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Lucifer = Planet Venus, not Satan - PROOF

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posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Unity_99
Also if you look at the pentagram, and note that its two intercepting triangles
Um, no it's not. That's a hexagram that's the intersection of two triangles... 6 points, not 5. Basic geometry...

Used the wrong word, drinking my cup of coffee. The hexagram is two inverted triangles,

A hexagram is a six-pointed geometric star figure, [6/2] or 2[3], the compound of two equilateral triangles.

One is rule by a few evil ones, and the other is equality.


Venus represented duality too in that its our so called evil twin. And Saturn for a host of reasons I believe, but the hexagon and the eye are there, plus I believe they open portals to different channels with some of their occult practices.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
EVERY inner planet makes a pentagram at certain times.... wtf - new low.
Actually, you're wrong.

Venus and Mars for comparison...

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Venus represented duality too in that its our so called evil twin. And Saturn for a host of reasons I believe, but the hexagon and the eye are there, plus I believe they open portals to different channels with some of their occult practices.
How the heck is a hexagon there? We've shown a pentagonal figure in relation to Venus's orbit, but you can't go willy-nilly equating 5 and 6 just because it suits you to do so!!!

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Phage

Just about any 5 points set around a circle will form this kind of "pentagram".

This just needs to be re-iterated...

If you draw a circular path around the Sun, especially true with closer planets, you can make a pentagram, or a square, or a triangle, or a circle...

The OP pentagram design is a total hoax!! It means NOTHING except that someone tried to sell you this idea. ridiculous OP concerning Venus portion.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:24 PM
According to some researcher I read several years ago, the ONLY mention of Lucifer in the Bible was a name change. Lucifer is a Roman/Latin word, but the story about the fallen Babylonian king in Isaiah is much older, before the Latin language existed. Is the story about the supposed rebellion of 1/3 of the angels in Heaven associated with the name Lucifer? If so, it comes from an extra-Biblical source.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:07 PM
I have actually had the morning star tattooed on my wrist for about 10 years now. It is an extremely powerful symbol, and what is interesting is that the bible is even confused as to it's meaning:

A name for Lucifer (Luci-fer, Venus as light-bringer); a fallen angel[NIV], also called "Day Star," from certain translations of Isaiah 14:3-20.

A title of Jesus (Revelation 22:16)


Interesting huh?

I always took it for the "as above so below", used to describe how polar or seemingly contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn.

Here is a link to my tattoo if anyone cares to see:

Great post, never saw that .gif animation based of the star map. So star and flag sir!

[edit on 9-5-2010 by DrEyebrows]

[edit on 9-5-2010 by DrEyebrows]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Thermo Klein

Originally posted by Phage

Just about any 5 points set around a circle will form this kind of "pentagram".

This just needs to be re-iterated...

If you draw a circular path around the Sun, especially true with closer planets, you can make a pentagram, or a square, or a triangle, or a circle...

The OP pentagram design is a total hoax!! It means NOTHING except that someone tried to sell you this idea. ridiculous OP concerning Venus portion.

I don't know why you guys are denying the Pentagon/Pentagram?pentacle between Venus and Earth. I guess i will have to explain it a little better, i am sorry for not doing that. From the wonderful book "VENUS, Her cycles, Symbols & Myths", here is some info on the sacred dance:

The sacred geometry of proportions, visible in patterns and designs of organic life, is the natural rhythm of planetary cycles. The dance of Venus with the Sun and Earth has a tempo not unlike the waltz - eight to thirteen, which is known as the golden or divine proportion; that is eight years and thirteen stations or conjunctions.

Now i have not mentioned this yet, but there is something extra special about Venus/Earth relationship. The Golden Ratio, or Fibonacci series numbers are involved with Venus/Earth. Explained more in a bit.

Rose Pattern
A picture is worth a thousand words. Over a period of eight years, Venus traes the rose pattern in her dance with the Sun. Figure 4 is an illustration of the astronomical plate from James Ferguson's Astronomy Explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, 1799 edition, Plate III. The little circle in the center represents the Earth; the pattersn represent the motion of Venus. (the below image is basically the same thing, the image from the book is in black and white.)

The Symmetry of Venus's cycles within cycles is breathtakingly beautiful. The five consecutive synodic cycles of Venus completes the rose shape. The word synod means "to come together." The loops are formed by her retrograde periods, which takes place at approximately 584-day intervals. The tip of the petals represents the Full Venus, and 584 days later she is painting another tip.

So every 584 earth days, Venus becomes as close to earth and than starts to move away. As you can see in the above image, these points make a petal in the rose shape, or if you like one of the 5 points in the pentagram/pentacle/pentagon.

Divine Proportion
The golden mean or rectangle is encountered when taking the ratios of geometric figures, such as the pentagon (five angles), decagon (10 angles) and dodecagon (12 angles). Plato and Pythagoras, in their mystery schools, considered the divine proportion, or golden mean (1.618) sacred. There are five cycles of Venus every eight years. Eight divided by five equals 1.625. The numerical value of the golden ratio is unending and usually rounded off to three decimal places. Italian mathematician Fibonacci, who lived around 1175-1250 CE, gave us the Latin numbers, the Fibonacci series, and the decimal system as opposed to the Roman numbers in use until the Thirteenth century. The Fibonacci series of numbers is 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 . . . The addition of any two consecutive numbers results in the next number in the sequence. The ratio of two consecutive numbers in the series is the golden mean. As the numbers in the Fibonacci series increase, the decimal representation grows higher.

Ok that is a little background in the Golden Mean, Golden Ratio and Fibonacci series. Now let's put it all together with Venus. The author continues to talk about how people in our past have used the golden ratio to built works of art, sacred buildings and many aspects of life.

The Golden Mean of the Motion of Venus
That geometric ratio present in a beautiful body and face is also present in the motion of Venus. Venus orbits the Sun in 224.695 days, and the Earth orbits the Sun in 365.242 days, creating a ratio of 8/13. The ratio of the orbit of Venus in her dance with the SUn and the Earth equals the golden mean of 1.625 - 13 divided by 8. Five conjunctions of Earth and Venus take place every eight orbits of the Earth around the Sun and every thirteen orbits of Venus.

Quick Cycle Review
There are two main cycles. The first is the waxing and waning 584-day synodic cycle, which equates to about 18 months and is split into two 9 month periods. There are five phase cycles, which create the five eight-year cycles. Five phase cycles equate to 2,920 days, which equal eight solar rotations (8 x 365 = 2,920 days). Thus, each one of the five synodic periods within the complete cycle repeats at 2,920-day intervals, which is eight Earth years. The numbers five, eight, and thirteen are intrinsically connected to the Venus cycles and repated in the pentagram shape used to illustrate her cycle.

Now if you do not find this fascinating, i urge you to step away from the bible and marvel at what the universe has to offer, no offense.

What i find interesting is that the Conjunctions are split between 18 months, half of it being the morning star and the other half being the evening star. Is it a coincidence that the it takes 9 months for women to give birth? Also, you can find a connection between the moon and women's periods.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:13 PM
so yeah I guess that start is automatically upside down, or is it? is it up right and not the sign of the devil or is it just a 5 point star. This is stupid and irrelevant. Just because a star has 5 points on it doesn't automatically make it the sign of the devil! If so I guess we have quite a few of those on our flag!

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
You can play all the word games you want with astronomy charts or whatever, but fact remains, billions of people consider lucifer=satan as synonymous terms.

Just because 10 or 15 people on the internet think it's Venus, isn't going to make a dent in the grand scheme of things.

Sorry to inform you of this likely scenario.

You are aware that strength in numbers isn't a good point to argue from many people once thought witch's wizards and dragons were real. I challenge you to find me ONE person that believes in those 3 and has viable proof of their existence. And you state that satan is a fact? well you know what to do YOU are making the assertion so YOU have to find the evidence to convince me (an atheist) beyond all reasonable doubt that satan (lucifer) is real... Good luck with that

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Venus doesn't make a pentagram orbit and neither does earth. They travel a circuit, or, a circle. There are five points along that circuit where the two are closest. The fact does not change that even though you can connect those dots to make a pentagram does not mean that they travel a pentagram. They travel a circle. They don't hop all over the place to make a pentagram form they go from one point to the next to make a circle. You could also draw a pentogram, but, they don't travel in that pattern either. The orbit makes a circle not a line or a series of lines.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:24 PM
From the same Venus book i quoted in my last post, i wanted to add the following:

IT is actually a revelation to note in how many instances the pentagram symbol is used. The symbol for the Venus cycle is an ancient symbol of protection. Here is a short list of the symbolism of the pentagram:

  • Gnostics - The Blazing Star, also known as Venus the Morning Star
  • Freemasons - the 72 degree compass is the emblem of virtue and duty. Also the women's division of the masons is known as Eastern Star - the daughters of Venus.
  • Ancient and Medieval Philosophy - the spirit was the purest element above earth, air, fire and water, the foundation of life
  • Hebrews - the symbol of Truth
  • Pythagoras - the emblem of perfection
  • Druids - the symbol of Godhead
  • Egypt - knowledge and the underground Womb
  • Pagan Celts - the goddess of Morrigan
  • Early Christians - Five wounds of Christ
  • Sir Gawain's glyph - symbolizing the five knightly virtues of generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry, and piety
  • In advertisements - shows that a service or product is subject to a seniors discount
  • Mormon temples - inverted form used
  • According to Knight and Lomas, the pentagram sitting on two legs is the symbol for summer and the inverted one for winter.

  • posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:27 PM
    reply to post by omega.13

    same avy..............ohh was i off topic

    posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:29 PM
    reply to post by BeastMaster2012

    Thank you for creating this thread.

    It’s good to get topics like this into the public forum so everyone will be motivated to search for the real meaning of things.

    From Strong’s Concordance:
    OT:1966 heylel —
    Lucifer = "light-bearer"
    1) the shining one, the morningstar, Lucifer; used of the king of Babylon and Satan (figuratively)
    2) Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament: `Helel,' describing the king of Babylon

    People should seek the true MEANING of scripture.

    To me, it’s very SIMPLE…

    Venus = just a planet in our solar system = neither good or evil
    Lucifer = description of proud, oppressive, cruel ruler = evil
    Satan = the devil = evil

    No matter how many people try to turn Lucifer/heylel into something other than evil, it can’t be done.
    TPTB today are similar to Lucifer = evil

    …and they also will be cast down to the pit.


    posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:34 PM

    Originally posted by PhyberDragon
    Venus doesn't make a pentagram orbit and neither does earth. They travel a circuit, or, a circle. There are five points along that circuit where the two are closest. The fact does not change that even though you can connect those dots to make a pentagram does not mean that they travel a pentagram. They travel a circle. They don't hop all over the place to make a pentagram form they go from one point to the next to make a circle. You could also draw a pentogram, but, they don't travel in that pattern either. The orbit makes a circle not a line or a series of lines.

    posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:36 PM
    reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

    The words in bold are definitely attributed to a male being..a 'man'.


    If you read the passage, that 'man' was the King of Babylon and he was being compared to the morning star.

    posted on May, 9 2010 @ 02:12 PM
    So in many ways the satanic rituals revolving the pentagram actually is a act of love? no the meaning is still dark. Its just a word, while action is the consequence

    posted on May, 9 2010 @ 02:15 PM

    Originally posted by Thermo Klein
    reply to post by BeastMaster2012

    I've got a cold and in a bad mood taking care of my sick baby so forgive me... but

    This is THE MOST IGNORANT thread I have ever seen on ATS

    EVERY inner planet makes a pentagram at certain times.... wtf - new low.

    (As far as Satan vs Lucifer stuff, maybe so, but your Venus connection wasn't worth answering the rest of it.)

    I have never heard this. If you can present some evidence, i would be greatful. I have heard that either Mercury or Mars makes a Hexagram, but not a pentagram.

    Remember people, this 5 pointed star does NOT need to be a pentagram. If you don't like that word you can see it as a pentagon, or a pentacle, or 5 pointed star.

    Do not be so offended by the 5 pointed star. We have 5 of them on the American flag. They just filled in the stars to make them look better.

    posted on May, 9 2010 @ 02:25 PM
    reply to post by BeastMaster2012

    Alright, well I'm glad you've found meaning in the mathematics and patterns. The Fibonacci sequence is an amazing thing.

    posted on May, 9 2010 @ 02:38 PM

    Originally posted by Thermo Klein
    reply to post by BeastMaster2012

    Alright, well I'm glad you've found meaning in the mathematics and patterns. The Fibonacci sequence is an amazing thing.

    This statement i agree with! After seeing the Star made between Venus and Earth i re investigated the Fibonacci sequence and was shocked to find it was involved with the dance of Earth/Venus. The sequence is found in many places in nature:

    It is really remarkable.

    posted on May, 9 2010 @ 02:53 PM
    reply to post by TruthSeeker8300

    Agreed Truth Seeker.

    As well, Lucifer was NEVER referred to as or thought of as "lux-fer". I don't know... who said that... but the reason why the name is "Lucifer" is because it is Lucis Fer - with the "s" taken out for poetic license. The reason it is Lucis is because it is the indirect object. The light is being brought, "fer". So, no, it is not lux-fer, but Lucis Fer. And there are many lucifers referred to in the Bible. The difference is that the Satan or adversary used to be a lucifer and still portrays himself as a lucifer. But in reality, is the advocate of challenge. He is the one who troubles us and seeks to bring us down. It is his job to make sure we all fail.

    And with this article, if you convinced any Christians otherwise, then you succeeded in their failure.

    All that stuff was designed to make someone sound smart... but really not.

    After thinking about the declension of Lux, I may be mistaken about lucis being the indirect object, but it might be the direct object.

    So long since I have used latin.
    But Lux is definitely the nominative case, not the Dative or Accusative.

    [edit on 5/9/2010 by TarzanBeta]

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