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World tired of us: Israeli minister

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posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

Umm, it is in your KJV. You should probably have read it by now.

My question is - did you interpret it correctly? Did YOU interepret it, or did some preacher tell you what it meant? Are you thinking or only being told how to think and interpret?


posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:06 PM
More anti-semitism and anti israeli rhetoric. It's pathetic. All the nations that surround israel have dismal human rights records. They all persecute jews and destroy their mosques and kill christians.

israel on the other hand, has moslems elected to their government. The surrounding nations get along with Israel by lobbing missiles into elementary schools. When Israel gave the Gaza strip back to the Pal.s they invited in Hamas and Al Qaeda and the missiles started flying.

Israel is just a tiny strip of so called Arab land. (Actually most of the Pal.s flooded into Israel after it was created and after the jews made the desert bloom.) Why don't the arabs give up some land for the Pal.s? They've got a lot more of it. In fact Jordan was supposed to be part of israel. I say the Jews should give Jordan to the Pal.s. That should fix the problem. Or maybe Syria should give up some of their territory.

Better yet, let's make every stupid libtard in the US house Hamas terrorists, since they are sooo sympathetic to their plight.

At any rate no one listens to reason concerning the Jews because their brains are lit on fire by the flames of hell. The devil hates Israel since it proves the Bible is the word of God. Israel was prophesied to be reborn and it was. You can't say that about any other nation. When all the worlds armies march against Israel (as is prophesied), I'm putting my money on Israel, since the world is going to get it's butt kicked.

I look forward to seeing Israel's borders extended from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates. That's where all the Israel hating is going to end. That will be a great day. The Muslim religion will be gone and no liberals will walk the land.

Other than that I have no real opinion on the subject.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

See? I told you I'd draw fire, and they'd loudly protest being outed!

Facts are facts. You don't promote "peace" in the region, you promote "anti-zionism", the new phrase for the same old ideology. Who you gonna target to erase "zionism"? Jains? Buddhists? Muslims? Hindus? no, you target jews to erase your "zionism".

If you were FOR "peace" rather than AGAINST "zionism", you'd be coming down as hard on the Palestinians as you are the "zionists".

Not MY bad if I see behind the dishonesty and word-games you're playing.

Yeah it is your bad if you are throwing mud for the express purpose of avoiding answering the issues at hand, you are being deeply dishonest. I cannot prove i'm not a racist, just as you cannot disprove that you are a rapist if i called you such a thing. These are deeply dishonest tactics.

There is no way i can prove i don't hate Jewish people, the simple fact is i don't but you can keep accusing me and there is nothing i can do to prove otherwise. All i can do is call you on your despicable tactics.

Still maybe you should actually read my posts because a little further up (maybe previous page) i called the palestinians who launch attacks against Israel scumbags. Go and check it out, it's up there somewhere, i called the Palistinians scumbags.

So basically that disproves your little attack here, i am coming down on them pretty harsh as well. I also stated that if either side just stopped attacking then the international community would come down hard on the person who continued their assaults.

So yes i'm for peace.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by LittleSecret

The problem with criticising Israel is that people will whip out the anti-semite card and quite quickly people stop listening to you. It's a pretty dishonest tactic but it's highly effective. We should be able to criticise Israel without being labelled as anti-semetic but people are rarely able to be even handed, it's easier to believe everyone that dislikes Israels tactics are simply Jew haters.

At the same time there are genuine anti-semites who are absolute scumbags and they are the ones who help foster this situation. We get thrown in the same group as these people.

I won't support any country that bulldozes peoples houses, while claiming they are just doing it to defend their own borders.

Just because their are Jew haters around the world doesn't mean that everyone who criticizes the actions of the Zionists are Jews haters.

That is the most idiotic, brainwashed, ignorant, lazy piece of argument I have ever seen in my life.

I have been in the debating forums for a long time, and I have never seen any freaken group, or people with certain ideas to have such mentality.

I think the people who bring the anti-Semite card in to every discussion should be called anti-Semite because ultimately they are the ones who are spreading hate against the Jews.

It is a psycho trick, think about it and see if you can figure it out.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Gakus
Why is it ALWAYS the same people posting this Anti-Semite crap.

Are you referring to me somehow because I made this thread?

If so do me a favor, please define my anti-semitism
What exactly have I said that makes me anti-semitic?

Also, if you are able to do that(which I doubt), please define pro-semitism for me please.

Because if you find anti-semitism to be being against crimes against humanity then does that mean that in order to be pro-semitic one must be FOR crimes against humanity?

Please quote anything that I said proving I am anti-semtic and then define pro-semitism please.

Thank You in advance

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I'm going to ask you the same question as I asked CanadianDream420 and mamabeth - which Israel are you talking about? The New Testament distinguishes clearly that there are two Israels - one of the flesh and one of the spirit. It is not semantics, they are clearly described separately by Paul. So which Israel are you "putting your money on"?

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

If you were FOR "peace" rather than AGAINST "zionism", you'd be coming down as hard on the Palestinians as you are the "zionists".

OMG - Usher.

I see the Palestinians as victims, time to start the debate.

Question #1:
Why should I be hard on the Palestinians>?

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

I don't support Israel. Sorry.

The people I have nothing against. The actions of the state and how it came into existance bothers me. Jews do not bother me. Muslims do not bother me. Christians do not bother me. Religious Zealots that beleive their dogma to the point where they can justify and even revel in the death, pain and suffering of other groups of people bothers me. I see no difference between a desperate terrorist fighting for their beleifs and zealots that support attrocities so that their mythological beleifs can be made into a reality.

I do not seek conflict so I will not lock horns with you. Dealing with hardcore indoctrinated religious people is futile.

Nonetheless you have the right to beleive what you wish and I respect that right.

I was going to finish with 'Peace' as a salutation but it seems that would be out of place as you support Israel and Peace is not their objective.

[edit on 3-7-2010 by Titan Uranus]

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
I have to think about this one,hummm...
After giving some thought to the topic,I
have decided to stick to my original reasons.

What were those reasons though pertinent to my question?
I'm not attempting to change your mind or prove you wrong or right
Just want to understand more in a friendly manner that's all

I may not agree with you but you often display more class than others who's views I do agree with.

What is your opinion on jews that are against israeli policies?

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Now_Then

l`ll carry your luggage for you.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
If so do me a favor, please define my anti-semitism
What exactly have I said that makes me anti-semitic?

I can do that for you, basically you said something bad about Israel and that automatically means you are an anti-semite in these peoples eyes.

It's stupid really, it's like someone criticising the USA for invading Iraq and then Christians calling those people anti-christian.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by Titan Uranus

Is peace an objective for anyone in the region?

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by JcOg323

Originally posted by JcOg323
Removed Millions of Muslims? Where do you get your information from? Or do you just try and sway people with your ignorance? Try not even a million. And they left on their own accord due to the British Peel plan, which called for voluntary transfer of Arabs, and there was never an official Zionist policy or directive or order calling for mass expulsion of Arabs by force as a general policy. There wasn't even a Palestinian people at the time. The Arabs of Palestine identified themselves variously as Arabs, Syrians, Nabulsi, Qudsi etc. and did not have a concept of Palestinian Arab nationhood or any Palestinian national organizations at that time. I love how people try to distort the facts or just flat out lie to try and further their own agenda's. Oh and what about the neighboring MUSLIM country's who have kept their fellow muslims in refugee camps instead of allowing them to assimilate into their country's? Real brotherhood going on their.

Sorry, I was under the impression the area was more heavily populated during the time. I have no agenda, and I was not lieing. I was simply stating my opinion on the matter.

The 1948 Palestinian exodus occurred when approximately 725,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes, during the creation of the state of Israel and the civil war that preceded it.

So, you are right when you corrected my statement about millions of muslims being displaced in order to create the Jewish state of Israel in 1948.

However, in that same link it says,

In September 1949, the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine estimated 711,000 Palestinian refugees existed outside Israel,with about one-quarter of the estimated 160,000 Palestinian Arabs remaining in Israel as "internal refugees". Today, Palestinian refugees and their descendants are estimated to number more than 7 million people.

So, YES! Millions of Muslims have been affected and displaced since the creation of Israel in 1948.

[edit on 3-7-2010 by tooo many pills]

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
It's stupid really, it's like someone criticising the USA for invading Iraq and then Christians calling those people anti-christian.

You would think so, however guess what?
THAT is also sometimes called being anti-semetic.

Some call criticizing the U.S. for invasions anti-semetic too

Exactly what was Ben Stein implying there?

And if you read the comments in that youtube video many support Ben's accusation for some strange odd unexplainable reason

[edit on 3-7-2010 by ModernAcademia]

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

I apologise for the direct insult. I have edited the post.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

the best part about it is there all founded on the old testament which teaches love thy neighbour and do unto others as you would have them do unto you and not one of them can get it right lay down the sword and embrace and love there bretheren.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by LookingIn

I do read my Bible(KJV) and I do make my own
decisions.I ask the Lord for His guidence before
I read the Bible.If the Lord wants me to know
something,He will reveal it to me,through reading
His Word and prayer.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Titan Uranus

Is peace an objective for anyone in the region?

just as its easier to kill than create its easier to hate than love
its really pretty sad when you think about some of the oldest civilisations on earth still fighting over the same things they fought over thousands of years ago .

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Perhaps not. I do not support any military actions. I support a redistribution of land back to the native inhabitants of least, say up to 4 generations, not back into biblical times. The whole thing is deeper and darker than we will ever know. Its like a poster said earlier, its a case of David and Goliath whereby Israel is Goliath and they constantly play the victim. I guess part of my negativity toward Israel is that they have been playing the world for the morons we prove ourelves to be and up until a few years back I bought into the pro Israel propaganda. Then I got a wake up call in a Unit at University and it started to open my eyes. They are as evil as they will have us beleive the muslims are. And by they I mean the PBT that control the state and our media.


posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by LookingIn

I've read the Bible from cover to cover 8 times. My personal opinion is that the concept of spiritual Israel and in general making all of God's specific promises concerning Israel spiritual is a mistake.

The rebirth of Israel was prophesied in great detail in about a dozen different places in the old testament. The church is an in-grafted branch into Judaism, but more generally the law of christ and the covenant of Christ supersedes the law of Moses, which was fulfilled once and for all time in Christ. Just as the Mosaic law supersedes the law of Noah.

It's kind of hard to ignore the in-your-face fulfillment of the prophecy of the rebirth of Israel and not to take it literally. By itself it's one of the most profound proofs that the prophetic record of the Bible is correct. To throw that out because of a desire to spiritualize and make symbolic all of these specific prophecies is not only silly in the face of world events, but is also poor hermeneutics. Proper Biblical hermeneutics suggests interpreting the Bible literally unless the Bible itself provides a symbolic or spiritual interpretation. One example of this is the Biblical day of creation. The Bible clearly states in several places that a day to the Lord is a much longer period of time than 24 hours. Hence there is a good reason to treat a day of creation as symbolic. No such interpretations are provided for the promises concerning Israel.

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