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Arizona has done the nation a favor.

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posted on May, 1 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by primus2012
Those that are opposed to this bill probably have darn good reasons other than "they're profiling me and that's not fair".

A few examples:
1. I have a few kilos of something illegal in my trunk.
2. I am an illegal living in this country for a long time and have avoided INS thus far. I work for cash and don't want to pay taxes.
3. I frequently cross the borders and would be inconvenienced by all the extra checking.
4. I am a citizen, but am wanted on several warrants.
5. I'm against anything that has to do with possibly hurting someone's feelings other than caucasian males who are the devil and are obviously related to Nazi's.
6. Drugs and violence are USA's fault even though the major players are from Mexico, Central and South America.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by primus2012]

[edit on 1-5-2010 by primus2012]

Yeah, it'd be ridiculous to suggest objections are being based on an ethical manner.

PFFT, Ethics, who needs it?

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 12:11 PM
Come on...
if the feds had done their jobs from the start AZ wouldn't have had to make this crazy law...
And don't tell me the feds didn't know, in another post
I have a thread on how a cartel member is now number one on the FBI's most wanted list

But no one wanted to take the heat for closing the border and now look where we are, making us take sides with each other when we should be unified as a nation

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Evisscerator

Now, can someone please tell me, again, just HOW these hard-working individuals, who happen to risk a lot to come into the USA illegally, yet contribute to the economies of their local cities and towns are taking away JOBS from legal residents?

WORST argument EVER! You mean that millions of people flooding into this country willing to work at whatever wage someone will give them has no impact on the jobs situation? That's the problem, you look at the upper middle class whites protesting and you sneer at their audacity complaining about the jobs being lost. Take your eyes off of them and lower them down the socio-economic rung a few levels and you will find your people impacted.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
reply to post by XNeMeSis21

Another ignorant comment, from a TRUE racist who is so completely blinded by skin color, that he/she has FAILED to read the bill. The police ARE NOT out to look for illegals PRIMARILY!! If an illegal alien gets pulled over for speeding, or stopped for loitering or some other offense, like ANY of us, they will be asked for ID. If in the couse of that ID'ing, it's found they are here illegally, they can be arrested for that, it doesn't matter WHAT country they are from, or the color of their skin. The police WILL NOT be pulling over people because they look Mexican. Jesus Christ people. The language in the law was amended so to ease the fears that those who either report a crime, or victims of a crime will be asked to prove citizenship, they WILL NOT. Only if you're suspected of breaking a law or ordinance, and the police, as with ANY OTHER stop, must have probable cause, and skin color is NOT probable cause. This law MIRRORS the federal laws, which the feds refuse to enforce because they are bought and paid for by special interests, and those interests are not of the American people.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by 27jd]

That's how it is around here huh? Don't agree with my point so your comments are ignorant and your a "TRUE RACIST". What a good way to have an intelligent debate.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 12:46 PM
TPTB have us exactly where they want us to be. Instead of looking at the big picture we're arguing and fighting over laws and their applications.

Please consider this: the US has technology that would make our border impervious to illegal penetration. Why is it not used?

Answer me this and you have found the real issue of illegal immigration.

Thank you for your consideration.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by piddles

Why not focus on the people who make it easy for them to sneak in and get a job? The only reason why they risk their lives is because they know someone will hire them. If the Fed. gov't severely punished people who hire illegals (min. 25 years, exorbitant fines) and spent the mpney they do on enforcing their poorly enforced laws on deep, thorough investigations into illegal immigrant employers, I HIGHLY doubt this would be as big of a problem as it is.

That's right, let's empower a federal government--the same government that has been given the power to protect our borders and stop much of the illegal crossings, but has failed miserably doing so--to criminalize citizens for doing nothing more than hiring a person and giving them a job. What a concept! It must be the fault of hard working, but undeniably evil business people. They're the reason we have all the problems with illegal aliens.

It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the social welfare programs, and very loud, vocal arguments from politicians clamoring for amnesty. Nooooo, that sort of thing is noble and just, but business? Well, any enlightened soul knows business is the root of all evil, so let's keep our borders wide open and easy to cross, let's tax the hell out of the evil people who dare to make a profit off of their own business, so we can redistribute that wealth to illegals, then let us demand amnesty for them while we imprison those who gave them jobs. It's so simple really.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by Jean Paul Zodeaux]

people who hire illegals for work are LAZY (not hardworking) and would rather pay someone peanuts than a citizen what they're supposed to get. that's the whole point! If all illegals are supposedly criminals, that makes the people who hire them supporters of criminal activity. You refuse to acknowledge that illegals wouldn't come here if there was no work (because the risk would be too high) probably because it doesn't suit your point of view.

also I have to tell you: you're nothing short of retarded. How are people who hire illegals not spreading the wealth to illegals? there's making a profit and there's ripping off the american people to save costs. no one's demanding amnesty, genius.


NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT SOCIAL WELFARE PROBLEMS. even if so, these services should be denied to illegals. there should be no sort of incentive to come here if you're not a citizen just visiting.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by piddles]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by AllIsOne

you mean like UAVs? border patrol already uses stuff like this, I can't think of anything better. it's on the national geographic channel

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by piddles

people who hire illegals for work are LAZY (not hardworking) and would rather pay someone peanuts than a citizen what they're supposed to get.

Your own lack of research to support this claim indicates just how LAZY you are in an effort to demonize business. NPR, for example, reports that of the more than 12 million illegal immigrants in this country, more than half work in construction, manufacturing and leisure/hospitality, but I assure you that you will have a difficult time proving that they were hired to do these jobs, because their employers were too "LAZY" to do the work themselves.

Further, that same article claims that if there were no illegal immigrants to take unattractive work, such as working in meat plants, the "LAZY" businesses you refer to would simply just invest in technologies to do that job for them.

also I have to tell you: you're nothing short of retarded. How are people who hire illegals not spreading the wealth to illegals?

Of course, this statement makes no sense, as I never made any claim that those who hired illegals weren't spreading wealth. This is your canard, attempting to equate social programs that engage in wealth redistribution with free market principles. Try again.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by Jean Paul Zodeaux]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by RedskinWally

PS I'm not supporting the illegals. Just pointing out this does not only effect Mexicans.

And that becomes the beautiful thing about it, even white boys can or will be affected by it either now or in future days when the bill is bigger than it should be constitutionally allowed. not that it is constitutional now, but it could be worse.
I also see alot of meskins claimin to be indian and the indian nation will once again be huge.
However these new indians will hardly be good breeding stock if they run from anything.

/end rant.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:01 PM
This is pretty much the beginning of the disintegration of the US that a certain Russian professor predicted. If the Feds step in and overule Arizona state law, which they will, then the only thing Arizona can do to stop Federal law is to secede. However, they will be isolated on all fronts by TPTB, and will be made an example of if they ever try.

The elite have the American people infighting about who's a citizen, when the New World Order has essentially eliminated the idea of nation-states. The elite will see Arizona as nothing more than a slave/peasant revolt, and will lay the smacketh down.

I predict a false-flag or real terrorism in either Arizona or somewhere else in middle America that will be blamed on the Tea Party or anti-immigration movement. This could also be used for an escalation in the "border wars" per se as well.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:05 PM
The illegals are not getting deported, guaranteed more citizens will see trouble from this then illegals who will most likely be detained for a bit.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by Amelie]

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by piddles

Satellites, UAVs, motion sensors, thermal imaging, ir-cameras, etc. And that's just the stuff that is public knowledge ...

Our current border protection is a scam! Cui bono ...

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by keldorn
If the Feds step in and overule Arizona state law, which they will, then the only thing Arizona can do to stop Federal law is to secede.

I'd like to see Arizona try. The civil war pretty much squashed the succession argument.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Amelie
The illegals are not getting deported, guaranteed more citizens will see trouble from this then illegals who will most likely be detained for a bit.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by Amelie]

I'm sorry but illegals are being deported the problem is that they sneak back in a couple of days later because, for whatever reason, the US does not want to really secure the border.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by piddles

people who hire illegals for work are LAZY (not hardworking) and would rather pay someone peanuts than a citizen what they're supposed to get.

Your own lack of research to support this claim indicates just how LAZY you are in an effort to demonize business. NPR, for example, reports that of the more than 12 million illegal immigrants in this country, more than half work in construction, manufacturing and leisure/hospitality, but I assure you that you will have a difficult time proving that they were hired to do these jobs, because their employers were too "LAZY" to do the work themselves.

Further, that same article claims that if there were no illegal immigrants to take unattractive work, such as working in meat plants, the "LAZY" businesses you refer to would simply just invest in technologies to do that job for them.

also I have to tell you: you're nothing short of retarded. How are people who hire illegals not spreading the wealth to illegals?

Of course, this statement makes no sense, as I never made any claim that those who hired illegals weren't spreading wealth. This is your canard, attempting to equate social programs that engage in wealth redistribution with free market principles. Try again.

[edit on 1-5-2010 by Jean Paul Zodeaux]

I don't have to research, it's totally just proved my point for me by saying 6 million of them are employed illegally. If their employers wouldn't hire them, why would else would they be here?

but I assure you that you will have a difficult time proving that they were hired to do these jobs, because their employers were too "LAZY" to do the work themselves.

because there's no official documentation, because they don't have to insure them or put them on any sort of official payroll, hence why they hire illegals and why illegals come here. they KNOW employers will cut whatever costs they can, especially in these trying times.

Technology costs money to purchase and maintain. illegal laborers are less than a fraction of the cost.

perhaps that's not exactly what you said, but when did I even mention any kind of social program before you mentioned it? when did I say amnesty is the way to go? I'm making the point that we're patronizing the wrong people since they have no money and will always find new ways to come here if there's work, even after being deported.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Phedreus


5 stars * * * * *

About time a border state stood up for this country!! Im so sick and and tired of this b. s happening around this country. And this is not about "RACE" stop selling that ridiculous propaganda. It s about stopping ILLEGALS crossing the border and sucking, leeching this country of its resources and eliminating crime coming to this country. Its about protecting our Constitution!

Stop waving your flag in America and come here legally and PAY TAXES!!! and learn to speak and write english not the other way around. I dont care if your marching for your cause for whatever reason that may be which I dont care! If your here legally and you have proof and paying taxes fine but if your an illegal living off of welfare housing assistance get the f *** out!!! Where this so called govt. failed Arizona is picking up the slack!! Shes got more intelligence and balls of brass than most of the people that are in office!!!

Guess What????!!!! WE DO NOT WANT YOU HERE. Take your crime and your illegal status back to mexico and keep it there!!! If waving your flag is sooooooooooo great and your sooooooooooooo proud of it THEN STAY THE HELL OVER THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why dont oh lets say 10000 Americans go to mexico start waving our flags drinking their tequila sleeping with their women what would you think!!!???

We Americans that had forefathers fight for this Country and are keeping this Country from being drained from its resources ARE THE MAJORITY!!!!

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by piddles

I don't have to research, it's totally just proved my point for me by saying 6 million of them are employed illegally. If their employers wouldn't hire them, why would else would they be here?

And you just proved my point as to who is actually lazy. So lazy are you, that when data is spoon fed to you, you still refuse to do the necessary thinking, erroneously taking that data and misinterpreting it. That report did not state that 6 million were employed illegally, but stated that of the 12 million here illegally, half of them work in the three different fields I mentioned. Whatever point you think you are trying to make, your point that honest citizens should be imprisoned for doing nothing more than hire a person, is an outrageous idea that only further advocates tyranny in this country.

because there's no official documentation, because they don't have to insure them or put them on any sort of official payroll, hence why they hire illegals and why illegals come here. they KNOW employers will cut whatever costs they can, especially in these trying times.

There are plenty of illegal immigrants on an "official" payroll, having used forged documents to get the jobs. Further, there are plenty of employers who have discovered who the hired were in fact illegal immigrants, and attempted to inform ICE only to be ignored. You can make blanket generalizations all you want, if you honestly think the only work illegal immigrants get is from standing in front of Home Depot all day, you have no clue as to what obvious is.

Technology costs money to purchase and maintain. illegal laborers are less than a fraction of the cost.

This only further demonstrates your profound ignorance. Again, what that NPR report argued was that if illegal immigration were reduced, any perceived effect they had on wages would remain minimal, as businesses, when faced with paying higher wages, versus technologies that can accomplish the same, the clear and obvious choice is technology as it is far easier to maintain than humans are, and can be purchased rather than strike a contract with.

perhaps that's not exactly what you said, but when did I even mention any kind of social program before you mentioned it?

It is irrelevant what you have to say about social programs, that they are being used to subsidize illegal immigration is not in doubt. California has a serious problem with this, as did Arizona when Janet Naplitano was Governor of that state, this woman now being the Secretary of Homeland Security, it is equally obvious that with her in this position, little to nothing will be done about protecting our borders from massive illegal crossings.

when did I say amnesty is the way to go?

It matters not what you have to say about amnesty, that politicians are making loud speeches advocating amnesty should not be in doubt. This vocal support of this policy only encourages more illegal immigration across borders a federal government refuses to protect.

I'm making the point that we're patronizing the wrong people since they have no money and will always find new ways to come here if there's work, even after being deported.

You are clearly advocating imprisoning citizens as a solution to illegal immigration rather than acknowledging the problem stems from the failure of government to do the job they were tasked to do.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by NumberNone

why should they be allowed to come in illegally and take jobs away from those that have followed the rules and laws of this country for proper immigration?

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 03:12 PM
Well, if anything, it has got the feds attention.

For far too long the feds (democrat AND republican) have sat in Washington with their thumbs in their ass while people have to deal with the nonsense on the border. I work quite often in southern AZ and NM. I see what goes on. Unlike the elites who sit in a Starbucks in DC or New York, sipping their espressos and wringing their hands about the illegals.

God knows the government seems to want to have a hand in everything these days, but how about doing one of the things that should be common sense. Maintaining a secure and organized border?

How about that Napolitano? Obama?

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by hovernator

Sorry but somebody wants them there or they would have done something about it by now. Also you are the majority and you still can't get the things you want done in your country? That country doesn't belong to "you the people" it belongs to TPTB and when the revolution comes and you throw out that corrupt goverment guess what the country will still not belong to you. It wil belong to the new PTB.

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