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Have you felt it?

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posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 11:29 AM
I'm glad I bumped into this thread. Seriously. I need someone to help me press the F5 button here, if you get what I'm saying.

Sometimes I think I feel too much, you know? Its not like I only get annoyed by lower vibrations but I seem to get totally magnetized towards them. I guess its called empathy. I'm trying to deal with this for quite a while, I have trouble maintaining my stand. It's like they take off the plug of the bathtub and I just swirl down with the water unable to maintain my prefered position for long.

I have this urge to provide peace but when I come in contact with those that aren't peaceful I lose myself in their state and am unable to maintain my own peace, much less give them a little taste of what I like so much.

Any insights?

Just to add, breathing is my personal favorite technique. I breathe and am able to come back to my good position. But its like I can't let go of the breathing, which in turn makes me socially isolated. Don't know how to explain it better, but its like I can't engage in the social practice of peace very well because I get too strongly hit by others emotions if I stop paying attention to my breath and give attention to something else.

Sometimes even the breathing doesn't work to come back and it seems like I have some weird pain engrained in my body (it usually isnt just mental) then I have to use techniques from the outside (shower, rubbing myself, using plants, etc) to be able to control what I feel through my breath again.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by Geladinhu]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 11:44 AM
nothing is changing. its all in your heads. I feel truly sad for you guys, wishing, hoping, feeling something that isn't real.

throughout the ages people have with a constant regularity thought two things were always right around the corner:

1. a golden age
2. the end of the world.

unfortunately they were all wrong... get the idea.

the world is what you make it. don't get caught up in whimsical airy fairy new age bs.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by insideNSA]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by insideNSA

this is Psychology, Philosophy and Metaphysics board. if you're not interested in/do not believe in such things, why are you even posting here, hijacking this thread?
on the other hand, tell that to your beloved NSA or other government agency, you can be sure they do believe that we're far more than just a flesh and bones, and that they're already taking advantage of it.

move along, live in your fairytale, that's all they want you to do.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by insideNSA
nothing is changing. its all in your heads. I feel truly sad for you guys, wishing, hoping, feeling something that isn't real.

throughout the ages people have with a constant regularity thought two things were always right around the corner:

1. a golden age
2. the end of the world.

unfortunately they were all wrong... get the idea.

the world is what you make it. don't get caught up in whimsical airy fairy new age bs.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by insideNSA]

"the world is what you make it"

so why bash on what anyone is 'making the world'.

the choice is ours... simple as that.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:07 PM

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:08 PM

this is Psychology, Philosophy and Metaphysics board. if you're not interested in/do not believe in such things, why are you even posting here, hijacking this thread?

having an opposing view on the subject does not negate my interest in it. I'm not hijacking the thread, simply offering an opposing view.

Yes we are much more than just flesh and bone, but that doesnt' mean something special is around the corner for the world, thats all.

I see a bunch of whimsical generalized posts that don't really state anything other than that people are 'feeling' something, and going to other octaves.

I have personally had many OBEs and believe me, when you have one, you know you've had one. being in that state you can experience super conciousness, where information about anything is more readily available, the problem is bring that information back into the normal state of waking consciouness.

so I know first hand we are more than flesh and bone, but we are not entering a golden age. if you knew what I knew or the masses did, there would be mass panic. more like we are entering the dark ages because the TPTB are hell bent on starting a war.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by insideNSA
nothing is changing.

Change is all there is. How can you say nothing is changing? I'm sure you haven't thought about that properly before posting. What would you say of evolution? Change. If you can't see any change try going to the bathroom and flushing your toilet. Water comes in, water goes out and in again. Change. Its everywhere, you just need to pay attention.

its all in your heads.

Surely it is, if by head you mean mind. What is not in my mind? Nothing is the one thing thats out of my mind and thus I cannot properly understand by reason.

I feel truly sad for you guys, wishing, hoping, feeling something that isn't real.

Don't feel sad. Specially for people that are happy. Why would you do such nonsensical thing to yourself? What is real if what I feel isn't? I see you are not an empiricist, in what category would you put yourself in? I'm curious.

throughout the ages people have with a constant regularity thought two things were always right around the corner:

1. a golden age
2. the end of the world.

Well, there is something different then about our times.
I don't think people here believe that those things are around the corner, I think people (at least myself) believe that those things are already here. For instance, my world just ended right this second and my golden age is happening right now as I type this. I think the world is going to end again soon, I have to go to the bathroom. But then again the golden age will come back and eventually fall, and come back and fall...Thats how we live and evolve. Change you know, that thing of which you can't see or believe in.

the world is what you make it. don't get caught up in whimsical airy fairy new age bs.

But I like the world as being something whimsical airy fairy new age bs. In this world everything is possible and nothing is taken too seriously. I feel good being a dweller of this world so I will continue to make it as I want it to be and won't let anyone put me and my world down by being silly and over judgemental.

Smile and change.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:31 PM
Don't let your preconceptions of reality effect your perception of reality. Live and learn, get out and love life. There is a lot more going on, nobody has the big picture but maybe a good outline..

I really appreciate this post by the OP, I feel like this has helped me get my feet off the ground a little. thanks !

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by insideNSA

It's a natural high sugar and nothing you could ever smoke will match it.

It would seem that you haven't had that veil lifted yet ... but until / if you do you can't really put yourself in a position to judge the words / actions of those who have all shared such an amazing thing.


[edit on 27-11-2009 by woodwytch]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

Did you listen to this guy by any chance?:

One of the best series of videos on Youtube and I fully agree with him.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:38 PM

I feel Obama is appealing to the mass of people who were truly hoping for change.

How in the world did we get from a metaphysical discussion to talking about this guy.

Truly hoping for change? Time will tell us all the truth about the intentions of this person.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

After being a New Age believer for most of my adult life (over a decade), I am well qualified to answer your question original poster.

People "feel" things all the time. It does not mean you have picked up on any special insight or thing about to happen. It is simply you wishing for something profound that you can be tapped into. In other words - it's fantasy and desire, not actual reality.

I "felt" all kinds of amazing, incredible, "divine" things throughout my life as a New Ager - and I can tell everyone that all it did was lead me into building up big hopes, then drastic disappointments.

From that end, I swung to the other side and became a Christian. Until I realized that I couldn't trust the bible to necessarily be the actual "word" of God unless I had proof that it wasn't tampered with by humans.

Really New Age and Christian believers are living in the same fantasy, just on opposite ends of the spectrum.

People have been "feeling it" for years and decades - but it never actually indicates "anything."

I hope my words, based on real-life experience, really wake up those who are still basing their world view on their "feelings." Thank you.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by formernewager]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by insideNSA

Surely we need to acknowledge the dark so that we can recognize the light. Simply put it is all about maintaining a balance and always keeping a toe on the ground.

Can't you appreciate how lovely and uplifting it is to read posts in a thread like this ... it doesn't follow that we've all lost touch with reality ... it just means we share a relative perspective.

Opposites can be very close bed-fellows just as love/hate light/dark science/spirituality ... you just have to recognize the subtle differences that they exhude.


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:58 PM
Still hoping for some input from someone that 'is there'.

Hope it's okay to bump my own stuff.. lol.


Originally posted by WEareMACHINES
we all have our own path(choosen by 'something else')... or do we make the choices, too choose our own path??

Like that last guy asked, what are YOU doing that is getting you too this level....

I don't believe that something has chosen my path for me, and i don't think this is something that will happen over night too anyone just magically. (seeing auras, feeling your 3rd eye opening... any of these things you guys speak of.)(I NEED THIS)

truth and knowledge are choices... you must be willing and proactive in getting this, why would your spiritual awakening be any different... i must seek this...

When I look at everything around me, i can't help but get a negative feeling... i guess this is low vibrations and this is bad for us... so do i ignore the hell, that is the world, and only focus on the little good i can see, by ignoring all the bad and evil??? is hoping for better different then negativity??

also, someone spoke about killing someone else and how essentially, you're killing oneself, what if this person is murdering other people... ?would you just want him too be thrown in jail, or are there times when you wish death upon another person... i wouldn't say i'm the same as these murders/rapist...

i need to find the stepping stones to enlightenment... and i really don't think it just happends to anyone randomly... i have the choice.

we must seek and embrace the feeling of love and light... right?

Please help someone searching for their 'inner-self.'

sorry for any typos, hope this makes some sense and any advice would be great...


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by calcoastseeker

I brought up the discussion of Obama, as his vision is that of a new world based in peace. When I look at the actual decisions the man makes, not what the media says daily about him but his actual decisions, they appear geared to address the needs of the whole. However, he is very stuck within the confines of being a puppet to those within the old system. He hasn't done anything ground breaking yet. His intentions for the whole seem well placed, albeit misdirected as to how I would accomplish it. I brought up the conversation because of the amount of enlightened people on this thread talking about a global awakening must affect people in higher positions.

I heard a republican commenting about Obama's actions stating: Obama can not deal with the world he would like it to be, he has to deal with the world it is. This caused me to reflect on Obama's decisions. I already do not agree with the world as it is, so what is wrong with dealing with the world they way you would like it to be? Isn't this how you change something?

Knowing what I know about spiritual enlightenment is we are living in a system that we do not agree serves peoples interests. It can be so much more simple, and more peaceful. Yet to speak out about this system creates hostility in people still living within it. So if you are the President of some country how do you actually change the system without upsetting everyone and allowing them free choice in the matter? I have this kind of problem with jobs, let alone an entire country. Those within the system do not see how they are creating the existence of that same system.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by WEareMACHINES

You are already on the path. The mere wanting to seek truth will open the doors. Never come to one conclusion will help you excel. There are many ideas floating around in regard to what people see as the truth. Pretty soon when someone says "This is the way that it is." You will be able to tell them 15 other ways that it could be. This changes opinions and unlocks minds. The truth of the matter is that truth is only the value one places on the truth.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by insideNSA

those who want to evolve, will. the rest will face the consequences of living in a dreamworld - dreamworld not being what we're talking about, but money-driven, built upon hate and greed, 3D reality. and the most of all will simply die. the question is, will it stop us?


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by jedi_hamster

You know I read a book a long time ago and it was written by a Christian interpreting the bible and what Heaven on earth would look like. I think it was called the quickening or something. Anyway it described two different mind sets that would occur. The people that were locked out of "heaven" couldn't see heaven. They became jealous of those that claimed they were able to go to heaven. They persecuted those that said they were in heaven, because they wanted to be in heaven too, but because they had not seen it they did not believe it.

I wish I remember the book, it described basically what is occurring in this world right now. A split in thinking. People that want it to continue on, because they can only see physically what is presented to them. And people that can see the underlying current of reality and how it works. I certainly do not feel like heaven has come yet...but man it's closer than we have ever been.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:25 PM
To me brothers & sisters it feels like we're on our way home..... & the feelin' it gives me is almost indescribable! To those of you who have said the process is speeding up (sorry, I forget your names) you are so, so right. We're being prepared, just how good does that make you feel?!

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by ExPostFacto

thanks for the response,

Too get to the level we're talking about... did you have a hard time letting go of what you might have thought was 'real'? I've heard this trip is yours and yours alone... meaning family and loved ones won't be 'there' with you?

I'm sure your idea of what is 'real' has changed since becoming enlighted, i have no problem letting go of the crap that TPTB try to fill our lives with, but my family and being able to love another ... soul... wouldn't be something that i would think i would lose.

Do i have to let everything go, before i can reach this level...?


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