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Wikileaks - Something seems wrong

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posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:25 PM
I think the leaks aren't as damaging as people are making out. It doesn't really tell us significantly that much. With all the hype I was expecting something earth-shattering, it was all a bit of an anti-climax to be honest. And the stuff about Iran seems that it would play into the government's hands, because they've long since been keen to convince the public that Iran is a genuine threat. I think it's possible that the government intentionally leaked misinformation, with the hope that Wikileaks would disseminate it in order to give their claims about Iran more authentication. Nothing to prove it, just a feeling.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:29 PM
S & F

Great post TS. I completely agree. I mean come on with the cable saying that China is thinking of abandoning NK. Incredible info considering the recent drama in the Korean Peninsula. Now these leaks were acquired awhile ago yet they release this one now just as all of this tension is in the area. Timing is everything.

They also release info saying Iran is funding the Taliban. How convenient the US wants to attack Iran and now we find out Iran is funding Taliban thank you wikileaks.

IMO Wikileaks is either complicit in it's deception or is being fed propoganda thinking it is a leak. Mainstream news is not effective anymore in propagandizing us anymore so very clever for the CIA and the Pentagon to use an "alternative" site to spread the disinfo for them. Hey if it's a leak then it wasn't intended to get out so it must be true right?

The reason why this notion can't go for every alternative news source is because non of them not this site, prisonplanet, godlike get any press on the big networks whereas CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN are all talking about wikileaks 24/7. The powers that be want this info out there otherwise they would not talk about it. it is as ssimple as that.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:43 PM
Well, lets see if they will let me play this video. and this is how they are going to cut your internet and use wikileak as an escuse and to change the internet now to the gov't controlled internet that the Elites want you to have.
edit on 30-11-2010 by nite owl because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by nite owl

This whole wikileaks thing is not secret info , or top secret info, it is just regular info that they the cia leaked out for YOU TO SEE. This is all part of CONTROLLING THE INTERNET, to shut you up, by controlling the web.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by nite owl
reply to post by nite owl

This whole wikileaks thing is not secret info , or top secret info, it is just regular info that they the cia leaked out for YOU TO SEE. This is all part of CONTROLLING THE INTERNET, to shut you up, by controlling the web.

Totally agree.

They don't want the internet gone, they just want to control it. Now they can
edit on 30-11-2010 by thewholepicture because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 01:57 PM

The leaks do seem to be in favor of the U.S rather than the other way around, which could very well indicate wikileaks is in some way shaped or affected by the U.S government, whether it's because specific cables were intentionally allowed to be leaked or a direct involvement of the U.S government.

One thing though, if these were anti Israeli, or anti American would you have doubted them as well?

Wikileaks has been very damaging to the U.S in the past, and still is. The fact that these specific leaks do not include any anti Israeli content does not mean that the rest of the leaked information isn't genuine.

What I'm trying to say is it seems like you were looking specifically for some kind of incriminating evidence against Israel, and have been disappointed for not finding any so far, and that's the main reason you're doubting the whole leak.

That being said I myself am not sure what to believe- Seems strange none of the leaks have any reference to the flotilla, cast lead, etc, but at the same time I'm not sure that alone is enough to say that these leaks are somehow fake.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Yep, the longer it goes on, the more I am sure its a CIA job. If there were even rumours of a serious 9/11 expose, I could be swayed. But what they are 'releasing' is already known, if not proven. Its a total distraction. We all KNOW of the horrors being committed in the middle east, but we dont know - because we are distracted - WHY we are in the middle east. Now its the banks turn. Everyone KNOWS the banks are evil, crooked, greedy bastards, as are the big corporates. They control government policy, the drug trade for dirty money, etc etc. So what exactly is going to be exposed that will have any impact.
All of the government statements I see reek of controlled implosion, just like 9/11.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:09 PM
If you want me to prove it once and for all people, that this website is government controlled/operated, well here you go. It doesn't even take a hacker to find out. Just me, someone with common sense. It's hosted in seattle washington. And even if it was a hacker in seattle doing it and NOT the government, well, we could shut it down just because it's in our seattle territory of the USA. They could shut it down very easily since it's in seattle. But they don't, because they're the ones running it. Have fun. Spread the word.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:16 PM
When we are lied to by the Media and the government, we complain and protest that we want the Truth.

When we do get the truth, we still complain.

I guess some people just love making a conspiracy out of Everything...even when it is what it is.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
When we are lied to by the Media and the government, we complain and protest that we want the Truth.

When we do get the truth, we still complain.

I guess some people just love making a conspiracy out of Everything...even when it is what it is.

I call Bull!

If this stuff was really a problem and detrimental to our security, then the media wouldn't be talking about it at all. The United States Government would be asking them to not print any information on it, and they would comply as they have in the past.

This is nothing but a way for them to distract us from what they are really doing, and a way they can Legally control the internet.

Note: what they are really doing or trying to hide, I do not know yet.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:34 PM
I agree that the leaks provided so far do seem to reinforce the common narrative of world events given by main stream media. This means one of 2 things. The leaks are real and ther is no true conspiracy to blind the general public of the true ways of the world, what we are told for the most part is what is.

Or, it is disinformation being fed either intentionally or unintentionally by wiki leaks to help solidify and further the agenda of the said conspiracy. We have been lied to for decades and since we as a population are getting smarter and more skeptical. New tactics of propaganda are being engaged.

I do think it is too early to make a final judgment as only a fraction of what they have has been released. However the amount of main stream media attention does make one think that we are being directed towards this evidence and perhaps misdirected from some other major events taking place.

In the end more information is better than less, however that must be balanced with the fact that such an overflow of data can cause more confusion than clarity on the state of the global stage

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Theorytripper
I agree that the leaks provided so far do seem to reinforce the common narrative of world events given by main stream media. This means one of 2 things. The leaks are real and ther is no true conspiracy to blind the general public of the true ways of the world, what we are told for the most part is what is.

Or, it is disinformation being fed either intentionally or unintentionally by wiki leaks to help solidify and further the agenda of the said conspiracy. We have been lied to for decades and since we as a population are getting smarter and more skeptical. New tactics of propaganda are being engaged.

I do think it is too early to make a final judgment as only a fraction of what they have has been released. However the amount of main stream media attention does make one think that we are being directed towards this evidence and perhaps misdirected from some other major events taking place.

In the end more information is better than less, however that must be balanced with the fact that such an overflow of data can cause more confusion than clarity on the state of the global stage

I agree that there isn't yet enough info for a final judgment, but find it very suspect that the media is focusing so heavily on something that is "so detrimental to our safety,"

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by gem_man

Actually, there's plenty of damning documents in the first release of 250,000. Less than 1% has really been picked up so far. 250,000 documents is like reading 1,000 books. Surely no one has read them all yet. The papers supposedly concerning US State Dept activities with the UN (spying) is pretty hard core. But - it seems there are an awful lot of Americans who seem to be perfectly content with US soldiers cutting off body parts from dead civilians as war trophies... so, if that sort of thing doesn't cause you to raise an eyebrow... well, not much else would.

I especially like those who want to call wikileaks an agent of fraud or disinfo. Judge the information, each document, by its own merits. A lot of it is trash, but a good amount of it is not. Or, we can compare it to the government's assessment of the BP Oil Spill - and how many times it changed its assessment from 5k bpd; or that unemployment wouldn't top 8.5%; or how many times we've killed the same Al Qaeda terrorist chiefs; or that there actually is water on the Moon - since India discovered it first; and on Mars; or that the Health Care Act would save people money and reduce premiums... Give us a government that can at least give us something close to being right... ha.

I also like those who would want to prosecute those trying to expose crimes vs. those who committed the crimes. Sure... you can make exposing crimes illegal... but we've already been down this road a few times before with whistleblower acts and so forth. But - we've got a government where it's okay to molest five year olds at the airport, humiliate the elderly and handicapped, and force everyone to practically pose nude - but ask for someone's ID in Arizona... my god, that's simply asking for too much. A government that picks and chooses which laws it will and will not enforce, is effectively lawless. If we can't protect the supreme law of the land... it is beyond our means to even think about asking for freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, to be considered innocent until proven guilty; to be entitled to due process - instead of being able to be detained indefinitely without a lawyer. Now - it is illegal to protest and wear a mask in Washington, DC. So, forget your right to protest - and remain anonymous.

You might not be protesting issues now - but assuredly, if you are ticked off about wikileaks now on what it is doing; odds are something else will get you upset that. Whether you agree with wikileaks or disagree - we should at least be able to arrive at some understanding that their actions do not rise to the level of terrorism, as suggested by some Republicans, some Democrats, and others - who apparently weren't up for re-election recently.

And just think - one of these days, the United States will run out of political clout, trust, reliability, friends, allies, or even supporting citizens, not to mention money to actually be able to sustain the kind of police state it is becoming. But that's all right - it all comes out in the wash.

We have a government that is way the hell out of control - this is a measure of trying to get it back in line by making it more hazardous to be corrupt. I have to guess if you are against that - then... you, too, have something to hide. Let's find out what that might be.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:16 PM
Its difficult not to think this new information is controlled since its content doesnt satisfy what we expected would come out of it. So far it reaches the news where everything morphs into tabloid gossip with no debth.

Its kinnda like asking how we can be sure the apocalypse is real or staged when your'e in the middle of it.

But there is information that is very real and of great importance such as the Zimbawe crisis that is just terrible, but wich i'm certain very few know about.

These parts of the release can bring something that otherwise never would come

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:25 PM
I wonder a little bit too sometimes about what's up with wikileaks. No UFO reports and all the hype from the media. I already believe the media is in bed with the government so why would the MSM even report it? They're quiet about other things the gov does behind our backs.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by gem_man

I think he is being used to generate populist support so governments can 'legitimately' take control internet via legislation.

edit on 30-11-2010 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by gem_man
Is it just me or does anyone else have the feeling that Wikileaks is a sham.

I think Julian Assange is using Wikileaks for deviant purposes.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Tells TIME: Hillary Clinton "Should Resign"

Hillary Clinton, Julian Assange said, "should resign." Speaking over Skype from an undisclosed location on Tuesday, the WikiLeaks founder was replying to a question by TIME Managing Editor Richard Stengel over the diplomatic cable dump Assange's organization began loosing on the world over the weekend. Stengel said that the U.S. Secretary of State was looking like "the fall guy" in the ensuing controversy and was her firing or resignation an outcome that Assange would want? "I don't think it would make much of a difference either way," he said. "But she should resign, if it can be shown that she was responsible for ordering U.S. diplomatic figures to engage in espionage in the United Nations, in violation of the international covenants to which the U.S. has signed up. Yes, she should resign over that."

If you think about the way the company behaves, you will notice their primary focus in on releasing United States intelligence. Why has not Wikileaks released secret diplomatic and war documents that belong to any other country?

Personally, I think he is an information terrorist, and the CIA should assassinate him as soon as possible. I think his goal is to destroy the United States.

edit on 30-11-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:36 PM
Has anyone read the history of Julian Assange the founder of WikiLeaks? Or heard him speak? He is very real and Wikileaks is real, not some government dis-info organization. So many people here on ATS truly WANT there to be conspiracy, and will not accept that they might be wrong. Look at the evidence, maybe Wikileaks is proof that the government has some bad eggs, but generally not corrupt, at least as corrupt as you believe. I believe that people are generally good.

If you want to continue believing your ideas for whatever reasons you believe them; REALIZE WIKILEAKS IS STILL ONLY 4 YEARS OLD. They are still proving themselves to whistle blowers. Give them another 10 years of track record and perhaps then bigger 'conspiracies' will start to trickle out from their gates.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by thewholepicture

Originally posted by SeventhSeal
When we are lied to by the Media and the government, we complain and protest that we want the Truth.

When we do get the truth, we still complain.

I guess some people just love making a conspiracy out of Everything...even when it is what it is.

I call Bull!

If this stuff was really a problem and detrimental to our security, then the media wouldn't be talking about it at all. The United States Government would be asking them to not print any information on it, and they would comply as they have in the past.

This is nothing but a way for them to distract us from what they are really doing, and a way they can Legally control the internet.

Note: what they are really doing or trying to hide, I do not know yet.

Oh god, ok.

-Wikileaks is not a problem, it's a solution. The media is reporting it because it's Historical and hell, every other station is, so why not? It brings in good ratings, that's for sure...after all, that's all the news outlets care about.
-These Leaks were bound to get released no matter what or who attempted to prevent the release. Also, don't forget, we warned most if not all of our allies of these Leaks and the potential damage it might all cause.
-The government has set restrictions on the internet since Bush was president. Alberto Gonzales started it all.

posted on Nov, 30 2010 @ 04:05 PM
In January 2007, John Young, who runs, a site that publishes a wealth of sensitive and classified information, left "Wikileaks", claiming the operation was a CIA front.

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