for at least the next couple of years. The time isn't right for them to declare martial law as yet. It would be rejected and overturned if declared too soon. ...

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:29 AM
What I find strange is that some group called Wikileaks is finally doing something we should all agree with and applaud, but us conspirationists are so frikkin paranoïd, that since it's somthing we could agree with, it JUST HAS to be a psyops operation or disinformation etc...

The psychological implications of this "anti-wikileaks" front here on ATS just boggle my mind. The day the aliens land you people are gonna be all over them trying to pull their masks off. I mean seriously, what does this say about us...? If we can't trust anything then what is the point ? Lets all just curl up in foetal position and hope that our best friend/spouse/child/collegue (who are actually a triple agents for the reptilian overlord currently second in command of the NWO) will have enough mercy to just give us a painless death.

As long as we carry on with this perpetual persecution complex, we aren't going anywhere. I'll just sit back now and suck up the incoming "disinfo agent !!! OMG !" messages with a bitter-sweet smile on my face.
edit on 30-11-2010 by Ismail because: Mainly spelling

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:32 AM
I can't understand why anyone even paid attention to the site in the first place or still talks about it, its always been useless. If anything we should be making fun of and riddiculing this lame government op, whoever thought of it and the intelligence agents running it are a bunch of useless incompetent losers who the government probably should fire if they want their disinfo to work next time. All this exposes to me is how much of a joke our intelligence community is if this is the best that they can do.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

The reason for that quote was because under the constitution "We the people" have the power to defend no only ourselves from corrupted government but also our nation, people just has forgotten about that fact.

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