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POLICE ARE TERRORISTS!!! Oh boy, Oh boy...Please Enjoy!!!

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posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
All I'm saying is didn't policeman used to be public servants in general, instead of just "law enforcement"? When did that change?

When society changed. And it has changed dramatically. The video I posted will show you that. Show you the types of people we encounted EVERYDAY. Now people are killing for NO reason, robbin, rapin, stealin, kids shootin kids, school shootings, planes blowin up, drive by's, gangs, etc....the world we live in NOW is no 1950's Barney Fife world. Atleast where I am near Atlanta.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Unlimitedpossibilities
Could you define the phrase "go hands on" for me? I have an idea but definitions and interpretations of phrases are relative per person, so a clarification would be appreciated.

Also, are you in a department that uses tasers AFTER? Would the sequence of events in that video from Flakey's original post be considered AFTER?

Thank you.

"Go Hands On" means that the officer has to use his hands to gain compliance or make the subject do what he asked. It means the subject is resisting physically. Now that does not mean the subject has to be fighting, as MANY people think, it means the good old, locked joins, refusing to walk, pulling away when being escorted or tugged.

In my department we use the taser after "hands on" yes. Our force continuum is:

Hands On
Taser/OC Spray

and in my department, per our SOP, this incident would NOT have allowed a taser deployment. Officer had hands on the subject and hand control of said subject. The other officer should of also used hands on to help take him to the patrol car. That is why I told Flakey that I would of not deployed my taser here, simply just grabbed the guy.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:55 PM
I got as far as the guy throwing the gun down, the dog runs up, and the idiot cops shoot the DOG. I'll probably get some kind of warning for posting what I REALLY think of the cops. I'll just say it involves a long, painful, protracted death. The ONLY intelligent cops I have ever seen are the ones that got promoted and were at a desk. The ones on the street are as dumb as a box of rocks. Too bad the only thing out there with a brain had to die.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
When society changed. And it has changed dramatically. The video I posted will show you that. Show you the types of people we encounted EVERYDAY. Now people are killing for NO reason, robbin, rapin, stealin, kids shootin kids, school shootings, planes blowin up, drive by's, gangs, etc....the world we live in NOW is no 1950's Barney Fife world. Atleast where I am near Atlanta.

Well around here it pretty much still is Barney Fife world.

In fact I don't live too far from the town that inspired the Andy Griffith show.

Robbery and murder still happen, but it's about once in a blue moon, and most of the time the people who get "murdered" are the ones who break into peoples' houses, as many/most Virginians around here are still armed in their households. The last shooting I remember around here was a few months back when someone was trying to break into a house, the owner shot him dead with a shot gun point blank and no charges were ever filed.

And that, folks, is why breaking and entering is rare here.

I heard you guys passed a law somewhere in George requiring every household to possess a handgun, and that breaking and enterings dramatically dropped after that law went into affect. You know anything about that?

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Flakey

yeah that latest video looks like a pretty good *Snip* up on the part of the cops. but we're not idiots confined to watching videos. this is a real world we live in that lasts longer than 7min. maybe the cops know the guy, maybe he was armed. who the hell knows. maybe the cops are just assholes. the guy looked guilty.

the first video is really the saddest thing i've ever seen. why are black people so dumb? they just rant and rave about the real world. if they spent half their time studying or doing something productive they wouldn't even live in the hood anymore.

i felt sorry for some of those people but many of them have the intellectual equivalent of a child. you can't treat them the same as an average adult.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 12/30/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

No they changed the concealed carry laws and open carry laws a little bit, but there is a town in Georgia, (Kennesaw) where the city ordinance was passed in the 80's that it IS mandatory to have a gun with ammo in your home. Needless to say there hasn't been a murder since like 1983 there and burglary/robbery is pretty much unheard And its no small town....I think the population is around 22,000

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

I don't need your video to form any opinions here. I already know how you cops are and I hate you as a result.

Want a good reason for it?

When I was 17 I got drunk and passed out in the back of my friend's car. Little did I know that he went on to try and steal a car while I was dozing. This was a pretty stupid and foolish act on his part but he did get caught and put away for the action.

Meanwhile they went to his regular car and found me passed out in the back seat. So they took me to jail (This was in Arlington Texas) along with him. They put me in a concentration camp style restraining cubicle which was nothing more than four steel fence posts with flexible steel fencing. It was so confined that you couldn't lay, you could only stand. I know this because when I woke up I was standing.

I had a zodiac necklace on which a cop had removed while I was sleeping. When I came too in that concentration camp style cubicle he began antagonzing me. He said I must be some kind of Devil worshipper and that I should tell him what it's like to be a Devil worshipper. This was such ludicrous nonsense that I spouted off that If I were one I'd use a spell to get me out of this hell hole I was currently in and for him to give me back my damn necklace.

He didn't like this responce nor my tone of voice but had been looking for it all along because at that point he proceeded to remove his night stick from his belt and started beating me through the wire fencing. I couldn't even protect myself because I couldn't extend my arms. I was in chest to back confinement. The fence was flexable so it would give every time he layed into it as he hit me again and again and again. When I finally collapsed due to blunt force trama he found his courage to open the fence door and beat me some more.

Word must have gotten around the jail about what he did because the bailbondsman (it was a lady) knew me by first name and let me out without any charges in the morning. I suppose they just wanted to see if I would go away at that point. Being only 17 and quite tramatized by the event I went home and tried to forget about it. It took me days to recover from what happened.

But I've never forgotten my treatment at the hand of you government hired thugs since then.

If this post is trying some pathetic attempt to garner sympathy for those who now terrorize the citizens of the USA then you might as well save it because many of us people know first hand how you all behave when all of the cards are in your cowardly favor.

And the cards usually always are.

Perhaps one day there will be a revision of how they train cops. But I doubt it. The brutality has only increased over the years as the training and conditioning for cops has turned more of you all into a bunch of gun/taser wielding thugs.

[edit on 30-12-2009 by 3DPrisoner]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

Thanks for the clarification. It seems your department has logic, and I am thankful that departments like yours exist out there.

However, I am concerned with this ordering of actions taken.

Hands On
Taser/OC Spray

Well, I guess I am not as concerned with the order as much as the difference in levels of pain between them. Does that make sense?

For example, if on a scale from 1 - 100, then....

Verbal = 2
Hands On = 20
Taser/OC Spray = 50
Baton = 60
Lethal = 100

These numbers are the upper limits of the ranges. So verbal ranges from 0 - 2. Hands on ranges from 3 - 20, etc.

This is not necessarily true but the point I am trying to convey is that the Taser/OC Spray & Baton seem to be closer in possible pain inflicted than any other pair of methods of action taken in the force continuum.

Again, those numbers are just to better illustrate my point, and also what I would think is painful relative to me. Of course, others may agree because their bodies may be just as sensitive to "imbalance" as mine is sensitive to "imbalance".

To approximate, I would probably just put Baton on the same lever as taser. Each may have different affects on the body, but while we most likely know the outcome of a baton on a person's body, we know less of the outcome of a taser on a person's body, especially their brain or nervous system as a whole.

So I may say....

Verbal = 2
Hands On = 20
Taser/OC Spray & Baton ≈ 55
Lethal = 100

Overall, I think instead of relying on technology that may eventually get out of hand when in the "wrong" hands, why not just train for Better hands on. In other words, increase its range to 30 or even slightly more.

This cold be done by requiring martial arts training in a disciplined art of some type. Perhaps this is already done, I am not sure, but the extra training could possibly eliminate the need for tasers and batons altogether.

Would like to know your thoughts. Thanks again.

EDIT: please ignore the OC spray for now.

[edit on 30-12-2009 by Unlimitedpossibilities]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by 3DPrisoner

Hmmmmmm....sorry but not buyin it.

I have no doubts that while in your drunken stupper as a 17 year old, there is MUCH more to this story, while there is also much less!

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by 3DPrisoner

i'm not really sure where to start with a case like yours. i think you're trying to be fair and honest by telling your whole story starting with the fact about you and your friend being out and about stealing cars? i seriously can't imagine why you would think that would help you out. how do you think teh peopel that get their cars stolen feel?

would you give a *Snip* if the person that stole your car got beat up or would you be willing to buy that cop a cup of coffee and tell him to keep up the good work?

WAKE UP! *Snip*

Mod Note: General ATS Discussion Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 12/30/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by 3DPrisoner

Even if this did happen, you should have contacted somebody about it, reported it, and tried to get "justice" served. Did you? It sounds like a no.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Unlimitedpossibilities

I understand your concerns. The thing is having been tased, I would MUCH rather be tased for 5 seconds than have an arm or leg broken by a steel asp. Not to mention the bruising and pain AFTER an asp baton can't feel good.

I am a HUGE fan of hands on policing. I think we (law enforcement) as a whole need to go back to hands on first. I guess I just like me some old fashioned fighting...

In all seriousness the reason you don't see hands on much anymore is because cops aren't as hard nosed as they used to be. These days you have citizens well trained in MMA, Wrestling, etc...and what many MANY people forget about is we carry a gun. So if you have an officer who loses a fight and gets knocked out, his/her weapon is now there for the taking and the suspect can do anything with it. So to avoid that hazard, officers use the taser more often than hands.

EDIT TO ADD: My taser came in handy a few years back when a guy had a shovel in his hands and was intending on using it. So trust me having MMA, Bruce Lee, Mad Monkey Ninja skills isn't going to answer all your problems.

[edit on 12/30/2009 by rcwj1975]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
reply to post by 3DPrisoner

Hmmmmmm....sorry but not buyin it.

I have no doubts that while in your drunken stupper as a 17 year old, there is MUCH more to this story, while there is also much less!

Yeah, I'll bet you ain't buying it. You just go on with your doubting Tom self then, and keep living in that fantasy world that your using to justify your beliefs.

I know, cops good. The mistreated must be liars or exaggeraters. I do know this as a fact though, if there's one thing that will sober your ass up quicker than lightning, it's a good nightstick beating.

You can call my story on this forum bull$hit if you want. It's your prerogative. But the numbers of people who have been bashed over the head by the goons keeps growing and growing. This you can not deny. One needs only come here to watch the real youtube videos that are showing up again and again to find that out if they don't believe me.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:08 PM
I'm afraid I'm with the Watcher on this one, for the most part. I spent 6 years as a cop and one of my best friends, had 25+ years in and was an assistant chief when he retired and we both agree, most cops these days are just adrenaline junkies who get a rush out of intimidating and hurting civilians. I got out for the same reason as he, I couldn't stand the daily dose of corruption and hate I saw in the force. They are dirty!

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by nophun
reply to post by watcher73

you seem emotional

You listen to too much Alex Jones IMO

Dont listen to him at all.

I am still waiting for one of you nuts to explain how he came to the conclusion the CIA put the failed bomber on the plane.

Of course you are because it has so much to do with this thread.

Why must you connect every conspiracy with the next .. or completely fabricate stories.

I only see you doing that.

You are as bad as any government or religion .

Explain your numbers !
You are now multiplying them by 10

Already explained.

But hey at least you mentioned something relevant, almost.

Should we start calling you Dick Cheney Jr . ?

IMO you are working for the goverment trying to get the people vs the police !

I already established that your opinion is wrong.


This is the only way YOUR nwo would work .

(see I can do it too)

You didnt do anything but be wrong again. I never mentioned a NWO in this thread. I simply mentioned the behavior of police in totalitarian states that exist present and past.

Not so cool when someone calls you a traitor and terrorist, is it ?

lol what? Call me a traitor, I am. I owe my allegiance to the world, not to some fake country set up with imaginary borders.

I hope the point of your post was to look like an ass. If so I commend you.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Moodle
reply to post by 3DPrisoner

i'm not really sure where to start with a case like yours. i think you're trying to be fair and honest by telling your whole story starting with the fact about you and your friend being out and about stealing cars? i seriously can't imagine why you would think that would help you out. how do you think teh peopel that get their cars stolen feel?

would you give a # if the person that stole your car got beat up or would you be willing to buy that cop a cup of coffee and tell him to keep up the good work?



Did you miss the part about me being passed out in the back of a car?

I had no idea what my friend was up to until I woke up in the cage.

Did you also miss the part about manners and decorum here?

I think everyone who reads your post can tell who the real idiot here is.

[edit on 30-12-2009 by 3DPrisoner]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by rcwj1975
reply to post by watcher73

If that WERE the case watcher then WHY are we LEGALLY responsible for responding to school shootings, mall shootings, or hell any activity that puts the public in danger? According to you (and apparently some retards claiming to be cops or plain terrible cops) we as law enforcement could tell those calling 911 to piss up a rope because my job isn't to protect you...hahaha...OMG man...gotta love ATS members!

You are confusing the word protection with simply doing your job upholding the law.

Protection is not law.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by rcwj1975

I am a HUGE fan of hands on policing. I think we (law enforcement) as a whole need to go back to hands on first. I guess I just like me some old fashioned fighting...

I am glad you feel this way. 'Live to fight another day' kind of action, because anything beyond hands on just seems so brutal.

In all seriousness the reason you don't see hands on much anymore is because cops aren't as hard nosed as they used to be. These days you have citizens well trained in MMA, Wrestling, etc...and what many MANY people forget about is we carry a gun. So if you have an officer who loses a fight and gets knocked out, his/her weapon is now there for the taking and the suspect can do anything with it. So to avoid that hazard, officers use the taser more often than hands.

I understand what you are saying. I really do.

However, let me point out that you have strength in numbers in most cases. In other words, given that the highest frequency of your calls is, lets say less than 5 individuals per incident, then if all police officers were well trained in MMA, etc, then you could easily outnumber the highest frequency of possible MMA capable "criminals".

Obviously this is all quite hypothetical and situations vary so much from day to day. I am sure time is of the essence in most cases. It would just be easier to actually increase hands on training. What harm could it do? It could help reduce the number of cases where police officers have to use tasers or batons, which is always a good thing in my opinion. As an added bonus, officers may gain humility, and more mental discipline from the martial arts training itself, which could help/eliminate those who were destined for police brutality, and make the already good officers better.

EDIT TO ADD: My taser came in handy a few years back when a guy had a shovel in his hands and was intending on using it. So trust me having MMA, Bruce Lee, Mad Monkey Ninja skills isn't going to answer all your problems.

Well actually they could. Given the correct training of course. However, to get to the level of fighting capability would be very timely and perhaps impractical in today's society.

The way I see it, he had a weapon and tried to use it. Correct? So it seems it was warranted.

[edit on 30-12-2009 by Unlimitedpossibilities]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:24 PM
Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect ...
Jun 28, 2005 ... WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm

Print Page - Supreme Court Cases - Police Have NO Obligation To ...
That was the essence of a U.S. Supreme Court decision in the early 1980's when they ruled that the police do not have a duty to protect you as an individual ...

Top two searches on my first try. One from 2005 and the other from the 1980s. As usual cops like to think theyre lawyers and they like to tell people ignorance is no excuse, but seriously...who has 60 million fed laws, untold state, county and municipal laws memorized? The cops dont even know that the "protect and serve" plastered on their cars is bull#.

Wheres the spin? There is none except coming from the police officer here and his retarded flunkies.

Still not once has anyone refuted, or even come close to refuting anything Ive said here. Oh except for the numbers I gave which I admitted I made up. Although I bet from looking at history its a damn good guess.

Not one refutation..

Just name calling, so if i have to stoop to your levels I will, and just did.

The whole thread was about police being terrorists and not one answer where I specifically addressed why they are, even from the policeman who started the thread.

Sad really.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by watcher73
You are confusing the word protection with simply doing your job upholding the law.

Protection is not law.

Not law in a criminal way, but it IS law when your sued in civilian court if you DIDN'T do your job to PROTECT the public. I understand what your saying to a point, but there IS another side to the whole thing.

I get called to a scene where the husband is shooting at his wife. I freeze up and decide I want nothing to do with this and leave or do not react, not only will I lose my job, but if that family sues me under color of law for NOT protecting her or doing something to interviene, I am screwed in court.

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