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Harder To Believe In - God or Aliens?

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posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Amelia

Originally posted by Vertu
[I strongly believe, that the question of God is not possible to explain without the presence of the Bible.

The bible (the ancient testatment) for me is really talking about GOD/aliens
the giants, sins, fallen angels, satan bla bla....what is that! Who wrote that????? Do you really think it's the real deal or just some texts written by people who "thougt" it was GOD... How can you really beleive everything that is in the bible...or in the coran or in torah or in all different versions of the bible???
Why do you think that the bible IS THE REAL THING???
I'm not a christian (I was when I grew up) but now, I made my own beleif, not what some book (that have been change, re-written,traducted...)tells me...what is it with religions and sacred books? I do some researches in MANY books, in different religions, different new-age stuff, i do searches from other than the "bible"...and what about jesus who really are Luc, Mathieu, Marc and Jean....???????

What do you think?
If u are christians and u are confortable with it, good for you!

First, you must respect the belief of other people, no matter what they believe in, because you can turn those against you if you are offensive.

The Bible was rewritten many times, to support the needs of cultural leaders of certain ages. You don't see the original Bible, perhaps you may find partial translated scripts. It is the most read book in the entire World. It is fact, that all these beliefs (and their religious books/scripts) do contain paranormal elements, that can be only explained by mind washing, mindscan, telepathy, UFOs, etcetc... and aliens. This proves, that aliens did have close contact with ancient people , and for some reason, they suddenly left and stopped. This is the basis of the current religions: God will hear you, God knows what you are thinking, God will reward/punish you for what you do, God can see you and you can't hide... etcetc...

You see? It's quite paranormal, and if you put together your knowledge on aliens and religion, you can imagine such close relationship..!!!

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Vertu
You see? It's quite paranormal, and if you put together your knowledge on aliens and religion, you can imagine such close relationship..!!!

Really nobody has any �real� knowledge of aliens. We only have the modern popular medias perception of an alien. So some people apply these modern ideas to ancient events and writings found in the bible in an attempt to dismiss God and claim he�s an alien. Personally I think modern sci-fi has no business in the bible.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 01:38 PM
I agree. It makes much more sense in this day and age to think it was probably a misinterpretation of what really happened. And yes, a species much more advanced than us would explain much of what's been written and studied. I really don't understand why so many christians take offense and put up the wall of denial when you suggest such a thing. It's almost as if they're so convinced that they already know the truth, they don't want to confirm it. To me, that's what's so frustrating about those types of people. No matter how much I think I know about anything, I'll still take comfort in being able to confirm it in any way, even if it doesn't turn out to verify the way I think things were/are. Christians don't seek the truth. For, in their minds, they've already found it. How they can be satisfied with such a confusing theory is beyond me. The questions just don't end there, unless you really want them to.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 01:55 PM
This is an easy question. God is much harder to believe in than aliens. There is absolutely no proof or reason to believe that there is a "god". Period. There is however, a reason to believe that there is other intelligent life, and that proof is us. If intelligent life developed on earth, the chance that it exists somewhere else in the universe, in some form, is highly likely.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Damned
Christians don't seek the truth. For, in their minds, they've already found it. How they can be satisfied with such a confusing theory is beyond me. The questions just don't end there, unless you really want them to.

Thanks agains Damned...I don't want to offend ANYONE, I love everybody from every religions or countries! I'm just not a christian, I don'nt really beleive in what the bible says...why christians IS THE religion and the other like budhism is crap????? I'm more budhism than christian myself, but I have no specific religions. But any way....christian ALWAYS feel offended when someone says that the bible is not really that awsome... I don't feel confortable with that sins and "god's vengence on us" that is not what I feel is true...we are on earth to learn


posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Amelia
Thanks agains Damned...I don't want to offend ANYONE, I love everybody from every religions or countries! I'm just not a christian, I don'nt really beleive in what the bible says...why christians IS THE religion and the other like budhism is crap????? I'm more budhism than christian myself, but I have no specific religions. But any way....christian ALWAYS feel offended when someone says that the bible is not really that awsome... I don't feel confortable with that sins and "god's vengence on us" that is not what I feel is true...we are on earth to learn


You are right at some terms: if christians feel offended, then they didn't learn what the Bible says, they must also respect the religion of other nations, too . According to this, they commit sin if they don't respect e.g. your belief in UFOs. Unfortunately, the Christians (and other religious people) consider their hard effort in learning and practising their religion, it's why they stick to the raw words of the Bible. While this is wrong, they don't get to learn others' opinion, for instance, that aliens might be behind the Creation.

Christianity is also the chance of learning many things about human social behaviour, which is required up to date. So we shouldn't consider the Bible as raw material of history or praying, it can take important role in a person's life.

Personally I take many possibilities for the Creation (or whatever has happened), but the religion is belief, not the evidence of true facts...!

[edit on 21-10-2004 by Vertu]

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 03:39 PM
It's still more likely that there was no creation, but a manipulation of what was already here. A mixing of chemicals, or addition of something that might not have been here previously. Genetic experimentation, molecular and/or atomic displacement/fusion, altering time, dimensions...who knows what it could take to cause that type of change? Whether it was done by beings, entity, or natural progression, is yet to be discovered, and may never be.
As we know, altering even one atom in a molecule can have some very interesting results. Imagine if you could alter something on an even smaller scale! Then think in the opposite direction and imagine altering a solar system. Are they one in the same? Are we god when we change an atom? Who's world are we changing? Do we even know? Did we just create life? Do they pray to us?

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 08:45 PM
Something that many fail to realize is that existence is a paradox. It really
doesn't matter whether you believe in Creation or the Big Bang. Either
theory can not explain what came before. The paradox you see is that
there was no beginning, if you pick a starting point then you can always
ask the question: What came before?

But how can there not be a beginning? Where did everything come from?
Everything from our experience tells us that there is a beginning, middle, and
end. We're born, we live, then we die. Thus is the cycle of life and existence.
We can identify our beginning, but not the beginning of the beginning.

Perhaps our delusion is the illusion of time.

Okay I'm going to stop thinking now. My head is hurting...

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by TruthCanHurt
Something that many fail to realize is that existence is a paradox. It really
doesn't matter whether you believe in Creation or the Big Bang. Either
theory can not explain what came before. The paradox you see is that
there was no beginning, if you pick a starting point then you can always
ask the question: What came before?

This is what gets me. There has to be some entity that was always there and created everything because nothing else could have always been there?
If anything has always existed, so could the universe. After all, everything is cyclic. There is no end and no beginning. Like I said, it's the perfect perpetual machine.

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 05:36 AM

Are we god?

Yes we are. Yet who am I? The ego, the collective or unity? Nothing exists seperate from us, even the consciousness of God. In the same way, when we think of evolution, we seperate it from us, saying it is a process we undergo, when in fact, we are the process. We are evolving all the time, physiologically, mentally and spiritually. That is the entire purpose of our existence. To evolve, to grow, to experience and to learn. Life is the journey, and the destination, the source, only serves the purpose of providing the impetus to evolve.

Do not worry about god or existence, because it's a paradox, that cannot be understood. Just experience life, in all it's colours and forms, using your free will, and lead the right life, that brings you happiness and fulfillment. In other words, open your mind and expand to the infinity. If you block it with concepts like "atheism" or "moral relativism" or "machines" you are pigeon holing your field of vision of this vast universe.

There is truth somewhere in this giant hay stack of theories, beliefs and concepts, and the only way you will find it, if you open up. Your imagination and creativity is the key, because the universe itself, is imaginative and creative. Keep dreaming, and eventually one day, the truth will come to you.

However, if you think you have it all worked out, then the journey for the truth is over for you. You have thus come to a halt, yet have you really completed the journey, or just stopped at a mirage? I once said here, a wise man walks, stops, and then walks again. Keep walking, keep experiencing, keep learning.

The following traits are your enemies on this path of life: ego, anger, lust, attachment, ignorance, hate. They are like shackles that chain you down. An example of ego follows.

Ego: I am A, I made B I live in C

In your case: I am a machine I am made of DNA I live in a country

Let's expand that:

I am a human I am made of organs I live on Earth

I am conscious I am made of emotions and thoughts I live in the universe

Let's expand that:

I am a part of the universe I am made of the universe I live in the universe

Let's expand that:

I am the universe I am made of infinity and mystery I live

As you continue to expand your field of vision, you become the universe, and by becoming the universe, you become as vast and mysterious as it. When you realize that, you realize the depth to your being is as deep as the vastness of the universe.

The more you associate yourself with the ego, the more you analyse the single tree that is you, you will lose sight of the forest. Many of us are completely lost within our ego. We are "superstars" or "porn stars" or "super geniuses" You know it is hilarious, when I walk around the mall, I see so many kids walking about with their head held up high and with so much attitude just bursing out of their cold faces, as if they are the most gorgeous and best things to have graced the planet. Most of them time, they are not who they think you are, but whose going to tell that to them?

We have mothers on talk shows, parading in skimpy clothes, strutting their fat behinds, and sagging breasts, and shouting "whatever" to people. Boy oh boy, are they lost.

Yet, it's not just them. What about those people who get Phds, MD's, or major in scien ce. They do the same thing, except intellectually. "You are uneducated, had you gone to college and studied geograhy, you would know the Earth is flat"

Yet, aside from the comedy of ego. Ego can be very destructive too. People kill themselves, or kill others, because of this ego. "I am ugly, I must die" "He is muslim, he must die"

This is what ego does to you. So stop being a prisoner of your brain, your body and your circumstances. You are as deep as the universe, recognize that. This single realization will bring you closer to the truth; if you honestly want to know the truth. If there is a God(there is) you ARE him.

[edit on 22-10-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 06:09 AM
Has This Society Gone Crazy??????????????? First of all this country The United States was built on god!!!!!!!!!! If you don't belive in god ur not an american citizen!!! Ya I know how we have the right to speech and freedom of religion but those laws are total crap!!!! We have god on our money, god in our courts, YOU HAVE TO SWEAR ON THE BIBLE TO BECOME PRESIDENT!!!! There is also god in our pledge. I mean omfg if u don't think their is a god then you better sit back and look at the facts!!!! BECAUSE THEIR IS A GOD AND IF U DON'T BELIEVE IN HIM THEN HAVE FUN WHEN U DIE BECAUSE UR GOING TO BURN IN HELL FOR ITERNITY!!!!!

(That is my opinion I am not trying to attack or piss off athiests but its true)

[edit on 22-10-2004 by portfreezer]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 08:23 AM
Americans are very strong on religion (mass control) here in the province of Qu�bec, Churches are empty, Priest are very old men and no one gets married!!!! I really like that, I feel more free with that, I don't feel like I sin everyday, that I'm going to hell and everything...this is just a way to make people scared, make fear and then "control"

But I practice "unconditionnal love" and "forgiveness'' that is the base of catholic religion no????

Why can't we pratice our own religion??? Who said christians are best?


[edit on 22/10/04 by Amelia]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 08:27 AM
Well Commensense, you have ask for a answer from a profound question that I have asked myself... I feel that this question from the standpoint of the replys and views will exceed any other thread on this board for other(s) insights... I might be incorrect in that count, however! Thank you for asking! I am not prepard to anwser the way my feelings are right now. I will get back to you once I have time to express clearly my concepts/insight/beliefs. Until then, I hope you have the time to review all that you have asked for. Wow!

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by portfreezer
Has This Society Gone Crazy??????????????? First of all this country The United States was built on god!!!!!!!!!! If you don't belive in god ur not an american citizen!!! Ya I know how we have the right to speech and freedom of religion but those laws are total crap!!!! We have god on our money, god in our courts, YOU HAVE TO SWEAR ON THE BIBLE TO BECOME PRESIDENT!!!! There is also god in our pledge. I mean omfg if u don't think their is a god then you better sit back and look at the facts!!!! BECAUSE THEIR IS A GOD AND IF U DON'T BELIEVE IN HIM THEN HAVE FUN WHEN U DIE BECAUSE UR GOING TO BURN IN HELL FOR ITERNITY!!!!!

(That is my opinion I am not trying to attack or piss off athiests but its true)

God wasn't originally on money nor in our pledge of allegiance. The phrase, "In god we trust", didn't appear on paper money until the 50's, and the pledge was actually changed in 1954, I believe. Since 1938, all coins have borne the motto. You have no concept of history, apparently. The anthem was written by Francis Scott Key, who was only a lawyer. The verses actually contradict christian belief. He was saying, they'll kill when they need to, in the name of god, basically.

Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust";

Granted, our forefathers had some good sense when it came to politics, being that they had just broken free from a bad situation, but as far as religion and science, they were way behind. Less scientific understanding = more superstition, in most societies. They were still mental midgets when it came to scientific discovery. They didn't even understand gravity. How the hell would they understand something even more complex?

Have a nice time in hell.

[edit on 22-10-2004 by Damned]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Amelia
Americans are very strong on religion (mass control) here in the province of Qu�bec, Churches are empty, Priest are very old men and no one gets married!!!!

That is kind of sad in a way. Many people could use spiritual guidance.
The churches here in the "Bible Belt" tend to be full. It's too bad they
tend to breed predjudice and intolerance. This is not only sad it is

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by TruthCanHurt

That is kind of sad in a way. Many people could use spiritual guidance.
The churches here in the "Bible Belt" tend to be full. It's too bad they
tend to breed predjudice and intolerance. This is not only sad it is

Are we some kind of mass murderers, suicide and all??? No..we live a good life, we are not violent...that means that it does not affect us!
Spiritual guidance is not only christian!!!!!!!!!!! Truth can hurt, maybe it hurts...but christianism is not the only GOOD religion! You can be spiritual without going to a big house with a cross on top! I am with god everyday in my heart...why don't people understand that the goal of religion is to be spiritual, not to practice some rituals and give money to the priest


[edit on 22/10/04 by Amelia]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Amelia
Are we some kind of mass murderers, suicide and all??? No..we live a good life, we are not violent...that means that it does not affect us!

Well, speaking as an American. Yes we are. The invasion of Iraq is a
good current example. And the invasion is supported by the "church".
(Keep in mind that Southern Baptist is the dominate religion here,
this is where George W. gets his principals and support)

I think you completely missed the meaning of my post. When I stated
that many people could use spiritual guidance I was not endorsing any
particular sect or religion. I did not mean to imply that true spiritual guidance
could be found in those empty churches. What I was attempting to say
is that it is sad that the churches do not offer true spiritual guidance. Both
here where the churches are full and there where they are empty.

I am not criticizing you for not going to church. In fact I give you more
respect for that decision. You have realized that the Truth is not generally
found in those places.

We would be better off if the churches here were empty. The messages
usually being herd in these places are not the Truth. They are as you say,
scare tactics to assert conformity and control.

Spiritual guidance is not only christian!!!!!!!!!!! Truth can hurt, maybe it hurts...but christianism is not the only GOOD religion!

I personally feel that if Christ were walking the earth today he would
not associate with "Christians".

You can be spiritual without going to a big house with a cross on top!

We agree here. However, I'm not sure that if you do go and hear the
"standard" message and become a "true believer" that you really can
be truly spiritual. Being that you'll tend to become close minded.

I am with god everyday in my heart...why don't people understand that the goal of religion is to be spiritual, not to practice some rituals and give money to the priest

Amen! Sister!

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 09:48 AM

but christianism is not the only GOOD religion

No religion is good actually, certainly not christianity. The truth of god, the universe and life are common sense, and we all have to come to our senses, in our own time and at our own pace.

The person who said "you will all burn in hell for not believing in God" I feel very sorry for you. You really have no clue. I would respect an atheist who is open-minded, peaceful and compassioate, then I would respect a religious fanatic, who condemns everyone to eternal damnation, for not believing in his God.

[edit on 22-10-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by TruthCanHurt
What I was attempting to say is that it is sad that the churches do not offer true spiritual guidance. Both here where the churches are full and there where they are empty.

Most people who need "spiritual guidance" would be better off seeing a psychiatrist. Religion is no substitute for medicine or psychology. In fact, people are most vulnerable/gullible when they're at their weakest. That's when they really want to believe there's help, in any shape, fashion, or form. It's easy for people to be misled into the world of fantasy, in search of some comfort.

[edit on 22-10-2004 by Damned]

posted on Oct, 22 2004 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by TruthCanHurt
I think you completely missed the meaning of my post.

Oh...sorry!!! my english is like an handicap on ATS

Thank you...I think you get what I said...I'm glad about that! That I'm not alone thinking that catholic religion is today corrupted like everything else


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