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Hidden Hand Message - Law Of One - Discussion!

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Thank you, you do so much, and think of others, when you're going through hardships, and may the Spirit of Love and Peace guide you always, and open the way each time, for you, may the way always open with Love/Peace/Blessings on the way.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I wanted to ask a few more questions, in addition to the ones previously about Father/Mother, and the Family, which I had due to reading another thread of yours about the religion,and also my own experience.

These are about the video we have linked often: Perception, The Reality Beyond Matter.

From what I understand, is these findings made scientists themselves uncomfortable. The video would suggest that we are living in a real matrix? Whereas, in a sense is this energy, vibrations, frequency, and a created construct that is real in a sense? A real Hologram? A type of realistic hologram creation that the closest we can use as a comparison, in this word would be a kind of 3D simulated digital computer program which is why they used it for the presentation and most scientists use it, but its far more than tthis?

Would not this creational Holographic word be a more advanced, living kind of program, as if the whole system was an OS?

What does this "tiny" where there is no "tiny" universe resemble? Don't worry if you can't answer that one, maybe we are not to know, but my curiosity is piqued, enormously. I have thought of a seed germimnating such as a flower, or with some of the strange filaments they've shown in cosmic images that look like brain neutrology, perhaps even inside the workings of an enormous droid, which conversely could be tiny. I've thought of us all being on a petri dish as well, or in a special box where they do experiments such as Viritual Box for computer? I am curious what it is if you could answer?

But isn't this a wonderful gift? As Highly advanced technology its beautiful, and speaks to the soul of how much Love those watching over us have for us and gives us the hope they wish us to progress. What comparisons does this have to the real world outside this cosmos? Some have said, emotions are only biochemicals, so they feel there are none on the other side. I said, well those biochemicals were designed by those with full understanding of emotions and who light up with Love and joy at each other's greetings, so or we would not feel either, and they have created this beautiful world and cosmos with a full understanding of site, they must see as well?

This implies we come from a real world, with more colors than we can imagine, with interconnectedness of thought, and feelings for each other that are joyful.

Could you describe any of this, what you were shown at all? And what kind of system this cosmos is as well?

Also, I had this image in my mind (metaphorically) that we step out of a computer screen into the real world, only to discover, we're in another matrix of sorts too, for this another even Higher Technology, more advanced creation, from those Higher Ups of the next level, and that this is like a box, within a box, within a box, never ending without ceiling. A creation, within a creation, within a creation, forever? That Prime Creator would always be discovering He/She was the Child of another Creation.

Another thought I had was of living animo type crystals, that I've been told are used at higher levels for energy sources and technology, yet that are intelligent and responsive, We could be like a colony within animo acid crystals? Stray thought!

I also wanted to ask if it was possible, when some speak of shredders for souls, how, since something, be it a grain of sand or a soul, which is different material, an be divided unto infinity, if that is even possible? Is it not instead that we have so long, so many tries to get it right before going up or down a level, that is to gain or lose part of ourselves, but that at any level or stage, we would still be able to make a U-turn and make the next level?

To me this is really important because I feel many ETs and Higher Ups have a tough love attitude at times, and things are done that are harder, and cause pain, for our own good, but for some reason I have a connection to my HS, who is not like that, she is here to give encouragement, to shine light in every darkness, to pick someone up who has fallen into any pit, to encourage, to show that there is nothing permanent, in this that they can turn this around and yearn for this, pour out their feelngs of sorrow and shame and guilt and humbly ask hope/yearn for assistance, and try to turn over a new leaf.
edit on 15-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by ET_MAN

As Obi-Wan put it, "Your insight serves you well. Bury your feelings deep down, Annee. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Emperor." lol

You have no idea - - - or maybe you do.

My guides expect Order - Discipline - and Stay the Path. They're like Generals.

Not your typical Light Being message. If it weren't for that underlying Love Energy - - I'd ask them to "remove the mask".

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 11:08 AM
@ETMAN....I want to offer you my sincere compassion for you and your wife. Life offers us many hardships and loses and they truly affect our vibration of being. I will admit that as I find a interconnection with all things and I call this 'Spirit' I sometimes have taken offense that some may not give reverence to this...and though I find it a 'truth'...others may not. I dont think it was the 'personal me' that took offense...but the Spirit...the part of me that feels connected with all life...that seeks harmony amongst itself....saddens when seeing another 'not seeing its deepest self' and the whole it is a part of. Its a very sacred understanding to me...and to think that some that understand the worth of love and understand the worth of intent amongst others....saddens this spirit in me to think at the same time...they still journey for 'self'. But as you are a unique expression of to do you have your own journey of 'finding your true nature and being' and I am sorry if I came off in any way to not allow that space for others that say they are seeking.

The science of the world is not my issue....its the perceptions that we are differing in and as I seek interconnection for what I see to be a 'whole' and not separate at all...seeking harmony amongst its own self...seeking awaking to being 'of a unit'....I also see the limits to seeking for self existence. As a cell of one body resist being of that body and wishing to be on its own....division will surely thrive.

The brain and what makes up this world is complex and understanding it all surely is just a limited grasping at trying to understand it all.

I want to bring forward a idea about 'et experiences' that so many share here. Our brain works on several levels. Our unconsciousness holds ancient archetypes that struggle through the other levels of the brain that are conscious....almost like a hidden messenger of 'self' trying to get a message 'to self'. It has been thought that 'angels and et experiences' is just that....a deeper part of self trying to send a message to another part of self...through a 'image' of a archetype that is 'known' to the mind. As such a archetype surfaces, details, color, ect...can be added through our own personal consciousness. It could even be understood through our oldest core of our brain that some call 'reptilian' of why many have a archetype of this 'bad, controlling' archetype of a reptilian being. These 'image' and experiences can seem very real to our brain tries to sort things and deal with things that we long for and desire comfort in. Such as...a loving family, acceptance, comfort of the mind from worry, the need to be loved by a 'parental figure'....ect....and this could explain all the created religions of man and show us a much more deeper level of how man 'needed' things at certain times of existence. Everything we 'seem ' to experience (that seems beyond our own realitiy/world/ of what we call matter)...may indeed by a creation within our own mind between our unconsciousness and ego 'I' individual one part of our-self trying to communicate with another part of it to face a higher awareness of it to receive comfort, recognition, love.

These experiences can convince a person that there is real communication going on 'beyond' their 'self' of being...and this may indeed lead them to believe that there is separation amongst all beings and life. A person much stand outside of their 'thoughts' and find out where they manifest from....they must find out if they are 'desiring' things for self to see if this is the reason for their creation of 'messages' to self...from self.

Not only do we need to step back and see what message 'our self' is trying to work through and balance out (what is the self truly seeking)....but on a larger scale, there is a collective consciousness and we need to step back and see what this is showing. As the collective consciousness is experiences things like 'angels or ets'.....this shows where we are at in our evolving as a collective and what we are ready for and what we still need to face. I find it obvious that our collective unconsciousness is seeking to be healed, protected, cared some way. We still seek outside of ourselves...instead of seeing within the potentials...we still have yet to value having each other. A individuals journey as a seeker is to fill something they feel is missing or to unify something that is divided. I believe...that we know that were are a united consciousness....but still choose to see ourselves as divided...which limits our potentials as a whole unit of 'life' amongst life.

I think unconsciously....we know there is a shift occurring. But...depending on our awareness...depends on what we each desire the shift to be (such as for a 'self'). There is a shift occurring in the collective consciousness which is changing the inner vibration of being as well as if affecting the electromagnetic fields around us (the unseen). This dependent....on awareness. I have witnessed it already happening around me, I have felt it go through me, I have felt my own self, be 'of' it.

The space between 'seemingly' full of charged particles. We see electromagnetic fields creating 'forms' of compressed/pressurized energy. Gravity is not what holds ths world together and what holds it together is a unseen force that has electric currents making electromagnetic fields. What we know or think as 'space' is very much active and alive and full. What is important is that this is all a natural emanating 'being' that is not 'designed by 'creators' is a being in its own right, naturally 'occurring/being/becoming/manifesting and infinite in potentials'. The difference of what I see and what you I see it to be natural...not 'made' by any being or beings....but a natural manifestations that we are of and a part of.

Ultimate me right now on this path that I am when there is no subjectivity of individuality between the observer and what is being observed. In this state of mind...I see higher potentials and possibilities for 'life' as a unit...then I see from the state of mind that the observer and the observed are 'separate' and divided. The only way I can say that I have been in both states of mind. I did not see the higher potentials of life while I was in the state of mind of being separate from what I observed.

The same consciousness/energy that drives the within you making you a unique expression of being that you are. My use of words like God or Spirit can be misleading in understanding the base of science to 'all that is' and 'what all that of' which is I believe 'one'. I the main illusion here but this illusion has a purpose in its own natural right of what is 'becoming' and 'being'.

Feelings and thoughts carry a vibration through our being as well as spreads a vibration through the electromagnetic fields around us. We literally can build a higher vibration or a lower vibration of being....through thoughts and feelings. Internally we know this...we know that fear is a lower vibration, more dense...we know that love is a higher vibration. We just might have trouble always ad-hearing to this knowing due to 'self' worries and desires. A sense of interconnectedness can offer stability in the environment as well as social stability....harmony. Once I learned this...I cant help but to be saddened when I see others keep giving into what causes instability...disconnectedness.

We are all connected...even many that say they know not pay enough attention to this fact. One thing that connects us all is the electromagnetic fields that surround us everywhere. What we focus on as a collective what will manifest. To me, true realization of 'self' is the knowing and awakening that we are a part of the same whole which can be seen as one living organism.

When one internalizes oneness....something magical happens. The larger body recognizes your awareness and arises within to assist you. The light of life itself is waking and remembering its own real nature.

What is in between 'stuff'?

Just as the state of compressed energy is affected by etheric unseen energy....the etheric unseen energy is affected by the compressed energy. They seek harmony between eahcother and at the same time they are of eachother. Electromagnetic fields and high electromagnetic activity can directly affect the compressed energy.

I can remember going through stages of what I felt was the 'spirit' guiding me or some could call it the universal mind....and questions would arise for me to study like' what is at the center of the earth'....or 'how do birds know 'north'?....'why do ants work together as they do as if they just know'....'why do animals migrate and how do they know where to migrate to' all ended up pointing me to a very natural united consciousness/collective nature that is beyond any 'beings' to create it.

The etheric energy creates all that we see through vibrational fields. Like a unseen fluid that pressurizes and fine tunes the world that 'we see'. The primal energy state, energy in its perfection of being' is unseen and without beginning and end and is everywhere flowing and we would not be without it. From my understanding its natural....its life...its a force that emenates all things from itself as well is within all things.

When I mentioned particles earlier....I must correct that because what we have thought as particles being a mass is really just spheres of swirling energy.

I see the Universe as a unified field/unified conscious energy source. We are a part of that field and we can interact with it. Vibrations move through this field...literally...behaviors, actions, thoughts are carried through the field.

Why is love so powerful? Because it unifies, connects, brings harmony.

I believe we all seek unity in our own may be to unify the self with was we desire 'life/being' to may be to unify ourselves with the planet we are may be to unify the world with the universe....ect. But bottom line is we all seek unity in some way. We all feel as if something is missing, something needs to be healed...something needs to be protected...something needs 'help'. Some may believe (being sent the message) that they are here to 'help'...this again is a feeling of 'unity' being needed somewhere...that something is needed that is not already there. This collective search for unity has been ongoing and has shown itself in many forms. But we continue to look outside of ourselves....of our wholeness that we things like 'angels or et's or family of light ect'. All of those things are our own messengers...a way for us to communicate and sort out our own 'self' of 'being' amongst others. Some call them spirits, gods, guides, ect....and picture these things as being outside of them...higher then them...more progressed then them....but all of those things, are really 'of us' no more of less then we are of 'life' itself. Some have a knowing of this world is in need of a vibration holder of love...some have a knowing that this world is in need of 'hope or compassion'....some have a need in receiving 'love, hope, compassion' and only act out in ways to that show they lack these things in their life.

Oneness is not so much a center of location....and infinity can be defined as something that is always ongoing and something that will always be. I believe, energy will always be...that electromagnetic fields (the unseen) will always be and has always been. We are all of it...and through us, it becomes aware of itself. What was going on before man was here to observe it? Was it not still 'being'? Was there still not an 'expression' occurring of 'life' being? Were the animals not here migrating and was the nature of life not 'real' without man to observe it in their brains that makes the 'image' of it to be seen and to be observed? What would of been the purpose of 'life being' famous observer to observe it and be aware of it for what we claim is here for us to 'learn' from? Was animals not killing each other before man to survive and feed? Was the Earth not producing birth and destruction before man came to 'being' to observe it all and then try to explain it?

I think from the point of view that Unity and you are coming from...there is little purpose for life before man was here for you say that we are here to learn and that makes it sound as if this world, this existence around us and outside of us...was made for 'us'. What purpose did the grass have and the life therein it...before man was here?

We must humble ourselves...and see that we are just a part of it all...and in being conscious of what we are.

Who is to say that dreams and near death experiences are not just are brain creating images? To to create. Like I have said many times...there are many things that affect and influence the way we think and the reasons we 'create' what we do. We can look at those things....and observe a deeper part of ourselves...and find the messages that we are sending to ourselves.

I knew someone that said that every night before they went to bed...during pray time....they would leave their body and feel themselves climb up onto the lap of God and receive love and hugs. This person never had a positive father figure in their life. Part of my mind must stay open and critical to much of what we think we experience that is not a part of this 'world' is things we ourselves have created....our unconsciousness sending things to our consciousness....of what we need, desire, or wish for. It may be on a 'self' level...a 'social level'...a 'national level'....a 'global level'....a 'universal level'. Of course...the idea that such experiences like ets, angels, higher selves ect....being only in our not a comfortable thought to most because they have created those things to bring unity in some way in themselves.

We think we know what many things are and that they are even very real to us....but I try to keep in mind, that we do create things in the 'conscious mind' and what we create can be linked to our unconscious self. To me, it shows the great capabilities of the mind to protect 'self'....heal 'self' 'self'....comfort 'self. Through united consciousness though...I see greater things coming....protecting the self as a 'larger body' as a whole....healing the self as a 'larger body' as a whole....loving the self as a 'larger body as a whole'.

As above so below. As outside so within. As a one so is all. Through watching how everything works, we see how something on a larger whole scale will work.

As a cell of one each resists to be of what it truly is...division and resistant will rule and this will show manifestation on the 'whole body' in the 'all'.

To me...there is not way any 'designers' such as 'higher beings' could of 'made' this world or this existence. That is where we mainly go on separate paths of thought and I do respect everyones right to see it as they wish. I hope I never came across as not giving everyone that right or space to 'perceive' as they need to perceive. As I see a part of the whole resist what it is of....I only see the further instability of the whole and yes, this does bother me and I am sorry for expressing that personal feeling. Its not personal to anyone. I am just a part of the whole trying to understand and seek harmony for the 'whole' and hope for awareness to all to see that we are connected and not separate at all. I dont try to push his idea that it is proof or fact for anyone else...but for me its very real.

You and yours will be in my 'thoughts' and heart and Im sorry you and yours are going through such a tough time right now.

My best to all
edit on 15-11-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:25 PM
I hope we can all pray, and ask for in our own way, that the doors that have been stubborn in uniting Chris's family, can open and let some blessings and sunlight stream in, and that these difficulties give way to more solid ground and good solutions for everyone. And send heartfelt wishes for good tidings, healing, positive outcomes and much love.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by DClairvoyant
Here's what I heard, all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration that we are all one consciencenous experience itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are only an imagination to ourselves.
That I do believe.
Here's Tom with the weather...Rip Bill Hicks

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:52 PM


posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:11 PM
I have contemplated on taking the perspective I have and making a thread with them...but only because I dont want anyone here to feel as if I come here to 'change' the offered perspectives. I dont mind at all sharing amongst others with their own shared perspective and enjoy observing others thoughts very much so I will continue sharing here if that is what everyone's intent still is...for ope discussion and sharing. If there starts to become a 'majority rules' effect that naturally manifests here...Ill respect that will of others.

Something that Hidden Hand talked often about is 'being in a prison' planet. Ide like to bring that thought from a different perspective.

First I dont think the planet itself is the prison....for I feel that the keys I needed to unlock the gates are right here to be found within the very design of the world itself. the mind itself, the illusion of being a 'self' more misleading then we would care to think? For the one think we think we OUR SELF...we experience OUR body, OUR thoughts, OUR attractions, OUR distastes...these things seem to separate us from others, make us unique, gives us the experience of 'being' divided from all other life. Is that itself...being in a 'unique form' amongst and seemingly outside of other unique that the illusion? What if one cant see outside of that experience...what if they cant transcend their 'own being' to look (be conscious of) life as a while that works together....not just like as 'man' but also with the animals, minerals, the planet, the Sun, the galaxy, the Universe. How can the change of '1' thing in the Universe make a difference? What would happen if one planet in our solar system exploded? If all of this 'experience' is just for 'us' to learn and progress....what purpose is there for a Sun be birthed or destroyed some where else in our Universe? Are we only seeing from a perspective of 'self' and for 'self because we choose to not see beyond that out of fear of 'loosing self'? What if by wondering what purpose or 'expression of being' a Sun outside our own solar system would have of 'becoming or ending' would show you that you are a 'part' of something that is constantly being and you are a part of it and as a conscious being in it and of it....your awareness of that...would make the difference in what is 'becoming' through 'us' as a 'whole expression' for evolving on many levels?

So while I continue a somewhat different path...but with the same intent to some degree be it unity of self or unity of mankind or of a universals or global mind....I think our intents are true of heart. To me...this shows we all think that on some level of 'being' there needs to be change.

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

~Albert Einstein

Canadian psychologist Richard M. Bucke, in his book Cosmic Consciousness, coined this term. It is a transpersonal mode of consciousness, an awareness of the universal mind and one's unity with it. Its prime characteristic is a consciousness of the life and order in the universe. An individual who at attains this state is often described as 'Enlightened' and such a person is also said to have a sense of immortality, not of attaining it but of already having it. Burke saw this state of consciousness as the next stage in human evolution, very much as spiritualists have always seen it.

Indian yogis and mystics classify the seven states of consciousness differently. They point out that human beings normally experience only three states: sleeping, dreaming and waking. In meditation, fleetingly you experience turya, literally the fourth state, or transcendental consciousness, commonly known as samadhi. When this state coexists and stabilizes with the other three, that is the fifth state, where I-consciousness expands to become cosmic consciousness. The sixth state is God consciousness whereby you see God everywhere, in everything. The last is unity consciousness: what is within is also outside—pure consciousness, and nothing else is.

Quoted info from..

Just as we see an awaking that happens through a human....within the consciousness of mans there a global consciousness occurring and will there be an awakening in that global mind and is it the mind of man, going to go through stages of feeding global desires and wants and needs and dealing with global fears only to awaken to its true potential through it all? Then what about a Universal mind? Who says that just as 'self' seeks unity and contentment with its own self...that globally and universally...such things are not going to happen or are not happening? Who is to say that while many think they are having these real experience beyond earth that they are not more of a 'global or universal mind' sending messages or comfort or recognition to 'a part of itself'?

I just offer this as 'thoughts' and no feedback is ok

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

LV, you seem to want to be the only one who's experiences are real, and lets ignore the entire limits and finite essence of this, but so far you've asked questions that others have answered, and even brought to basic levels to explain, and then found fault with the attempts to answer them as if they were attempting to override your own beliefs, and now you're asking questions, and yet not expecting anyone to attempt to answer, and yet all the things you've asked have already been answered, many times. Of course it can go on, but for some reason I don't think you want that.

I'll leave you with a non infinity related thought, just something above where you related the whole essence of Love to Oneness, by this you mean One Consciousness. I guess One Consciousness would require self love, as it would be very limited in its Finite Loneliness, being One Thing after all, which cannot ever exist in a Infinite System, hence there would be no Others to Love, which to me is the whole purpose of this word.
edit on 15-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

you seem to want to be the only one who's experiences are real

Unity...what ever I suggest as 'experiences' is subject to my own as well. Who am I to say that my own are 'real' and not something only my mind is creating? I am not suggesting such. But I would suggest that the more 'experiences' that one has that seems other worldly may show they are 'more in need' of their unconsciousness trying to connect to their consciousness. I am not suggesting that my own experiences are anything different or more real...on the I try to understand 'experience' that seem beyond this world or reality...I have to then weigh and measure the realness of my 'own'. And no..that is not always a easy thing to do for sometimes we find we are creating things just to communicate with our self...such as 'experiences of a higher self'.

so far you've asked questions that others have answered, and even brought to basic levels to explain, and then found fault with the attempts to answer them as if they were attempting to override your own beliefs

Just as I suggest things to wont allow them to override your own beliefs. Its no different
At least I havent dropped to the level of saying your not open minded enough.

and now you're asking questions, and yet not expecting anyone to attempt to answer

Im not saying Im not expecting anyone to answer...but its ok is anyone doesnt want to offer feedback on it. I get several emails about what I say in this thread....and obviously not all the people that are following it speak on the thread, so Im not suggesting that what I bring to the thread is for ONLY those that are answering. Just as you dont except what others may suggest to you and you find fault in what they suggests...I too am still walking my own path of understanding. I dont expect anyone to follow it and have shared with others the same realizations of what I talk no...I dont need you 'ok' for it to be so.

yet all the things you've asked have already been answered, many times.

I feel that some have tried to answer things from their own perspective..and I have appreciated their time in doing so. Its not so much I present questions because I look for answers....but to trigger things within others that are seeking along the same lines of thought. I offer questions...more as suggestive thought to others. If its not for you..then that is ok.

Im sorry if you cant get past the idea of being a part of a bigger whole...Im sorry if you think that oneness is lonely. Im sorry that it bothers you that your idea of what infinity should be is not mine. Through messages...its obvious to me that everyone does not find my posts just rambles that are ignoring obvious answers that have explained my thoughts.

You are free to think that the answers I have been given 'rule out' this idea of we are a part of a oneness that is a 'whole' and you are only a part of it. Im not here to debate it any more...which is why I said feedback was not necessary.

I would appreciate it if you would stop telling me as you think things are and should be. I obviously dont agree and others that have messaged me dont agree as well. If you wish to worry about who is right or wrong go right ahead. Im not here for that and it has gotten to the point of pushing people with another perspective out of this thread which would be a shame unless that is what people want....for there to be only one perspective speaking here.

Im not worried about the word infinity and Im not going to base my understandings of this experience on it. I know I feel connection with everything, I know I feel a wholeness and I am experiencing being a part of it...through the whole of mankind, through the whole of our mother earth, through the whole of this solar system...ect. If you want to base your understandings of what a word means...then go ahead. Maybe there is things going on that you cant fit into the definition of one word.

Edit to clarify something I said....its not that I dont appreciate and love others feedback....but just as I dont try to say IM RIGHT AND YOUR WRONG...I would appreciate it if others did the same respect and continue what this thread BEGAN to be which was sharing perspectives. Im sorry if that hurts feelings...mine are not hurt. Im not here to tell others they are wrong...Im only here to share my 'thoughts' which are limited and I at least admit that. Im not alone in thinking we are just a part of a bigger whole..anyone can search the web and see that many believe and feel oneness. Im not saying its may very well be just a 'part' of my path and more is to come FROM that. But I really feel within this last week there are others trying to TELL OTHERS what is right and how it MUST be and I get a really bad vibe from that. Its not that I dont appreciate others being who they are and their freedom and right to their path...but I also dont find that my understandings have been answered or found to be faulty through others understandings/perspectives and am pretty shocked that those other 'humlbed' ones are now saying what they have come to understand is the only way and their answers must explain things.

So in that...I decided to feel the waters of the energies in this thread once again....and again...Im finding that there must be some that are right and that is all that is excepted here. That is fine by me, seriously....I have no issues with letting that be 'the way' for this thread. But its not for 'everyone' and through messages from others...I know that to be true.

Off to be 'me' and live in my own little wonderment's of the world we call life

My best
edit on 15-11-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 03:46 PM
An additional note about dreams...

During sleep the eyes are closed, so that the brain to some degree becomes isolated from the outside world. Moreover all signals from the senses (except olfaction) must pass through the thalamus before they reach the brain cortex, and during sleep thalamic activity is suppressed.[25] This means that the brain mainly works with signals from itself.

I think its not always an easy thing to stay open to the idea that our mind is able to 'create' things that seem very real to us. I know in some dreams that I have felt like I was in another world in a very real experience....but I have to stay open to the idea that I dont know the full potential and power of our creative mind.

Quote is from wiki link on 'dreams'.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Everything is at different levels of vibration...we are in a ocean of motion

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Thanks for sharing what you believe in. Wishing you lots of love always and I'm sorry if you took my post in such a hard way, I was just trying to explain my side of things.

And I would never wish for you to feel you can't speak up, and share your own views, and I apologize if you thought I was hurting you, which wasn't the intent, just trying to bring up some things to think about, hope you don't mind. But if its going to be taken in the wrong way, then I apologize, and would rather just send Love to you, and warm wishes.
edit on 15-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 06:46 PM
Speaking of: 11-11 - - - OK - well someone was/is.

Next year my daughter's birthday will be 11-11-11

She thinks that's really cool.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
Everything is at different levels of vibration...we are in a ocean of motion

I really do believe - - there is more then one 'story' going on.

Just like in our everyday lives here in physical. There is so much diversity. And that is what I think is also going on in the world(s) 'beyond'.

I (me - myself & I) could be in the 'story' of the "Prison Planet". While you could be on a history 'Earth Cruise" vacation from the future when Earth is beautiful and peaceful.

I do believe everything is "of the One". But there is a whole lot of everything - - many layers/levels/vibration - etc.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

hi leovirgo,

do you think there is a source where this energy is being produced or came to be, you say it just is and all around, but could there be a bigger picture of why or how it behaves as it does, why a form of a flower exists or another form such as man using same energy does as well, to a extent I agree we as all being one and same, maybe not in as other worldly relm or as in consciousness alone, but as life brought together, connectedness of everything that is seen and experienced, something that questions oneself, if there is a purpose and reason of why all is how it is. why this energy differs so much, from shapes and colors to inteligence or design, why it seems on earth to be so plentiful and on another such as moon or sun so very different as variety.

since energy works with vibration, and form exists through this as differing higher or lower, is it's purpose then to become one and same vibration, to tune itself as one frequency alone in all things, to become like true self of energy and its form as whole, or as is, this energy being as seperate and unique in shape and design working one without necessarily the other as unison in parts of a whole of differing and self regulating connection.

as thoughts only go, a grasp in finding a purpose to oneness of life in the here and now or to the many changes that may be occuring for future through connectedness to this all becoming in tune one to the other.

thanks always to your thoughts or views, as same goes for all who post their questions or answers to what they understand as self or view to this thread as whole.

be safe, be merry.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Thanks for sharing what you believe in. Wishing you lots of love always and I'm sorry if you took my post in such a hard way, I was just trying to explain my side of things.

And I would never wish for you to feel you can't speak up, and share your own views, and I apologize if you thought I was hurting you, which wasn't the intent, just trying to bring up some things to think about, hope you don't mind. But if its going to be taken in the wrong way, then I apologize, and would rather just send Love to you, and warm wishes.
edit on 15-11-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Hello Unity...forgive my harshness from my last posts. I just wanted to be clear...Im not here to debate Im right or say another is wrong. I felt you came off as if Im ignoring an obvious answer and that I am the only one that disagrees with the answers that have been given....and you pretty much gave me the same reaction of ETMAN's of if I want to keep ignoring that the earth is not round idea.

You have not hurt me
and there are no hard feelings from me to anyone here. Sometimes, we have to ruffle our own feathers to let another know...I dont have to follow or think as you do. I try to do this as politely and patiently as possible. I try to place myself in others shoes and perspectives and see where they are coming from. I have my own ideas of why people think what they do....just as you may have your idea of why I think as I do...and that idea my even be that Im ignoring obvious answers as well as I may think the same about you or another. We have to remember that that is OK....we are all at different stages of developments in our own conscious understanding of this life, this world, our being of self ect....none are higher or lower and all are needed for this united experience what ever one wants to call it. Some think like is like a burden...some see it as a opportunity. Its all about perspectives and surely we all have reasons behind those perspectives.

I dont mind you giving your thoughts at all....but just as Im not going to answer your questions with 'the answer has already been given to you' as if you are ignoring an obvious thing right in front of your face...I ask you dont do that to me. I know you feel Im missing something in the grand picture and I have no issues with you feeling that why. I know you dont agree with the perspective of unity and oneness and I hope to always allow that grace to you that you have every right to walk what path you feel is for you.

Im not here to debate your perspective or ETMANS perspective. There are so many perspectives on 'what this experience means and is' that there is no way a humble seeker would say that only one perspective has worth. On a bigger level....they all hold worth in their own right. Even the perspectives of religions and ancient sun worship....hold worth in their own right. They all connect to a being that was trying to find their way. Be it for self or for more then self...all perspectives begin with a 'seeker'.

All my best always

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Annee

I do believe everything is "of the One". But there is a whole lot of everything - - many layers/levels/vibration - etc.

Defiantly...its all very complex and we can only imagine the vastness to it all.

I hope you and yours have a happy 11-11-11!
Its great to see the young ones get excited about things.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 11:21 AM


posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by redgy
reply to post by LeoVirgo

hi leovirgo,

do you think there is a source where this energy is being produced or came to be, you say it just is and all around, but could there be a bigger picture of why or how it behaves as it does, why a form of a flower exists or another form such as man using same energy does as well, to a extent I agree we as all being one and same, maybe not in as other worldly relm or as in consciousness alone, but as life brought together, connectedness of everything that is seen and experienced, something that questions oneself, if there is a purpose and reason of why all is how it is. why this energy differs so much, from shapes and colors to inteligence or design, why it seems on earth to be so plentiful and on another such as moon or sun so very different as variety.

since energy works with vibration, and form exists through this as differing higher or lower, is it's purpose then to become one and same vibration, to tune itself as one frequency alone in all things, to become like true self of energy and its form as whole, or as is, this energy being as seperate and unique in shape and design working one without necessarily the other as unison in parts of a whole of differing and self regulating connection.

as thoughts only go, a grasp in finding a purpose to oneness of life in the here and now or to the many changes that may be occuring for future through connectedness to this all becoming in tune one to the other.

thanks always to your thoughts or views, as same goes for all who post their questions or answers to what they understand as self or view to this thread as whole.

be safe, be merry.

I do think there is a source. This may be my wishful thinking or me seeing too much into experiences that seem to surpass this world and understanding...but I do think there is a source. I find it somewhat a impersonal source sometimes....for it doesnt need me to 'be' and it didnt need mankind for all the time that was before man. It may be of a nature that just is...and as it expresses its grandness, uniqueness, vastness, oneness, constantly and consistently.

The question you are thinking are things I think daily. Always pondering it and observing while I ponder. It can take one to a state of temporary madness and as well take one to state of stillness and blissful silence of just 'being'. Are those both traits of 'thee' I then must ask lol. Ahhhh the never ending circle of wonderment. Is it useless...? I dont think so.

Without all of those mystics and sages and seekers of our past....there would of not been some of the changes in the collective consciousness that has served us well until now, filling our desires to 'be'...offering us a state of usefulness in our 'being' us a 'reason' to expand our range of thought/consciousness as a self. As well....I believe, there is a collective consciousness that also evolves and is evolving and this is where the shift is taking place. I will try to sum it up...from a limited idea.

Isnt it funny that 1 person cant change the worlds for the better? Isnt it funny that one nation, be it as mighty as it may be...cant solve all the global problems by themselves with out the rest of the world participating in that 'action'? What worth is there with the movements in the collective that are coming forth like caring for the planet, living green, and groups and communities taking their personal time to reach out and help someone in need? Such small changes seem almost pointless...unless they 'become' global'. Some dont like this may mean to some to let go of the pride of being a nation in may mean letting go of pride of being a self that likes filling their free time with materials and pleasures. As a physical awareness heightens and peaks does a quantum change occur in vibrations? Its surely possible. Even if just within our own being or within us as a collective awareness that will help us be our truest potentials as a species and with our planet. Is our purpose limited if we are to only be stepping stones for a better future? Do we create the Spirit world due to its grace of being all that we can imagine it to be without all the harsh realities of this world? Are we only showing ourselves through those experiences....there is a higher potential of being and worth to 'being' of something?

Some say quantum consciousness is the realization of being one with others and nature, the idea that what we do to others and nature, we are doing only to our own self. Imagine...the responsibility we would all then claim if we knew such was true. I do think this is what we are moving to and being driven to but along the pathway, many will buck like a horse. I cant help but to think of my 4 year old looking at me when I tell him he needs to pick up his toys and he gives me this awful slumpy look and says 'bbbbbbbuuuuuuuuutttttt I dont want to'. As we grow many things do we face and have to learn to accept...that 'we dont want to'. Animals dont seem to worry with such a 'desire' of being....they seem to just be, and react to their environment, gladly being a part of it.

I do think there is purpose in evolving....from a world without conscious beings to a world with conscious beings. I think for the most past in our past collective consciousness we hoped that it was all 'for us' as individuals....but Im thinking (and so are alot of mystics ect now, and some of old did also) that its more just 'of' something on a natural course.

Here are some interesting sayings I have written down that just resonate with my path right now.

"I came, I surrendered, I became'.

"Im becoming the infinite compassion, the infinite love, the infinite concern. "

"Today I am of God...tomorrow I am 'for' God".

I think we all choose a perspective that is healthy for us as a 'self' and hopefully that perspective can allow us to be a healthy 'being' to others and the nature around us.

We are in a time where everything we thought we understood at a majority collective level...meets quantum physics. As a collective consciousness 'changes' and observes new possibilities...a 'shift' does occur. We might not notice the change really. But 2000 years from humanity then looks back to 'now'....I guarantee you, they will notice the mark in history. Consider we are on the brink of a 'big moment' that may not really be noticed till years and years from now.

Imagine yourself in a world that is united, looking back on itself when it was divided.

We have this vast universe that is of form that has provided eventually a 'conscious' being to observe it. We couldnt have became without it all, we must of had it to 'be' and it may be that for more to become we must be at our fullest potential. We as conscious beings have observed our brain works similar to the computers WE have created. Isnt that ironic? We have created something that resembles the working of OUR OWN BRAIN. We have taken energy and created with it....what nature created naturally. To me, this is a 'big moment'. Global potentials and possibilities are 'becoming' a real thing. It had gone from our imagination to 'manifestations'.

There is a stage of eastern mystics note that can be likened to what eastern new agers call the opening of the third eye. This level/stage of self development can be very ecstatic and literally miraculous but many seekers not understanding this is not the final level of development can get stuck in this stage for it is so grand and beautiful and fulfilling. There is more beyond this level of 'saintly' development which includes visions and spiritual experiences. The reasons for 'getting stuck' is the fulfillment of 'self' that a 'self' the experiences and visions and messages are very fulfilling as a 'being' and it is easy to get stuck in the idea that the 'self' of being is the whole reason for existence in this world.

Stepping outside of the experiences and observing what they say to us as a 'self' that is seeking....what messages of intent is within the message....what does the over all experience show us we are there something of purpose that the unconsciousness is trying to bring to the consciousness of integrating and unity? Even the very make up of our left bran and right brain not seeming to want to work together....even the flesh and spirit within self seems to buck against eachother....its easy to get caught up in the 'self experiences' that fill us with a satisfaction of just being a 'self' and nothing more of beyond that.

For me, the reason I think 'thee that is' is so plentiful, beautiful, vast, variety, complex, ect....because that is what thee is all at once, always, consistently....'being'. As thee would be 'conscious' it has produced, manifested, evolved, conscious beings to observe through and to 'be observed' all the same. It is the truest miraculous thing I can think in nature and beings that have the ability to nurture that nature.

Im not sure if its all seeking to become 'one vibration' but yet it has the ability for many waves to exists in one 'space of being' that vibrates together. I think harmony is what nature seeks amongst itself. As humans came on the scene...and sought personal harmony through desires and pleasures...we disrupted the harmony of nature. It begs to be beckons to be observed and shown awareness.

Ive gone from being a seeker for what comes after life and beyond this being a seeker for what can be 'in this life' and 'in this world'. Its the only realness...that I know of to count on and be a part of right now. Global awareness, a change in our collective consciousness. Funny thing is...its not so much out of 'will' I seek just seems to be the most natural path I have ever been on. Though I needed all of the other walks of thought, to get to what concerns me in the now.

I surely dont bring any of this as a matter of fact....Im trying to go from looking way beyond now to just looking to what is on the horizon of this world and humanity. It seems funny to me, though there is such a vast variety of 'life'....for a functioning world to be of its highest prime image...there must, absolutely must, be unity/harmony. I think this begs us to observe the nature of 'life/god/spirit/being'.

Edit to take out a word that I had in my notes called 'meher baba'....for Im not sure I used it correctly and dont want to mislead a understanding of a word or stage of 'being'. If you all could see the notebooks I have from taking down ideas, thoughts, realizations, resonations...through my past 5 years of study when I first felt the need to 'write' something would likely laugh (but in a good way I hope). As I write...things resonate on another level, a different observance can be found or come well as I read back a year later after I wrote something that I found important at one time...I can totally see why at that time what I wrote was of importance. My point was that there are stages of development of 'self' to the eastern mystics....and its easy to get stuck in the stage where a self has grand experiences. The idea is that the stage beyond not of the 'self' literally at all...but seeing the 'self' as a unique part of something bigger, whole....and then how to be a benefit to being a part of something.
edit on 16-11-2010 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

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